
973 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
class YAS_ScoreBoard extends KFGUI_Page
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2022-09-08 19:17:55 +00:00
const HeaderWidthRatio = 0.30f;
const PlayerListWidthRatio = 0.6f;
const PlayerEntryHeightMod = 1.05f;
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
const CompactModePlayers = 12;
const ListItemsCompact = 16;
const ListItemsDefault = 12;
const FontScalarModCompact = 1.0f;
const FontScalarModDefault = 1.25f;
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
const IconRanked = Texture2D'YAS.IconRanked';
const IconCustom = Texture2D'UI_Menus.ServerBrowserMenu_SWF_I26';
const IconUnranked = Texture2D'UI_Menus.ServerBrowserMenu_SWF_I28';
const IconPassword = Texture2D'UI_Menus.ServerBrowserMenu_SWF_I20';
const IconDosh = Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_I13A';
const IconPlayer = Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_ZED_SWF_I1F5';
const IconClock = Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_I17D';
const IconSkull = Texture2D'UI_Shared.AssetLib_I32';
const IconHealth = Texture2D'UI_VoiceComms_TEX.UI_VoiceCommand_Icon_Heal';
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
var public E_LogLevel LogLevel;
2022-09-03 10:05:39 +00:00
var transient float HealthXPos, RankXPos, PlayerXPos, LevelXPos, PerkXPos, DoshXPos, KillsXPos, AssistXPos, PingXPos, ScrollXPos;
var transient float HealthWBox, RankWBox, PlayerWBox, LevelWBox, PerkWBox, DoshWBox, KillsWBox, AssistWBox, PingWBox, ScrollWBox;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
var transient float NextScoreboardRefresh;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
var transient int NumPlayer;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
var int PlayerIndex;
var KFGUI_List PlayersList;
var Texture2D DefaultAvatar;
var KFGameReplicationInfo KFGRI;
2021-06-13 03:17:40 +00:00
var array<KFPlayerReplicationInfo> KFPRIArray;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
var KFPlayerController OwnerPC;
var Color PingColor;
2021-06-13 02:29:47 +00:00
var float PingBars;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
var localized String Players, Spectators;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
// Cache
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
var public Array<YAS_RankRepInfo> RepInfos;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
var public YAS_Settings Settings;
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
var public String DynamicServerName, MessageOfTheDay;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
var public bool UsesStats, Custom, PasswordRequired;
var public SystemRank RankPlayer;
var public SystemRank RankAdmin;
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
var private int ListItems;
var private float FontScalarMod;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
function Rank PlayerRank(KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI)
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
local YAS_RankRepInfo RepInfo;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
local Rank Rank;
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
local bool NeedClean, FoundRepInfo;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
Rank = class'YAS_Types'.static.FromSystemRank(RankPlayer);
NeedClean = false;
FoundRepInfo = false;
foreach RepInfos(RepInfo)
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
if (RepInfo == None)
NeedClean = true;
if (RepInfo.UID.Uid == KFPRI.UniqueId.Uid)
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
Rank = RepInfo.Rank;
FoundRepInfo = true;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
if (!FoundRepInfo)
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
foreach KFPRI.DynamicActors(class'YAS_RankRepInfo', RepInfo)
if (RepInfo.UID.Uid == KFPRI.UniqueId.Uid)
Rank = RepInfo.Rank;
FoundRepInfo = true;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
if (NeedClean)
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2022-09-07 16:13:13 +00:00
if (KFPRI.bAdmin && !Rank.OverrideAdmin)
Rank = class'YAS_Types'.static.FromSystemRank(RankAdmin);
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
return Rank;
function float MinPerkBoxWidth(float FontScalar)
local Array<String> PerkNames;
local String PerkName;
local float XL, YL, MaxWidth;
foreach PerkNames(PerkName)
