Updated to the latest version

This commit is contained in:
ForrestMarkX 2020-07-07 16:34:12 -05:00
parent 79108a3abd
commit 98d11e5d3f
4 changed files with 110 additions and 117 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ function DrawPopupInfo()
TempX = (Canvas.ClipX / 2.0) - (NotificationWidth / 2.0);
TempX = (Canvas.ClipX * 0.5f) - (NotificationWidth * 0.5f);
@ -1065,10 +1065,10 @@ function DrawPopupInfo()
IconSize = NotificationHeight - (NotificationBorderSize * 2.0);
Canvas.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + ((NotificationHeight-IconSize)/2), TempY + ((NotificationHeight-IconSize)/2));
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + ((NotificationHeight-IconSize)*0.5f), TempY + ((NotificationHeight-IconSize)*0.5f));
Canvas.DrawTile(MessageQueue[0].Image, IconSize, IconSize, 1, 0, 256, 256);
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + (NotificationHeight/2) + ((NotificationWidth-TempWidth)/2), TempY + ((NotificationHeight-TempHeight)/2));
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + (NotificationHeight*0.5f) + ((NotificationWidth-TempWidth)*0.5f), TempY + ((NotificationHeight-TempHeight)*0.5f));
Canvas.DrawText(MessageQueue[0].Body,, FontScalar, FontScalar);
@ -1077,23 +1077,15 @@ function string GetGameInfoText()
if( KFGRI != None )
if( KFGRI.bTraderIsOpen )
return GUIStyle.GetTimeString(KFGRI.GetTraderTimeRemaining());
else if( KFGRI.bWaveIsActive )
if( KFGRI.IsBossWave() )
return class'KFGFxHUD_WaveInfo'.default.BossWaveString;
else if( KFGRI.IsEndlessWave() )
return Chr(0x221E);
else if( KFGRI.bMatchIsOver )
return "---";
return string(KFGRI.AIRemaining);
@ -1104,20 +1096,8 @@ function string GetGameInfoText()
function string GetGameInfoSubText()
local int WaveMax;
local string S;
if( KFGRI != None && KFGRI.bWaveIsActive && !KFGRI.IsBossWave() )
WaveMax = KFGRI.WaveMax-1;
if( KFGameReplicationInfo_Endless(KFGRI) != None )
S = string(KFGRI.WaveNum);
else S = string(KFGRI.WaveNum) $ "/" $ string(WaveMax);
return class'KFGFxHUD_WaveInfo'.default.WaveString @ S;
if( KFGRI != None && !KFGRI.IsBossWave() )
return class'KFGFxHUD_WaveInfo'.default.WaveString @ KFGameReplicationInfo_Endless(KFGRI) != None ? string(KFGRI.WaveNum) : string(KFGRI.WaveNum) $ "/" $ string(KFGRI.WaveMax-1);
return "";
@ -1188,8 +1168,8 @@ function DrawHUDBox
IconW = HBRI.IconScale - (HBRI.bUseRounded ? 0.f : ScaledBorderSize);
IconXL = X + (IconW/2);
IconYL = Y + (Height / 2) - (IconW / 2);
IconXL = X + (IconW*0.5f);
IconYL = Y + (Height * 0.5f) - (IconW * 0.5f);
if( HudOutlineColor != DefaultHudOutlineColor )
@ -1211,12 +1191,12 @@ function DrawHUDBox
if( HBRI.IconTex != None )
TextX = IconXL + IconW + (ScaledBorderSize*4);
else TextX = X + (Width / 2) - (XL / 2);
else TextX = X + (Width * 0.5f) - (XL * 0.5f);
TextY = Y + (Height / 2) - (YL / 2);
TextY = Y + (Height * 0.5f) - (YL * 0.5f);
if( !HBRI.bUseRounded )
TextY -= (ScaledBorderSize/2);
TextY -= (ScaledBorderSize*0.5f);
// Always one pixel off, could not find the source
