2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
class ClassicKFHUD extends KFGFxHudWrapper
config ( ClassicHUD ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 19:54:24 -06:00
const GFxListenerPriority = 80000 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
const MAX _WEAPON _GROUPS = 4 ;
const HUDBorderSize = 3 ;
const PHASE _DONE = - 1 ;
const PHASE _SHOWING = 0 ;
const PHASE _DELAYING = 1 ;
const PHASE _HIDING = 2 ;
enum EDamageTypes
DMG _Fire ,
DMG _Toxic ,
DMG _Bleeding ,
DMG _Freeze ,
DMG _Flashbang ,
DMG _Generic ,
DMG _High ,
DMG _Medium ,
DMG _Unspecified
} ;
enum PopupPosition
} ;
enum EJustificationType
HUDA _None ,
HUDA _Right ,
HUDA _Left ,
HUDA _Top ,
HUDA _Bottom
} ;
enum EPriorityAlignment
} ;
enum EPriorityAnimStyle
} ;
struct WeaponInfoS
var Weapon Weapon ;
var string WeaponName ;
} ;
var transient WeaponInfoS CachedWeaponInfo ;
struct FKillMessageType
var bool bDamage , bLocal , bPlayerDeath , bSuicide ;
var int Counter ;
var Class Type ;
var string Name , KillerName ;
var PlayerReplicationInfo OwnerPRI ;
var float MsgTime , XPosition , CurrentXPosition ;
var color MsgColor ;
} ;
var transient array < FKillMessageType > KillMessages ;
var Color DefaultHudMainColor , DefaultHudOutlineColor , DefaultFontColor ;
var transient float LevelProgressBar , VisualProgressBar ;
var transient bool bInterpolating , bDisplayingProgress ;
var Texture HealthIcon , ArmorIcon , WeightIcon , GrenadesIcon , DoshIcon , ClipsIcon , BulletsIcon , BurstBulletIcon , AutoTargetIcon , ManualTargetIcon , ProgressBarTex , DoorWelderBG ;
var Texture WaveCircle , BioCircle ;
var Texture ArrowIcon , FlameIcon , FlameTankIcon , FlashlightIcon , FlashlightOffIcon , RocketIcon , BoltIcon , M79Icon , PipebombIcon , SingleBulletIcon , SyringIcon , SawbladeIcon , DoorWelderIcon ;
var Texture TraderBox , TraderArrow , TraderArrowLight ;
var Texture VoiceChatIcon ;
var Texture2D PerkStarIcon , DoshEarnedIcon ;
var KFDroppedPickup WeaponPickup ;
var float MaxWeaponPickupDist ;
var float WeaponPickupScanRadius ;
var float ZedScanRadius ;
var Texture2D WeaponAmmoIcon , WeaponWeightIcon ;
var float WeaponIconSize ;
var Color WeaponIconColor , WeaponOverweightIconColor ;
var int MaxNonCriticalMessages ;
var float NonCriticalMessageDisplayTime , NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime , NonCriticalMessageFadeOutTime ;
struct PopupDamageInfo
var int Damage ;
var float HitTime ;
var Vector HitLocation ;
var byte Type ;
var color FontColor ;
var vector RandVect ;
} ;
var PopupDamageInfo DamagePopups [ DAMAGEPOPUP _COUNT ] ;
var int NextDamagePopupIndex ;
var float DamagePopupFadeOutTime ;
struct FCritialMessage
var string Text , Delimiter ;
var float StartTime ;
var bool bHighlight , bUseAnimation ;
var int TextAnimAlpha ;
} ;
var transient array < FCritialMessage > NonCriticalMessages ;
struct FPriorityMessage
var string PrimaryText , SecondaryText ;
var float StartTime , SecondaryStartTime , LifeTime , FadeInTime , FadeOutTime ;
var EPriorityAlignment SecondaryAlign ;
var EPriorityAnimStyle PrimaryAnim , SecondaryAnim ;
var Texture2D Icon , SecondaryIcon ;
var Color IconColor , SecondaryIconColor ;
var bool bSecondaryUsesFullLength ;
FadeInTime = 0.15 f
FadeOutTime = 0.15 f
LifeTime = 5. f
IconColor = ( R = 255 , G = 255 , B = 255 , A = 255 )
SecondaryIconColor = ( R = 255 , G = 255 , B = 255 , A = 255 )
} ;
var transient FPriorityMessage PriorityMessage ;
var int CurrentPriorityMessageA , CurrentSecondaryMessageA ;
var transient vector PLCameraLoc , PLCameraDir ;
var transient rotator PLCameraRot ;
var int PlayerScore , OldPlayerScore , ScoreDelta ;
var float TimeX , TimeXEnd ;
var int PerkIconSize ;
var int MaxPerkStars , MaxStarsPerRow ;
var bool bDisplayQuickSyringe ;
var float QuickSyringeStartTime , QuickSyringeDisplayTime , QuickSyringeFadeInTime , QuickSyringeFadeOutTime ;
struct HUDBoxRenderInfo
var int JustificationPadding ;
var Color TextColor , OutlineColor , BoxColor ;
var Texture IconTex ;
var float Alpha ;
var float IconScale ;
var array < String > StringArray ;
var bool bUseOutline , bUseRounded , bRoundedOutline , bHighlighted ;
var EJustificationType Justification ;
TextColor = ( R = 255 , B = 255 , G = 255 , A = 255 )
Alpha = - 1. f
IconScale = 1. f
} ;
var Texture2D MedicLockOnIcon ;
var float MedicLockOnIconSize , LockOnStartTime , LockOnEndTime ;
var Color MedicLockOnColor , MedicPendingLockOnColor ;
var KFPawn OldTarget ;
var rotator MedicWeaponRot ;
var float MedicWeaponHeight ;
var Color MedicWeaponBGColor ;
var Color MedicWeaponNotChargedColor , MedicWeaponChargedColor ;
struct InventoryCategory
var array < KFWeapon > Items ;
var int ItemCount ;
} ;
var int MinWeaponIndex [ MAX _WEAPON _GROUPS ] , MaxWeaponIndex [ MAX _WEAPON _GROUPS ] ;
var int MaxWeaponsPerCatagory ;
var float ScaledBorderSize ;
var const Color BlueColor ;
var ObjectReferencer RepObject ;
var transient KF2GUIController GUIController ;
var transient GUIStyleBase GUIStyle ;
var int FontBlurX , FontBlurX2 , FontBlurY , FontBlurY2 ;
struct XPEarnedS
var float StartTime , XPos , YPos , RandX , RandY ;
var bool bInit ;
var int XP ;
var Texture2D Icon ;
var Color IconColor ;
} ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
var array < XPEarnedS > XPPopups ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
var float XPFadeOutTime ;
struct DoshEarnedS
var float StartTime , XPos , YPos , RandX , RandY ;
var bool bInit ;
var int Dosh ;
} ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
var array < DoshEarnedS > DoshPopups ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
var float DoshFadeOutTime ;
var array < KFPawn _Human > PawnList ;
var bool bDisplayInventory ;
var float InventoryFadeTime , InventoryFadeStartTime , InventoryFadeInTime , InventoryFadeOutTime , InventoryX , InventoryY , InventoryBoxWidth , InventoryBoxHeight , BorderSize ;
var Texture InventoryBackgroundTexture , SelectedInventoryBackgroundTexture ;
var int SelectedInventoryCategory , SelectedInventoryIndex ;
var KFWeapon SelectedInventory ;
struct PopupMessage
var string Body ;
var Texture2D Image ;
var PopupPosition MsgPosition ;
} ;
var privatewrite int NotificationPhase ;
var privatewrite array < PopupMessage > MessageQueue ;
var privatewrite string NewLineSeparator ;
var float NotificationPhaseStartTime , NotificationIconSpacing , NotificationShowTime , NotificationHideTime , NotificationHideDelay , NotificationBorderSize ;
var Texture NotificationBackground ;
var array < KFGUI _Base > HUDWidgets ;
var class < KFScoreBoard > ScoreboardClass ;
var KFScoreBoard Scoreboard ;
struct FHealthBarInfo
var float LastHealthUpdate , HealthUpdateEndTime ;
var int OldBarHealth , OldHealth ;
var bool bDrawingHistory ;
} ;
var array < FHealthBarInfo > HealthBarDamageHistory ;
var int DamageHistoryNum ;
var KFPawn _Scripted ScriptedPawn ;
var KFInterface _MonsterBoss BossPawn ;
var float BossShieldPct ;
var bool bDisplayImportantHealthBar ;
var Color BossBattlePhaseColor ;
var Texture2D BossInfoIcon ;
var array < Color > BattlePhaseColors ;
struct FNewItemEntry
var Texture2D Icon ;
var string Item , IconURL ;
var float MsgTime ;
} ;
var transient array < FNewItemEntry > NewItems ;
var transient array < byte > WasNewlyAdded ;
var transient OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub ;
var transient bool bLoadedInitItems ;
var array < Color > DamageMsgColors ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
var UIP _ColorSettings ColorSettingMenu ;
2020-01-17 19:54:24 -06:00
var transient GFxClikWidget HUDChatInputField , PartyChatInputField ;
var transient bool bReplicatedColorTextures ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
2020-01-17 19:54:24 -06:00
var config Color HudMainColor , HudOutlineColor , FontColor , CustomArmorColor , CustomHealthColor ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
var config bool bEnableDamagePopups , bLightHUD , bHideWeaponInfo , bHidePlayerInfo , bHideDosh , bDisableHiddenPlayers , bShowSpeed , bDisableLastZEDIcons , bDisablePickupInfo , bDisableLockOnUI , bDisableRechargeUI , bShowXPEarned , bShowDoshEarned , bNewScoreboard , bDisableHUD ;
var config int HealthBarFullVisDist , HealthBarCutoffDist ;
var config int iConfigVersion ;
var config enum PlayerInfo
} PlayerInfoType ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
simulated function PostBeginPlay ( )
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
local bool bSaveConfig ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Super . PostBeginPlay ( ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( iConfigVersion <= 0 )
HudMainColor = DefaultHudMainColor ;
HudOutlineColor = DefaultHudOutlineColor ;
FontColor = DefaultFontColor ;
bLightHUD = false ;
bHideWeaponInfo = false ;
bHidePlayerInfo = false ;
bHideDosh = false ;
bDisableHiddenPlayers = false ;
bEnableDamagePopups = true ;
bShowSpeed = false ;
bDisableLastZEDIcons = false ;
bDisablePickupInfo = false ;
bDisableLockOnUI = false ;
bDisableRechargeUI = false ;
bShowXPEarned = true ;
bShowDoshEarned = true ;
bNewScoreboard = true ;
bDisableHUD = false ;
PlayerInfoType = ClassicPlayerInfo ? INFO _LEGACY : INFO _MODERN ;
HealthBarFullVisDist = 350. f ;
HealthBarCutoffDist = 3500. f ;
iConfigVersion ++ ;
bSaveConfig = true ;
2020-01-17 19:54:24 -06:00
if ( iConfigVersion <= 1 )
switch ( PlayerInfoType )
CustomArmorColor = BlueColor ;
CustomHealthColor = RedColor ;
break ;
CustomArmorColor = ClassicArmorColor ;
CustomHealthColor = ClassicHealthColor ;
break ;
CustomArmorColor = ArmorColor ;
CustomHealthColor = HealthColor ;
break ;
iConfigVersion ++ ;
bSaveConfig = true ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bSaveConfig )
SaveConfig ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
SetupHUDTextures ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
SetTimer ( 0.1 , true , 'SetupFontBlur' ) ;
SetTimer ( 0.1 f , true , 'CheckForWeaponPickup' ) ;
SetTimer ( 0.1 f , true , 'BuildCacheItems' ) ;
PlayerOwner . PlayerInput . OnReceivedNativeInputKey = NotifyInputKey ;
PlayerOwner . PlayerInput . OnReceivedNativeInputAxis = NotifyInputAxis ;
PlayerOwner . PlayerInput . OnReceivedNativeInputChar = NotifyInputChar ;
OnlineSub = class 'GameEngine' . static . GetOnlineSubsystem ( ) ;
if ( OnlineSub != None )
OnlineSub . AddOnInventoryReadCompleteDelegate ( SearchInventoryForNewItem ) ;
SetTimer ( 60 , false , 'SearchInventoryForNewItem' ) ;
SetTimer ( 300 + FRand ( ) * 120. f , false , 'CheckForItems' ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bDisableHUD )
RemoveMovies ( ) ;
HUDClass = class 'KFGFxHudWrapper' . default . HUDClass ;
CreateHUDMovie ( ) ;
2020-01-17 19:54:24 -06:00
SetTimer ( 0.25 f , false , nameof ( InitializeHUD ) ) ;
InitializePartyChatHook ( ) ;
InitializeHUDChatHook ( ) ;
function InitializeHUD ( )
WriteToChat ( "<Classic HUD> Initialized!" , "FFFF00" ) ;
WriteToChat ( "<Classic HUD> Type !settings or use OpenSettingsMenu in console to configure!" , "00FF00" ) ;
delegate OnPartyChatInputKeyDown ( GFxClikWidget . EventData Data )
OnChatKeyDown ( PartyChatInputField , Data ) ;
delegate OnHUDChatInputKeyDown ( GFxClikWidget . EventData Data )
if ( OnChatKeyDown ( HUDChatInputField , Data ) )
HUDMovie . HudChatBox . ClearAndCloseChat ( ) ;
function bool OnChatKeyDown ( GFxClikWidget InputField , GFxClikWidget . EventData Data )
local GFXObject InputDetails ;
local int KeyCode ;
local string EventType ;
local string KeyEvent ;
local string Text ;
InputDetails = Data . _this . GetObject ( "details" ) ;
KeyCode = InputDetails . GetInt ( "code" ) ;
EventType = InputDetails . GetString ( "type" ) ;
KeyEvent = InputDetails . GetString ( "value" ) ;
if ( EventType != "key" ) return false ;
if ( KeyCode == 13 && ( KeyEvent == "keyHold" || KeyEvent == "keyDown" ) )
Text = InputField . GetText ( ) ;
switch ( Locs ( Text ) )
case "!settings" :
OpenSettingsMenu ( ) ;
break ;
default :
return false ;
InputField . SetText ( "" ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
function InitializePartyChatHook ( )
if ( KFPlayerOwner . MyGFxManager == None || KFPlayerOwner . MyGFxManager . PartyWidget == None || KFPlayerOwner . MYGFxManager . PartyWidget . PartyChatWidget == None )
SetTimer ( 1. f , false , nameof ( InitializePartyChatHook ) ) ;
return ;
KFPlayerOwner . MyGFxManager . PartyWidget . PartyChatWidget . SetVisible ( true ) ;
PartyChatInputField = GFxClikWidget ( KFPlayerOwner . MyGFxManager . PartyWidget . PartyChatWidget . GetObject ( "ChatInputField" , class 'GFxClikWidget' ) ) ;
PartyChatInputField . AddEventListener ( 'CLIK_input' , OnPartyChatInputKeyDown , false , GFxListenerPriority , false ) ;
function InitializeHUDChatHook ( )
if ( HUDMovie == None || HUDMovie . HudChatBox == None )
SetTimer ( 1. f , false , nameof ( InitializeHUDChatHook ) ) ;
return ;
HUDChatInputField = GFxClikWidget ( HUDMovie . HudChatBox . GetObject ( "ChatInputField" , class 'GFxClikWidget' ) ) ;
HUDChatInputField . AddEventListener ( 'CLIK_input' , OnHUDChatInputKeyDown , false , GFxListenerPriority , false ) ; ;
function WriteToChat ( string Message , string HexColor )
if ( KFPlayerOwner . MyGFxManager . PartyWidget != None && KFPlayerOwner . MyGFxManager . PartyWidget . PartyChatWidget != None )
KFPlayerOwner . MyGFxManager . PartyWidget . PartyChatWidget . AddChatMessage ( Message , HexColor ) ;
if ( HUDMovie != None && HUDMovie . HudChatBox != None )
HUDMovie . HudChatBox . AddChatMessage ( Message , HexColor ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
function ResetHUDColors ( )
HudMainColor = DefaultHudMainColor ;
HudOutlineColor = DefaultHudOutlineColor ;
FontColor = DefaultFontColor ;
SaveConfig ( ) ;
SetupHUDTextures ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
function BuildCacheItems ( )
local KFPawn _Human KFPH ;
foreach WorldInfo . AllPawns ( class 'KFPawn_Human' , KFPH )
if ( PawnList . Find ( KFPH ) == INDEX _NONE )
PawnList . AddItem ( KFPH ) ;
simulated function CheckForWeaponPickup ( )
WeaponPickup = GetWeaponPickup ( ) ;
simulated function KFDroppedPickup GetWeaponPickup ( )
local KFDroppedPickup KFDP , BestKFDP ;
local int KFDPCount , ZedCount ;
local vector EndTrace , HitLocation , HitNormal ;
local Actor HitActor ;
local float DistSq , BestDistSq ;
local KFPawn _Monster KFPM ;
if ( KFPlayerOwner == None || ! KFPlayerOwner . WorldInfo . GRI . bMatchHasBegun )
return None ;
EndTrace = PLCameraLoc + PLCameraDir * MaxWeaponPickupDist ;
HitActor = KFPlayerOwner . Trace ( HitLocation , HitNormal , EndTrace , PLCameraLoc ) ;
if ( HitActor == None )
return None ;
foreach KFPlayerOwner . CollidingActors ( class 'KFPawn_Monster' , KFPM , ZedScanRadius , HitLocation )
if ( KFPM . IsAliveAndWell ( ) )
return None ;
ZedCount ++ ;
if ( ZedCount > 20 )
return None ;
BestDistSq = WeaponPickupScanRadius * WeaponPickupScanRadius ;
foreach KFPlayerOwner . CollidingActors ( class 'KFDroppedPickup' , KFDP , WeaponPickupScanRadius , HitLocation )
if ( KFDP . Velocity . Z == 0 && ClassIsChildOf ( KFDP . InventoryClass , class 'KFWeapon' ) )
DistSq = VSizeSq ( KFDP . Location - HitLocation ) ;
if ( DistSq < BestDistSq )
BestDistSq = DistSq ;
KFDPCount ++ ;
if ( KFDPCount > 2 )
break ;
return BestKFDP ;
simulated function SetupFontBlur ( )
FontBlurX = RandRange ( - 8 , 8 ) ;
FontBlurX2 = RandRange ( - 8 , 8 ) ;
FontBlurY = RandRange ( - 8 , 8 ) ;
FontBlurY2 = RandRange ( - 8 , 8 ) ;
function SetupHUDTextures ( optional bool bUseColorIcons )
ProgressBarTex = Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 85 ] ) ;
HealthIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 146 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 27 ] ) ;
ArmorIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 149 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 31 ] ) ;
WeightIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 152 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 34 ] ) ;
GrenadesIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 142 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 23 ] ) ;
DoshIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 148 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 30 ] ) ;
BulletsIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 136 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 17 ] ) ;
ClipsIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 131 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 11 ] ) ;
BurstBulletIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 137 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 18 ] ) ;
AutoTargetIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 133 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 13 ] ) ;
ArrowIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 132 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 12 ] ) ;
FlameIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 139 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 19 ] ) ;
FlameTankIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 138 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 20 ] ) ;
FlashlightIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 141 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 21 ] ) ;
FlashlightOffIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 140 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 22 ] ) ;
RocketIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 143 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 24 ] ) ;
BoltIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 144 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 25 ] ) ;
M79Icon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 145 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 26 ] ) ;
PipebombIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 147 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 29 ] ) ;
SingleBulletIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 150 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 32 ] ) ;
SyringIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 151 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 33 ] ) ;
SawbladeIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 153 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 78 ] ) ;
ManualTargetIcon = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D 'KFClassicMode_Assets.HUD_Color.Hud_ManualTarget_White' : Texture2D 'KFClassicMode_Assets.HUD.Hud_ManualTarget' ;
TraderBox = Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 16 ] ) ;
InventoryBackgroundTexture = Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 113 ] ) ;
SelectedInventoryBackgroundTexture = Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 114 ] ) ;