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize(PerkName $ "A", XL, YL, FontScalar * FontScalarMod, FontScalar * FontScalarMod);
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
if (XL > MaxWidth) MaxWidth = XL;
return MaxWidth;
2021-06-13 04:47:54 +00:00
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
function InitMenu()
PlayersList = KFGUI_List(FindComponentID('PlayerList'));
OwnerPC = KFPlayerController(GetPlayer());
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
if (GetKFGRI() != None)
if (KFGRI.MaxHumanCount > CompactModePlayers)
ListItems = ListItemsCompact;
FontScalarMod = FontScalarModCompact;
ListItems = ListItemsDefault;
FontScalarMod = FontScalarModDefault;
PlayersList.ListItemsPerPage = ListItems;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
static function CheckAvatar(KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI, KFPlayerController PC)
local Texture2D Avatar;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFPRI.Avatar == None || KFPRI.Avatar == default.DefaultAvatar)
Avatar = FindAvatar(PC, KFPRI.UniqueId);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (Avatar == None)
Avatar = default.DefaultAvatar;
KFPRI.Avatar = Avatar;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2021-06-13 03:00:19 +00:00
delegate bool InOrder(KFPlayerReplicationInfo P1, KFPlayerReplicationInfo P2)
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (P1 == None || P2 == None)
return true;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (P1.GetTeamNum() < P2.GetTeamNum())
return false;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (P1.Kills == P2.Kills)
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (P1.Assists == P2.Assists)
return true;
return P1.Assists < P2.Assists;
return P1.Kills < P2.Kills;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
function string WaveText()
local int CurrentWaveNum;
CurrentWaveNum = KFGRI.WaveNum;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFGRI.IsBossWave())
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
return class'KFGFxHUD_WaveInfo'.default.BossWaveString;
else if (KFGRI.IsFinalWave())
return class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardMapInfoContainer'.default.FinalString;
if (KFGRI.default.bEndlessMode)
return "" $ CurrentWaveNum;
return CurrentWaveNum $ " / " $ KFGRI.GetFinalWaveNum();
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
function KFGameReplicationInfo GetKFGRI()
if (KFGRI == None)
KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(GetPlayer().WorldInfo.GRI);
return KFGRI;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
function DrawMenu()
local string S;
local PlayerController PC;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
local float XPos, YPos, YL, XL, FontScalar, XPosCenter, BoxW, BoxX, BoxH, MinBoxW, DoshSize, ScrollBarWidth;
local int i, j, NumSpec, NumAlivePlayer, Width;
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
local float BorderSize, EdgeSize, PlayerListSizeY;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
local Color ColorTMP;
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
local Array<String> MessageOfTheDayLines;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
PC = GetPlayer();
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
if (GetKFGRI() == None)
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
else if (PlayersList != None)
if (KFGRI.MaxHumanCount > CompactModePlayers)
ListItems = ListItemsCompact;
FontScalarMod = FontScalarModCompact;
ListItems = ListItemsDefault;
FontScalarMod = FontScalarModDefault;
PlayersList.ListItemsPerPage = ListItems;
// Sort player list.
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (NextScoreboardRefresh < PC.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds)
NextScoreboardRefresh = PC.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + 0.1;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
for (i=(KFGRI.PRIArray.Length-1); i > 0; --i)
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
for (j=i-1; j >= 0; --j)
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
if (!InOrder(KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFGRI.PRIArray[i]), KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFGRI.PRIArray[j])))
PRI = KFGRI.PRIArray[i];
KFGRI.PRIArray[i] = KFGRI.PRIArray[j];
KFGRI.PRIArray[j] = PRI;
// Check players.