if( Canvas.SizeX != 1920 )
@ -1233,7 +1213,7 @@ function DrawHUDBox
TextY = Y + ((Height*0.05)/2);
TextY = Y + ((Height*0.05)*0.5f);
for( i=0; i<HBRI.StringArray.Length; ++i )
@ -1241,7 +1221,7 @@ function DrawHUDBox
if( HBRI.IconTex != None )
TextX = IconXL + IconW + (ScaledBorderSize*4);
else TextX = X + (Width / 2) - (XL / 2);
else TextX = X + (Width * 0.5f) - (XL * 0.5f);
if( HBRI.bUseOutline )
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(HBRI.StringArray[i], TextX, TextY, 1, TextScale);
@ -1250,7 +1230,7 @@ function DrawHUDBox
Canvas.SetPos(TextX, TextY);
Canvas.DrawText(HBRI.StringArray[i],, TextScale, TextScale, FRI);
@ -1332,8 +1312,8 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
Canvas.TextSize(CircleText, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
XPos = Canvas.ClipX - DrawCircleSize/2 - (XL / 2);
YPos = SubCircleText != "" ? DrawCircleSize/2 - (YL / 1.5) : DrawCircleSize/2 - YL / 2;
XPos = Canvas.ClipX - DrawCircleSize*0.5f - (XL * 0.5f);
YPos = SubCircleText != "" ? DrawCircleSize*0.5f - (YL / 1.5) : DrawCircleSize*0.5f - YL * 0.5f;
Canvas.DrawColor = FontColor;
if( bLightHUD )
@ -1351,8 +1331,8 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
Canvas.TextSize(SubCircleText, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
XPos = Canvas.ClipX - DrawCircleSize/2 - (XL / 2);
YPos = DrawCircleSize/2 + (YL / 2.5);
XPos = Canvas.ClipX - DrawCircleSize*0.5f - (XL * 0.5f);
YPos = DrawCircleSize*0.5f + (YL / 2.5f);
if( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(SubCircleText, XPos, YPos, 1, FontScalar);
@ -1459,10 +1439,10 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
Canvas.TextSize(PlayerScore, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
Canvas.DrawColor = FontColor;
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(PlayerScore, DoshXL + (DoshXL * 0.035), DoshYL + (scale_w / 2) - (YL / 2), 1, FontScalar);
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(PlayerScore, DoshXL + (DoshXL * 0.035), DoshYL + (scale_w * 0.5f) - (YL * 0.5f), 1, FontScalar);
if( bShowDoshEarned && DoshPopups.Length > 0 )
DrawDoshEarned((DoshXL + (DoshXL * 0.035)) + ((scale_w-XL) / 2), DoshYL);
DrawDoshEarned((DoshXL + (DoshXL * 0.035)) + ((scale_w-XL) * 0.5f), DoshYL);
// Draw Perk Info
@ -1504,7 +1484,7 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
if (PrestigeLevel > 0)
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
Canvas.SetPos(PerkXL + ((scale_w/2) - ((scale_w*PrestigeIconScale)/2)), PerkIconY + ((scale_w/2) - ((scale_w*PrestigeIconScale)/2)) - 4);
Canvas.SetPos(PerkXL + ((scale_w*0.5f) - ((scale_w*PrestigeIconScale)*0.5f)), PerkIconY + ((scale_w*0.5f) - ((scale_w*PrestigeIconScale)*0.5f)) - 4);
Canvas.DrawRect(scale_w*PrestigeIconScale, scale_w*PrestigeIconScale, PerkIcon);
@ -1550,7 +1530,7 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
LevelProgressBar = KFPlayerOwner.GetPerkLevelProgressPercentage(KFPlayerOwner.CurrentPerk.Class) / 100.f;
