Class KF2GUIController extends Info transient; var() class<GUIStyleBase> DefaultStyle; var PlayerController PlayerOwner; var ScoreboardExtHUD HUDOwner; var transient KF2GUIInput CustomInput; var transient PlayerInput BackupInput; var transient GameViewportClient ClientViewport; var delegate<Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputKey> OldOnReceivedNativeInputKey; var delegate<Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputAxis> OldOnReceivedNativeInputAxis; var delegate<Interaction.OnReceivedNativeInputChar> OldOnReceivedNativeInputChar; var delegate<GameViewportClient.HandleInputAxis> OldHandleInputAxis; var array<KFGUI_Page> ActiveMenus,PersistentMenus; var transient KFGUI_Base MouseFocus,InputFocus,KeyboardFocus; var IntPoint MousePosition,ScreenSize,OldMousePos,LastMousePos,LastClickPos[2]; var transient float MousePauseTime,MenuTime,LastClickTimes[2]; var transient GUIStyleBase CurrentStyle; var transient Console OrgConsole; var transient KFGUIConsoleHack HackConsole; var array<Texture2D> CursorTextures; var Color CursorColor; var int CurrentCursorIndex, CursorSize; var Texture DefaultPens[3]; var byte CursorFade, FastCursorFade, CursorFlash; var int CursorStep, FastCursorStep; var int FontBlurX,FontBlurX2,FontBlurY,FontBlurY2,FastFontBlurX,FastFontBlurX2,FastFontBlurY,FastFontBlurY2; var bool bMouseWasIdle,bIsInMenuState,bAbsorbInput,bIsInvalid,bHideCursor,bUsingGamepad,bForceEngineCursor,bNoInputReset; static function KF2GUIController GetGUIController( PlayerController PC ) { local KF2GUIController G; if( PC.Player==None ) { return None; } foreach PC.ChildActors(class'ScoreboardExt.KF2GUIController',G) { if( !G.bIsInvalid ) { break; } } if( G==None ) { G = PC.Spawn(class'ScoreboardExt.KF2GUIController',PC); } return G; } simulated function PostBeginPlay() { PlayerOwner = PlayerController(Owner); ClientViewport = LocalPlayer(PlayerOwner.Player).ViewportClient; HUDOwner = ScoreboardExtHUD(PlayerOwner.myHUD); CurrentStyle = new (None) DefaultStyle; CurrentStyle.InitStyle(); CurrentStyle.Owner = self; SetTimer(0.1, true, 'SetupFontBlur'); SetTimer(0.05, true, 'SetupFastFontBlur'); SetTimer(0.75, true, 'SetupCursorFlash'); } simulated function SetupCursorFlash() { if( CursorFlash == 255 ) CursorFlash = 0; else CursorFlash = 255; } simulated function SetupFastFontBlur() { FastFontBlurX = RandRange(-8, 8); FastFontBlurX2 = RandRange(-8, 8); FastFontBlurY = RandRange(-8, 8); FastFontBlurY2 = RandRange(-8, 8); } simulated function SetupFontBlur() { FontBlurX = RandRange(-8, 8); FontBlurX2 = RandRange(-8, 8); FontBlurY = RandRange(-8, 8); FontBlurY2 = RandRange(-8, 8); } simulated function Tick(float DT) { Super.Tick(DT); DT /= WorldInfo.TimeDilation; CursorFade += 255 * DT * CursorStep; if( CursorFade<=0 ) { CursorFade = 0; CursorStep = 1; } else if( CursorFade>=255 ) { CursorFade = 255; CursorStep = -1; } FastCursorFade += 8192 * DT * FastCursorStep; if( FastCursorFade<=0 ) { FastCursorFade = 0; FastCursorStep = 1; } else if( FastCursorFade>=255 ) { FastCursorFade = 255; FastCursorStep = -1; } } simulated function Destroyed() { if( PlayerOwner!=None ) SetMenuState(false); } simulated function HandleDrawMenu() { if( HackConsole==None ) { HackConsole = new(ClientViewport)class'ScoreboardExt.KFGUIConsoleHack'; HackConsole.OutputObject = Self; } if( HackConsole!