fix code style

This commit is contained in:
GenZmeY 2021-06-13 06:17:40 +03:00
parent db98f33e40
commit df00738dc5
21 changed files with 51 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Class GUIStyleBase extends Object
var Texture2D ItemTex;
var array < Texture2D> BorderTextures, ArrowTextures, ButtonTextures, TabTextures, ItemBoxTextures, PerkBox, CheckBoxTextures, ProgressBarTextures, SliderTextures;
var array<Texture2D> BorderTextures, ArrowTextures, ButtonTextures, TabTextures, ItemBoxTextures, PerkBox, CheckBoxTextures, ProgressBarTextures, SliderTextures;
var Texture2D ScrollTexture, FavoriteIcon, BankNoteIcon;
var SoundCue MenuDown, MenuDrag, MenuEdit, MenuFade, MenuClick, MenuHover, MenuUp;
@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ struct FColorInfo
var name Code;
var Color Color;
var array < FColorInfo> ColorCodes;
var array<FColorInfo> ColorCodes;
struct FTexturePreCache
var string Path;
var Texture2D Tex;
var array < FTexturePreCache> PrecachedTextures;
var array<FTexturePreCache> PrecachedTextures;
function InitStyle()

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Class KF2GUIController extends Info
var() class < GUIStyleBase> DefaultStyle;
var() class<GUIStyleBase> DefaultStyle;
var PlayerController PlayerOwner;
var ScoreboardExtHUD HUDOwner;
@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ var transient KF2GUIInput CustomInput;
var transient PlayerInput BackupInput;
var transient GameViewportClient ClientViewport;
var delegate < Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputKey> OldOnReceivedNativeInputKey;
var delegate < Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputAxis> OldOnReceivedNativeInputAxis;
var delegate < Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputChar> OldOnReceivedNativeInputChar;
var delegate<Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputKey> OldOnReceivedNativeInputKey;
var delegate<Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputAxis> OldOnReceivedNativeInputAxis;
var delegate<Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputChar> OldOnReceivedNativeInputChar;
var delegate < GameViewportClient.HandleInputAxis> OldHandleInputAxis;
var delegate<GameViewportClient.HandleInputAxis> OldHandleInputAxis;
var array < KFGUI_Page> ActiveMenus, PersistentMenus;
var array<KFGUI_Page> ActiveMenus, PersistentMenus;
var transient KFGUI_Base MouseFocus, InputFocus, KeyboardFocus;
var IntPoint MousePosition, ScreenSize, OldMousePos, LastMousePos, LastClickPos[2];
var transient float MousePauseTime, MenuTime, LastClickTimes[2];
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ var transient GUIStyleBase CurrentStyle;
var transient Console OrgConsole;
var transient KFGUIConsoleHack HackConsole;
var array < Texture2D> CursorTextures;
var array<Texture2D> CursorTextures;
var Color CursorColor;
var int CurrentCursorIndex, CursorSize;

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ var() bool bDisabled, bClickable, bCanFocus;
var bool bFocusedPostDrawItem; // If this component has been given input focus, should it receive draw menu call after everything else been drawn?
var transient bool bFocused, bTextureInit, bVisible;
var bool bIsHUDWidget, bEnableInputs, bNoLookInputs;
var array < name> TimerNames;
var array<name> TimerNames;
function InitMenu(); // Menu was initialized for the first time.
function ShowMenu(); // Menu was opened.

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ struct FCategoryItems
var name ID;
var KFGUI_Base Item;
var array < FCategoryItems> CategoryItems;
var array<FCategoryItems> CategoryItems;
function AddCategory(name CatID, string CatName, optional Texture2D IconMat, optional Color IconClr, optional float XS=1.f, optional float YS=1.f)

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@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ struct FColumnItem
var transient bool bHidden;
var transient int X, XSize;
var() array < FColumnItem> Columns;
var() class < KFGUI_ListItem> ListItemClass;
var() array<FColumnItem> Columns;
var() class<KFGUI_ListItem> ListItemClass;
var() float FontSize;
var() color FocusedLineColor, SelectedLineColor;
var() float EdgeSize;

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Class KFGUI_ComboBox extends KFGUI_EditControl;
var KFGUI_ComboSelector Selection;
var float BorderSize;
var() array < string> Values;
var() array<string> Values;
var() int SelectedIndex;
var() color SelectedTextColor, TextColor;
var() bool bButtonStretched;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Class KFGUI_ComponentList extends KFGUI_List;
var int VisRange[2];
var() int NumColumns;
var array < KFGUI_Base> ItemComponents;
var array<KFGUI_Base> ItemComponents;
// REMEMBER to call InitMenu() on the newly created component after values are init!!!
final function KFGUI_Base AddListComponent(class < KFGUI_Base> CompClass, optional float XS=1.f, optional float YS=1.f)

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Class KFGUI_ListItem extends Object
var KFGUI_ListItem Next;
var array < string> Columns, SortColumns;
var array<string> Columns, SortColumns;
var int Index, Value;
var transient string Temp; // Cache sorting key.