if( bShowXPEarned && XPPopups.Length > 0 )
DrawXPEarned(PerkProgressX + (PerkProgressSize/2), PerkProgressY-(PerkProgressSize*0.125f)-(ScaledBorderSize*2));
DrawXPEarned(PerkProgressX + (PerkProgressSize*0.5f), PerkProgressY-(PerkProgressSize*0.125f)-(ScaledBorderSize*2));
@ -1601,7 +1581,7 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
// Objective Title
XPos = ObjX + ObjectivePadding;
YPos = ObjY + ((ObjectivePadding-ScaledBorderSize) / 2);
YPos = ObjY + ((ObjectivePadding-ScaledBorderSize) * 0.5f);
if( MapObjective.GetIcon() != None )
@ -1657,7 +1637,7 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
Canvas.TextSize(ObjectiveReward, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
XPos = ObjX + (ObjectiveSize - XL - ObjectivePadding);
YPos = ObjY + ((ObjectiveH-ObjYL)/2) + (YL/2);
YPos = ObjY + ((ObjectiveH-ObjYL)*0.5f) + (YL*0.5f);
if( bLightHUD )
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(ObjectiveReward, XPos, YPos, 1, FontScalar);
@ -1757,7 +1737,7 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
// ToDo - Find better way to check for weapons like the Welder and Med Syringe
if( CurrentWeapon.UsesAmmo() || CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Welder') || CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Healer_Syringe') )
if( CurrentWeapon.UsesAmmo() || CurrentWeapon.GetSpecialAmmoForHUD() != "" || CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Welder') || CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Healer_Syringe') )
bSingleFire = CurrentWeapon.MagazineCapacity[0] <= 1;
bHasSecondaryAmmo = CurrentWeapon.UsesSecondaryAmmo();
@ -1765,7 +1745,7 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
AmmoCount = CurrentWeapon.AmmoCount[0];
MagCount = bSingleFire ? CurrentWeapon.GetSpareAmmoForHUD() : FCeil(float(CurrentWeapon.GetSpareAmmoForHUD()) / float(CurrentWeapon.MagazineCapacity[0]));
if( CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Welder') || CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Healer_Syringe') )
if( CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Welder') || CurrentWeapon.IsA('KFWeap_Healer_Syringe') || CurrentWeapon.GetSpecialAmmoForHUD() != "" )
bSingleFire = true;
MagCount = AmmoCount;
@ -1773,13 +1753,13 @@ function RenderKFHUD(KFPawn_Human KFPH)
// Clips
HBRI.IconTex = GetClipIcon(CurrentWeapon, bSingleFire);
DrawHUDBox(BoxXL, BoxYL, BoxSW, BoxSH, string(MagCount), FontScalar, HBRI);
DrawHUDBox(BoxXL, BoxYL, BoxSW, BoxSH, CurrentWeapon.GetSpecialAmmoForHUD() != "" ? CurrentWeapon.GetSpecialAmmoForHUD() : string(MagCount), FontScalar, HBRI);
// Bullets
if( !bSingleFire )
HBRI.IconTex = GetBulletIcon(CurrentWeapon);
DrawHUDBox(BoxXL, BoxYL, BoxSW, BoxSH, string(AmmoCount), FontScalar, HBRI);
DrawHUDBox(BoxXL, BoxYL, BoxSW, BoxSH, AmmoCount, FontScalar, HBRI);
// Secondary Ammo
@ -1887,7 +1867,7 @@ function DrawInventory()
TempHeight = InventoryBoxHeight * Canvas.ClipX;
TempBorder = BorderSize * Canvas.ClipX;