=ClientViewport.ViewportConsole ) { OrgConsole = ClientViewport.ViewportConsole; ClientViewport.ViewportConsole = HackConsole; // Make sure nothing overrides these settings while menu is being open. if( bIsInMenuState ) PlayerOwner.PlayerInput = CustomInput; } } simulated function RenderMenu( Canvas C ) { local int i; local float OrgX,OrgY,ClipX,ClipY; ClientViewport.ViewportConsole = OrgConsole; OrgX = C.OrgX; OrgY = C.OrgY; ClipX = C.ClipX; ClipY = C.ClipY; ScreenSize.X = C.SizeX; ScreenSize.Y = C.SizeY; CurrentStyle.Canvas = C; CurrentStyle.PickDefaultFontSize(C.SizeY); if( !KFPlayerController(PlayerOwner).MyGFxManager.bMenusActive ) { HUDOwner.Canvas = C; for( i=(HUDOwner.HUDWidgets.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) { HUDOwner.HUDWidgets[i].InputPos[0] = 0.f; HUDOwner.HUDWidgets[i].InputPos[1] = 0.f; HUDOwner.HUDWidgets[i].InputPos[2] = ScreenSize.X; HUDOwner.HUDWidgets[i].InputPos[3] = ScreenSize.Y; HUDOwner.HUDWidgets[i].Canvas = C; HUDOwner.HUDWidgets[i].PreDraw(); } C.SetOrigin(OrgX,OrgY); C.SetClip(ClipX,ClipY); } if( bIsInMenuState ) { for( i=(ActiveMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) { ActiveMenus[i].bWindowFocused = (i==0); ActiveMenus[i].InputPos[0] = 0.f; ActiveMenus[i].InputPos[1] = 0.f; ActiveMenus[i].InputPos[2] = ScreenSize.X; ActiveMenus[i].InputPos[3] = ScreenSize.Y; ActiveMenus[i].Canvas = C; ActiveMenus[i].PreDraw(); } if( InputFocus!=None && InputFocus.bFocusedPostDrawItem ) { InputFocus.InputPos[0] = 0.f; InputFocus.InputPos[1] = 0.f; InputFocus.InputPos[2] = ScreenSize.X; InputFocus.InputPos[3] = ScreenSize.Y; InputFocus.Canvas = C; InputFocus.PreDraw(); } C.SetOrigin(OrgX,OrgY); C.SetClip(ClipX,ClipY); if (!bHideCursor) { DrawCursor(C, MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y); } } if( OrgConsole!=None ) OrgConsole.PostRender_Console(C); OrgConsole = None; } simulated function DrawCursor(Canvas C, float PosX, float PosY) { C.SetPos(PosX, PosY); C.DrawColor = CursorColor; C.DrawTile(CursorTextures[CurrentCursorIndex], CurrentStyle.ScreenScale(CursorSize), CurrentStyle.ScreenScale(CursorSize), 0.f, 0.f, CursorTextures[CurrentCursorIndex].SizeX, CursorTextures[CurrentCursorIndex].SizeY,, true); } simulated final function InventoryChanged(optional KFWeapon Wep, optional bool bRemove) { local int i; for( i=(ActiveMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) { ActiveMenus[i].InventoryChanged(Wep,bRemove); } } simulated final function SetMenuState( bool bActive ) { if( PlayerOwner.PlayerInput==None ) { NotifyLevelChange(); bActive = false; } if( bIsInMenuState==bActive ) return; bIsInMenuState = bActive; bHideCursor = !bActive; if( bActive ) { if( CustomInput==None ) { CustomInput = new (KFPlayerController(PlayerOwner)) class'ScoreboardExt.KF2GUIInput'; CustomInput.ControllerOwner = Self; CustomInput.OnReceivedNativeInputKey = ReceivedInputKey; CustomInput.BaseInput = PlayerOwner.PlayerInput; BackupInput = PlayerOwner.PlayerInput; PlayerOwner.Interactions.AddItem(CustomInput); } OldOnReceivedNativeInputKey = BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputKey; OldOnReceivedNativeInputAxis = BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputAxis; OldOnReceivedNativeInputChar = BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputChar; BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputKey = ReceivedInputKey; BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputAxis = ReceivedInputAxis; BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputChar = ReceivedInputChar; OldHandleInputAxis = ClientViewport.HandleInputAxis; ClientViewport.HandleInputAxis = ReceivedInputAxis; PlayerOwner.PlayerInput = CustomInput; if( LastMousePos != default.LastMousePos ) ClientViewport.SetMouse(LastMousePos.X,LastMousePos.Y); } else { LastMousePos = MousePosition; ClientViewport.HandleInputAxis = None; if( BackupInput!=None ) { PlayerOwner.PlayerInput = BackupInput; BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputKey = OldOnReceivedNativeInputKey; BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputAxis = OldOnReceivedNativeInputAxis; BackupInput.OnReceivedNativeInputChar = OldOnReceivedNativeInputChar; ClientViewport.HandleInputAxis = OldHandleInputAxis; } LastClickTimes[0] = 0; LastClickTimes[1] = 0; } if( !bNoInputReset ) { PlayerOwner.PlayerInput.ResetInput(); } } simulated function NotifyLevelChange() { local int i; if( bIsInvalid ) return; bIsInvalid = true; if( InputFocus!=None ) { InputFocus.LostInputFocus(); InputFocus = None; } for( i=(ActiveMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) ActiveMenus[i].NotifyLevelChange(); for( i=(PersistentMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) PersistentMenus[i].NotifyLevelChange(); SetMenuState(false); } simulated function MenuInput(float DeltaTime) { local int i; local vector2D V; if( PlayerOwner.PlayerInput==None ) { NotifyLevelChange(); return; } if( InputFocus!=None ) InputFocus.MenuTick(DeltaTime); for( i=0; i<ActiveMenus.Length; ++i ) ActiveMenus[i].MenuTick(DeltaTime); // Check idle. if( Abs(MousePosition.X-OldMousePos.X)>5.f || Abs(MousePosition.Y-OldMousePos.Y)>5.f || (bMouseWasIdle && MousePauseTime<0.5f) ) { if( bMouseWasIdle ) { bMouseWasIdle = false; if( InputFocus!=None ) InputFocus.InputMouseMoved(); } OldMousePos = MousePosition; MousePauseTime = 0.f; } else if( !bMouseWasIdle && (MousePauseTime+=DeltaTime)>0.5f ) { bMouseWasIdle = true; if( MouseFocus!=None ) MouseFocus.NotifyMousePaused(); } if( ActiveMenus.Length>0 ) MenuTime+=DeltaTime; V = ClientViewport.GetMousePosition(); MousePosition.X = Clamp(V.X, 0, ScreenSize.X); MousePosition.Y = Clamp(V.Y, 0, ScreenSize.Y); MouseMove(); } simulated function MouseMove() { local int i; local KFGUI_Base F; // Capture mouse for GUI if( InputFocus!=None && InputFocus.bCanFocus ) { if( InputFocus.CaptureMouse() ) { F = InputFocus.GetMouseFocus(); if( F!=MouseFocus ) { MousePauseTime = 0; if( MouseFocus!=None ) MouseFocus.MouseLeave(); MouseFocus = F; F.MouseEnter(); } } else i = ActiveMenus.Length; } else { for( i=0; i<ActiveMenus.Length; ++i ) { if( ActiveMenus[i].CaptureMouse() ) { F = ActiveMenus[i].GetMouseFocus(); if( F!=MouseFocus ) { MousePauseTime = 0; if( MouseFocus!=None ) MouseFocus.MouseLeave(); MouseFocus = F; F.MouseEnter(); } break; } else if( ActiveMenus[i].bOnlyThisFocus ) // Discard any other menus after this one. { i = ActiveMenus.Length; break; } } } if( MouseFocus!=None && i==ActiveMenus.Length ) // Hovering over nothing. { MousePauseTime = 0; if( MouseFocus!