PlayerIndex = -1;
NumPlayer = 0;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
for (i=(KFGRI.PRIArray.Length-1); i >= 0; --i)
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFGRI.PRIArray[i]);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFPRI == None)
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFPRI.bOnlySpectator)
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFPRI.PlayerHealth > 0 && KFPRI.PlayerHealthPercent > 0 && KFPRI.GetTeamNum() == 0)
KFPRIArray.Length = NumPlayer;
j = KFPRIArray.Length;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
for (i=(KFGRI.PRIArray.Length-1); i >= 0; --i)
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFGRI.PRIArray[i]);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFPRI != None && !KFPRI.bOnlySpectator)
KFPRIArray[--j] = KFPRI;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFPRI == PC.PlayerReplicationInfo)
PlayerIndex = j;
Canvas.Font = Owner.CurrentStyle.PickFont(FontScalar);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize("ABC", XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
BorderSize = Owner.HUDOwner.ScaledBorderSize;
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
EdgeSize = Owner.CurrentStyle.PickEdgeSize();
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
// Server Info
2021-06-23 17:45:32 +00:00
XPosCenter = Canvas.ClipX * 0.5;
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
Width = Canvas.ClipX * HeaderWidthRatio; // Full Box Width
2021-06-23 17:45:32 +00:00
XPos = XPosCenter - Width * 0.5;
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
YPos = YL;
BoxW = Width;
BoxX = XPos;
BoxH = YL + BorderSize;
// Top Rect (Server name)
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(BoxX, YPos, BoxW, BoxH, EdgeSize, Settings.Style.ShapeServerNameBox);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
S = (DynamicServerName == "" ? KFGRI.ServerName : DynamicServerName);
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(S, BoxX, YPos, BoxW, BoxH, FontScalar);
// icons
IconIndent = BoxH * 0.1;
if (PasswordRequired)
BoxX + IconIndent,
YPos + IconIndent,
BoxH - IconIndent*2,
BoxH - IconIndent*2,
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
YPos += BoxH;
// Mid Left Rect (Info)
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
BoxW = Width * 0.7;
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
BoxH = YL * 2 + BorderSize * 2;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(BoxX, YPos, BoxW, BoxH, EdgeSize, Settings.Style.ShapeGameInfoBox);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
S = class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.static.GetFriendlyMapName(PC.WorldInfo.GetMapName(true));
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, BoxX + EdgeSize, YPos, BoxH/2, FontScalar);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
2021-06-09 02:47:15 +00:00
S = KFGRI.GameClass.default.GameName $ " - " $ class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.Static.GetDifficultyString(KFGRI.GameDifficulty);
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, BoxX + EdgeSize, YPos + BoxH/2, BoxH/2, FontScalar);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
// Mid Right Rect (Wave)
BoxX = BoxX + BoxW;
BoxW = Width - BoxW;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(BoxX, YPos, BoxW, BoxH, EdgeSize, Settings.Style.ShapeWaveInfoBox);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
S = class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardMapInfoContainer'.default.WaveString;
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(S, BoxX, YPos, BoxW, BoxH / 2, FontScalar);
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(WaveText(), BoxX, YPos + BoxH / 2, BoxW, BoxH / 2, FontScalar);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
YPos += BoxH;
// Bottom Rect (Players count)
BoxX = XPos;
BoxW = Width;
BoxH = YL + BorderSize;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(BoxX, YPos, BoxW, BoxH, EdgeSize, Settings.Style.ShapePlayersCountBox);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
BoxX + EdgeSize + IconIndent,
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
YPos + IconIndent,
BoxH - IconIndent*2,
BoxH - IconIndent*2,
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
S = Players $ ":" @ NumPlayer @ "/" @ KFGRI.MaxHumanCount $ " " $ Spectators $ ": " $ NumSpec; ;
Canvas.TextSize(S, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, BoxX + EdgeSize, YPos, BoxH, FontScalar);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
S = Owner.CurrentStyle.GetTimeString(KFGRI.ElapsedTime);
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(S, XPos + Width * 0.7, YPos, Width * 0.3, BoxH, FontScalar); // TODO: ?