WaveCircle = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 134 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 15 ] ) ;
BioCircle = bUseColorIcons ? Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 135 ] ) : Texture2D ( RepObject . ReferencedObjects [ 14 ] ) ;
function PostRender ( )
2020-01-17 19:54:24 -06:00
if ( ! bReplicatedColorTextures && HudOutlineColor != DefaultHudOutlineColor )
bReplicatedColorTextures = true ;
SetupHUDTextures ( true ) ;
else if ( bReplicatedColorTextures && HudOutlineColor == DefaultHudOutlineColor )
bReplicatedColorTextures = false ;
SetupHUDTextures ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( KFGRI == None )
KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo ( WorldInfo . GRI ) ;
if ( GUIController != None && PlayerOwner . PlayerInput == None )
GUIController . NotifyLevelChange ( ) ;
if ( GUIController == None || GUIController . bIsInvalid )
GUIController = Class 'KFClassicHUD.KF2GUIController' . Static . GetGUIController ( PlayerOwner ) ;
if ( GUIController != None )
GUIStyle = GUIController . CurrentStyle ;
GUIStyle . HUDOwner = self ;
LaunchHUDMenus ( ) ;
GUIStyle . Canvas = Canvas ;
GUIStyle . PickDefaultFontSize ( Canvas . ClipY ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
if ( ! GUIController . bIsInMenuState )
GUIController . HandleDrawMenu ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
ScaledBorderSize = FMax ( GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( HUDBorderSize ) , 1. f ) ;
Super . PostRender ( ) ;
PlayerOwner . GetPlayerViewPoint ( PLCameraLoc , PLCameraRot ) ;
PLCameraDir = vector ( PLCameraRot ) ;
DamageHistoryNum = 0 ;
function LaunchHUDMenus ( )
Scoreboard = KFScoreBoard ( GUIController . InitializeHUDWidget ( ScoreboardClass ) ) ;
Scoreboard . SetVisibility ( false ) ;
function bool NotifyInputKey ( int ControllerId , Name Key , EInputEvent Event , float AmountDepressed , bool bGamepad )
local int i ;
for ( i = ( HUDWidgets . Length - 1 ) ; i >= 0 ; -- i )
if ( HUDWidgets [ i ] . bVisible && HUDWidgets [ i ] . NotifyInputKey ( ControllerId , Key , Event , AmountDepressed , bGamepad ) )
return true ;
return false ;
function bool NotifyInputAxis ( int ControllerId , name Key , float Delta , float DeltaTime , optional bool bGamepad )
local int i ;
for ( i = ( HUDWidgets . Length - 1 ) ; i >= 0 ; -- i )
if ( HUDWidgets [ i ] . bVisible && HUDWidgets [ i ] . NotifyInputAxis ( ControllerId , Key , Delta , DeltaTime , bGamepad ) )
return true ;
return false ;
function bool NotifyInputChar ( int ControllerId , string Unicode )
local int i ;
for ( i = ( HUDWidgets . Length - 1 ) ; i >= 0 ; -- i )
if ( HUDWidgets [ i ] . bVisible && HUDWidgets [ i ] . NotifyInputChar ( ControllerId , Unicode ) )
return true ;
return false ;
delegate int SortRenderDistance ( KFPawn _Human PawnA , KFPawn _Human PawnB )
return VSizeSq ( PawnA . Location - PlayerOwner . Location ) < VSizeSq ( PawnB . Location - PlayerOwner . Location ) ? - 1 : 0 ;
function DrawHUD ( )
local KFPawn _Human KFPH ;
local vector PlayerPartyInfoLocation ;
local array < PlayerReplicationInfo > VisibleHumanPlayers ;
local array < sHiddenHumanPawnInfo > HiddenHumanPlayers ;
local float ThisDot ;
local vector TargetLocation ;
local Actor LocActor ;
local int i ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( KFPlayerOwner != none && KFPlayerOwner . Pawn != None && KFPlayerOwner . Pawn . Weapon != None )
KFPlayerOwner . Pawn . Weapon . DrawHUD ( self , Canvas ) ;
Super ( HUD ) . DrawHUD ( ) ;
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( true ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bDisablePickupInfo && WeaponPickup != None )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
DrawWeaponPickupInfo ( ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bEnableDamagePopups )
DrawDamage ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( KFPlayerOwner != None && KFPlayerOwner . Pawn != None )
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bDisableLockOnUI && KFWeap _MedicBase ( KFPlayerOwner . Pawn . Weapon ) != None )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
DrawMedicWeaponLockOn ( KFWeap _MedicBase ( KFPlayerOwner . Pawn . Weapon ) ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bDisableRechargeUI && ! KFPlayerOwner . bCinematicMode )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
DrawMedicWeaponRecharge ( ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( false ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bDisableHUD )
DrawTraderIndicator ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( KFGRI == None )
KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo ( WorldInfo . GRI ) ;
if ( KFPlayerOwner == None )
return ;
if ( ! KFPlayerOwner . bCinematicMode )
LocActor = KFPlayerOwner . ViewTarget != none ? KFPlayerOwner . ViewTarget : KFPlayerOwner ;
if ( KFPlayerOwner != none && ( bDrawCrosshair || bForceDrawCrosshair || KFPlayerOwner . GetTeamNum ( ) == 255 ) )
DrawCrosshair ( ) ;
if ( PlayerOwner . GetTeamNum ( ) == 0 )
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( true ) ;
// Probably slow but needed to properly sort the rendering so farther elements don't overlap closer ones.
PawnList . Sort ( SortRenderDistance ) ;
foreach PawnList ( KFPH )
if ( KFPH != None && KFPH . IsAliveAndWell ( ) && KFPH != KFPlayerOwner . Pawn && KFPH . Mesh . SkeletalMesh != none && KFPH . Mesh . bAnimTreeInitialised )
PlayerPartyInfoLocation = KFPH . Mesh . GetPosition ( ) + ( KFPH . CylinderComponent . CollisionHeight * vect ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
if ( ` TimeSince(KFPH.Mesh.LastRenderTime) < 0.2f && Normal(PlayerPartyInfoLocation - PLCameraLoc) dot PLCameraDir > 0.f )
if ( DrawFriendlyHumanPlayerInfo ( KFPH ) )
VisibleHumanPlayers . AddItem ( KFPH . PlayerReplicationInfo ) ;
HiddenHumanPlayers . Insert ( 0 , 1 ) ;
HiddenHumanPlayers [ 0 ] . HumanPawn = KFPH ;
HiddenHumanPlayers [ 0 ] . HumanPRI = KFPH . PlayerReplicationInfo ;
HiddenHumanPlayers . Insert ( 0 , 1 ) ;
HiddenHumanPlayers [ 0 ] . HumanPawn = KFPH ;
HiddenHumanPlayers [ 0 ] . HumanPRI = KFPH . PlayerReplicationInfo ;
if ( ! KFGRI . bHidePawnIcons )
CheckAndDrawHiddenPlayerIcons ( VisibleHumanPlayers , HiddenHumanPlayers ) ;
CheckAndDrawRemainingZedIcons ( ) ;
if ( KFGRI . CurrentObjective != none && KFGRI . ObjectiveInterface != none )
KFGRI . ObjectiveInterface . DrawHUD ( self , Canvas ) ;
TargetLocation = KFGRI . ObjectiveInterface . GetIconLocation ( ) ;
ThisDot = Normal ( ( TargetLocation + ( class 'KFPawn_Human' . default . CylinderComponent . CollisionHeight * vect ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ) - PLCameraLoc ) dot PLCameraDir ;
if ( ThisDot > 0 &&
KFGRI . ObjectiveInterface . ShouldShowObjectiveHUD ( ) &&
( ! KFGRI . ObjectiveInterFace . HasObjectiveDrawDistance ( ) || VSizeSq ( TargetLocation - LocActor . Location ) < MaxDrawDistanceObjective ) )
DrawObjectiveHUD ( ) ;
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( false ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bDisableHUD )
return ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( KillMessages . Length > 0 )
RenderKillMsg ( ) ;
if ( NonCriticalMessages . Length > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < NonCriticalMessages . Length ; ++ i )
DrawNonCritialMessage ( i , NonCriticalMessages [ i ] , Canvas . ClipX * 0.5 , Canvas . ClipY * 0.9 ) ;
if ( PriorityMessage != default . PriorityMessage )
DrawPriorityMessage ( ) ;
if ( NotificationPhase != PHASE _DONE )
DrawPopupInfo ( ) ;
if ( BossPawn != None && BossPawn . GetMonsterPawn ( ) . IsAliveAndWell ( ) )
DrawBossHealthBars ( ) ;
else if ( ScriptedPawn != None )
DrawEscortHealthBars ( ) ;
if ( NewItems . Length > 0 )
DrawItemsList ( ) ;
simulated function SearchInventoryForNewItem ( )
local int i , j ;
if ( WasNewlyAdded . Length != OnlineSub . CurrentInventory . Length )
WasNewlyAdded . Length = OnlineSub . CurrentInventory . Length ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < OnlineSub . CurrentInventory . Length ; ++ i )
if ( OnlineSub . CurrentInventory [ i ] . NewlyAdded == 1 && WasNewlyAdded [ i ] == 0 )
WasNewlyAdded [ i ] = 1 ;
if ( WorldInfo . TimeSeconds < 80. f || ! bLoadedInitItems ) // Skip initial inventory.
continue ;
j = OnlineSub . ItemPropertiesList . Find ( 'Definition' , OnlineSub . CurrentInventory [ i ] . Definition ) ;
if ( j != INDEX _NONE )
NewItems . Insert ( 0 , 1 ) ;
NewItems [ 0 ] . Item = OnlineSub . ItemPropertiesList [ j ] . Name$ " [" $RarityStr ( OnlineSub . ItemPropertiesList [ j ] . Rarity ) $ "]" ;
NewItems [ 0 ] . MsgTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
PlayerOwner . PlayAKEvent ( AkEvent 'WW_UI_Menu.Play_UI_Drop' ) ;
bLoadedInitItems = true ;
simulated final function string RarityStr ( byte R )
switch ( R )
case ITR _Common : return "Common" ;
case ITR _Uncommon : return "Uncommon" ;
case ITR _Rare : return "Rare" ;
case ITR _Legendary : return "Legendary" ;
case ITR _ExceedinglyRare : return "Exceedingly Rare" ;
case ITR _Mythical : return "Mythical" ;
default : return "Very Common" ;
simulated final function DrawItemsList ( )
local int i ;
local float T , FontScale , XS , YS , YSize , XPos , YPos , BT , OT ;
local Color BackgroundColor , OutlineColor , TextColor ;
FontScale = Canvas . ClipY / 660. f ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScale ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( "ABC" , XS , YSize , FontScale , FontScale ) ;
YSize *= 2. f ;
YPos = Canvas . ClipY * 0.7 - YSize ;
XPos = Canvas . ClipX - YSize * 0.15 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NewItems . Length ; ++ i )
T = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds - NewItems [ i ] . MsgTime ;
BT = T ;
OT = T ;
if ( T >= 10. f )
NewItems . Remove ( i -- , 1 ) ;
continue ;
if ( T > 9. f )
T = 255. f * ( 10. f - T ) ;
TextColor = MakeColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , T ) ;
BT = HudMainColor . A * ( 10. f - BT ) ;
BackgroundColor = MakeColor ( HudMainColor . R , HudMainColor . G , HudMainColor . B , BT ) ;
OT = HudOutlineColor . A * ( 10. f - OT ) ;
OutlineColor = MakeColor ( HudOutlineColor . R , HudOutlineColor . G , HudOutlineColor . B , OT ) ;
TextColor = MakeColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
BackgroundColor = HudMainColor ;
OutlineColor = HudOutlineColor ;
Canvas . TextSize ( NewItems [ i ] . Item , XS , YS , FontScale , FontScale ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawOutlinedBox ( XPos - ( XS + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ) , YPos - ( ScaledBorderSize * 0.5 ) , XS + ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , YSize + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , 1 , BackgroundColor , OutlineColor ) ;
XS = XPos - XS ;
Canvas . DrawColor = TextColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XS , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "New Item:" , , FontScale , FontScale ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XS , YPos + ( YSize * 0.5 ) ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( NewItems [ i ] . Item , , FontScale , FontScale ) ;
YPos -= YSize ;
simulated function CheckForItems ( )
if ( KFGRI != none )
KFGRI . ProcessChanceDrop ( ) ;
SetTimer ( 260 + FRand ( ) * 220. f , false , 'CheckForItems' ) ;
function AddPopupMessage ( const out PopupMessage NewMessage )
MessageQueue . AddItem ( NewMessage ) ;
if ( MessageQueue . Length == 1 )
NotificationPhaseStartTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
NotificationPhase = PHASE _SHOWING ;
function DrawPopupInfo ( )
local float IconSize , TempX , TempY , DrawHeight , TimeElapsed , TempWidth , TempHeight , FontScalar , NotificationHeight , NotificationWidth ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScalar ) ;
NotificationHeight = GUIStyle . DefaultHeight * 1.5 f ;
Canvas . TextSize ( MessageQueue [ 0 ] . Body , TempWidth , TempHeight , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
NotificationWidth = TempWidth + ( NotificationHeight * 2 ) + ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) ;
TimeElapsed = ` TimeSince(NotificationPhaseStartTime);
switch ( NotificationPhase )
if ( TimeElapsed < NotificationShowTime )
DrawHeight = ( TimeElapsed / NotificationShowTime ) * NotificationHeight ;
NotificationPhase = PHASE _DELAYING ;
NotificationPhaseStartTime = ` TimeSince(TimeElapsed - NotificationShowTime);
DrawHeight = NotificationHeight ;
break ;
if ( TimeElapsed < NotificationHideDelay )
DrawHeight = NotificationHeight ;
NotificationPhase = PHASE _HIDING ; // Hiding Phase
TimeElapsed -= NotificationHideDelay ;
NotificationPhaseStartTime = ` TimeSince(TimeElapsed);
DrawHeight = ( 1.0 - ( TimeElapsed / NotificationHideTime ) ) * NotificationHeight ;
break ;
if ( TimeElapsed < NotificationHideTime )
DrawHeight = ( 1.0 - ( TimeElapsed / NotificationHideTime ) ) * NotificationHeight ;
// We're done
MessageQueue . Remove ( 0 , 1 ) ;
if ( MessageQueue . Length != 0 )
NotificationPhaseStartTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
NotificationPhase = PHASE _SHOWING ;
NotificationPhase = PHASE _DONE ;
return ;
break ;
switch ( MessageQueue [ 0 ] . MsgPosition )
case PP _TOP _LEFT :
TempX = 0 ;
break ;
case PP _TOP _CENTER :
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TempX = ( Canvas . ClipX * 0.5 f ) - ( NotificationWidth * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
break ;
case PP _TOP _RIGHT :
TempX = Canvas . ClipX - NotificationWidth ;
break ;
default :
` Warn("Unrecognized position:" @ MessageQueue[0].MsgPosition);
break ;
switch ( MessageQueue [ 0 ] . MsgPosition )
TempY = Canvas . ClipY - DrawHeight - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
break ;
case PP _TOP _CENTER :
case PP _TOP _LEFT :
case PP _TOP _RIGHT :
TempY = DrawHeight - NotificationHeight + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
break ;
default :
` Warn("Unrecognized position:" @ MessageQueue[0].MsgPosition);
break ;
// Draw the Background
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , TempX , TempY , NotificationWidth , NotificationHeight , HudMainColor ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , TempX , TempY , NotificationHeight , NotificationHeight , HudOutlineColor , true , false , true , false ) ;
IconSize = NotificationHeight - ( NotificationBorderSize * 2.0 ) ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( TempX + ( ( NotificationHeight - IconSize ) * 0.5 f ) , TempY + ( ( NotificationHeight - IconSize ) * 0.5 f ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawTile ( MessageQueue [ 0 ] . Image , IconSize , IconSize , 1 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( TempX + ( NotificationHeight * 0.5 f ) + ( ( NotificationWidth - TempWidth ) * 0.5 f ) , TempY + ( ( NotificationHeight - TempHeight ) * 0.5 f ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawText ( MessageQueue [ 0 ] . Body , , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
function string GetGameInfoText ( )
if ( KFGRI != None )
if ( KFGRI . bTraderIsOpen )
return GUIStyle . GetTimeString ( KFGRI . GetTraderTimeRemaining ( ) ) ;
else if ( KFGRI . bWaveIsActive )
if ( KFGRI . IsBossWave ( ) )
return class 'KFGFxHUD_WaveInfo' . default . BossWaveString ;
else if ( KFGRI . IsEndlessWave ( ) )
return Chr ( 0x221E ) ;
else if ( KFGRI . bMatchIsOver )
return "---" ;
return string ( KFGRI . AIRemaining ) ;
return "" ;
function string GetGameInfoSubText ( )
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
if ( KFGRI != None && ! KFGRI . IsBossWave ( ) )
return class 'KFGFxHUD_WaveInfo' . default . WaveString @ KFGameReplicationInfo _Endless ( KFGRI ) != None ? string ( KFGRI . WaveNum ) : string ( KFGRI . WaveNum ) $ "/" $ string ( KFGRI . WaveMax - 1 ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
return "" ;
function DrawHUDBox
out float X ,
out float Y ,
float Width ,
float Height ,
coerce string Text ,
float TextScale = 1. f ,
optional HUDBoxRenderInfo HBRI
local float XL , YL , IconXL , IconYL , IconW , TextX , TextY ;
local bool bUseAlpha ;
local int i ;
local FontRenderInfo FRI ;
local Color BoxColor , OutlineColor , TextColor , BlankColor ;
FRI . bClipText = true ;
FRI . bEnableShadow = true ;
bUseAlpha = HBRI . Alpha != - 1. f ;
BoxColor = HBRI . BoxColor == BlankColor ? HudMainColor : HBRI . BoxColor ;
OutlineColor = HBRI . OutlineColor == BlankColor ? HudOutlineColor : HBRI . OutlineColor ;
TextColor = HBRI . TextColor == BlankColor ? FontColor : HBRI . TextColor ;
if ( bUseAlpha )
BoxColor . A = byte ( Min ( HBRI . Alpha , HudMainColor . A ) ) ;
OutlineColor . A = byte ( Min ( HBRI . Alpha , HudOutlineColor . A ) ) ;
TextColor . A = byte ( HBRI . Alpha ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bLightHUD )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( HBRI . bUseRounded )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( HBRI . bHighlighted )
if ( HBRI . bRoundedOutline )
GUIStyle . DrawOutlinedBox ( X + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , Y , Width - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , Height , ScaledBorderSize , BoxColor , OutlineColor ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = BoxColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( X + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , Y ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawWhiteBox ( Width - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , Height ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , X , Y , ScaledBorderSize * 2 , Height , OutlineColor , true , false , true , false ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , X + Width - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , Y , ScaledBorderSize * 2 , Height , OutlineColor , false , true , false , true ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( HBRI . bRoundedOutline )
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxOutlined ( ScaledBorderSize , X , Y , Width , Height , BoxColor , OutlineColor ) ;
else GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , X , Y , Width , Height , BoxColor ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
else GUIStyle . DrawOutlinedBox ( X , Y , Width , Height , ScaledBorderSize , BoxColor , OutlineColor ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( HBRI . IconTex != None )
if ( HBRI . IconScale == 1. f )
HBRI . IconScale = Height ;
IconW = HBRI . IconScale - ( HBRI . bUseRounded ? 0. f : ScaledBorderSize ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
IconXL = X + ( IconW * 0.5 f ) ;
IconYL = Y + ( Height * 0.5 f ) - ( IconW * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( HudOutlineColor != DefaultHudOutlineColor )