=None ) MouseFocus.MouseLeave(); MouseFocus = None; } } simulated final function int GetFreeIndex( bool bNewAlwaysTop ) // Find first allowed top index of the stack. { local int i; for( i=0; i<ActiveMenus.Length; ++i ) if( bNewAlwaysTop || !ActiveMenus[i].bAlwaysTop ) { ActiveMenus.Insert(i,1); return i; } i = ActiveMenus.Length; ActiveMenus.Length = i+1; return i; } simulated function KFGUI_Base InitializeHUDWidget( class<KFGUI_Base> GUIClass ) { local KFGUI_Base Widget; if( GUIClass==None ) return None; Widget = New(None) GUIClass; if( Widget==None ) return None; HUDOwner.HUDWidgets.AddItem(Widget); Widget.Owner = Self; Widget.HUDOwner = HUDOwner; Widget.InitMenu(); Widget.ShowMenu(); Widget.bIsHUDWidget = true; return Widget; } simulated function KFGUI_Page OpenMenu( class<KFGUI_Page> MenuClass ) { local int i; local KFGUI_Page M; if( MenuClass==None ) return None; if( KeyboardFocus!=None ) GrabInputFocus(None); if( InputFocus!=None ) { InputFocus.LostInputFocus(); InputFocus = None; } // Enable mouse on UI if disabled. SetMenuState(true); // Check if should use pre-excisting menu. if( MenuClass.Default.bUnique ) { for( i=0; i<ActiveMenus.Length; ++i ) if( ActiveMenus[i].Class==MenuClass ) { if( i>0 && ActiveMenus[i].BringPageToFront() ) // Sort it upfront. { M = ActiveMenus[i]; ActiveMenus.Remove(i,1); i = GetFreeIndex(M.bAlwaysTop); ActiveMenus[i] = M; } return M; } if( MenuClass.Default.bPersistant ) { for( i=0; i<PersistentMenus.Length; ++i ) if( PersistentMenus[i].Class==MenuClass ) { M = PersistentMenus[i]; PersistentMenus.Remove(i,1); i = GetFreeIndex(M.bAlwaysTop); ActiveMenus[i] = M; M.ShowMenu(); return M; } } } M = New(None)MenuClass; if( M==None ) // Probably abstract class. return None; i = GetFreeIndex(M.bAlwaysTop); ActiveMenus[i] = M; M.Owner = Self; M.InitMenu(); M.ShowMenu(); return M; } simulated function CloseMenu( class<KFGUI_Page> MenuClass, optional bool bCloseAll ) { local int i, j; local KFGUI_Page M; if( !bCloseAll && MenuClass==None ) return; if( KeyboardFocus!=None ) GrabInputFocus(None); if( InputFocus!=None ) { InputFocus.LostInputFocus(); InputFocus = None; } for( i=(ActiveMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) { if( bCloseAll || ActiveMenus[i].Class==MenuClass ) { M = ActiveMenus[i]; ActiveMenus.Remove(i,1); M.CloseMenu(); for( j=0; j<M.TimerNames.Length; j++ ) { M.ClearTimer(M.TimerNames[j]); } // Cache menu. if( M.bPersistant && M.bUnique ) PersistentMenus[PersistentMenus.Length] = M; } } if( ActiveMenus.Length==0 ) { SetMenuState(false); } } simulated function PopCloseMenu( KFGUI_Base Item ) { local int i; local KFGUI_Page M; if( Item==None ) return; if( Item.bIsHUDWidget ) { HUDOwner.HUDWidgets.RemoveItem(Item); Item.CloseMenu(); return; } if( KeyboardFocus!=None ) GrabInputFocus(None); if( InputFocus!