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
YPos += BoxH;
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
// Header
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
Width = Canvas.ClipX * PlayerListWidthRatio;
XPos = (Canvas.ClipX - Width) * 0.5;
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
YPos += YL;
BoxH = YL + BorderSize;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
XPos - BorderSize * 2,
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
Width + BorderSize * 4,
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
2021-06-13 07:00:31 +00:00
// Calc X offsets
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
MinBoxW = Width * 0.07; // minimum width for column
2021-06-13 05:38:44 +00:00
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
// Health
HealthXPos = 0;
BoxW = 0;
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize("0000", BoxW, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
HealthWBox = BoxW + BorderSize * 2;
2022-09-08 19:17:55 +00:00
if (HealthWBox < PlayersList.GetItemHeight())
HealthWBox = PlayersList.GetItemHeight();
2021-06-13 05:38:44 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
PlayerXPos = HealthXPos + HealthWBox + PlayersList.GetItemHeight() + EdgeSize;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.PingString$" ", XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
PingWBox = XL < MinBoxW ? MinBoxW : XL;
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
if (NumPlayer <= PlayersList.ListItemsPerPage)
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
ScrollBarWidth = 0;
ScrollBarWidth = BorderSize * 8;
PingXPos = Width - PingWBox - ScrollBarWidth;
2021-06-13 05:38:44 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.AssistsString$" ", XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
AssistWBox = XL < MinBoxW ? MinBoxW : XL;
AssistXPos = PingXPos - AssistWBox;
2021-06-13 05:38:44 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.KillsString$" ", XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
KillsWBox = XL < MinBoxW ? MinBoxW : XL;
KillsXPos = AssistXPos - KillsWBox;
2021-06-13 05:38:44 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.DoshString$" ", XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize("999999", DoshSize, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
DoshWBox = XL < DoshSize ? DoshSize : XL;
DoshXPos = KillsXPos - DoshWBox;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
BoxW = MinPerkBoxWidth(FontScalar);
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
PerkWBox = BoxW < MinBoxW ? MinBoxW : BoxW;
PerkXPos = DoshXPos - PerkWBox;
2021-06-13 05:38:44 +00:00
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
Canvas.TextSize("000", XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
LevelWBox = XL;
LevelXPos = PerkXPos - LevelWBox;
// Header texts
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.PlayerString, XPos + PlayerXPos, YPos, BoxH, FontScalar);
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(class'KFGFxMenu_Inventory'.default.PerkFilterString, XPos + PerkXPos, YPos, BoxH, FontScalar);
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.KillsString, XPos + KillsXPos, YPos, KillsWBox, BoxH, FontScalar);
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.AssistsString, XPos + AssistXPos, YPos, AssistWBox, BoxH, FontScalar);
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.DoshString, XPos + DoshXPos, YPos, DoshWBox, BoxH, FontScalar);
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardWidget'.default.PingString, XPos + PingXPos, YPos, PingWBox, BoxH, FontScalar);
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
ColorTMP = Settings.Style.ListHeaderTextColor;
ColorTMP.A = 150;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
DrawHealthIcon(XPos + HealthXPos, YPos, HealthWBox, BoxH);
2022-09-03 10:05:39 +00:00
PlayersList.XPosition = ((Canvas.ClipX - Width) * 0.5) / InputPos[2];
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
PlayersList.YPosition = (YPos + YL + BorderSize * 4) / InputPos[3];
PlayersList.YSize = (1.f - PlayersList.YPosition) - 0.15;
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
PlayerListSizeY = PlayersList.GetItemHeight() * PlayerEntryHeightMod * (NumPlayer <= PlayersList.ListItemsPerPage ? NumPlayer : PlayersList.ListItemsPerPage);
PlayerListSizeY -= PlayersList.GetItemHeight() * PlayerEntryHeightMod - PlayersList.GetItemHeight();
// Scroll bar (fake)
// This is an imitation of a scroll bar
// just to let people know that they can scroll the mouse wheel.
// This interface already has a scroll bar,
// but I haven't figured out how to use it yet.