TempX = (Canvas.ClipX/2) - (((TempWidth + TempBorder) * MAX_WEAPON_GROUPS)/2);
TempX = (Canvas.ClipX*0.5f) - (((TempWidth + TempBorder) * MAX_WEAPON_GROUPS)*0.5f);
OrgFadeAlpha = FadeAlpha;
@ -1946,7 +1926,7 @@ function DrawInventory()
GUIStyle.DrawRoundedBoxOutlined(ScaledBorderSize, TempX, TempY, TempWidth, TempHeight, MainColor, OutlineColor);
else GUIStyle.DrawRoundedBox(ScaledBorderSize*2, TempX, TempY, TempWidth, TempHeight, MainColor);
if( KFGRI != None && KFGRI.TraderItems.GetItemIndicesFromArche(ItemIndex, KFW.Class.Name) )
if( KFGRI != None && GetItemIndicesFromArche(ItemIndex, KFW.Class.Name) )
WeaponName = KFGRI.TraderItems.SaleItems[ItemIndex].WeaponDef.static.GetItemName();
else WeaponName = KFW.ItemName;
@ -1960,7 +1940,7 @@ function DrawInventory()
Canvas.TextSize(WeaponName, XS, YS, FontScalar, FontScalar);
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + ((TempWidth/2) - (XS/2)), TempY + (YS/4));
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + ((TempWidth*0.5f) - (XS*0.5f)), TempY + (YS/4));
Canvas.DrawText(WeaponName,, FontScalar, FontScalar);
@ -1979,14 +1959,14 @@ function DrawInventory()
UpgradeW = XS + (ScaledBorderSize*4);
UpgradeH = YS + (ScaledBorderSize*4);
UpgradeX = TempX + ScaledBorderSize;
UpgradeY = TempY + (TempHeight/2) - (UpgradeH/2);
UpgradeY = TempY + (TempHeight*0.5f) - (UpgradeH*0.5f);
GUIStyle.DrawRoundedBoxEx(ScaledBorderSize*2, UpgradeX, UpgradeY, UpgradeW, UpgradeH, OutlineColor, false, true, false, true);
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
Canvas.DrawColor.A = FadeAlpha;
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, UpgradeX + ((UpgradeW/2) - (XS/2)), UpgradeY + (UpgradeH/2) - (YS/2), 2, OriginalFontScalar);
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, UpgradeX + ((UpgradeW*0.5f) - (XS*0.5f)), UpgradeY + (UpgradeH*0.5f) - (YS*0.5f), 2, OriginalFontScalar);
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
@ -1995,7 +1975,7 @@ function DrawInventory()
XL = TempWidth * 0.75;
YL = TempHeight * 0.5;
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + ((TempWidth/2) - (XL/2)), TempY + ((TempHeight/2) - (YL/2)));
Canvas.SetPos(TempX + ((TempWidth*0.5f) - (XL*0.5f)), TempY + ((TempHeight*0.5f) - (YL*0.5f)));
Canvas.DrawRect(XL, YL, KFW.WeaponSelectTexture);
if( KFW.static.UsesAmmo() )
@ -2024,8 +2004,8 @@ function DrawInventory()
EmptyW = XS * 1.25f;
EmptyH = YS * 1.25f;
EmptyX = TempX + ((TempWidth/2) - (EmptyW/2));
EmptyY = TempY + ((TempHeight/2) - (EmptyH/2));
EmptyX = TempX + ((TempWidth*0.5f) - (EmptyW*0.5f));
EmptyY = TempY + ((TempHeight*0.5f) - (EmptyH*0.5f));
MainColor = DefaultHudMainColor;
MainColor.A = Min(FadeAlpha, default.DefaultHudMainColor.A);
@ -2034,7 +2014,7 @@ function DrawInventory()
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
Canvas.DrawColor.A = FadeAlpha;
Canvas.SetPos(EmptyX + (EmptyW/2) - (XS/2), EmptyY + (EmptyH/2) - (YS/2));
Canvas.SetPos(EmptyX + (EmptyW*0.5f) - (XS*0.5f), EmptyY + (EmptyH*0.5f) - (YS*0.5f));