=None ) { InputFocus.LostInputFocus(); InputFocus = None; } for( i=(ActiveMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) if( ActiveMenus[i]==Item ) { M = ActiveMenus[i]; ActiveMenus.Remove(i,1); M.CloseMenu(); // Cache menu. if( M.bPersistant && M.bUnique ) PersistentMenus[PersistentMenus.Length] = M; break; } if( ActiveMenus.Length==0 ) SetMenuState(false); } simulated function BringMenuToFront( KFGUI_Page Page ) { local int i; if( ActiveMenus[0].bAlwaysTop && !Page.bAlwaysTop ) return; // Can't override this menu. // Try to remove from current position at stack. for( i=(ActiveMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) if( ActiveMenus[i]==Page ) { ActiveMenus.Remove(i,1); break; } if( i==-1 ) return; // Page isn't open. // Put on front of stack. ActiveMenus.Insert(0,1); ActiveMenus[0] = Page; } simulated final function bool MenuIsOpen( optional class<KFGUI_Page> MenuClass ) { local int i; for( i=(ActiveMenus.Length-1); i>=0; --i ) if( MenuClass==None || ActiveMenus[i].Class==MenuClass ) return true; return false; } simulated final function GrabInputFocus( KFGUI_Base Comp, optional bool bForce ) { if( Comp==KeyboardFocus && !bForce ) return; if( KeyboardFocus!=None ) KeyboardFocus.LostKeyFocus(); if( Comp==None ) { OnInputKey = InternalInputKey; OnReceivedInputChar = InternalReceivedInputChar; } else if( KeyboardFocus==None ) { OnInputKey = Comp.NotifyInputKey; OnReceivedInputChar = Comp.NotifyInputChar; OnReceivedInputAxis = Comp.NotifyInputAxis; } KeyboardFocus = Comp; } simulated final function GUI_InputMouse( bool bPressed, bool bRight ) { local byte i; MousePauseTime = 0; if( bPressed ) { if( KeyboardFocus!=None && KeyboardFocus!=MouseFocus ) { GrabInputFocus(None); LastClickTimes[0] = 0; LastClickTimes[1] = 0; } if( MouseFocus!=None ) { if( MouseFocus!=InputFocus && !MouseFocus.bClickable && !MouseFocus.IsTopMenu() && MouseFocus.BringPageToFront() ) { BringMenuToFront(MouseFocus.GetPageTop()); LastClickTimes[0] = 0; LastClickTimes[1] = 0; } else { i = byte(bRight); if( (MenuTime-LastClickTimes[i])<0.2 && Abs(LastClickPos[i].X-MousePosition.X)<5 && Abs(LastClickPos[i].Y-MousePosition.Y)<5 ) { LastClickTimes[i] = 0; MouseFocus.DoubleMouseClick(bRight); } else { MouseFocus.MouseClick(bRight); LastClickTimes[i] = MenuTime; LastClickPos[i] = MousePosition; } } } else if( InputFocus!=None ) { InputFocus.LostInputFocus(); InputFocus = None; LastClickTimes[0] = 0; LastClickTimes[1] = 0; } } else { if( InputFocus!=None ) InputFocus.MouseRelease(bRight); else if( MouseFocus!=None ) MouseFocus.MouseRelease(bRight); } } simulated final function bool CheckMouse( name Key, EInputEvent Event ) { if ( Event == IE_Pressed ) { switch( Key ) { case 'XboxTypeS_A': case 'LeftMouseButton': GUI_InputMouse(true,false); return true; case 'XboxTypeS_B': case 'RightMouseButton': GUI_InputMouse(true,true); return true; } } else if ( Event == IE_Released ) { switch( Key ) { case 'XboxTypeS_A': case 'LeftMouseButton': GUI_InputMouse(false,false); return true; case 'XboxTypeS_B': case 'RightMouseButton': GUI_InputMouse(false,true); return true; } } return false; } simulated function bool ReceivedInputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, optional float AmountDepressed=1.f, optional bool bGamepad ) { local KFPlayerInput KFInput; local KeyBind BoundKey; if( !bIsInMenuState ) return false; bUsingGamepad = bGamepad; KFInput = KFPlayerInput(BackupInput); if( KFInput == None ) { KFInput = KFPlayerInput(PlayerOwner.PlayerInput); } if( KeyboardFocus == None ) { if( KFInput != None ) { KFInput.GetKeyBindFromCommand(BoundKey, "GBA_VoiceChat", false); if( string(Key) ~= KFInput.GetBindDisplayName(BoundKey) ) { if( Event == IE_Pressed ) { KFInput.StartVoiceChat(true); } else if( Event == IE_Released ) { KFInput.StopVoiceChat(); } return true; } } } if( !CheckMouse(Key,Event) && !OnInputKey(ControllerId,Key,Event,AmountDepressed,bGamepad) ) { if( bGamepad ) { if( ActiveMenus[0].ReceievedControllerInput(ControllerId, Key, Event) ) return true; } switch( Key ) { case 'XboxTypeS_Start': case 'Escape': if( Event==IE_Pressed ) ActiveMenus[0].UserPressedEsc(); // Pop top menu if possible. // IE_Released return true; case 'XboxTypeS_DPad_Up': case 'XboxTypeS_DPad_Down': case 'XboxTypeS_DPad_Left': case 'XboxTypeS_DPad_Right': case 'MouseScrollDown': case 'MouseScrollUp': if( Event==IE_Pressed && MouseFocus!=None ) MouseFocus.ScrollMouseWheel(Key=='MouseScrollUp' || Key=='XboxTypeS_DPad_Up' || Key=='XboxTypeS_DPad_Left'); return true; } return bAbsorbInput; } return true; } simulated function bool ReceivedInputAxis( int ControllerId, name Key, float Delta, float DeltaTime, bool bGamepad ) { local Vector2D V; local KFPlayerInput KFInput; local float GamepadSensitivity,OldMouseX,OldMouseY,MoveDelta,MoveDeltaInvert; if( !bIsInMenuState ) return false; if( bGamepad ) { if( Abs(Delta) > 0.2f ) { bUsingGamepad = true; V = ClientViewport.GetMousePosition(); OldMouseX = V.X; OldMouseY = V.Y; KFInput = KFPlayerInput(BackupInput); GamepadSensitivity = KFInput.GamepadSensitivityScale * 10; MoveDelta = Delta * (KFInput.bInvertController ? -GamepadSensitivity : GamepadSensitivity); MoveDeltaInvert = Delta * (KFInput.bInvertController ? GamepadSensitivity : -GamepadSensitivity); switch(Key) { case 'XboxTypeS_LeftX': case 'XboxTypeS_RightX': if( Delta < 0 ) V.X = Clamp(V.X - MoveDeltaInvert, 0, ScreenSize.X); else V.X = Clamp(V.X + MoveDelta, 0, ScreenSize.X); break; case 'XboxTypeS_LeftY': if( Delta < 0 ) V.Y = Clamp(V.Y + MoveDeltaInvert, 0, ScreenSize.Y); else V.Y = Clamp(V.Y - MoveDelta, 0, ScreenSize.Y); break; case 'XboxTypeS_RightY': if( Delta < 0 ) V.Y = Clamp(V.Y - MoveDeltaInvert, 0, ScreenSize.Y); else V.Y = Clamp(V.Y + MoveDelta, 0, ScreenSize.Y); break; } if( OldMouseX != V.X || OldMouseY != V.Y ) ClientViewport.SetMouse(V.X, V.Y); } } return OnReceivedInputAxis(ControllerId, Key, Delta, DeltaTime, bGamepad); } simulated function bool ReceivedInputChar( int ControllerId, string Unicode ) { if( !bIsInMenuState ) return false; return OnReceivedInputChar(ControllerId,Unicode); } simulated Delegate bool OnInputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, optional float AmountDepressed=1.f, optional bool bGamepad ) { return false; } simulated Delegate bool OnReceivedInputAxis( int ControllerId, name Key, float Delta, float DeltaTime, bool bGamepad ) { return false; } simulated Delegate bool OnReceivedInputChar( int ControllerId, string Unicode ) { return false; } simulated Delegate bool InternalInputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, optional float AmountDepressed=1.f, optional bool bGamepad ) { return false; } simulated Delegate bool InternalReceivedInputChar( int ControllerId, string Unicode ) { return false; } defaultproperties { CursorSize=24 CursorColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) CursorTextures[`CURSOR_DEFAULT]=Texture2D'UI_Managers.LoaderManager_SWF_I13' CurrentCursorIndex=`CURSOR_DEFAULT DefaultStyle=class'ClassicStyle' bAbsorbInput=true bAlwaysTick=true bHideCursor=true }