// I hope this can be replaced later
if (NumPlayer > PlayersList.ListItemsPerPage)
XPos + PlayersList.GetWidth() - ScrollBarWidth,
YPos + YL + BorderSize * 4,
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
// MessageOfTheDay
MessageOfTheDayLines = SplitString(MessageOfTheDay, "\n");
YPos += BoxH + BorderSize * 6 + PlayerListSizeY;
Width = Canvas.ClipX * PlayerListWidthRatio;
BoxH = YL + BorderSize;
XPos - BorderSize * 2,
Width + BorderSize * 4,
BoxH * (MessageOfTheDayLines.Length > 0 ? MessageOfTheDayLines.Length : 1),
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
if (MessageOfTheDay != "")
foreach MessageOfTheDayLines(S)
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(S, XPos - BorderSize * 2, YPos, Width + BorderSize * 4, BoxH, FontScalar);
YPos += BoxH;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
function DrawHealthIcon(float X, float Y, float W, float H)
local float XPos, YPos, Size, Part;
Size = H * 0.65;
Part = Size / 3;
XPos = X + (W * 0.5 - Part * 0.5);
YPos = Y + (H * 0.5 - Size * 0.5);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(XPos, YPos, Part, Part, 4, 100);
XPos = X + (W * 0.5 - Size * 0.5);
YPos = Y + (H * 0.5 - Part * 0.5);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(XPos, YPos, Size, Part, 4, 100);
XPos = X + (W * 0.5 - Part * 0.5);
YPos = Y + (H * 0.5 + Part * 0.5);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(XPos, YPos, Part, Part, 4, 100);
2021-06-13 03:00:19 +00:00
function DrawPlayerEntry(Canvas C, int Index, float YOffset, float Height, float Width, bool bFocus)
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
local string S, StrValue;
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
local float FontScalar, XL, YL, PerkIconPosX, PerkIconPosY, PerkIconSize, PrestigeIconScale;
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
local float XPos, BoxWidth, RealPlayerWBox;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;
local byte Level, PrestigeLevel;
local bool bIsZED;
local int Ping;
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
local Rank Rank;
2021-05-31 01:46:53 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
local float BorderSize, EdgeSize;
2021-07-11 19:36:55 +00:00
2022-09-03 10:05:39 +00:00
local int Shape, ShapeHealth;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
local Color HealthBoxColor;
2021-07-05 04:20:53 +00:00
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
BorderSize = Owner.HUDOwner.ScaledBorderSize;
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
EdgeSize = Owner.CurrentStyle.PickEdgeSize();
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
YOffset *= PlayerEntryHeightMod;
KFPRI = KFPRIArray[Index];
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
Rank = PlayerRank(KFPRI);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFGRI.bVersusGame)
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
bIsZED = KFTeamInfo_Zeds(KFPRI.Team) != None;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
XPos = 0.f;
C.Font = Owner.CurrentStyle.PickFont(FontScalar);
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
FontScalar *= FontScalarMod;
Canvas.TextSize("ABC", XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
ShapeHealth = Settings.Style.ShapeStateHealthBoxMidPlayer;
2021-06-13 07:00:31 +00:00
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
if (!KFGRI.bMatchHasBegun)
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
HealthBoxColor = Settings.Style.StateBoxColorLobby;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
else if (KFPRI.PlayerHealth <= 0 || KFPRI.PlayerHealthPercent <= 0)
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
HealthBoxColor = Settings.Style.StateBoxColorDead;
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
HealthBoxColor = HealthColorByPercent(ByteToFloat(KFPRI.PlayerHealthPercent));
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
2021-07-11 19:36:55 +00:00
// Health box
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
2021-07-11 19:36:55 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
2021-07-11 19:36:55 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
if (KFPRI.PlayerHealth > 0)