Canvas.DrawText(S,, OriginalFontScalar, OriginalFontScalar);
@ -2057,7 +2037,21 @@ function DrawInventory()
function string GetWeaponCatagoryName(int Index)
final function bool GetItemIndicesFromArche( out byte ItemIndex, name WeaponClassName )
local int Index;
Index = KFGRI.TraderItems.SaleItems.Find('ClassName', WeaponClassName);
if( Index != INDEX_NONE )
ItemIndex = Index;
return true;
return false;
final function string GetWeaponCatagoryName(int Index)
@ -2095,7 +2089,7 @@ function DrawPriorityMessage()
SecondaryScaler = OrignalFontScalar + GUIStyle.ScreenScale(0.3f);
Canvas.TextSize(PriorityMessage.SecondaryText, SecondaryXS, SecondaryYS, SecondaryScaler, SecondaryScaler);
BoxW = FMax(XS,SecondaryXS + (SecondaryXS/2))+(YS*2)*2;
BoxW = FMax(XS,SecondaryXS + (SecondaryXS*0.5f))+(YS*2)*2;
else BoxW = XS+(YS*2)*2;
BoxH = YS;
@ -2129,11 +2123,11 @@ function DrawPriorityMessage()
BoxX = CenterX - (BoxW/2);
BoxY = (CenterY*0.5) - (BoxH/2);
BoxX = CenterX - (BoxW*0.5f);
BoxY = (CenterY*0.5) - (BoxH*0.5f);
TextX = BoxX + (BoxW/2) - (XS/2);
TextY = BoxY + (BoxH/2) - (YS/2);
TextX = BoxX + (BoxW*0.5f) - (XS*0.5f);
TextY = BoxY + (BoxH*0.5f) - (YS*0.5f);
if( bHasIcon )
GUIStyle.DrawOutlinedBox(BoxX+BoxH, BoxY, BoxW-(BoxH*2), BoxH, ScaledBorderSize, HudMainColor, HudOutlineColor);
@ -2184,7 +2178,7 @@ function DrawPriorityMessage()
Box2W = BoxW - (BoxH * 2) + (ScaledBorderSize*2);
Box2W = FMin(SecondaryXS + (SecondaryXS/2), BoxW - (BoxH * 2));
Box2W = FMin(SecondaryXS + (SecondaryXS*0.5f), BoxW - (BoxH * 2));
if( bHasSecondaryIcon )
Box2W += Box2H*2;
@ -2197,7 +2191,7 @@ function DrawPriorityMessage()
Box2W = Lerp(0, Box2W, SecondaryBoxAlpha);
else Box2H = Lerp(0, Box2H, SecondaryBoxAlpha);
Box2X = BoxX + (BoxW/2) - (Box2W/2);
Box2X = BoxX + (BoxW*0.5f) - (Box2W*0.5f);
bAlignTop = PriorityMessage.SecondaryAlign == PR_TOP;
bAlignBottom = PriorityMessage.SecondaryAlign == PR_BOTTOM;
@ -2216,8 +2210,8 @@ function DrawPriorityMessage()
GUIStyle.DrawRoundedBoxEx(ScaledBorderSize*4, Box2X, Box2Y, ScaledBorderSize*2, Box2H, HudOutlineColor, bAlignTop, false, bAlignBottom, false);
GUIStyle.DrawRoundedBoxEx(ScaledBorderSize*4, Box2X+(Box2W-(ScaledBorderSize*2)), Box2Y, ScaledBorderSize*2, Box2H, HudOutlineColor, false, bAlignTop, false, bAlignBottom);
TextX = Box3X + ((Box3W-SecondaryXS)/2);
TextY = Box2Y + ((Box2H-SecondaryYS)/2);
TextX = Box3X + ((Box3W-SecondaryXS)*0.5f);
TextY = Box2Y + ((Box2H-SecondaryYS)*0.5f);
if( PriorityMessage.SecondaryAnim == ANIM_SLIDE ? Box2W >= OrgBox2W : Box2H >= OrgBox2H )
@ -2375,7 +2369,7 @@ function DrawNonCritialMessage( int Index, FCritialMessage Message, float X, flo
S = Message.Text;
BoxXS = X - (XL / 2);
BoxXS = X - (XL * 0.5f);
BoxYS = Y - ((YL + (ScaledBorderSize * 2)) * Index);
if( (BoxYS + YL) > Canvas.ClipY )
@ -2441,6 +2435,8 @@ function Texture GetBulletIcon(KFWeapon Wep)
return GetSecondaryAmmoIcon(Wep);
else if( Wep.IsA('KFWeap_Bow_Crossbow') )
return ArrowIcon;
else if( Wep.IsA('KFWeap_Edged_IonThruster') )