Canvas . DrawColor = HudOutlineColor ;
if ( ! bUseAlpha )
Canvas . DrawColor . A = 255 ;
else Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , bUseAlpha ? byte ( HBRI . Alpha ) : 255 ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( IconXL , IconYL ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( IconW , IconW , HBRI . IconTex ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = TextColor ;
if ( HBRI . StringArray . Length < 1 )
Canvas . TextSize ( Text , XL , YL , TextScale , TextScale ) ;
if ( HBRI . IconTex != None )
TextX = IconXL + IconW + ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
else TextX = X + ( Width * 0.5 f ) - ( XL * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TextY = Y + ( Height * 0.5 f ) - ( YL * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( ! HBRI . bUseRounded )
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TextY -= ( ScaledBorderSize * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Always one pixel off, could not find the source
if ( Canvas . SizeX != 1920 )
TextY -= GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 1. f ) ;
if ( HBRI . bUseOutline )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( Text , TextX , TextY , 1 , TextScale ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( TextX , TextY ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( Text , , TextScale , TextScale , FRI ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TextY = Y + ( ( Height * 0.05 ) * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < HBRI . StringArray . Length ; ++ i )
Canvas . TextSize ( HBRI . StringArray [ i ] , XL , YL , TextScale , TextScale ) ;
if ( HBRI . IconTex != None )
TextX = IconXL + IconW + ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
else TextX = X + ( Width * 0.5 f ) - ( XL * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( HBRI . bUseOutline )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( HBRI . StringArray [ i ] , TextX , TextY , 1 , TextScale ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( TextX , TextY ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( HBRI . StringArray [ i ] , , TextScale , TextScale , FRI ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TextY += YL - ( ScaledBorderSize * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
switch ( HBRI . Justification )
case HUDA _Right :
X += Width + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( HBRI . JustificationPadding ) - ScaledBorderSize ;
break ;
case HUDA _Left :
X -= Width + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( HBRI . JustificationPadding ) - ScaledBorderSize ;
break ;
case HUDA _Top :
Y += Height + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( HBRI . JustificationPadding ) - ScaledBorderSize ;
break ;
case HUDA _Bottom :
Y -= Height + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( HBRI . JustificationPadding ) - ScaledBorderSize ;
break ;
function RenderKFHUD ( KFPawn _Human KFPH )
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
local float scale _w , scale _w2 , FontScalar , OriginalFontScalar , XL , YL , ObjYL , BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , DoshXL , DoshYL , PerkXL , PerkYL , StarXL , StarYL , ObjectiveH , SecondaryXL , SecondaryYL , PerkLevelXL , PerkLevelYL , PerkIconY ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
local float PerkProgressSize , PerkProgressX , PerkProgressY ;
local byte PerkLevel ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
local int i , XPos , YPos , DrawCircleSize , FlashlightCharge , AmmoCount , MagCount , CurrentScore , Index , ObjectiveSize , ObjectivePadding , ObjX , ObjY , bStatusWarning , bStatusNotification , PrestigeLevel ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
local string CircleText , SubCircleText , WeaponName , TraderDistanceText , ObjectiveTitle , ObjectiveDesc , ObjectiveProgress , ObjectiveReward , ObjectiveStatusMessage ;
local bool bSingleFire , bHasSecondaryAmmo ;
local Texture2D PerkIcon ;
local KFInventoryManager Inv ;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo MyKFPRI ;
local KFWeapon CurrentWeapon ;
local KFTraderTrigger T ;
local KFGFxObject _TraderItems TraderItems ;
local FontRenderInfo FRI ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
local Color HealthFontColor , PerkStarColor ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
local HUDBoxRenderInfo HBRI ;
local KFInterface _MapObjective MapObjective ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bDisableHUD || KFPlayerOwner . bCinematicMode )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
return ;
FRI . bClipText = true ;
FRI . bEnableShadow = true ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar ) ;
scale _w = GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 64 ) ;
scale _w2 = GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 32 ) ;
BoxXL = SizeX * 0.015 ;
BoxYL = SizeY * 0.935 ;
BoxSW = SizeX * 0.0625 ;
BoxSH = SizeY * 0.0425 ;
// Trader/Wave info
if ( KFGRI != None )
CircleText = GetGameInfoText ( ) ;
SubCircleText = GetGameInfoSubText ( ) ;
if ( CircleText != "" )
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar , false , KFGRI . IsEndlessWave ( ) ) ;
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( KFGRI . IsEndlessWave ( ) ? 0.75 : 0.3 ) ;
DrawCircleSize = GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 128 ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bLightHUD )
if ( HudOutlineColor != DefaultHudOutlineColor )
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( HudOutlineColor . R , HudOutlineColor . G , HudOutlineColor . B , 255 ) ;
else Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( Canvas . ClipX - DrawCircleSize , 2 ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( DrawCircleSize , DrawCircleSize , ( KFGRI != None && KFGRI . bWaveIsActive ) ? BioCircle : WaveCircle ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . TextSize ( CircleText , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
XPos = Canvas . ClipX - DrawCircleSize * 0.5 f - ( XL * 0.5 f ) ;
YPos = SubCircleText != "" ? DrawCircleSize * 0.5 f - ( YL / 1.5 ) : DrawCircleSize * 0.5 f - YL * 0.5 f ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( CircleText , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( CircleText , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( SubCircleText != "" )
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar ) ;
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar ;
Canvas . TextSize ( SubCircleText , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
XPos = Canvas . ClipX - DrawCircleSize * 0.5 f - ( XL * 0.5 f ) ;
YPos = DrawCircleSize * 0.5 f + ( YL / 2.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( SubCircleText , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( SubCircleText , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( ! bShowHUD || KFPH == None )
return ;
Inv = KFInventoryManager ( KFPH . InvManager ) ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar , true ) ;
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.3 ) ;
HBRI . IconScale = scale _w2 ;
HBRI . Justification = HUDA _Right ;
HBRI . TextColor = FontColor ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
HBRI . bUseOutline = bLightHUD ;
if ( ! bHidePlayerInfo )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
// Health
HealthFontColor = FontColor ;
if ( KFPH . Health < 50 )
HealthFontColor . R = 255 ;
HealthFontColor . G = Clamp ( Sin ( WorldInfo . TimeSeconds * 12 ) * 200 + 200 , 0 , 200 ) ;
HealthFontColor . B = 0 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
HBRI . TextColor = HealthFontColor ;
HBRI . IconTex = HealthIcon ;
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , string ( KFPH . Health ) , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
HBRI . TextColor = FontColor ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
// Armor
HBRI . IconTex = ArmorIcon ;
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , string ( KFPH . Armor ) , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
if ( Inv != None )
HBRI . IconTex = WeightIcon ;
// Weight
BoxSW = SizeX * 0.082 ;
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , Inv . CurrentCarryBlocks$ "/" $Inv . MaxCarryBlocks , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
BoxSW = SizeX * 0.0625 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
MyKFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo ( KFPlayerOwner . PlayerReplicationInfo ) ;
if ( MyKFPRI != None )
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bHideDosh )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.625 ) ;
// Dosh
DoshXL = SizeX * 0.85 ;
DoshYL = SizeY * 0.835 ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( DoshXL + 1 , DoshYL + 1 ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( scale _w , scale _w , DoshIcon ) ;
if ( HudOutlineColor != DefaultHudOutlineColor )
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( HudOutlineColor . R , HudOutlineColor . G , HudOutlineColor . B , 255 ) ;
else Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( DoshXL , DoshYL ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( scale _w , scale _w , DoshIcon ) ;
CurrentScore = int ( MyKFPRI . Score ) ;
if ( OldPlayerScore != CurrentScore )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
NotifyDoshEarned ( CurrentScore - OldPlayerScore ) ;
OldPlayerScore = CurrentScore ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ScoreDelta != CurrentScore )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bInterpolating )
bInterpolating = true ;
TimeX = WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds ;
TimeXEnd = TimeX + 1. f ;
PlayerScore = Clamp ( FInterpEaseInOut ( PlayerScore , CurrentScore , GUIStyle . TimeFraction ( TimeX , TimeXEnd , WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds ) , 1.5 f ) , 0 , CurrentScore ) ;
if ( PlayerScore == CurrentScore )
bInterpolating = false ;
ScoreDelta = CurrentScore ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
Canvas . TextSize ( PlayerScore , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( PlayerScore , DoshXL + ( DoshXL * 0.035 ) , DoshYL + ( scale _w * 0.5 f ) - ( YL * 0.5 f ) , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bShowDoshEarned && DoshPopups . Length > 0 )
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
DrawDoshEarned ( ( DoshXL + ( DoshXL * 0.035 ) ) + ( ( scale _w - XL ) * 0.5 f ) , DoshYL ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Draw Perk Info
if ( MyKFPRI . CurrentPerkClass != None )
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
PrestigeLevel = MyKFPRI . GetActivePerkPrestigeLevel ( ) ;
PerkLevel = MyKFPRI . GetActivePerkLevel ( ) ;
PerkIcon = MyKFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . default . PerkIcon ;
//Perk Icon
PerkXL = SizeX - ( SizeX - 12 ) ;
PerkYL = SizeY * 0.8625 ;
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( PerkLevel @ MyKFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . default . PerkName , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
PerkLevelXL = PerkXL + scale _w + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
PerkLevelYL = PerkYL + ( scale _w - YL ) + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
PerkIconY = PerkYL ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( PerkLevel @ MyKFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . default . PerkName , PerkLevelXL , PerkLevelYL , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar , true ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( PrestigeLevel > 0 )
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkXL + 1 , PerkIconY + 1 ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawTile ( MyKFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . default . PrestigeIcons [ PrestigeLevel - 1 ] , scale _w , scale _w , 0 , 3 , 256 , 256 ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkXL , PerkIconY ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawTile ( MyKFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . default . PrestigeIcons [ PrestigeLevel - 1 ] , scale _w , scale _w , 0 , 3 , 256 , 256 ) ;
if ( PrestigeLevel > 0 )
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkXL + ( ( scale _w * 0.5 f ) - ( ( scale _w * PrestigeIconScale ) * 0.5 f ) ) , PerkIconY + ( ( scale _w * 0.5 f ) - ( ( scale _w * PrestigeIconScale ) * 0.5 f ) ) - 4 ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawRect ( scale _w * PrestigeIconScale , scale _w * PrestigeIconScale , PerkIcon ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkXL + 1 , PerkIconY + 1 ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawRect ( scale _w , scale _w , PerkIcon ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkXL , PerkIconY ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawRect ( scale _w , scale _w , PerkIcon ) ;
//Perk Stars
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
if ( PrestigeLevel > 0 )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
PerkIconSize = GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( default . PerkIconSize ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
StarXL = PerkLevelXL + PerkIconSize ;
StarYL = PerkLevelYL - PerkIconSize ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
PerkStarColor = MakeColor ( 255 , 200 * ( PrestigeLevel / ` MAX_PRESTIGE_LEVEL), 15, 255);
for ( i = 0 ; i < PrestigeLevel ; i ++ )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( StarXL + 1 , StarYL + 1 ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( PerkIconSize , PerkIconSize , PerkStarIcon ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
Canvas . DrawColor = PerkStarColor ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . SetPos ( StarXL , StarYL ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( PerkIconSize , PerkIconSize , PerkStarIcon ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
StarXL += PerkIconSize ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Progress Bar
PerkProgressSize = GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 76 ) ;
PerkProgressX = Canvas . ClipX * 0.007 ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
PerkProgressY = PerkIconY - ( PerkProgressSize * 0.125 f ) - ScaledBorderSize ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
bDisplayingProgress = true ;
LevelProgressBar = KFPlayerOwner . GetPerkLevelProgressPercentage ( KFPlayerOwner . CurrentPerk . Class ) / 100. f ;
DrawProgressBar ( PerkProgressX , PerkProgressY - PerkProgressSize * 0.12 f , PerkProgressSize * 2. f , PerkProgressSize * 0.125 f , VisualProgressBar ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bShowXPEarned && XPPopups . Length > 0 )
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
DrawXPEarned ( PerkProgressX + ( PerkProgressSize * 0.5 f ) , PerkProgressY - ( PerkProgressSize * 0.125 f ) - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Trader Distance/Objective Container
if ( KFGRI != None )
if ( KFGRI . OpenedTrader != None || KFGRI . NextTrader != None )
T = KFGRI . OpenedTrader != None ? KFGRI . OpenedTrader : KFGRI . NextTrader ;
if ( T != None )
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.3 ) ;
TraderDistanceText = "Trader" $ ": " $int ( VSize ( T . Location - KFPH . Location ) / 100. f ) $ "m" ;
Canvas . TextSize ( TraderDistanceText , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( TraderDistanceText , Canvas . ClipX * 0.015 , YL , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar , true ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
//Map Objectives
MapObjective = KFInterface _MapObjective ( KFGRI . CurrentObjective ) ;
if ( MapObjective == None )
MapObjective = KFInterface _MapObjective ( KFGRI . PreviousObjective ) ;
if ( MapObjective != None && ( MapObjective . IsActive ( ) || ( ( MapObjective . IsComplete ( ) || MapObjective . HasFailedObjective ( ) ) && KFGRI . bWaveIsActive ) ) )
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.155 ) ;
ObjectivePadding = GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 8 ) ;
ObjectiveH = GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 142 ) ;
ObjectiveSize = ObjectiveH * 2.25 ;
ObjX = Canvas . ClipX * 0.015 ;
ObjY = T != None ? ( YL * 2 ) + ObjectivePadding : ObjectiveH ;
ObjectiveTitle = Localize ( "Objectives" , "ObjectiveTitle" , "KFGame" ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( ObjectiveTitle , XL , ObjYL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxOutlined ( ScaledBorderSize , ObjX , ObjY , ObjectiveSize , ObjectiveH , HudMainColor , HudOutlineColor ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Objective Title
XPos = ObjX + ObjectivePadding ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
YPos = ObjY + ( ( ObjectivePadding - ScaledBorderSize ) * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( MapObjective . GetIcon ( ) != None )
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos + ScaledBorderSize , YPos + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2.5 ) + 0.5 ) ;
Canvas . DrawTile ( MapObjective . GetIcon ( ) , ObjYL - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , ObjYL - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
XPos += ( ObjYL - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ) + ObjectivePadding ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( ObjectiveTitle , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( ObjectiveTitle , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Objective Progress
if ( MapObjective . IsComplete ( ) )
ObjectiveProgress = Localize ( "Objectives" , "SuccessString" , "KFGame" ) ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 0 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) ;
else if ( MapObjective . HasFailedObjective ( ) )
ObjectiveProgress = Localize ( "Objectives" , "FailedString" , "KFGame" ) ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
ObjectiveProgress = MapObjective . GetProgressText ( ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
Canvas . TextSize ( ObjectiveProgress , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
XPos = ObjX + ( ObjectiveSize - XL - ObjectivePadding ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( ObjectiveProgress , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( ObjectiveProgress , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Objective Reward
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 0 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) ;
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.1 ) ;
