Class KFGUI_Page extends KFGUI_MultiComponent abstract; `include(Build.uci) `include(Logger.uci) var() byte FrameOpacity; // Transperancy of the frame. var() bool bPersistant, // Reuse the same menu object throughout the level. bUnique, // If calling OpenMenu multiple times with same menu class, only open one instance of it. bAlwaysTop, // This menu should stay always on top. bOnlyThisFocus, // Only this menu should stay focused. bNoBackground; // Don't draw the background. var bool bWindowFocused; // This page is currently focused. function DrawMenu() { if( !bNoBackground ) { Owner.CurrentStyle.RenderWindow(Self); } } defaultproperties { bUnique=true bPersistant=true FrameOpacity=175 }