return BoltIcon;
if( KFWeap_ThrownBase(Wep) != None && Wep.FireModeIconPaths[class'KFWeap_ThrownBase'.const.THROW_FIREMODE] != None )
@ -2910,8 +2906,8 @@ function DrawImportantHealthBar(float X, float Y, float W, float H, string S, fl
IconXL = MainBoxH-BorderScale;
IconYL = IconXL;
XPos = IconBoxX + (MainBoxH/2) - (IconXL/2);
YPos = IconBoxY + (MainBoxH/2) - (IconYL/2);
XPos = IconBoxX + (MainBoxH*0.5f) - (IconXL*0.5f);
YPos = IconBoxY + (MainBoxH*0.5f) - (IconYL*0.5f);
Canvas.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, bDisabled ? 95 : 255);
Canvas.SetPos(XPos, YPos);
@ -2923,7 +2919,7 @@ function DrawImportantHealthBar(float X, float Y, float W, float H, string S, fl
Canvas.TextSize(S, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
XPos = X + BorderScale;
YPos = (Y+H) + (H/2) - (YL/2);
YPos = (Y+H) + (H*0.5f) - (YL*0.5f);
Canvas.DrawColor = class'HUD'.default.WhiteColor;
GUIStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, XPos, YPos, 1, FontScalar);
@ -2948,7 +2944,7 @@ function DrawBossHealthBars()
MainBoxW = BarW * 0.125;
MainBarX = (Canvas.ClipX/2) - (BarW/2) + (MainBoxW/2);
MainBarX = (Canvas.ClipX*0.5f) - (BarW*0.5f) + (MainBoxW*0.5f);
MainBarY = BarH;
DrawImportantHealthBar(MainBarX, MainBarY, BarW, BarH, Pawn.static.GetLocalizedName(), FClamp(BossRef.GetHealthPercent(), 0.f, 1.f), HudMainColor, BossBattlePhaseColor, BossInfoIcon,,,true,Pawn.Health,Pawn.HealthMax,true);
@ -2959,7 +2955,7 @@ function DrawBossHealthBars()
ArmorH = BarH * 0.45;
MainBarX = MainBarX + (BarW - ArmorW - ScaledBorderSize);
MainBarY += (BarH/2) + ArmorH + (ScaledBorderSize*2);
MainBarY += (BarH*0.5f) + ArmorH + (ScaledBorderSize*2);
for(i=0; i<Pawn.ArmorInfo.ArmorZones.Length; i++)
@ -2986,7 +2982,7 @@ function DrawEscortHealthBars()
MainBoxW = BarW * 0.125;
MainBarX = (Canvas.ClipX/2) - (BarW/2) + (MainBoxW/2);
MainBarX = (Canvas.ClipX*0.5f) - (BarW*0.5f) + (MainBoxW*0.5f);
MainBarY = BarH;
HealthFrac = FClamp(float(ScriptedPawn.Health)/float(ScriptedPawn.HealthMax), 0.f, 1.f);
@ -3011,7 +3007,7 @@ function DrawMedicWeaponRecharge()
IconRatioX = Canvas.ClipX / 1920.0;
IconRatioY = Canvas.ClipY / 1080.0;
IconHeight = MedicWeaponHeight * IconRatioY;
IconWidth = IconHeight / 2.0;
IconWidth = IconHeight * 0.5f;
IconBaseX = bDisableHUD ? 300 * IconRatioX : (Canvas.ClipX * 0.85) - IconWidth;
IconBaseY = Canvas.ClipY * 0.8125;
@ -3084,7 +3080,7 @@ function DrawMedicWeaponLockOn(KFWeap_MedicBase KFW)
RealIconSize = FInterpEaseInOut(IconSize*2, IconSize, GUIStyle.TimeFraction(LockOnStartTime, LockOnEndTime, WorldInfo.RealTimeSeconds), 2.5);
Canvas.DrawColor = IconColor;
Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (RealIconSize / 2.0), ScreenPos.Y - (RealIconSize / 2.0));
Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (RealIconSize * 0.5f), ScreenPos.Y - (RealIconSize * 0.5f));
Canvas.DrawRect(RealIconSize, RealIconSize, MedicLockOnIcon);
@ -3147,7 +3143,7 @@ final function Vector DrawDirectionalIndicator(Vector Loc, Texture Mat, float Ic