ObjectiveReward = "<22> " $ ( MapObjective . HasFailedObjective ( ) ? 0 : MapObjective . GetDoshReward ( ) ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( ObjectiveReward , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
XPos = ObjX + ( ObjectiveSize - XL - ObjectivePadding ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
YPos = ObjY + ( ( ObjectiveH - ObjYL ) * 0.5 f ) + ( YL * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( ObjectiveReward , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( ObjectiveReward , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Objective Description
ObjectiveDesc = MapObjective . GetLocalizedShortDescription ( ) ;
if ( MapObjective . IsComplete ( ) || MapObjective . HasFailedObjective ( ) )
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor * 0.5 f ;
else Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
YPos = ObjY + ( ( ObjectiveH - ObjYL ) / 1.5 f ) - ( YL / 1.5 f ) - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
XPos = ObjX + ObjectivePadding ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( ObjectiveDesc , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( ObjectiveDesc , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Status Message for the Objective
MapObjective . GetLocalizedStatus ( ObjectiveStatusMessage , bStatusWarning , bStatusNotification ) ;
if ( ObjectiveStatusMessage != "" )
if ( bool ( bStatusWarning ) )
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , Clamp ( Sin ( WorldInfo . TimeSeconds * 12 ) * 200 + 200 , 0 , 200 ) , 0 , 255 ) ;
else Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
Canvas . TextSize ( ObjectiveStatusMessage , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
XPos = ObjX + ObjectivePadding ;
YPos += YL ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( ObjectiveStatusMessage , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( ObjectiveStatusMessage , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-15 13:08:59 -06:00
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar , true ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
CurrentWeapon = KFWeapon ( KFPH . Weapon ) ;
if ( CurrentWeapon != None )
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ! bHideWeaponInfo )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.1 ) ;
// Weapon Name
if ( CachedWeaponInfo . Weapon != CurrentWeapon )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( KFGRI != None )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
TraderItems = KFGRI . TraderItems ;
if ( TraderItems != None )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
Index = TraderItems . SaleItems . Find ( 'ClassName' , CurrentWeapon . Class . Name ) ;
if ( Index != INDEX _NONE )
WeaponName = TraderItems . SaleItems [ Index ] . WeaponDef . static . GetItemName ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( WeaponName == "" )
WeaponName = CurrentWeapon . ItemName ;
CachedWeaponInfo . Weapon = CurrentWeapon ;
CachedWeaponInfo . WeaponName = WeaponName ;
else WeaponName = CachedWeaponInfo . WeaponName ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
Canvas . TextSize ( WeaponName , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( WeaponName , ( SizeX * 0.95 f ) - XL , SizeY * 0.892 f , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
BoxXL = SizeX * 0.915 ;
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.3 ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
HBRI . Justification = HUDA _Left ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( Inv != None )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
// Grenades
HBRI . IconTex = GrenadesIcon ;
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , string ( Inv . GrenadeCount ) , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
// ToDo - Find better way to check for weapons like the Welder and Med Syringe
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
if ( CurrentWeapon . UsesAmmo ( ) || CurrentWeapon . GetSpecialAmmoForHUD ( ) != "" || CurrentWeapon . IsA ( 'KFWeap_Welder' ) || CurrentWeapon . IsA ( 'KFWeap_Healer_Syringe' ) )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
bSingleFire = CurrentWeapon . MagazineCapacity [ 0 ] <= 1 ;
bHasSecondaryAmmo = CurrentWeapon . UsesSecondaryAmmo ( ) ;
AmmoCount = CurrentWeapon . AmmoCount [ 0 ] ;
MagCount = bSingleFire ? CurrentWeapon . GetSpareAmmoForHUD ( ) : FCeil ( float ( CurrentWeapon . GetSpareAmmoForHUD ( ) ) / float ( CurrentWeapon . MagazineCapacity [ 0 ] ) ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
if ( CurrentWeapon . IsA ( 'KFWeap_Welder' ) || CurrentWeapon . IsA ( 'KFWeap_Healer_Syringe' ) || CurrentWeapon . GetSpecialAmmoForHUD ( ) != "" )
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
bSingleFire = true ;
MagCount = AmmoCount ;
// Clips
HBRI . IconTex = GetClipIcon ( CurrentWeapon , bSingleFire ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , CurrentWeapon . GetSpecialAmmoForHUD ( ) != "" ? CurrentWeapon . GetSpecialAmmoForHUD ( ) : string ( MagCount ) , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
// Bullets
if ( ! bSingleFire )
HBRI . IconTex = GetBulletIcon ( CurrentWeapon ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , AmmoCount , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
// Secondary Ammo
if ( bHasSecondaryAmmo )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( CurrentWeapon . AmmoCount [ class 'KFWeapon' . const . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] <= 0 )
SecondaryXL = BoxXL ;
SecondaryYL = BoxYL - BoxSH ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
HBRI . IconTex = None ;
HBRI . TextColor = MakeColor ( 255 , Clamp ( Sin ( WorldInfo . TimeSeconds * 12 ) * 200 + 200 , 0 , 200 ) , 0 , 255 ) ;
DrawHUDBox ( SecondaryXL , SecondaryYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , "RELOAD" , FontScalar * 0.75 , HBRI ) ;
HBRI . TextColor = FontColor ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
HBRI . IconTex = GetSecondaryAmmoIcon ( CurrentWeapon ) ;
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , CurrentWeapon . GetSecondaryAmmoForHUD ( ) , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
// Flashlight
FlashlightCharge = KFPH . BatteryCharge ;
if ( FlashlightCharge != KFPH . default . BatteryCharge || KFPH . bFlashlightOn )
HBRI . IconTex = KFPH . bFlashlightOn ? FlashlightIcon : FlashlightOffIcon ;
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXL , BoxYL , BoxSW , BoxSH , string ( int ( KFPH . BatteryCharge ) ) , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Speed
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bShowSpeed )
DrawSpeedMeter ( ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
// Inventory
if ( bDisplayInventory )
DrawInventory ( ) ;
function RefreshInventory ( )
if ( ` TimeSince(InventoryFadeStartTime) > InventoryFadeInTime )
if ( ` TimeSince(InventoryFadeStartTime) > InventoryFadeTime - InventoryFadeOutTime )
InventoryFadeStartTime = ` TimeSince(InventoryFadeInTime + ((InventoryFadeTime - ` TimeSince ( InventoryFadeStartTime ) ) * InventoryFadeInTime ) ) ;
else InventoryFadeStartTime = ` TimeSince(InventoryFadeInTime);
function DrawInventory ( )
local InventoryCategory Categorized [ MAX _WEAPON _GROUPS ] ;
local int i , j ;
local byte FadeAlpha , OrgFadeAlpha , ItemIndex ;
local float TempSize , TempX , TempY , TempWidth , TempHeight , TempBorder , OriginalFontScalar , FontScalar , AmmoFontScalar , CatagoryFontScalar , UpgradeX , UpgradeY , UpgradeW , UpgradeH , EmptyW , EmptyH , EmptyX , EmptyY ;
local float XL , YL , XS , YS ;
local string WeaponName , S ;
local bool bHasAmmo ;
local KFWeapon KFW ;
local Color MainColor , OutlineColor ;
local HUDBoxRenderInfo HBRI ;
if ( PlayerOwner . Pawn == None || PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager == None )
return ;
TempSize = ` TimeSince(InventoryFadeStartTime);
if ( TempSize > InventoryFadeTime )
bDisplayInventory = false ;
return ;
if ( TempSize < InventoryFadeInTime )
FadeAlpha = int ( ( TempSize / InventoryFadeInTime ) * 255.0 ) ;
else if ( TempSize > InventoryFadeTime - InventoryFadeOutTime )
FadeAlpha = int ( ( 1.0 - ( ( TempSize - ( InventoryFadeTime - InventoryFadeOutTime ) ) / InventoryFadeOutTime ) ) * 255.0 ) ;
FadeAlpha = 255 ;
foreach PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager . InventoryActors ( class 'KFWeapon' , KFW )
if ( KFW . InventoryGroup < MAX _WEAPON _GROUPS )
Categorized [ KFW . InventoryGroup ] . Items [ Categorized [ KFW . InventoryGroup ] . ItemCount ++ ] = KFW ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OriginalFontScalar ) ;
FontScalar = OriginalFontScalar ;
AmmoFontScalar = OriginalFontScalar ;
CatagoryFontScalar = OriginalFontScalar ;
TempWidth = InventoryBoxWidth * Canvas . ClipX ;
TempHeight = InventoryBoxHeight * Canvas . ClipX ;
TempBorder = BorderSize * Canvas . ClipX ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TempX = ( Canvas . ClipX * 0.5 f ) - ( ( ( TempWidth + TempBorder ) * MAX _WEAPON _GROUPS ) * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
OrgFadeAlpha = FadeAlpha ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX _WEAPON _GROUPS ; i ++ )
if ( SelectedInventoryCategory == i && MaxWeaponIndex [ i ] != 0 )
if ( SelectedInventoryIndex == 0 && MinWeaponIndex [ i ] != 0 )
MinWeaponIndex [ i ] = 0 ;
if ( SelectedInventoryIndex > MaxWeaponIndex [ i ] )
MinWeaponIndex [ i ] = SelectedInventoryIndex - MaxWeaponsPerCatagory ;
else if ( SelectedInventoryIndex < MinWeaponIndex [ i ] )
MinWeaponIndex [ i ] -- ;
else if ( MinWeaponIndex [ i ] != 0 )
MinWeaponIndex [ i ] = 0 ;
TempY = InventoryY * Canvas . ClipY ;
HBRI . Justification = HUDA _Top ;
HBRI . JustificationPadding = 24 ;
HBRI . TextColor = FontColor ;
HBRI . Alpha = OrgFadeAlpha ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
HBRI . bUseOutline = bLightHUD ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
DrawHUDBox ( TempX , TempY , TempWidth , TempHeight * 0.25 , GetWeaponCatagoryName ( i ) , CatagoryFontScalar , HBRI ) ;
if ( Categorized [ i ] . ItemCount != 0 )
for ( j = 0 ; j < Categorized [ i ] . ItemCount ; j ++ )
if ( j < MinWeaponIndex [ i ] )
continue ;
KFW = Categorized [ i ] . Items [ j ] ;
bHasAmmo = KFW . HasAnyAmmo ( ) ;
if ( ! bHasAmmo )
FadeAlpha *= 0.5 ;
else if ( FadeAlpha != OrgFadeAlpha )
FadeAlpha = OrgFadeAlpha ;
OutlineColor = KFW . CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex > 0 ? MakeColor ( 255 , 255 , 0 ) : HudOutlineColor ;
OutlineColor . A = Min ( OrgFadeAlpha , default . DefaultHudOutlineColor . A ) ;
if ( i == SelectedInventoryCategory && j == SelectedInventoryIndex )
MainColor = HudOutlineColor * 0.5 ;
MainColor . A = Min ( FadeAlpha , DefaultHudOutlineColor . A ) ;
if ( KFW . CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex > 0 )
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxOutlined ( ScaledBorderSize , TempX , TempY , TempWidth , TempHeight , MainColor , OutlineColor ) ;
else GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , TempX , TempY , TempWidth , TempHeight , MainColor ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
if ( KFGRI != None && GetItemIndicesFromArche ( ItemIndex , KFW . Class . Name ) )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
WeaponName = KFGRI . TraderItems . SaleItems [ ItemIndex ] . WeaponDef . static . GetItemName ( ) ;
else WeaponName = KFW . ItemName ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
Canvas . TextSize ( WeaponName , XS , YS , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
while ( XS > TempWidth )
FontScalar -= 0.1 ;
Canvas . TextSize ( WeaponName , XS , YS , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( TempX + ( ( TempWidth * 0.5 f ) - ( XS * 0.5 f ) ) , TempY + ( YS / 4 ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawText ( WeaponName , , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
MainColor = HudMainColor ;
MainColor . A = Min ( FadeAlpha , default . DefaultHudMainColor . A ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , TempX , TempY , TempWidth , TempHeight , MainColor ) ;
if ( KFW . CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex > 0 )
S = "*" $KFW . CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , XS , YS , OriginalFontScalar , OriginalFontScalar ) ;
UpgradeW = XS + ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) ;
UpgradeH = YS + ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) ;
UpgradeX = TempX + ScaledBorderSize ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
UpgradeY = TempY + ( TempHeight * 0.5 f ) - ( UpgradeH * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , UpgradeX , UpgradeY , UpgradeW , UpgradeH , OutlineColor , false , true , false , true ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( S , UpgradeX + ( ( UpgradeW * 0.5 f ) - ( XS * 0.5 f ) ) , UpgradeY + ( UpgradeH * 0.5 f ) - ( YS * 0.5 f ) , 2 , OriginalFontScalar ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
XL = TempWidth * 0.75 ;
YL = TempHeight * 0.5 ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( TempX + ( ( TempWidth * 0.5 f ) - ( XL * 0.5 f ) ) , TempY + ( ( TempHeight * 0.5 f ) - ( YL * 0.5 f ) ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawRect ( XL , YL , KFW . WeaponSelectTexture ) ;
if ( KFW . static . UsesAmmo ( ) )
S = KFW . AmmoCount [ class 'KFWeapon' . const . DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] $ "/" $KFW . SpareAmmoCount [ class 'KFWeapon' . const . DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , XS , YS , AmmoFontScalar , AmmoFontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( TempX + ( TempWidth - XS ) - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , TempY + ( TempHeight - YS ) - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( S , , AmmoFontScalar , AmmoFontScalar ) ;
if ( KFW . UsesSecondaryAmmo ( ) && KFW . bCanRefillSecondaryAmmo )
if ( KFW . SpareAmmoCount [ class 'KFWeapon' . const . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] <= 0 )
S = "[" @ string ( KFW . AmmoCount [ class 'KFWeapon' . const . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] ) @ "]" ;
else S = "[" @ KFW . AmmoCount [ class 'KFWeapon' . const . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] $ "/" $KFW . SpareAmmoCount [ class 'KFWeapon' . const . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] @ "]" ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , XS , YS , AmmoFontScalar , AmmoFontScalar ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( TempX + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , TempY + ( TempHeight - YS ) - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( S , , AmmoFontScalar , AmmoFontScalar ) ;
if ( ! bHasAmmo )
S = "EMPTY" ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , XS , YS , OriginalFontScalar , OriginalFontScalar ) ;
EmptyW = XS * 1.25 f ;
EmptyH = YS * 1.25 f ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
EmptyX = TempX + ( ( TempWidth * 0.5 f ) - ( EmptyW * 0.5 f ) ) ;
EmptyY = TempY + ( ( TempHeight * 0.5 f ) - ( EmptyH * 0.5 f ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
MainColor = DefaultHudMainColor ;
MainColor . A = Min ( FadeAlpha , default . DefaultHudMainColor . A ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , EmptyX , EmptyY , EmptyW , EmptyH , MainColor ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( EmptyX + ( EmptyW * 0.5 f ) - ( XS * 0.5 f ) , EmptyY + ( EmptyH * 0.5 f ) - ( YS * 0.5 f ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawText ( S , , OriginalFontScalar , OriginalFontScalar ) ;
if ( ( TempY + TempHeight ) > ( Canvas . ClipY * 0.75 ) )
if ( MaxWeaponsPerCatagory == 0 )
MaxWeaponsPerCatagory = j ;
MaxWeaponIndex [ i ] = j ;
break ;
TempY += TempHeight ;
TempX += TempWidth + TempBorder ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
final function bool GetItemIndicesFromArche ( out byte ItemIndex , name WeaponClassName )
local int Index ;
Index = KFGRI . TraderItems . SaleItems . Find ( 'ClassName' , WeaponClassName ) ;
if ( Index != INDEX _NONE )
ItemIndex = Index ;
return true ;
return false ;
final function string GetWeaponCatagoryName ( int Index )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
switch ( Index )
case 0 :
return class 'KFGFxHUD_WeaponSelectWidget' . default . PrimaryString ;
case 1 :
return class 'KFGFxHUD_WeaponSelectWidget' . default . SecondaryString ;
case 2 :
return class 'KFGFxHUD_WeaponSelectWidget' . default . MeleeString ;
case 3 :
return class 'KFGFxHUD_WeaponSelectWidget' . default . EquiptmentString ;
default :
return "ERROR!!" ;
function DrawPriorityMessage ( )
local float XS , YS , TextX , TextY , IconX , IconY , BoxW , OrgBoxW , BoxH , OrgBoxH , BoxX , BoxY , OrignalFontScalar , FontScalar , Box2W , OrgBox2W , Box2H , OrgBox2H , Box2X , Box2Y , Box3W , Box3X , SecondaryXS , SecondaryYS , SecondaryScaler ;
local float TempSize , BoxAlpha , SecondaryBoxAlpha ;
local bool bHasIcon , bHasSecondaryIcon , bHasSecondary , bAlignTop , bAlignBottom , bAnimFinished ;
TempSize = ` TimeSince(PriorityMessage.StartTime);
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( OrignalFontScalar ) ;
bHasIcon = PriorityMessage . Icon != None ;
bHasSecondaryIcon = PriorityMessage . SecondaryIcon != None ;
bHasSecondary = PriorityMessage . SecondaryText != "" ;
FontScalar = OrignalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.85 f ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( PriorityMessage . PrimaryText , XS , YS , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
if ( bHasSecondary )
SecondaryScaler = OrignalFontScalar + GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.3 f ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( PriorityMessage . SecondaryText , SecondaryXS , SecondaryYS , SecondaryScaler , SecondaryScaler ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
BoxW = FMax ( XS , SecondaryXS + ( SecondaryXS * 0.5 f ) ) + ( YS * 2 ) * 2 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
else BoxW = XS + ( YS * 2 ) * 2 ;
BoxH = YS ;
OrgBoxW = BoxW ;
OrgBoxH = BoxH ;
if ( PriorityMessage . FadeInTime - TempSize > 0 )
BoxAlpha = ( PriorityMessage . FadeInTime - TempSize ) / PriorityMessage . FadeInTime ;
BoxAlpha = 1. f - BoxAlpha ;
else if ( ( PriorityMessage . LifeTime - TempSize ) < PriorityMessage . FadeOutTime )
BoxAlpha = ( PriorityMessage . LifeTime - TempSize ) / PriorityMessage . FadeOutTime ;
BoxAlpha = 1. f ;
if ( PriorityMessage . PrimaryAnim == ANIM _SLIDE )
BoxW = Lerp ( BoxH , BoxW , BoxAlpha ) ;
else BoxH = Lerp ( 0 , BoxH , BoxAlpha ) ;
if ( TempSize > PriorityMessage . LifeTime )
PriorityMessage = default . PriorityMessage ;
CurrentPriorityMessageA = 0 ;
CurrentSecondaryMessageA = 0 ;
return ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
BoxX = CenterX - ( BoxW * 0.5 f ) ;
BoxY = ( CenterY * 0.5 ) - ( BoxH * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TextX = BoxX + ( BoxW * 0.5 f ) - ( XS * 0.5 f ) ;
TextY = BoxY + ( BoxH * 0.5 f ) - ( YS * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( bHasIcon )
GUIStyle . DrawOutlinedBox ( BoxX + BoxH , BoxY , BoxW - ( BoxH * 2 ) , BoxH , ScaledBorderSize , HudMainColor , HudOutlineColor ) ;
else GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxOutlined ( ScaledBorderSize , BoxX , BoxY , BoxW , BoxH , HudMainColor , HudOutlineColor ) ;
bAnimFinished = ( PriorityMessage . PrimaryAnim == ANIM _SLIDE ? BoxW >= OrgBoxW : BoxH >= OrgBoxH ) && ( TempSize + PriorityMessage . FadeInTime + 0.5 f ) > 1. f ;
if ( bAnimFinished )
if ( CurrentPriorityMessageA != 255 )
CurrentPriorityMessageA += RandRange ( 3 , 10 ) ;
if ( CurrentPriorityMessageA > 255 )
CurrentPriorityMessageA = 255 ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = CurrentPriorityMessageA ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextBlurry ( PriorityMessage . PrimaryText , TextX , TextY , FontScalar ) ;
if ( bHasIcon )
IconX = BoxX ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , IconX , BoxY , BoxH , BoxH , HudOutlineColor , true , false , true , false ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PriorityMessage . IconColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( IconX , TextY ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( BoxH , BoxH , PriorityMessage . Icon ) ;
IconX = BoxX + ( BoxW - BoxH ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , IconX , BoxY , BoxH , BoxH , HudOutlineColor , false , true , false , true ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PriorityMessage . IconColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( IconX , TextY ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( BoxH , BoxH , PriorityMessage . Icon ) ;
if ( bHasSecondary && bAnimFinished && CurrentPriorityMessageA >= 255 )
Box2H = SecondaryYS ;
if ( PriorityMessage . SecondaryStartTime <= 0. f )
PriorityMessage . SecondaryStartTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
if ( PriorityMessage . bSecondaryUsesFullLength )
Box2W = BoxW - ( BoxH * 2 ) + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Box2W = FMin ( SecondaryXS + ( SecondaryXS * 0.5 f ) , BoxW - ( BoxH * 2 ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( bHasSecondaryIcon )
Box2W += Box2H * 2 ;
OrgBox2W = Box2W ;
OrgBox2H = Box2H ;
SecondaryBoxAlpha = GUIStyle . TimeFraction ( PriorityMessage . SecondaryStartTime , PriorityMessage . SecondaryStartTime + PriorityMessage . FadeInTime , WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ) ;
if ( PriorityMessage . SecondaryAnim == ANIM _SLIDE )
Box2W = Lerp ( 0 , Box2W , SecondaryBoxAlpha ) ;
else Box2H = Lerp ( 0 , Box2H , SecondaryBoxAlpha ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Box2X = BoxX + ( BoxW * 0.5 f ) - ( Box2W * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
bAlignTop = PriorityMessage . SecondaryAlign == PR _TOP ;
bAlignBottom = PriorityMessage . SecondaryAlign == PR _BOTTOM ;
if ( bAlignTop )
Box2Y = BoxY - Box2H ;
else Box2Y = BoxY + BoxH ;
Box3X = Box2X + ScaledBorderSize ;
Box3W = Box2W - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = HudMainColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( Box3X , Box2Y ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawWhiteBox ( Box3W , Box2H ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 , Box2X , Box2Y , ScaledBorderSize * 2 , Box2H , HudOutlineColor , bAlignTop , false , bAlignBottom , false ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 , Box2X + ( Box2W - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ) , Box2Y , ScaledBorderSize * 2 , Box2H , HudOutlineColor , false , bAlignTop , false , bAlignBottom ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
TextX = Box3X + ( ( Box3W - SecondaryXS ) * 0.5 f ) ;
TextY = Box2Y + ( ( Box2H - SecondaryYS ) * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( PriorityMessage . SecondaryAnim == ANIM _SLIDE ? Box2W >= OrgBox2W : Box2H >= OrgBox2H )
if ( CurrentSecondaryMessageA != 255 )
CurrentSecondaryMessageA += RandRange ( 3 , 10 ) ;
if ( CurrentSecondaryMessageA > 255 )
CurrentSecondaryMessageA = 255 ;
Canvas . DrawColor = FontColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = CurrentSecondaryMessageA ;
Canvas . SetPos ( TextX , TextY ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( PriorityMessage . SecondaryText , , SecondaryScaler , SecondaryScaler ) ;
if ( bHasSecondaryIcon )
IconX = Box3X + ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) ;
IconY = TextY + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PriorityMessage . SecondaryIconColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( IconX , IconY ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( Box2H - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , Box2H - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , PriorityMessage . SecondaryIcon ) ;
IconX = Box3X + Box3W - Box2H ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PriorityMessage . SecondaryIconColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( IconX , IconY ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( Box2H - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , Box2H - ( ScaledBorderSize * 4 ) , PriorityMessage . SecondaryIcon ) ;
function ShowPriorityMessage ( FPriorityMessage Msg )
if ( Msg . LifeTime <= 0. f )
Msg . LifeTime = 15. f ;
Msg . LifeTime += 0.5 f ;
Msg . StartTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
PriorityMessage = Msg ;
function DrawNonCritialMessage ( int Index , FCritialMessage Message , float X , float Y )
local float XS , YS , XL , YL , TX , BoxXS , BoxYS , FontScalar , TempSize , TY , OrgXL , BoxAlpha , AnimFadeIn , AnimFadeOut , DisplayTime ;
local int i , FadeAlpha ;
local array < string > SArray ;
local HUDBoxRenderInfo HBRI ;
local bool bAnimFinished , bTextAnimFinished ;
local string S ;
local Color TextColor ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScalar ) ;
FontScalar += GUIStyle . ScreenScale ( 0.1 ) ;
TextColor = FontColor ;
DisplayTime = Message . bUseAnimation ? 1.775 f : NonCriticalMessageDisplayTime ;
TempSize = ` TimeSince(Message.StartTime);
if ( TempSize > DisplayTime )
NonCriticalMessages . RemoveItem ( Message ) ;
return ;
if ( Message . Delimiter != "" )
SArray = SplitString ( Message . Text , Message . Delimiter ) ;
if ( SArray . Length > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < SArray . Length ; ++ i )
if ( SArray [ i ] != "" )
Canvas . TextSize ( GUIStyle . StripTextureFromString ( SArray [ i ] ) , XS , YS , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
TX = FMax ( XS , TX ) ;
TY += YS ;
XL = TX * 1.2 ;
YL = TY * 1.05 ;
Canvas . TextSize ( GUIStyle . StripTextureFromString ( Message . Text ) , XS , YS , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
XL = XS * 1.2 ;
YL = YS * 1.05 ;
if ( Message . bHighlight )
XL += ScaledBorderSize * 4 ;
if ( Message . bUseAnimation )
FadeAlpha = - 1. f ;
OrgXL = XL ;
AnimFadeIn = NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime * 0.25 ;
AnimFadeOut = NonCriticalMessageFadeOutTime * 0.25 ;
if ( AnimFadeIn - TempSize > 0 )
BoxAlpha = ( AnimFadeIn - TempSize ) / AnimFadeIn ;
BoxAlpha = 1. f - BoxAlpha ;
else if ( ( DisplayTime - TempSize ) < AnimFadeOut )
BoxAlpha = ( DisplayTime - TempSize ) / AnimFadeOut ;
BoxAlpha = 1. f ;
BoxAlpha = FClamp ( BoxAlpha , 0. f , 1. f ) ;
XL = Lerp ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , XL , BoxAlpha ) ;
bAnimFinished = XL >= OrgXL && ( TempSize + AnimFadeIn + 0.5 f ) > 1. f ;
if ( bAnimFinished )
HBRI . StringArray = SArray ;
S = Message . Text ;
bTextAnimFinished = NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . TextAnimAlpha >= 255 ;
if ( ! bTextAnimFinished )
NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . TextAnimAlpha += RandRange ( 3 , 10 ) ;
if ( NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . TextAnimAlpha > 255 )
NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . TextAnimAlpha = 255 ;
TextColor . A = NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . TextAnimAlpha ;
if ( TempSize < NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime )
FadeAlpha = int ( ( TempSize / NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime ) * 255.0 ) ;
else if ( TempSize > DisplayTime - NonCriticalMessageFadeOutTime )
FadeAlpha = int ( ( 1.0 - ( ( TempSize - ( DisplayTime - NonCriticalMessageFadeOutTime ) ) / NonCriticalMessageFadeOutTime ) ) * 255.0 ) ;
FadeAlpha = 255 ;
HBRI . StringArray = SArray ;
S = Message . Text ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
BoxXS = X - ( XL * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
BoxYS = Y - ( ( YL + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ) * Index ) ;
if ( ( BoxYS + YL ) > Canvas . ClipY )
BoxYS = Canvas . ClipY - YL - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
HBRI . TextColor = TextColor ;
HBRI . Alpha = FadeAlpha ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
HBRI . bUseOutline = bLightHUD ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
HBRI . bUseRounded = true ;
HBRI . bHighlighted = Message . bHighlight ;
DrawHUDBox ( BoxXS , BoxYS , XL , YL , S , FontScalar , HBRI ) ;
function ShowNonCriticalMessage ( string Message , optional string Delimiter , optional bool bHighlight , optional bool bUseAnimation )
local FCritialMessage Messages ;
local int Index ;
local float DisplayTime ;
if ( KFPlayerOwner . IsBossCameraMode ( ) )
return ;
Index = NonCriticalMessages . Find ( 'Text' , Message ) ;
if ( Index != INDEX _NONE )
DisplayTime = bUseAnimation ? 1.775 f : NonCriticalMessageDisplayTime ;
if ( ` TimeSince(NonCriticalMessages[Index].StartTime) > NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime )
if ( ` TimeSince(NonCriticalMessages[Index].StartTime) > DisplayTime - NonCriticalMessageFadeOutTime )
NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . StartTime = ` TimeSince(NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime + ((DisplayTime - ` TimeSince ( NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . StartTime ) ) * NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime ) ) ;
else NonCriticalMessages [ Index ] . StartTime = ` TimeSince(NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime);
return ;
if ( NonCriticalMessages . Length >= MaxNonCriticalMessages )
return ;
Messages . Text = Message ;
Messages . Delimiter = Delimiter ;
Messages . StartTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
Messages . bHighlight = bHighlight ;
Messages . bUseAnimation = bUseAnimation ;
NonCriticalMessages . AddItem ( Messages ) ;
function Texture GetClipIcon ( KFWeapon Wep , bool bSingleFire )
if ( bSingleFire )
return GetBulletIcon ( Wep ) ;
else if ( Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ Wep . const . DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] != None && Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ Wep . const . DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] . Name == 'UI_FireModeSelect_Flamethrower' )
return FlameTankIcon ;
return ClipsIcon ;
function Texture GetBulletIcon ( KFWeapon Wep )
if ( Wep . bUseAltFireMode )
return GetSecondaryAmmoIcon ( Wep ) ;
else if ( Wep . IsA ( 'KFWeap_Bow_Crossbow' ) )
return ArrowIcon ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
else if ( Wep . IsA ( 'KFWeap_Edged_IonThruster' ) )
return BoltIcon ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
if ( KFWeap _ThrownBase ( Wep ) != None && Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ class 'KFWeap_ThrownBase' . const . THROW _FIREMODE ] != None )
Switch ( Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ class 'KFWeap_ThrownBase' . const . THROW _FIREMODE ] . Name )
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Grenade' :
return PipebombIcon ;
else if ( Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ Wep . const . DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] != None )
Switch ( Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ Wep . const . DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] . Name )
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Flamethrower' :
return FlameIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Sawblade' :
return SawbladeIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_BulletSingle' :
if ( Wep . MagazineCapacity [ Wep . const . DEFAULT _FIREMODE ] > 1 )
return BulletsIcon ;
return SingleBulletIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Grenade' :
return M79Icon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_MedicDart' :
return SyringIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Rocket' :
return RocketIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Electricity' :
return BoltIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_BulletBurst' :
return BurstBulletIcon ;
return BulletsIcon ;
function Texture GetSecondaryAmmoIcon ( KFWeapon Wep )
if ( Wep . UsesSecondaryAmmo ( ) && Wep . SecondaryAmmoTexture != None )
Switch ( Wep . SecondaryAmmoTexture . Name )
case 'GasTank' :
return FlameTankIcon ;
case 'MedicDarts' :
return SyringIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Grenade' :
return M79Icon ;
else if ( Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ Wep . const . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] != None )
Switch ( Wep . FireModeIconPaths [ Wep . const . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] . Name )
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_AutoTarget' :
return AutoTargetIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_ManualTarget' :
return ManualTargetIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_BulletBurst' :
return BurstBulletIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_BulletSingle' :
if ( Wep . MagazineCapacity [ Wep . ALTFIRE _FIREMODE ] > 1 )
return BulletsIcon ;
else return SingleBulletIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_Electricity' :
return BoltIcon ;
case 'UI_FireModeSelect_MedicDart' :
return SyringIcon ;
return SingleBulletIcon ;
function RenderKillMsg ( )
local float Sc , PDSc , CurrentSc , XL , YL , TextXL , TextYL , PDYL , T , Y ;
local string S ;
local int i ;
local KFInterface _MapObjective MapObjective ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( Sc ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( "A" , XL , YL , Sc , Sc ) ;
PDSc = Sc * 1.375 f ;
Canvas . TextSize ( "A" , XL , PDYL , PDSc , PDSc ) ;
MapObjective = KFInterface _MapObjective ( KFGRI . CurrentObjective ) ;
if ( MapObjective == None )
MapObjective = KFInterface _MapObjective ( KFGRI . PreviousObjective ) ;
if ( MapObjective != None && ( MapObjective . IsActive ( ) || ( ( MapObjective . IsComplete ( ) || MapObjective . HasFailedObjective ( ) ) && KFGRI . bWaveIsActive ) ) )
Y = Canvas . ClipY * 0.235 ;
else Y = Canvas . ClipY * 0.15 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < KillMessages . Length ; ++ i )
T = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds - KillMessages [ i ] . MsgTime ;
if ( KillMessages [ i ] . bDamage )
S = "-" $KillMessages [ i ] . Counter$ " HP " $KillMessages [ i ] . Name ;
else if ( KillMessages [ i ] . bLocal )
S = "+" $KillMessages [ i ] . Counter @ KillMessages [ i ] . Name$ ( KillMessages [ i ] . Counter > 1 ? " kills" : " kill" ) ;
else if ( KillMessages [ i ] . bPlayerDeath )
S = ( KillMessages [ i ] . bSuicide ? "" : KillMessages [ i ] . Name ) $ " <Icon>UI_PerkIcons_TEX.UI_PerkIcon_ZED</Icon> " $ ( KillMessages [ i ] . OwnerPRI != None ? KillMessages [ i ] . OwnerPRI . GetHumanReadableName ( ) : KillMessages [ i ] . KillerName ) ;
else S = ( KillMessages [ i ] . OwnerPRI != None ? KillMessages [ i ] . OwnerPRI . GetHumanReadableName ( ) : KillMessages [ i ] . KillerName ) $ " +" $KillMessages [ i ] . Counter @ KillMessages [ i ] . Name$ ( KillMessages [ i ] . Counter > 1 ? " kills" : " kill" ) ;
CurrentSc = KillMessages [ i ] . bPlayerDeath ? PDSc : Sc ;
if ( T > 6. f )
KillMessages [ i ] . CurrentXPosition -= RenderDelta * 400. f ;
Canvas . TextSize ( GUIStyle . StripTextureFromString ( S ) , TextXL , TextYL , CurrentSc , CurrentSc ) ;
if ( ( KillMessages [ i ] . CurrentXPosition + TextXL ) <= 0. f )
KillMessages . Remove ( i -- , 1 ) ;
continue ;
KillMessages [ i ] . CurrentXPosition += RenderDelta * 200. f ;
KillMessages [ i ] . CurrentXPosition = FMin ( KillMessages [ i ] . CurrentXPosition , KillMessages [ i ] . XPosition ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = KillMessages [ i ] . MsgColor ;
GUIStyle . DrawTexturedString ( S , KillMessages [ i ] . CurrentXPosition , Y , CurrentSc , , true ) ;
Y += KillMessages [ i ] . bPlayerDeath ? PDYL : YL ;
function color GetMsgColor ( bool bDamage , int Count )
local float T ;
if ( bDamage )
if ( Count > 1500 )
return MakeColor ( 148 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
else if ( Count > 1000 )
T = ( Count - 1000 ) / 500. f ;
return MakeColor ( 148 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) * T + MakeColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) * ( 1. f - T ) ;
else if ( Count > 500 )
T = ( Count - 500 ) / 500. f ;
return MakeColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) * T + MakeColor ( 255 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) * ( 1. f - T ) ;
T = Count / 500. f ;
return MakeColor ( 255 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) * T + MakeColor ( 0 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) * ( 1. f - T ) ;
if ( Count > 20 )
return MakeColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
else if ( Count > 10 )
T = ( Count - 10 ) / 10. f ;
return MakeColor ( 148 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) * T + MakeColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) * ( 1. f - T ) ;
else if ( Count > 5 )
T = ( Count - 5 ) / 5. f ;
return MakeColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) * T + MakeColor ( 255 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) * ( 1. f - T ) ;
T = Count / 5. f ;
return MakeColor ( 255 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) * T + MakeColor ( 0 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) * ( 1. f - T ) ;
static function string StripMsgColors ( string S )
local int i ;
while ( true )
i = InStr ( S , Chr ( 6 ) ) ;
if ( i == - 1 )
break ;
S = Left ( S , i ) $Mid ( S , i + 2 ) ;
return S ;
static function string GetNameArticle ( string S )
switch ( Caps ( Left ( S , 1 ) ) ) // Check if a vowel, then an.