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(String(KFPRI.PlayerHealth), HealthXPos, YOffset, HealthWBox, Height, FontScalar);
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
XPos += HealthWBox;
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
// PlayerBox
if (PlayerIndex == Index)
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
Shape = Settings.Style.ShapePlayerBoxMidPlayer;
2021-06-13 07:00:31 +00:00
2022-09-03 10:05:39 +00:00
BoxWidth = DoshXPos - HealthWBox - BorderSize * 2;
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(XPos, YOffset, BoxWidth, Height, EdgeSize, Shape);
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
XPos += BoxWidth;
// Right stats box
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
Shape = Settings.Style.ShapeStatsBoxMidPlayer;
2021-06-13 07:00:31 +00:00
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
BoxWidth = Width - XPos;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2022-09-08 18:20:04 +00:00
2021-06-06 21:22:24 +00:00
2022-09-11 21:23:24 +00:00
2021-06-13 08:36:10 +00:00
// Perk
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
RealPlayerWBox = PlayerWBox;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (bIsZED)
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
C.SetPos (PerkXPos, YOffset - ((Height-5) * 0.5f));
C.DrawRect (Height-5, Height-5, Texture2D'UI_Widgets.MenuBarWidget_SWF_IF');
2021-06-13 04:47:54 +00:00
S = class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.ZedString;
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, PerkXPos + Height, YOffset, Height, FontScalar);
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
RealPlayerWBox = PerkXPos + Height - PlayerXPos;
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
if (KFPRI.CurrentPerkclass != None)
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
PrestigeLevel = KFPRI.GetActivePerkPrestigeLevel();
Level = KFPRI.GetActivePerkLevel();
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
PerkIconPosY = YOffset + (BorderSize * 2);
PerkIconSize = Height-(BorderSize * 4);
PerkIconPosX = LevelXPos - PerkIconSize - (BorderSize*2);
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
PrestigeIconScale = 0.6625f;
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
RealPlayerWBox = PerkIconPosX - PlayerXPos;
C.DrawColor = HUDOwner.WhiteColor;
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
if (PrestigeLevel > 0)
C.SetPos(PerkIconPosX, PerkIconPosY);
C.DrawTile(KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass.default.PrestigeIcons[PrestigeLevel - 1], PerkIconSize, PerkIconSize, 0, 0, 256, 256);
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
C.SetPos(PerkIconPosX + ((PerkIconSize/2) - ((PerkIconSize*PrestigeIconScale)/2)), PerkIconPosY + ((PerkIconSize/2) - ((PerkIconSize*PrestigeIconScale)/1.75)));
C.DrawTile(KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass.default.PerkIcon, PerkIconSize * PrestigeIconScale, PerkIconSize * PrestigeIconScale, 0, 0, 256, 256);
C.SetPos(PerkIconPosX, PerkIconPosY);
C.DrawTile(KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass.default.PerkIcon, PerkIconSize, PerkIconSize, 0, 0, 256, 256);
2021-06-07 01:30:04 +00:00
2021-06-09 02:47:15 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
if (Level < Settings.Level.Low[KFGRI.GameDifficulty])
else if (Level < Settings.Level.High[KFGRI.GameDifficulty])
2021-06-09 02:47:15 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-06-09 02:47:15 +00:00
S = String(Level);
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, LevelXPos, YOffset, Height, FontScalar);
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-06-09 02:47:15 +00:00
S = KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass.default.PerkName;
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, PerkXPos, YOffset, Height, FontScalar);
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
S = "";
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, PerkXPos, YOffset, Height, FontScalar);
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
RealPlayerWBox = PerkXPos - PlayerXPos;
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
// Rank