GUIStyle.DrawOutlinedBox(BoxX, BoxY, BoxW, BoxH, FMax(ScaledBorderSize * 0.5, 1.f), HudMainColor, HudOutlineColor);
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
Canvas.SetPos(BoxX + (BoxW/2) - (XS/2), BoxY + (BoxH/2) - (YS/2));
Canvas.SetPos(BoxX + (BoxW*0.5f) - (XS*0.5f), BoxY + (BoxH*0.5f) - (YS*0.5f));
Canvas.DrawText(Text,, FontScalar, FontScalar, FI);
@ -3482,13 +3478,13 @@ function DrawWeaponPickupInfo()
SecondaryBGWidth = TextWidth * 1.125;
SecondaryBGHeight = TextHeight * 1.125;
BGY += BGHeight + (TextHeight/2);
BGX += (BGWidth/2) - (SecondaryBGWidth/2);
BGY += BGHeight + (TextHeight*0.5f);
BGX += (BGWidth*0.5f) - (SecondaryBGWidth*0.5f);
GUIStyle.DrawRoundedBox(ScaledBorderSize*2, BGX, BGY, SecondaryBGWidth, SecondaryBGHeight, HudMainColor);
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
Canvas.SetPos(BGX + (SecondaryBGWidth/2) - (TextWidth/2), BGY + (SecondaryBGHeight/2) - (TextHeight/2));
Canvas.SetPos(BGX + (SecondaryBGWidth*0.5f) - (TextWidth*0.5f), BGY + (SecondaryBGHeight*0.5f) - (TextHeight*0.5f));
Canvas.DrawText(S, , FontScale, FontScale, FRI);
@ -3577,7 +3573,7 @@ simulated function bool DrawFriendlyHumanPlayerInfo( KFPawn_Human KFPH )
Canvas.DrawColor.A = FadeAlpha;
PerkIconXL = PlayerStatusIconSize * ResModifier;
PerkIconPosX = ScreenPos.X - (BarLength * 0.5f) - PerkIconXL + 1;
PerkIconPosY = ScreenPos.Y + (PerkIconXL/2) - (BarHeight/2) + 6;
PerkIconPosY = ScreenPos.Y + (PerkIconXL*0.5f) - (BarHeight*0.5f) + 6;
SupplyIconPosX = ScreenPos.X + (BarLength * 0.5f) + 1;
SupplyIconPosY = PerkIconPosY + 4 * ResModifier;
DrawPerkIcons(KFPH, PerkIconXL, PerkIconPosX - (ScaledBorderSize*2), PerkIconPosY, SupplyIconPosX + (ScaledBorderSize*2), SupplyIconPosY, true);
@ -3586,7 +3582,7 @@ simulated function bool DrawFriendlyHumanPlayerInfo( KFPawn_Human KFPH )
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;
Canvas.DrawColor.A = FadeAlpha;
PerkIconPosX = ScreenPos.X - (BarLength * 0.5f) - PerkIconXL;
PerkIconPosY = ScreenPos.Y + (PerkIconXL/2) - (BarHeight/2) + 5;
PerkIconPosY = ScreenPos.Y + (PerkIconXL*0.5f) - (BarHeight*0.5f) + 5;
SupplyIconPosX = ScreenPos.X + (BarLength * 0.5f);
SupplyIconPosY = PerkIconPosY + 4 * ResModifier;
DrawPerkIcons(KFPH, PerkIconXL, PerkIconPosX - (ScaledBorderSize*2), PerkIconPosY, SupplyIconPosX + (ScaledBorderSize*2), SupplyIconPosY, false);
@ -3618,7 +3614,7 @@ simulated function DrawPerkIcons(KFPawn_Human KFPH, float PerkIconXL, float Perk
if (PrestigeLevel > 0)
Canvas.SetPos(PerkIconPosX + (PerkIconXL * (1 - class'KFHUDBase'.default.PrestigeIconScale)) / 2, PerkIconPosY + PerkIconXL * 0.05f);
Canvas.SetPos(PerkIconPosX + (PerkIconXL * (1 - class'KFHUDBase'.default.PrestigeIconScale)) * 0.5f, PerkIconPosY + PerkIconXL * 0.05f);
Canvas.DrawTile(KFPRI.GetCurrentIconToDisplay(), PerkIconXL * class'KFHUDBase'.default.PrestigeIconScale, PerkIconXL * class'KFHUDBase'.default.PrestigeIconScale, 0, 0, 256, 256);

View File