case "A" :
case "E" :
case "I" :
case "O" :
case "U" :
return "an" ;
return "a" ;
static function string GetNameOf ( class < Pawn > Other )
local string S ;
local class < KFPawn _Monster > KFM ;
KFM = class < KFPawn _Monster > ( Other ) ;
if ( KFM != None )
return KFM . static . GetLocalizedName ( ) ;
if ( Other . Default . MenuName != "" )
return Other . Default . MenuName ;
S = string ( Other . Name ) ;
if ( Left ( S , 10 ) ~ = "KFPawn_Zed" )
S = Mid ( S , 10 ) ;
else if ( Left ( S , 7 ) ~ = "KFPawn_" )
S = Mid ( S , 7 ) ;
S = Repl ( S , "_" , " " ) ;
return S ;
function ShowKillMessage ( PlayerReplicationInfo PRI1 , PlayerReplicationInfo PRI2 , optional bool bDeathMessage = false , optional string KilledName , optional string KillerName )
local FKillMessageType Msg ;
local int i ;
if ( bDeathMessage )
Msg . bPlayerDeath = true ;
Msg . KillerName = KillerName ;
Msg . MsgTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
Msg . Name = KilledName ;
Msg . bSuicide = KillerName == KilledName ;
Msg . MsgColor = MakeColor ( 0 , 162 , 232 , 255 ) ;
Msg . XPosition = SizeX * 0.015 ;
KillMessages . AddItem ( Msg ) ;
return ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < KillMessages . Length ; ++ i )
if ( KillMessages [ i ] . Name == KilledName && KillMessages [ i ] . OwnerPRI == PRI1 )
KillMessages [ i ] . Counter += 1 ;
KillMessages [ i ] . MsgTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
KillMessages [ i ] . MsgColor = GetMsgColor ( false , KillMessages [ i ] . Counter ) ;
return ;
KillMessages . Length = i + 1 ;
KillMessages [ i ] . bLocal = true ;
KillMessages [ i ] . Counter = 1 ;
KillMessages [ i ] . OwnerPRI = PRI1 ;
KillMessages [ i ] . MsgTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
KillMessages [ i ] . Name = KilledName ;
KillMessages [ i ] . MsgColor = GetMsgColor ( false , 1 ) ;
KillMessages [ i ] . XPosition = SizeX * 0.015 ;
function AddNumberMsg ( int Amount , vector Pos , class < KFDamageType > Type )
local vector RandVect ;
local EDamageOverTimeGroup DotType ;
RandVect . X = RandRange ( - 64 , 64 ) ;
RandVect . Y = RandRange ( - 64 , 64 ) ;
RandVect . Z = RandRange ( - 64 , 64 ) ;
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . Damage = Amount ;
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . HitTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . HitLocation = Pos ;
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . RandVect = RandVect ;
if ( Type == None )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Unspecified ] ;
DotType = Type . default . DoT _Type ;
if ( DotType == DOT _Fire )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Fire ] ;
else if ( DotType == DOT _Toxic )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Toxic ] ;
else if ( DotType == DOT _Bleeding )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Bleeding ] ;
else if ( Type . default . EMPPower > 0. f )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _EMP ] ;
else if ( Type . default . FreezePower > 0. f )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Freeze ] ;
else if ( class < KFDT _Explosive _FlashBangGrenade > ( Type ) != None )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Flashbang ] ;
else if ( Amount < 100 )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Generic ] ;
else if ( Amount >= 175 )
DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _High ] ;
else DamagePopups [ NextDamagePopupIndex ] . FontColor = DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Medium ] ;
if ( ++ NextDamagePopupIndex >= DAMAGEPOPUP _COUNT )
NextDamagePopupIndex = 0 ;
function DrawDamage ( )
local int i , Vel ;
local float TimeSinceHit , TextWidth , TextHeight , Sc , TextX , TextY ;
local vector HBScreenPos ;
local string S ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( Sc ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < DAMAGEPOPUP _COUNT ; i ++ )
TimeSinceHit = ` TimeSince(DamagePopups[i].HitTime);
if ( TimeSinceHit > DamagePopupFadeOutTime || ( Normal ( DamagePopups [ i ] . HitLocation - PLCameraLoc ) dot Normal ( PLCameraDir ) < 0.1 ) ) //don't draw if player faced back to the hit location
continue ;
S = string ( DamagePopups [ i ] . Damage ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , TextWidth , TextHeight , Sc , Sc ) ;
Vel = RenderDelta * 900. f ;
if ( i % 2 == 0 )
DamagePopups [ i ] . RandVect . X *= - 1. f ;
DamagePopups [ i ] . HitLocation += DamagePopups [ i ] . RandVect * RenderDelta ;
if ( ( TimeSinceHit / DamagePopupFadeOutTime ) < 0.035 f )
DamagePopups [ i ] . RandVect . Z += Vel * 2 ;
else DamagePopups [ i ] . RandVect . Z -= Vel ;
HBScreenPos = Canvas . Project ( DamagePopups [ i ] . HitLocation ) ;
TextX = HBScreenPos . X - ( TextWidth * 0.5 f ) ;
TextY = HBScreenPos . Y - ( TextHeight * 0.5 f ) ;
if ( TextX < 0 || TextX > Canvas . ClipX || TextY < 0 || TextY > Canvas . ClipY )
continue ;
Canvas . DrawColor = DamagePopups [ i ] . FontColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = 255 * Cos ( 0.5 f * Pi * TimeSinceHit / DamagePopupFadeOutTime ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( S , TextX , TextY , 1 , Sc ) ;
function string GetSpeedStr ( )
local int Speed ;
local string S ;
local vector Velocity2D ;
if ( KFPawn ( PlayerOwner . Pawn ) == None )
return S ;
Velocity2D = PlayerOwner . Pawn . Velocity ;
Velocity2D . Z = 0 ;
Speed = VSize ( Velocity2D ) ;
S = string ( Speed ) $ "/" $ int ( PlayerOwner . Pawn . GroundSpeed ) ;
if ( Speed >= int ( KFPawn ( PlayerOwner . Pawn ) . SprintSpeed ) )
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 0 , 100 , 255 ) ;
else if ( Speed >= int ( PlayerOwner . Pawn . GroundSpeed ) )
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 0 , 206 , 0 ) ;
else Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 64 , 64 ) ;
return S ;
function DrawSpeedMeter ( )
local float FontScalar , XL , YL ;
local string S ;
S = GetSpeedStr ( ) $ " ups" ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( S , Canvas . ClipX - XL + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , Canvas . ClipY * 0.80 , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
function DrawImportantHealthBar ( float X , float Y , float W , float H , string S , float HealthFrac , Color MainColor , Color BarColor , Texture2D Icon , optional float BorderScale , optional bool bDisabled , optional bool bTrackDamageHistory , optional int Health , optional int HealthMax , optional bool bEaseInOut )
local float FontScalar , MainBoxH , XPos , YPos , IconBoxX , IconBoxY , IconXL , IconYL , XL , YL , HistoryX ;
local Color BoxColor , FadeColor ;
if ( BorderScale == 0. f )
BorderScale = ScaledBorderSize * 2 ;
if ( bDisabled )
MainColor . A = 95 ;
MainBoxH = H * 2 ;
IconBoxX = X ;
IconBoxY = Y ;
BoxColor = MakeColor ( 30 , 30 , 30 , 255 ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( BorderScale , IconBoxX , IconBoxY , MainBoxH , MainBoxH , BoxColor , true , false , true , false ) ;
X += MainBoxH ;
W -= MainBoxH ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( BorderScale , X , Y , W , H , MainColor , false , true , false , true ) ;
// ToDo - Make this code less ugly and more optimal. Moving the boss healthbar to a widget may help
if ( bTrackDamageHistory )
if ( HealthBarDamageHistory . Length == 0 )
HealthBarDamageHistory . Length = DamageHistoryNum + 1 ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( BorderScale , X , Y , W * HealthFrac , H , BarColor , false , ! HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . bDrawingHistory , false , ! HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . bDrawingHistory ) ;
if ( DamageHistoryNum >= HealthBarDamageHistory . Length )
HealthBarDamageHistory . Length = DamageHistoryNum + 1 ;
if ( HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . OldBarHealth != Health )
if ( HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . OldBarHealth > Health )
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . bDrawingHistory = true ;
if ( HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . OldHealth != Health )
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . OldHealth = Health ;
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . LastHealthUpdate = WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds + 0.1 f ;
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . HealthUpdateEndTime = WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds + 1.225 f ;
HistoryX = X + ( W * HealthFrac ) ;
HealthFrac = FMin ( float ( HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . OldBarHealth - Health ) / float ( HealthMax ) , 1. f - HealthFrac ) ;
FadeColor = WhiteColor ;
FadeColor . A = BarColor . A ;
if ( HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . LastHealthUpdate < WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds )
FadeColor . A = Clamp ( Sin ( WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds * 12 ) * 200 + 255 , 0 , BarColor . A ) ;
if ( HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . HealthUpdateEndTime < WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds )
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . OldBarHealth = Health ;
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . bDrawingHistory = false ;
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . LastHealthUpdate = 0. f ;
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . HealthUpdateEndTime = 0. f ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , HistoryX , Y , W * HealthFrac , H , FadeColor , false , true , false , true ) ;
HealthBarDamageHistory [ DamageHistoryNum ] . OldBarHealth = Health ;
DamageHistoryNum ++ ;
else GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( BorderScale , X , Y , W * HealthFrac , H , BarColor , false , true , false , true ) ;
if ( BossShieldPct > 0. f )
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBoxEx ( ScaledBorderSize , X , Y , W * BossShieldPct , H * 0.25 , MakeColor ( 0 , 162 , 232 , 255 ) , false , true , false , false ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = BoxColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( IconBoxX + MainBoxH , IconBoxY ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawCornerTex ( BorderScale * 2 , 3 ) ;
IconXL = MainBoxH - BorderScale ;
IconYL = IconXL ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
XPos = IconBoxX + ( MainBoxH * 0.5 f ) - ( IconXL * 0.5 f ) ;
YPos = IconBoxY + ( MainBoxH * 0.5 f ) - ( IconYL * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , bDisabled ? 95 : 255 ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( IconXL , IconYL , Icon ) ;
if ( S != "" )
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , XL , YL , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
XPos = X + BorderScale ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
YPos = ( Y + H ) + ( H * 0.5 f ) - ( YL * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawColor = class 'HUD' . default . WhiteColor ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( S , XPos , YPos , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
function DrawBossHealthBars ( )
local int i ;
local float BarH , BarW , MainBarX , MainBarY , MainBoxW , ArmorW , ArmorH ;
local float ArmorPct ;
local ArmorZoneInfo ArmorZone ;
local KFPawn _Monster Pawn ;
if ( bDisplayInventory || Scoreboard . bVisible || ! bDisplayImportantHealthBar )
return ;
Pawn = BossRef . GetMonsterPawn ( ) ;
BarH = GUIStyle . DefaultHeight ;
BarW = Canvas . ClipX * 0.45 ;
MainBoxW = BarW * 0.125 ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
MainBarX = ( Canvas . ClipX * 0.5 f ) - ( BarW * 0.5 f ) + ( MainBoxW * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
MainBarY = BarH ;
DrawImportantHealthBar ( MainBarX , MainBarY , BarW , BarH , Pawn . static . GetLocalizedName ( ) , FClamp ( BossRef . GetHealthPercent ( ) , 0. f , 1. f ) , HudMainColor , BossBattlePhaseColor , BossInfoIcon , , , true , Pawn . Health , Pawn . HealthMax , true ) ;
if ( Pawn . ArmorInfo != None )
ArmorW = BarW * 0.2 ;
ArmorH = BarH * 0.45 ;
MainBarX = MainBarX + ( BarW - ArmorW - ScaledBorderSize ) ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
MainBarY += ( BarH * 0.5 f ) + ArmorH + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < Pawn . ArmorInfo . ArmorZones . Length ; i ++ )
ArmorZone = Pawn . ArmorInfo . ArmorZones [ i ] ;
ArmorPct = FClamp ( ByteToFloat ( Pawn . RepArmorPct [ i ] ) , 0. f , 1. f ) ;
DrawImportantHealthBar ( MainBarX , MainBarY , ArmorW , ArmorH , "" , ArmorPct , HudMainColor , MakeColor ( 0 , 162 , 232 , 255 ) , ArmorZone . ZoneIcon , ScaledBorderSize , ArmorPct <= 0. f ) ;
MainBarX -= ArmorW + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) ;
function DrawEscortHealthBars ( )
local int BarH , BarW , MainBarX , MainBarY , MainBoxW ;
local float HealthFrac ;
local Color PawnHealthColor ;
if ( bDisplayInventory || Scoreboard . bVisible || ! bDisplayImportantHealthBar )
return ;
BarH = GUIStyle . DefaultHeight ;
BarW = Canvas . ClipX * 0.45 ;
MainBoxW = BarW * 0.125 ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
MainBarX = ( Canvas . ClipX * 0.5 f ) - ( BarW * 0.5 f ) + ( MainBoxW * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
MainBarY = BarH ;
HealthFrac = FClamp ( float ( ScriptedPawn . Health ) / float ( ScriptedPawn . HealthMax ) , 0. f , 1. f ) ;
PawnHealthColor = MakeColor ( 0 , 150 , 0 , 175 ) ;
PawnHealthColor . g = 150 * HealthFrac ;
PawnHealthColor . r = 150 - PawnHealthColor . g ;
DrawImportantHealthBar ( MainBarX , MainBarY , BarW , BarH , ScriptedPawn . GetLocalizedName ( ) , HealthFrac , HudMainColor , PawnHealthColor , BossInfoIcon , , , true , ScriptedPawn . Health , ScriptedPawn . HealthMax , true ) ;
function DrawMedicWeaponRecharge ( )
local KFWeapon KFWMB ;
local float IconBaseX , IconBaseY , IconHeight , IconWidth ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
local float IconRatioX , IconRatioY , ChargePct , ChargeBaseY , WeaponBaseX ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
local color ChargeColor ;
if ( PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager == None )
return ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
IconRatioX = Canvas . ClipX / 1920.0 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
IconRatioY = Canvas . ClipY / 1080.0 ;
IconHeight = MedicWeaponHeight * IconRatioY ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
IconWidth = IconHeight * 0.5 f ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
IconBaseX = bDisableHUD ? 300 * IconRatioX : ( Canvas . ClipX * 0.85 ) - IconWidth ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
IconBaseY = Canvas . ClipY * 0.8125 ;
WeaponBaseX = IconBaseX ;
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( false ) ;
foreach PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager . InventoryActors ( class 'KFWeapon' , KFWMB )
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( ( bDisableHUD && KFWeap _HealerBase ( KFWMB ) != None ) || ( KFWeap _HealerBase ( KFWMB ) == None && KFWeap _MedicBase ( KFWMB ) == None ) || KFWMB == PlayerOwner . Pawn . Weapon || ( KFWeap _MedicBase ( KFWMB ) != None && ! KFWeap _MedicBase ( KFWMB ) . bRechargeHealAmmo ) || ( KFWeap _HealerBase ( KFWMB ) != None && float ( KFWMB . AmmoCount [ 0 ] ) == float ( KFWMB . MagazineCapacity [ 0 ] ) ) )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
continue ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , WeaponBaseX , IconBaseY , IconWidth , IconHeight , MedicWeaponBGColor ) ;
if ( KFWeap _HealerBase ( KFWMB ) != None )
ChargePct = FClamp ( float ( KFWMB . AmmoCount [ 0 ] ) / float ( KFWMB . MagazineCapacity [ 0 ] ) , 0. f , 1. f ) ;
else ChargePct = FClamp ( float ( KFWMB . AmmoCount [ 1 ] ) / float ( KFWMB . MagazineCapacity [ 1 ] ) , 0. f , 1. f ) ;
ChargeBaseY = IconBaseY + IconHeight * ( 1.0 - ChargePct ) ;
ChargeColor = ( KFWMB . HasAmmo ( 1 ) ? MedicWeaponChargedColor : MedicWeaponNotChargedColor ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , WeaponBaseX , ChargeBaseY , IconWidth , IconHeight * ChargePct , ChargeColor ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( WeaponBaseX + IconWidth , IconBaseY ) ;
Canvas . DrawRotatedTile ( KFWMB . WeaponSelectTexture , MedicWeaponRot , IconHeight , IconWidth , 0 , 0 , KFWMB . WeaponSelectTexture . GetSurfaceWidth ( ) , KFWMB . WeaponSelectTexture . GetSurfaceHeight ( ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
if ( bDisableHUD )
WeaponBaseX += IconWidth * 1.2 ;
else WeaponBaseX -= IconWidth * 1.2 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( true ) ;
function DrawMedicWeaponLockOn ( KFWeap _MedicBase KFW )
local KFPawn CurrentActor ;
local color IconColor ;
local vector ScreenPos ;
local float IconSize , RealIconSize ;
if ( KFW . LockedTarget != None )
CurrentActor = KFPawn ( KFW . LockedTarget ) ;
IconColor = MedicLockOnColor ;
else if ( KFW . PendingLockedTarget != None )
CurrentActor = KFPawn ( KFW . PendingLockedTarget ) ;
IconColor = MedicPendingLockOnColor ;
if ( CurrentActor == None )
OldTarget = None ;
return ;
if ( CurrentActor != OldTarget )
LockOnStartTime = WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds ;
LockOnEndTime = WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds + 0.15 ;
OldTarget = CurrentActor ;
ScreenPos = Canvas . Project ( CurrentActor . Mesh . GetPosition ( ) + ( CurrentActor . CylinderComponent . CollisionHeight * vect ( 0 , 0 , 1.25 ) ) ) ;
if ( ScreenPos . X < 0 || ScreenPos . X > Canvas . ClipX || ScreenPos . Y < 0 || ScreenPos . Y > Canvas . ClipY )
return ;
IconSize = WorldInfo . static . GetResolutionBasedHUDScale ( ) * MedicLockOnIconSize ;
RealIconSize = FInterpEaseInOut ( IconSize * 2 , IconSize , GUIStyle . TimeFraction ( LockOnStartTime , LockOnEndTime , WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds ) , 2.5 ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = IconColor ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( ScreenPos . X - ( RealIconSize * 0.5 f ) , ScreenPos . Y - ( RealIconSize * 0.5 f ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawRect ( RealIconSize , RealIconSize , MedicLockOnIcon ) ;
function DrawTraderIndicator ( )
local KFTraderTrigger T ;
if ( KFGRI == None || ( KFGRI . OpenedTrader == None && KFGRI . NextTrader == None ) )
return ;
T = KFGRI . OpenedTrader != None ? KFGRI . OpenedTrader : KFGRI . NextTrader ;
if ( T != None )
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
DrawDirectionalIndicator ( T . Location , bLightHUD ? TraderArrowLight : TraderArrow , Canvas . ClipY / 33. f , , HudOutlineColor , class 'KFGFxHUD_TraderCompass' . default . TraderString , ! bLightHUD ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
final function Vector DrawDirectionalIndicator ( Vector Loc , Texture Mat , float IconSize , optional float FontMult = 1. f , optional Color DrawColor = WhiteColor , optional string Text , optional bool bDrawBackground )
local rotator R ;
local vector V , X ;
local float XS , YS , FontScalar , BoxW , BoxH , BoxX , BoxY ;
local Canvas . FontRenderInfo FI ;
local bool bWasStencilEnabled ;
FI . bClipText = true ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScalar ) ;
FontScalar *= FontMult ;
X = PLCameraDir ;
// First see if on screen.