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
if (Rank.RankName != "")
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHRightVCenter(Rank.RankName, PlayerXPos, YOffset, PerkIconPosX - PlayerXPos - (BorderSize * 4), Height, FontScalar);
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
// Avatar
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
if (KFPRI.Avatar == None || (!KFPRI.bBot && KFPRI.Avatar == default.DefaultAvatar))
CheckAvatar(KFPRI, OwnerPC);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (KFPRI.Avatar != None)
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
C.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
C.SetPos(PlayerXPos - (Height * 1.075), YOffset + (Height * 0.5f) - ((Height - 6) * 0.5f));
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
C.DrawTile(KFPRI.Avatar, Height - 6, Height - 6, 0,0, KFPRI.Avatar.SizeX, KFPRI.Avatar.SizeY);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawBoxHollow(PlayerXPos - (Height * 1.075), YOffset + (Height * 0.5f) - ((Height - 6) * 0.5f), Height - 6, Height - 6, 1);
// Player
2022-09-07 12:57:47 +00:00
2021-06-09 02:47:15 +00:00
S = KFPRI.PlayerName;
Canvas.TextSize(S, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2021-06-14 21:02:32 +00:00
while (XL > RealPlayerWBox)
S = Left(S, Len(S)-1);
Canvas.TextSize(S, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(S, PlayerXPos, YOffset, Height, FontScalar);
// Kill
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(string (KFPRI.Kills), KillsXPos, YOffset, KillsWBox, Height, FontScalar);
// Assist
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(string (KFPRI.Assists), AssistXPos, YOffset, AssistWBox, Height, FontScalar);
2021-06-08 23:22:35 +00:00
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
// Dosh
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (bIsZED)
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
2021-06-13 04:47:54 +00:00
StrValue = "-";
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
StrValue = GetNiceSize(int(KFPRI.Score));
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(StrValue, DoshXPos, YOffset, DoshWBox, Height, FontScalar);
// Ping
if (KFPRI.bBot)
2021-06-08 23:22:35 +00:00
2022-09-03 17:26:40 +00:00
S = "-";
2021-06-08 23:22:35 +00:00
Ping = int(KFPRI.Ping * `PING_SCALE);
2022-09-08 20:32:05 +00:00
S = string(Ping);
2021-06-13 02:29:47 +00:00
C.TextSize(S, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
DrawTextShadowHVCenter(S, PingXPos, YOffset, Settings.Style.ShowPingBars ? PingWBox/2 : PingWBox, Height, FontScalar);
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
C.SetDrawColor(250, 250, 250, 255);
2021-07-05 03:53:26 +00:00
if (Settings.Style.ShowPingBars)
2021-07-05 03:02:30 +00:00
DrawPingBars(C, YOffset + (Height/2) - ((Height*0.5)/2), Width - (Height*0.5) - (BorderSize*2), Height*0.5, Height*0.5, float(Ping));
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2021-06-13 03:00:19 +00:00
final function DrawPingBars(Canvas C, float YOffset, float XOffset, float W, float H, float Ping)
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
local float PingMul, BarW, BarH, BaseH, XPos, YPos;
local byte i;
2021-06-09 00:58:31 +00:00
PingMul = 1.f - FClamp(FMax(Ping - Settings.Ping.Low, 1.f) / Settings.Ping.High, 0.f, 1.f);
BarW = W / PingBars;
BaseH = H / PingBars;
PingColor.R = (1.f - PingMul) * 255;
PingColor.G = PingMul * 255;
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
for (i=1; i < PingBars; i++)
BarH = BaseH * i;
XPos = XOffset + ((i - 1) * BarW);
YPos = YOffset + (H - BarH);
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
C.SetPos(XPos, YPos);
C.SetDrawColor(20, 20, 20, 255);
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawWhiteBox(BarW, BarH);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (PingMul >= (i / PingBars))
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
C.SetPos(XPos, YPos);
C.DrawColor = PingColor;
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawWhiteBox(BarW, BarH);
C.SetDrawColor(80, 80, 80, 255);
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawBoxHollow(XPos, YPos, BarW, BarH, 1);
