[img]https://img.shields.io/static/v1?logo=GitHub&labelColor=gray&color=blue&logoColor=white&label=&message=Open Source[/img] [img]https://img.shields.io/github/license/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard[/img] [img]https://img.shields.io/steam/downloads/2521826524[/img] [img]https://img.shields.io/steam/favorites/2521826524[/img] [img]https://img.shields.io/steam/update-date/2521826524[/img] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/2521826524][img]https://img.shields.io/github/v/tag/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard[/img][/url] [h1]Description[/h1] Yet another scoreboard... Based on the scoreboard from [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1963099942]ClassicHUD[/url] and heavily modified. [h1]Whitelisted?[/h1] No. This mod is not whitelisted and will de-rank your server. Any XP gained will not be saved. [h1]Usage (single player)[/h1] [olist] [*]Subscribe to this mutator; [*]Start KF2; [*]Open console (`) and input: [b]open KF-BioticsLab?Mutator=YAS.YASMut?[/b] (replace the map and add the parameters you need) [*]. [/olist] [h1]Usage (server)[/h1] [b]Note:[/b] [i]If you don't understand what is written here, read the article [url=https://wiki.killingfloor2.com/index.php?title=Dedicated_Server_(Killing_Floor_2)][u]Dedicated Server (KF2 wiki)[/u][/url] before following these instructions.[/i] [olist] [*]Open your [b]PCServer-KFEngine.ini[/b] / [b]LinuxServer-KFEngine.ini[/b]; [*]Find the [b][IpDrv.TcpNetDriver][/b] section and make sure that there is a line (add if not): [b]DownloadManagers=OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.SteamWorkshopDownload[/b] ❗️ If there are several [b]DownloadManagers=[/b] then the line above should be the first ❗️ [*]Add the following string to the [b][OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.KFWorkshopSteamworks][/b] section (create one if it doesn't exist): [b]ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=2521826524[/b] [*]Start the server and wait until the mutator is downloading; [*]Add mutator to server start parameters: [b]?Mutator=YAS.YASMut[/b] and restart the server. [/olist] [h1]Setup (KFYAS.ini)[/h1] Config will be created at the first start[b]*[/b]. [b][YAS.MessageOfTheDay][/b] In this section you can customize the messages that will be shown at the bottom of the panel. [list] [*][b]bRandomize[/b] - If True the message will be chosen randomly; [*][b]DisplayTime[/b] - message display time in seconds; [*][b]Message[/b] - Array of messages to display. Place multiple "Message=" below each other if you want to specify multiple messages. If you need a line break in a message, use '[b]\n[/b]'. [/list] [b][YAS.Ranks][/b] here you can set display settings for different player ranks. Edit [b]Player[/b] and [b]Admin[/b] lines to set how this is displayed: [list] [*][b]RankName[/b] - rank name. Leave blank if you don't want this to be shown. [*][b]RankColor[/b] - rank display color. [*][b]PlayerColor[/b] - player name display color of the player with this rank. [/list] Use [b]Rank[/b] array to set your own ranks: [list] [*][b]RankName[/b] - same as above. [*][b]RankColor[/b] - same as above. [*][b]PlayerColor[/b] - same as above. [*][b]RankID[/b] - used to establish a relation between a player and his rank (more on that below), you can use any value greater than zero. [*][b]OverrideAdmin[/b] - If True then this rank will be displayed even if the player is an admin. [/list] [b][YAS.RankRelations][/b] Use [b]Relation[/b] array to establish a relation between a player and their rank: [list] [*][b]RankID[/b] - RankID from the [b][YAS.Ranks][/b] section. [*][b]ObjectID[/b] - ID for which this rank will be applied. This can be a player's SteamID64, a player's UniqueID, or a steam group's SteamID64 (then the rank will be applied to all members of that group). [/list] [b]Ranks priority[/b] [list] [*]Personal ranks are higher in priority than group ranks, so if a player belongs to both the group rank and the personal rank, then the personal rank will be used. [*]The higher the position in [b][YAS.RankRelations][/b] the higher the rank priority. That is, if a player belongs to two group relations at once, the one that is higher in the list will be used. [/list] [b]Rank example[/b] When your config is generated for the first time there will be an example rank - "Man of Culture". It has green color and relation with ObjectID 103582791429670253 (which is the SteamID64 of [url=https://steamcommunity.com/groups/hentaii]this group[/url]). Thus, if you leave this setting, when someone from this group enters the game, he will have a green rank "Man of Culture". You can use this as a template for creating your own ranks, or remove it if you don't need it. [h1]Getting IDs[/h1] You can view the Steam ID and UniqueID in WebAdmin on the PLAYERS tab: [img]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard/master/PublicationContent/ID1.png[/img] But don't try to use the SteamID from here for EGS players - it won't work. SteamID is for Steam players only. UniqueID is suitable for all platforms. SteamID can also be obtained from the player's profile, look at the URL: [img]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard/master/PublicationContent/ID2.png[/img] If a player uses a nickname in a link to their profile, then add this to the profile url: [b]?xml=1[/b] [img]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard/master/PublicationContent/ID3.png[/img] If you need a SteamID64 for a steam group, open the group in a browser and add this to the url: [b]/memberslistxml/?xml=1[/b] [img]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard/master/PublicationContent/ID4.png[/img] [h1]Notes[/h1] 📌 VersusSurvival mode not supported (yet). [h1]Troubleshooting[/h1] [b](*)[/b] If your config is not created for some reason, create it manually with the following content: [b][YAS.YAS] Version=0 [/b] Then start the server and check the file again - config content should be generated. [h1]Sources[/h1] [url=https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard]https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-YetAnotherScoreboard[/url] [b](GNU GPLv3)[/b]