V = Loc - PLCameraLoc ;
if ( ( V Dot X ) > 0.997 ) // Front of camera.
V = Canvas . Project ( Loc + vect ( 0 , 0 , 1.055 ) ) ;
if ( V . X > 0 && V . Y > 0 && V . X < Canvas . ClipX && V . Y < Canvas . ClipY ) // Within screen bounds.
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( true ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = DrawColor . A ;
Canvas . SetPos ( V . X - ( IconSize * 0.5 ) + 1 , V . Y - IconSize + 1 ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( IconSize , IconSize , Mat ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = DrawColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( V . X - ( IconSize * 0.5 ) , V . Y - IconSize ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( IconSize , IconSize , Mat ) ;
if ( Text != "" )
Canvas . TextSize ( Text , XS , YS , FontScalar , FontScalar ) ;
if ( bDrawBackground )
BoxW = XS + 8. f ;
BoxH = YS + 8. f ;
BoxX = V . X - ( BoxW * 0.5 ) ;
BoxY = V . Y - IconSize - BoxH ;
GUIStyle . DrawOutlinedBox ( BoxX , BoxY , BoxW , BoxH , FMax ( ScaledBorderSize * 0.5 , 1. f ) , HudMainColor , HudOutlineColor ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( BoxX + ( BoxW * 0.5 f ) - ( XS * 0.5 f ) , BoxY + ( BoxH * 0.5 f ) - ( YS * 0.5 f ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawText ( Text , , FontScalar , FontScalar , FI ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( Text , V . X - ( XS * 0.5 ) , V . Y - IconSize - YS - 4. f , 1 , FontScalar ) ;
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( false ) ;
return V ;
bWasStencilEnabled = Canvas . bStencilEnabled ;
if ( bWasStencilEnabled )
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( false ) ;
// Draw the material towards the location.
// First transform offset to local screen space.
V = ( Loc - PLCameraLoc ) << PLCameraRot ;
V . X = 0 ;
V = Normal ( V ) ;
// Check pitch.
R . Yaw = rotator ( V ) . Pitch ;
if ( V . Y > 0 ) // Must flip pitch
R . Yaw = 32768 - R . Yaw ;
R . Yaw += 16384 ;
// Check screen edge location.
V = FindEdgeIntersection ( V . Y , - V . Z , IconSize ) ;
// Draw material.
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = DrawColor . A ;
Canvas . SetPos ( V . X + 1 , V . Y + 1 ) ;
Canvas . DrawRotatedTile ( Mat , R , IconSize , IconSize , 0 , 0 , Mat . GetSurfaceWidth ( ) , Mat . GetSurfaceHeight ( ) ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = DrawColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( V . X , V . Y ) ;
Canvas . DrawRotatedTile ( Mat , R , IconSize , IconSize , 0 , 0 , Mat . GetSurfaceWidth ( ) , Mat . GetSurfaceHeight ( ) ) ;
if ( bWasStencilEnabled )
Canvas . EnableStencilTest ( true ) ;
return V ;
final function vector FindEdgeIntersection ( float XDir , float YDir , float ClampSize )
local vector V ;
local float TimeXS , TimeYS , SX , SY ;
// First check for paralell lines.
if ( Abs ( XDir ) < 0.001 f )
V . X = Canvas . ClipX * 0.5 f ;
if ( YDir > 0. f )
V . Y = Canvas . ClipY - ClampSize ;
else V . Y = ClampSize ;
else if ( Abs ( YDir ) < 0.001 f )
V . Y = Canvas . ClipY * 0.5 f ;
if ( XDir > 0. f )
V . X = Canvas . ClipX - ClampSize ;
else V . X = ClampSize ;
SX = Canvas . ClipX * 0.5 f ;
SY = Canvas . ClipY * 0.5 f ;
// Look for best intersection axis.
TimeXS = Abs ( ( SX - ClampSize ) / XDir ) ;
TimeYS = Abs ( ( SY - ClampSize ) / YDir ) ;
if ( TimeXS < TimeYS ) // X axis intersects first.
V . X = TimeXS * XDir ;
V . Y = TimeXS * YDir ;
V . X = TimeYS * XDir ;
V . Y = TimeYS * YDir ;
// Transform axis to screen center.
V . X += SX ;
V . Y += SY ;
return V ;
function DrawProgressBar ( float X , float Y , float XS , float YS , float Value )
Canvas . DrawColor . A = 64 ;
Canvas . SetPos ( X , Y ) ;
Canvas . DrawTileStretched ( ProgressBarTex , XS , YS , 0 , 0 , ProgressBarTex . GetSurfaceWidth ( ) , ProgressBarTex . GetSurfaceHeight ( ) ) ;
if ( Value > 0. f )
Canvas . DrawColor . A = 150 ;
Canvas . SetPos ( X , Y ) ;
Canvas . DrawTileStretched ( ProgressBarTex , XS * Value , YS , 0 , 0 , ProgressBarTex . GetSurfaceWidth ( ) , ProgressBarTex . GetSurfaceHeight ( ) ) ;
function DrawXPEarned ( float X , float Y )
local int i ;
local float EndTime , TextWidth , TextHeight , Sc , FadeAlpha ;
local string S ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( Sc ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < XPPopups . Length ; i ++ )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
EndTime = ` RealTimeSince(XPPopups[i].StartTime);
if ( EndTime > XPFadeOutTime )
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
XPPopups . RemoveItem ( XPPopups [ i ] ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
continue ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
S = "+" $string ( XPPopups [ i ] . XP ) @ "XP" ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , TextWidth , TextHeight , Sc , Sc ) ;
if ( XPPopups [ i ] . bInit )
XPPopups [ i ] . XPos = X ;
XPPopups [ i ] . YPos = Y - ( TextHeight * 0.5 f ) ;
XPPopups [ i ] . bInit = false ;
if ( XPPopups [ i ] . XPos > 0. f && XPPopups [ i ] . XPos < Canvas . ClipX )
XPPopups [ i ] . XPos += Asin ( 0.75 f * Pi * EndTime / XPFadeOutTime ) * ( i % 2 == 0 ? - XPPopups [ i ] . RandX : XPPopups [ i ] . RandX ) ;
else XPPopups [ i ] . XPos = FClamp ( XPPopups [ i ] . XPos , 0 , Canvas . ClipX ) ;
XPPopups [ i ] . YPos -= ( RenderDelta * 62. f ) * XPPopups [ i ] . RandY ;
FadeAlpha = 255 * Cos ( 0.5 f * Pi * EndTime / XPFadeOutTime ) ;
if ( XPPopups [ i ] . Icon != None )
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPPopups [ i ] . XPos + 1 , XPPopups [ i ] . YPos + 1 ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( TextHeight * 1.25 f , TextHeight * 1.25 f , XPPopups [ i ] . Icon ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = XPPopups [ i ] . IconColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPPopups [ i ] . XPos , XPPopups [ i ] . YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawRect ( TextHeight * 1.25 f , TextHeight * 1.25 f , XPPopups [ i ] . Icon ) ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , FadeAlpha ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( S , XPPopups [ i ] . XPos + ( TextHeight * 1.25 f ) + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , XPPopups [ i ] . YPos , 1 , Sc ) ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , FadeAlpha ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( S , XPPopups [ i ] . XPos , XPPopups [ i ] . YPos , 1 , Sc ) ;
function DrawDoshEarned ( float X , float Y )
local int i ;
local float EndTime , TextWidth , TextHeight , Sc , FadeAlpha ;
local string S ;
local Color DoshColor ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( Sc ) ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < DoshPopups . Length ; i ++ )
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
EndTime = ` RealTimeSince(DoshPopups[i].StartTime);
if ( EndTime > DoshFadeOutTime )
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
DoshPopups . RemoveItem ( DoshPopups [ i ] ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
continue ;
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
S = ( DoshPopups [ i ] . Dosh > 0 ? "+" : "" ) $string ( DoshPopups [ i ] . Dosh ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , TextWidth , TextHeight , Sc , Sc ) ;
if ( DoshPopups [ i ] . Dosh > 0 )
DoshColor = GreenColor ;
else DoshColor = RedColor ;
if ( DoshPopups [ i ] . bInit )
DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos = X ;
DoshPopups [ i ] . YPos = Y - ( TextHeight * 0.5 f ) ;
DoshPopups [ i ] . bInit = false ;
if ( DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos > 0. f && DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos > 0 )
DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos += Asin ( 0.25 f * Pi * EndTime / DoshFadeOutTime ) * ( i % 2 == 0 ? - DoshPopups [ i ] . RandX : DoshPopups [ i ] . RandX ) ;
else DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos = FClamp ( DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos , 0 , Canvas . ClipX ) ;
DoshPopups [ i ] . YPos -= ( RenderDelta * 72. f ) * DoshPopups [ i ] . RandY ;
FadeAlpha = 255 * Cos ( 0.5 f * Pi * EndTime / DoshFadeOutTime ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
Canvas . SetPos ( DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos + 1 , DoshPopups [ i ] . YPos + 1 ) ;
Canvas . DrawTile ( DoshEarnedIcon , TextHeight * 1.25 f , TextHeight * 1.25 f , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = DoshColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
Canvas . SetPos ( DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos , DoshPopups [ i ] . YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawTile ( DoshEarnedIcon , TextHeight * 1.25 f , TextHeight * 1.25 f , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( S , DoshPopups [ i ] . XPos + ( TextHeight * 1.25 f ) + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , DoshPopups [ i ] . YPos , 1 , Sc ) ;
function NotifyXPEarned ( int XP , Texture2D Icon , Color IconColor )
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
local XPEarnedS XPEarned ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
XPEarned . XP = XP ;
XPEarned . StartTime = WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds ;
XPEarned . RandX = 2. f * FRand ( ) ;
XPEarned . RandY = 1. f + FRand ( ) ;
XPEarned . Icon = Icon ;
XPEarned . IconColor = IconColor ;
XPEarned . bInit = true ;
XPPopups . AddItem ( XPEarned ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
function NotifyDoshEarned ( int Dosh )
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
local DoshEarnedS DoshEarned ;
DoshEarned . Dosh = Dosh ;
DoshEarned . StartTime = WorldInfo . RealTimeSeconds ;
DoshEarned . RandX = 2. f * FRand ( ) ;
DoshEarned . RandY = 1. f + FRand ( ) ;
DoshEarned . bInit = true ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
2020-01-13 08:46:44 -06:00
DoshPopups . AddItem ( DoshEarned ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
function DrawWeaponPickupInfo ( )
local vector ScreenPos ;
local bool bHasSingleForDual , bCanCarry ;
local Inventory Inv ;
local KFInventoryManager KFIM ;
local string WeightText , S ;
local class < KFWeapon > KFWC ;
local int Weight ;
local color CanCarryColor ;
local FontRenderInfo FRI ;
local float FontScale , ResModifier , IconSize ;
local float TextWidth , TextHeight , TextYOffset , SecondaryBGWidth , SecondaryBGHeight ;
local float InfoBaseX , InfoBaseY ;
local float BGX , BGY , BGWidth , BGHeight ;
ScreenPos = Canvas . Project ( WeaponPickup . Location + vect ( 0 , 0 , 25 ) ) ;
if ( ScreenPos . X < 0 || ScreenPos . X > Canvas . ClipX || ScreenPos . Y < 0 || ScreenPos . Y > Canvas . ClipY )
return ;
KFWC = class < KFWeapon > ( WeaponPickup . InventoryClass ) ;
if ( KFWC . default . DualClass != None && PlayerOwner . Pawn != None && PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager != None )
Inv = PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager . FindInventoryType ( KFWC ) ;
if ( KFWeapon ( Inv ) != None )
bHasSingleForDual = true ;
if ( bHasSingleForDual )
Weight = KFWC . default . DualClass . default . InventorySize - KFWeapon ( Inv ) . GetModifiedWeightValue ( ) ;
else Weight = KFWC . default . InventorySize ;
WeightText = string ( Weight ) ;
if ( PlayerOwner . Pawn != None && KFInventoryManager ( PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager ) != None )
KFIM = KFInventoryManager ( PlayerOwner . Pawn . InvManager ) ;
if ( KFIM . CanCarryWeapon ( KFWC ) )
if ( KFWC . default . DualClass != None )
bCanCarry = ! KFIM . ClassIsInInventory ( KFWC . default . DualClass , Inv ) ;
else bCanCarry = ! KFIM . ClassIsInInventory ( KFWC , Inv ) ;
else bCanCarry = true ;
CanCarryColor = ( bCanCarry ? WeaponIconColor : WeaponOverweightIconColor ) ;
FRI = Canvas . CreateFontRenderInfo ( true ) ;
ResModifier = WorldInfo . static . GetResolutionBasedHUDScale ( ) ;
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScale ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( WeightText , TextWidth , TextHeight , FontScale , FontScale ) ;
IconSize = WeaponIconSize * ResModifier ;
InfoBaseX = ScreenPos . X - ( ( IconSize * 1.5 + TextWidth ) * 0.5 ) ;
InfoBaseY = ScreenPos . Y ;
TextYOffset = ( IconSize - TextHeight ) * 0.5 ;
BGWidth = IconSize * 2.0 + TextWidth ;
BGX = InfoBaseX - ( IconSize * 0.25 ) ;
BGHeight = IconSize * 1.5 ;
BGY = InfoBaseY + IconSize * 1.5 - ( BGHeight * 0.125 ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , BGX , BGY , BGWidth , BGHeight , HudMainColor ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = CanCarryColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( InfoBaseX , InfoBaseY + IconSize * 1.5 ) ;
Canvas . DrawTile ( WeaponWeightIcon , IconSize , IconSize , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . SetPos ( InfoBaseX + IconSize * 1.5 , InfoBaseY + IconSize * 1.5 + TextYOffset ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( WeightText , , FontScale , FontScale , FRI ) ;
if ( WeaponPickup . GetDisplayName ( ) != "" )
S = WeaponPickup . GetDisplayName ( ) ;
Canvas . TextSize ( S , TextWidth , TextHeight , FontScale , FontScale ) ;
SecondaryBGWidth = TextWidth * 1.125 ;
SecondaryBGHeight = TextHeight * 1.125 ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
BGY += BGHeight + ( TextHeight * 0.5 f ) ;
BGX += ( BGWidth * 0.5 f ) - ( SecondaryBGWidth * 0.5 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
GUIStyle . DrawRoundedBox ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 , BGX , BGY , SecondaryBGWidth , SecondaryBGHeight , HudMainColor ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( BGX + ( SecondaryBGWidth * 0.5 f ) - ( TextWidth * 0.5 f ) , BGY + ( SecondaryBGHeight * 0.5 f ) - ( TextHeight * 0.5 f ) ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawText ( S , , FontScale , FontScale , FRI ) ;
function byte DrawToDistance ( Actor A , optional float StartAlpha = 255. f , optional float MinAlpha = 90. f )
local float Dist , fZoom ;
Dist = VSize ( A . Location - PLCameraLoc ) ;