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Class KFGUI_MultiComponent extends KFGUI_Base;
var() export editinline array < KFGUI_Base> Components;
var() export editinline array<KFGUI_Base> Components;
function InitMenu()

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ struct FRowItem
var string Text, ToolTip;
var bool bSplitter, bDisabled;
var array < FRowItem> ItemRows;
var array<FRowItem> ItemRows;
var int CurrentRow, OldRow;
var int EdgeSize;
var int OldSizeX;

View File

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Class KFGUI_SwitchMenuBar extends KFGUI_MultiComponent;
var array < KFGUI_Base> SubPages;
var array<KFGUI_Base> SubPages;
var() byte ButtonPosition; // 0 = top, 1 = bottom, 2 = left, 3 = right
var() float BorderWidth, ButtonAxisSize; // Width for buttons.
var() float PagePadding; // Padding for pages
var int NumButtons, CurrentPageNum, PageComponentIndex;
var array < KFGUI_Button> PageButtons;
var array<KFGUI_Button> PageButtons;
function ShowMenu()

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ struct FTextPart
struct FTextLineInfo
var array < FTextPart> Text;
var array<FTextPart> Text;
var float Y;
var KFGUI_ScrollBarV ScrollBar;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ var() Canvas.FontRenderInfo TextFontInfo;
var() float FontScale, MessageDisplayTime, MessageFadeInTime, MessageFadeOutTime;
var() bool bNoReset, bFadeInOut, bUseOutlineText;
var() int MaxHistory, OutlineSize;
var protected transient array < FTextLineInfo> Lines, OrgLines;
var protected transient array<FTextLineInfo> Lines, OrgLines;
var transient float MaxHeight, ScrollWidth, OldSize[2], InitFontScale, TextHeight, FadeStartTime;
var transient Font InitFont;
var transient bool bShowScrollbar, bTextParsed;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ var float ScrollSpeed;
var transient float CharStartTime;
var transient bool bScrollCompleted, bTextDirty;
var transient array < bool> RowsCompleted;
var transient array<bool> RowsCompleted;
var transient int MaxIndex, RowsDropped;
function SetText(string S)

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Class KFGUI_Tooltip extends KFGUI_Base;
var() array < string> Lines;
var() array<string> Lines;
var() Canvas.FontRenderInfo TextFontInfo;
var byte CurrentAlpha;

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var KFGUI_List PlayersList;
var Texture2D DefaultAvatar;
var KFGameReplicationInfo KFGRI;
var array < KFPlayerReplicationInfo> KFPRIArray;
var array<KFPlayerReplicationInfo> KFPRIArray;
var KFPlayerController OwnerPC;
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ var Color PingColor;
var float PingBars;
// Ranks
var array < RankInfo> CustomRanks;
var array < UIDRankRelation> RankRelations;
var array<RankInfo> CustomRanks;
var array<UIDRankRelation> RankRelations;
var SCESettings Settings;

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@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ class PlayerRankRelations extends Object
var config array < RankRelation> Relation;
var config array<RankRelation> Relation;

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ class ScoreboardExtHUD extends KFGFxHudWrapper
const HUDBorderSize = 3;
var float ScaledBorderSize;
var array < KFGUI_Base> HUDWidgets;
var array<KFGUI_Base> HUDWidgets;
var class < KFScoreBoard> ScoreboardClass;
var class<KFScoreBoard> ScoreboardClass;
var KFScoreBoard Scoreboard;
var transient KF2GUIController GUIController;

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@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ struct SClient
var KFPlayerController KFPC;
var private array < SClient> RepClients;
var private array < UIDRankRelation> UIDRankRelationsPlayers;
var private array < UIDRankRelation> UIDRankRelationsSteamGroups;
var private array < UIDRankRelation> UIDRankRelationsActive;
var private array<SClient> RepClients;
var private array<UIDRankRelation> UIDRankRelationsPlayers;
var private array<UIDRankRelation> UIDRankRelationsSteamGroups;
var private array<UIDRankRelation> UIDRankRelationsActive;
var private SCESettings Settings;
function PostBeginPlay()

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@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ var private KFScoreBoard SC;
var private OnlineSubsystemSteamworks SW;
// Fitst time replication
var public array < UIDRankRelation> SteamGroupRelations;
var private array < UIDRankRelation> RankRelations;
var public array < RankInfo> CustomRanks;
var public array<UIDRankRelation> SteamGroupRelations;
var private array<UIDRankRelation> RankRelations;
var public array<RankInfo> CustomRanks;
var public SCESettings Settings;
var public UIDRankRelation RankRelation; // Current player rank relation

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
class ScoreboardStyleClient extends ScoreboardStyle
var config bool bEnable;

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class SteamGroupRankRelations extends Object
var config array < RankRelation> Relation;
var config array<RankRelation> Relation;