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2021-06-13 03:00:19 +00:00
static final function Texture2D FindAvatar(KFPlayerController PC, UniqueNetId ClientID)
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
local string S;
S = PC.GetSteamAvatar(ClientID);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
if (S == "")
return None;
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
return Texture2D(PC.FindObject(S, class'Texture2D'));
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
final static function string GetNiceSize(int Num)
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
if (Num < 10000 ) return string(Num);
2021-06-13 02:53:33 +00:00
else if (Num < 1000000 ) return (Num / 1000) $ "K";
else if (Num < 1000000000 ) return (Num / 1000000) $ "M";
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
return (Num / 1000000000) $ "B";
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2021-06-13 03:00:19 +00:00
function ScrollMouseWheel(bool bUp)
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
function Color HealthColorByPercent(float FloatPercent)
local Color CRED, CYLW, CGRN, RV;
CRED = MakeColor(200, 0, 0, 150);
CYLW = MakeColor(200, 200, 0, 150);
CGRN = MakeColor(0, 200, 0, 150);
if (FloatPercent >= 0.9f)
else if (FloatPercent >= 0.5f)
RV = PickDynamicColor(CYLW, CGRN, (FloatPercent - 0.5f) / (0.9f - 0.5f));
else if (FloatPercent >= 0.1f)
RV = PickDynamicColor(CRED, CYLW, (FloatPercent - 0.1f) / (0.5f - 0.1f));
return RV;
2022-09-08 20:32:05 +00:00
function Color PingColorByPing(int Ping)
local Color CRED, CYLW, CGRN, RV;
2022-09-11 20:47:27 +00:00
CRED = MakeColor(200, 0, 0, 250);
CYLW = MakeColor(200, 200, 0, 250);
CGRN = MakeColor(0, 200, 0, 250);
2022-09-08 20:32:05 +00:00
if (Ping < 30)
else if (Ping < 70)
RV = PickDynamicColor(CGRN, CYLW, (Ping - 30) / (70 - 30));
else if (Ping < 110)
RV = PickDynamicColor(CYLW, CRED, (Ping - 70) / (110 - 70));
return RV;
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
function Color PickDynamicColor(Color LowerColor, Color UpperColor, float FloatPercent)
2022-09-08 20:32:05 +00:00
// Color: Lower Upper
// Percent: 0.0f <------- FloatPercent -------> 1.0f
2022-09-08 13:32:28 +00:00
return MakeColor((
LowerColor.R < UpperColor.R ?
LowerColor.R + ((UpperColor.R - LowerColor.R) * FloatPercent) :
LowerColor.R - ((LowerColor.R - UpperColor.R) * FloatPercent)),
LowerColor.G < UpperColor.G ?
LowerColor.G + ((UpperColor.G - LowerColor.G) * FloatPercent) :
LowerColor.G - ((LowerColor.G - UpperColor.G) * FloatPercent)),
LowerColor.B < UpperColor.B ?
LowerColor.B + ((UpperColor.B - LowerColor.B) * FloatPercent) :
LowerColor.B - ((LowerColor.B - UpperColor.B) * FloatPercent)),
LowerColor.A < UpperColor.A ?
LowerColor.A + ((UpperColor.A - LowerColor.A) * FloatPercent) :
LowerColor.A - ((LowerColor.A - UpperColor.A) * FloatPercent)));
function DrawTextShadowHVCenter(string Str, float XPos, float YPos, float BoxWidth, float BoxHeight, float FontScalar)
local float TextWidth;
local float TextHeight;
Canvas.TextSize(Str, TextWidth, TextHeight, FontScalar, FontScalar);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(Str, XPos + (BoxWidth - TextWidth)/2 , YPos + (BoxHeight - TextHeight)/2, 1, FontScalar);
function DrawTextShadowHLeftVCenter(string Str, float XPos, float YPos, float BoxHeight, float FontScalar)
local float TextWidth;
local float TextHeight;
Canvas.TextSize(Str, TextWidth, TextHeight, FontScalar, FontScalar);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(Str, XPos, YPos + (BoxHeight - TextHeight)/2, 1, FontScalar);
function DrawTextShadowHRightVCenter(string Str, float XPos, float YPos, float BoxWidth, float BoxHeight, float FontScalar)
local float TextWidth;
local float TextHeight;
Canvas.TextSize(Str, TextWidth, TextHeight, FontScalar, FontScalar);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(Str, XPos + BoxWidth - TextWidth, YPos + (BoxHeight - TextHeight)/2, 1, FontScalar);
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00
2021-06-13 02:54:35 +00:00
PingColor=(R=255, G=255, B=60, A=255)
Begin Object Class=KFGUI_List Name=PlayerList
2022-09-03 15:46:23 +00:00
2022-09-08 20:11:46 +00:00
End Object
2020-01-10 13:14:11 +00:00