if ( Dist <= HealthBarFullVisDist || PlayerOwner . PlayerReplicationInfo . bOnlySpectator )
fZoom = 1.0 ;
else fZoom = FMax ( 1.0 - ( Dist - HealthBarFullVisDist ) / ( HealthBarCutoffDist - HealthBarFullVisDist ) , 0.0 ) ;
return Clamp ( StartAlpha * fZoom , MinAlpha , StartAlpha ) ;
simulated function bool DrawFriendlyHumanPlayerInfo ( KFPawn _Human KFPH )
local float Percentage ;
local float BarHeight , BarLength ;
local vector ScreenPos , TargetLocation ;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI ;
local float FontScale ;
local float ResModifier ;
local float PerkIconPosX , PerkIconPosY , SupplyIconPosX , SupplyIconPosY , PerkIconXL , BarY ;
local color CurrentArmorColor , CurrentHealthColor ;
local byte FadeAlpha , PerkLevel ;
ResModifier = WorldInfo . static . GetResolutionBasedHUDScale ( ) * FriendlyHudScale ;
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo ( KFPH . PlayerReplicationInfo ) ;
if ( KFPRI == None )
return false ;
BarLength = FMin ( PlayerStatusBarLengthMax * ( Canvas . ClipX / 1024. f ) , PlayerStatusBarLengthMax ) * ResModifier ;
BarHeight = FMin ( 8. f * ( Canvas . ClipX / 1024. f ) , 8. f ) * ResModifier ;
TargetLocation = KFPH . Mesh . GetPosition ( ) + ( KFPH . CylinderComponent . CollisionHeight * vect ( 0 , 0 , 2.5 f ) ) ;
ScreenPos = Canvas . Project ( TargetLocation ) ;
if ( ScreenPos . X < 0 || ScreenPos . X > Canvas . ClipX || ScreenPos . Y < 0 || ScreenPos . Y > Canvas . ClipY )
return false ;
FadeAlpha = DrawToDistance ( KFPH ) ;
//Draw player name (Top)
Canvas . Font = GUIStyle . PickFont ( FontScale ) ;
FontScale *= FriendlyHudScale ;
//Player name text
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( KFPRI . PlayerName , ScreenPos . X - ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) , ScreenPos . Y - 3.5 f , 1 , FontScale ) ;
//Info Color
2020-01-17 19:54:24 -06:00
CurrentArmorColor = CustomArmorColor ;
CurrentHealthColor = CustomHealthColor ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
CurrentArmorColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
CurrentHealthColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
BarY = ScreenPos . Y + BarHeight + ( 36 * FontScale * ResModifier ) ;
//Draw armor bar
Percentage = FMin ( float ( KFPH . Armor ) / float ( KFPH . MaxArmor ) , 100 ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
DrawPlayerInfo ( KFPH , Percentage , BarLength , BarHeight , ScreenPos . X - ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) , BarY , CurrentArmorColor , PlayerInfoType == INFO _CLASSIC ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
BarY += BarHeight + 5 ;
//Draw health bar
Percentage = FMin ( float ( KFPH . Health ) / float ( KFPH . HealthMax ) , 100 ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
DrawPlayerInfo ( KFPH , Percentage , BarLength , BarHeight , ScreenPos . X - ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) , BarY , CurrentHealthColor , PlayerInfoType == INFO _CLASSIC , true ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
BarY += BarHeight ;
if ( KFPRI . CurrentPerkClass == none )
return false ;
PerkLevel = KFPRI . GetActivePerkLevel ( ) ;
//Draw perk level and name text
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
GUIStyle . DrawTextShadow ( PerkLevel @ KFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . default . PerkName , ScreenPos . X - ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) , BarY , 1 , FontScale ) ;
// drop shadow for perk icon
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarShadowColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
PerkIconXL = PlayerStatusIconSize * ResModifier ;
PerkIconPosX = ScreenPos . X - ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) - PerkIconXL + 1 ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
PerkIconPosY = ScreenPos . Y + ( PerkIconXL * 0.5 f ) - ( BarHeight * 0.5 f ) + 6 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
SupplyIconPosX = ScreenPos . X + ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) + 1 ;
SupplyIconPosY = PerkIconPosY + 4 * ResModifier ;
DrawPerkIcons ( KFPH , PerkIconXL , PerkIconPosX - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , PerkIconPosY , SupplyIconPosX + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , SupplyIconPosY , true ) ;
//draw perk icon
Canvas . DrawColor = WhiteColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
PerkIconPosX = ScreenPos . X - ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) - PerkIconXL ;
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
PerkIconPosY = ScreenPos . Y + ( PerkIconXL * 0.5 f ) - ( BarHeight * 0.5 f ) + 5 ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
SupplyIconPosX = ScreenPos . X + ( BarLength * 0.5 f ) ;
SupplyIconPosY = PerkIconPosY + 4 * ResModifier ;
DrawPerkIcons ( KFPH , PerkIconXL , PerkIconPosX - ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , PerkIconPosY , SupplyIconPosX + ( ScaledBorderSize * 2 ) , SupplyIconPosY , false ) ;
return true ;
simulated function DrawPerkIcons ( KFPawn _Human KFPH , float PerkIconXL , float PerkIconPosX , float PerkIconPosY , float SupplyIconPosX , float SupplyIconPosY , bool bDropShadow )
local byte PrestigeLevel ;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI ;
local color TempColor ;
local float ResModifier ;
local byte FadeAlpha ;
KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo ( KFPH . PlayerReplicationInfo ) ;
if ( KFPRI == None )
return ;
PrestigeLevel = KFPRI . GetActivePerkPrestigeLevel ( ) ;
ResModifier = WorldInfo . static . GetResolutionBasedHUDScale ( ) * FriendlyHudScale ;
FadeAlpha = Canvas . DrawColor . A ;
if ( KFPRI . CurrentVoiceCommsRequest == VCT _NONE && KFPRI . CurrentPerkClass != none && PrestigeLevel > 0 )
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkIconPosX , PerkIconPosY ) ;
Canvas . DrawTile ( KFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . default . PrestigeIcons [ PrestigeLevel - 1 ] , PerkIconXL , PerkIconXL , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
if ( PrestigeLevel > 0 )
2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkIconPosX + ( PerkIconXL * ( 1 - class 'KFHUDBase' . default . PrestigeIconScale ) ) * 0.5 f , PerkIconPosY + PerkIconXL * 0.05 f ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
Canvas . DrawTile ( KFPRI . GetCurrentIconToDisplay ( ) , PerkIconXL * class 'KFHUDBase' . default . PrestigeIconScale , PerkIconXL * class 'KFHUDBase' . default . PrestigeIconScale , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( PerkIconPosX , PerkIconPosY ) ;
Canvas . DrawTile ( KFPRI . GetCurrentIconToDisplay ( ) , PerkIconXL , PerkIconXL , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
if ( KFPRI . PerkSupplyLevel > 0 && KFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . static . GetInteractIcon ( ) != none )
if ( ! bDropShadow )
if ( KFPRI . PerkSupplyLevel == 2 )
if ( KFPRI . bPerkPrimarySupplyUsed && KFPRI . bPerkSecondarySupplyUsed )
TempColor = SupplierActiveColor ;
else if ( KFPRI . bPerkPrimarySupplyUsed || KFPRI . bPerkSecondarySupplyUsed )
TempColor = SupplierHalfUsableColor ;
TempColor = SupplierUsableColor ;
else if ( KFPRI . PerkSupplyLevel == 1 )
TempColor = KFPRI . bPerkPrimarySupplyUsed ? SupplierActiveColor : SupplierUsableColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor = TempColor ;
Canvas . DrawColor . A = FadeAlpha ;
Canvas . SetPos ( SupplyIconPosX , SupplyIconPosY ) ;
Canvas . DrawTile ( KFPRI . CurrentPerkClass . static . GetInteractIcon ( ) , ( PlayerStatusIconSize * 0.75 ) * ResModifier , ( PlayerStatusIconSize * 0.75 ) * ResModifier , 0 , 0 , 256 , 256 ) ;
simulated function DrawPlayerInfo ( KFPawn _Human P , float BarPercentage , float BarLength , float BarHeight , float XPos , float YPos , Color BarColor , optional bool bDrawOutline , optional bool bDrawingHealth )
if ( bDrawOutline )
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 185 , 185 , 185 , 255 ) ;
GUIStyle . DrawBoxHollow ( XPos - 2 , YPos - 2 , BarLength + 4 , BarHeight + 4 , 1 ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = PlayerBarBGColor ;
Canvas . DrawTileStretched ( PlayerStatusBarBGTexture , BarLength , BarHeight , 0 , 0 , 32 , 32 ) ;
Canvas . SetPos ( XPos , YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor = BarColor ;
Canvas . DrawTileStretched ( PlayerStatusBarBGTexture , BarLength * BarPercentage , BarHeight , 0 , 0 , 32 , 32 ) ;
else DrawKFBar ( BarPercentage , BarLength , BarHeight , XPos , YPos , BarColor ) ;
function ShowQuickSyringe ( )
if ( bDisplayQuickSyringe )
if ( ` TimeSince(QuickSyringeStartTime) > QuickSyringeFadeInTime )
if ( ` TimeSince(QuickSyringeStartTime) > QuickSyringeDisplayTime - QuickSyringeFadeOutTime )
QuickSyringeStartTime = ` TimeSince(QuickSyringeFadeInTime + ((QuickSyringeDisplayTime - ` TimeSince ( QuickSyringeStartTime ) ) * QuickSyringeFadeInTime ) ) ;
else QuickSyringeStartTime = ` TimeSince(QuickSyringeFadeInTime);
bDisplayQuickSyringe = true ;
QuickSyringeStartTime = WorldInfo . TimeSeconds ;
simulated function Tick ( float Delta )
if ( bDisplayingProgress )
bDisplayingProgress = false ;
if ( VisualProgressBar < LevelProgressBar )
VisualProgressBar = FMin ( VisualProgressBar + Delta , LevelProgressBar ) ;
else if ( VisualProgressBar > LevelProgressBar )
VisualProgressBar = FMax ( VisualProgressBar - Delta , LevelProgressBar ) ;
Super . Tick ( Delta ) ;
function DrawZedIcon ( Pawn ZedPawn , vector PawnLocation , float NormalizedAngle )
DrawDirectionalIndicator ( PawnLocation + ( ZedPawn . CylinderComponent . CollisionHeight * vect ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) , GenericZedIconTexture , PlayerStatusIconSize * ( WorldInfo . static . GetResolutionBasedHUDScale ( ) * FriendlyHudScale ) * 0.5 f , , , GetNameOf ( ZedPawn . Class ) ) ;
2020-01-17 12:46:21 -06:00
function CheckAndDrawRemainingZedIcons ( )
if ( ! bDisableLastZEDIcons )
Super . CheckAndDrawRemainingZedIcons ( ) ;
simulated function CheckAndDrawHiddenPlayerIcons ( array < PlayerReplicationInfo > VisibleHumanPlayers , array < sHiddenHumanPawnInfo > HiddenHumanPlayers )
if ( ! bDisableHiddenPlayers )
Super . CheckAndDrawHiddenPlayerIcons ( VisibleHumanPlayers , HiddenHumanPlayers ) ;
exec function OpenSettingsMenu ( )
GUIController . OpenMenu ( class 'KFClassicHUD.UI_MidGameMenu' ) ;
exec function SetShowScores ( bool bNewValue )
if ( bNewScoreboard && Scoreboard != None )
Scoreboard . SetVisibility ( bNewValue ) ;
else Super . SetShowScores ( bNewValue ) ;
2020-01-10 07:14:11 -06:00
DefaultHudMainColor = ( R = 0 , B = 0 , G = 0 , A = 195 )
DefaultHudOutlineColor = ( R = 200 , B = 15 , G = 15 , A = 195 )
DefaultFontColor = ( R = 255 , B = 50 , G = 50 , A = 255 )
BlueColor = ( R = 0 , B = 255 , G = 0 , A = 255 )
MedicLockOnIcon = Texture2D 'UI_SecondaryAmmo_TEX.UI_FireModeSelect_ManualTarget'
MedicLockOnIconSize = 40
MedicLockOnColor = ( R = 0 , G = 255 , B = 255 , A = 192 )
MedicPendingLockOnColor = ( R = 92 , G = 92 , B = 92 , A = 192 )
MedicWeaponRot = ( Yaw = 16384 )
MedicWeaponHeight = 88
MedicWeaponBGColor = ( R = 0 , G = 0 , B = 0 , A = 128 )
MedicWeaponNotChargedColor = ( R = 224 , G = 0 , B = 0 , A = 128 )
MedicWeaponChargedColor = ( R = 0 , G = 224 , B = 224 , A = 128 )
InventoryFadeTime = 1.25
InventoryFadeInTime = 0.1
InventoryFadeOutTime = 0.15
InventoryX = 0.35
InventoryY = 0.025
InventoryBoxWidth = 0.1
InventoryBoxHeight = 0.075
BorderSize = 0.005
TraderArrow = Texture2D 'UI_LevelChevrons_TEX.UI_LevelChevron_Icon_03'
TraderArrowLight = Texture2D 'UI_Objective_Tex.UI_Obj_World_Loc'
VoiceChatIcon = Texture2D 'UI_HUD.voip_icon'
DoshEarnedIcon = Texture2D 'UI_Objective_Tex.UI_Obj_Dosh_Loc'
PerkIconSize = 16
MaxPerkStars = 5
MaxStarsPerRow = 5
PrestigeIconScale = 0.6625
DamagePopupFadeOutTime = 2.25
XPFadeOutTime = 1.0
DoshFadeOutTime = 2.0
MaxWeaponPickupDist = 700
WeaponPickupScanRadius = 75
ZedScanRadius = 200
WeaponAmmoIcon = Texture2D 'UI_Menus.TraderMenu_SWF_I10B'
WeaponWeightIcon = Texture2D 'UI_Menus.TraderMenu_SWF_I26'
WeaponIconSize = 32
WeaponIconColor = ( R = 192 , G = 192 , B = 192 , A = 255 )
WeaponOverweightIconColor = ( R = 255 , G = 0 , B = 0 , A = 192 )
NonCriticalMessageDisplayTime = 3.0
NonCriticalMessageFadeInTime = 0.65
NonCriticalMessageFadeOutTime = 0.5
RepObject = ObjectReferencer 'KFClassicMode_Assets.ObjectRef.MainObj_List'
HUDClass = class 'KF1_HUDWrapper'
PerkStarIcon = Texture2D 'KFClassicMode_Assets.HUD.Hud_Perk_Star'
ScoreboardClass = class 'KFScoreBoard'
BossBattlePhaseColor = ( R = 0 , B = 0 , G = 150 , A = 175 )
BattlePhaseColors . Add ( ( R = 0 , B = 0 , G = 150 , A = 175 ) )
BattlePhaseColors . Add ( ( R = 255 , B = 18 , G = 176 , A = 175 ) )
BattlePhaseColors . Add ( ( R = 255 , B = 18 , G = 96 , A = 175 ) )
BattlePhaseColors . Add ( ( R = 173 , B = 17 , G = 22 , A = 175 ) )
BattlePhaseColors . Add ( ( R = 0 , B = 0 , G = 0 , A = 175 ) )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Fire ] = ( R = 206 , G = 103 , B = 0 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Toxic ] = ( R = 58 , G = 232 , B = 0 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Bleeding ] = ( R = 255 , G = 100 , B = 100 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _EMP ] = ( R = 32 , G = 138 , B = 255 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Freeze ] = ( R = 0 , G = 183 , B = 236 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Flashbang ] = ( R = 195 , G = 195 , B = 195 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Generic ] = ( R = 206 , G = 64 , B = 64 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _High ] = ( R = 0 , G = 206 , B = 0 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Medium ] = ( R = 206 , G = 206 , B = 0 , A = 255 )
DamageMsgColors [ DMG _Unspecified ] = ( R = 150 , G = 150 , B = 150 , A = 255 )
NewLineSeparator = "|"
NotificationBackground = Texture2D 'KFClassicMode_Assets.HUD.Med_border_SlightTransparent'
NotificationShowTime = 0.3
NotificationHideTime = 0.5
NotificationHideDelay = 3.5
NotificationBorderSize = 7.0
NotificationIconSpacing = 10.0
NotificationPhase = PHASE _DONE