@ -181,8 +181,6 @@ function ShowKillMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI1, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI2,
KFPM = class<KFPawn_Monster>(OptionalObject);
if( KFGXHUDManager != none )
if(KFPM != none)
@ -208,7 +206,6 @@ function ShowKillMessage(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI1, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI2,
ClassicKFHUD(KFPC.myHUD).ShowKillMessage(PRI1, PRI2, bHumanDeath, KilledName, KillerName);

View File

@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ function DrawMenu()
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(BoxX, YPos, BoxW, DefFontHeight, 4);
Canvas.SetDrawColor(250, 0, 0, 255);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, BoxX + ((BoxW-XL) / 2), YPos + ((DefFontHeight-YL) / 2), 1, FontScalar);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, BoxX + ((BoxW-XL) * 0.5f), YPos + ((DefFontHeight-YL) * 0.5f), 1, FontScalar);
// Deficulty | Wave | MapName
XPos = XPosCenter;
YPos += DefFontHeight+Owner.HUDOwner.ScaledBorderSize;
S = " " $Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.Static.GetDifficultyString (KFGRI.GameDifficulty) $" | "$class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardMapInfoContainer'.default.WaveString@KFGRI.WaveNum $" | " $class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.static.GetFriendlyMapName(PC.WorldInfo.GetMapName(true));
S = Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.Static.GetDifficultyString (KFGRI.GameDifficulty) $" | "$class'KFGFxHUD_ScoreboardMapInfoContainer'.default.WaveString@KFGRI.WaveNum $" | " $class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.static.GetFriendlyMapName(PC.WorldInfo.GetMapName(true));
Canvas.TextSize(S, XL, YL, FontScalar, FontScalar);
BoxW = XL + (Owner.HUDOwner.ScaledBorderSize*4);
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ function DrawMenu()
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(BoxX, YPos, BoxW, DefFontHeight, 4);
Canvas.SetDrawColor(0, 250, 0, 255);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, BoxX + ((BoxW-XL) / 2), YPos + ((DefFontHeight-YL) / 2), 1, FontScalar);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, BoxX + ((BoxW-XL) * 0.5f), YPos + ((DefFontHeight-YL) * 0.5f), 1, FontScalar);
// Players | Spectators | Alive | Time
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ function DrawMenu()
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawRectBox(BoxX, YPos, BoxW, DefFontHeight, 4);
Canvas.SetDrawColor(250, 250, 0, 255);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, BoxX + ((BoxW-XL) / 2), YPos + ((DefFontHeight-YL) / 2), 1, FontScalar);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawTextShadow(S, BoxX + ((BoxW-XL) * 0.5f), YPos + ((DefFontHeight-YL) * 0.5f), 1, FontScalar);
Width = Canvas.ClipX * 0.625;
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ function DrawPlayerEntry( Canvas C, int Index, float YOffset, float Height, floa
C.Font = Owner.CurrentStyle.PickFont(FontScalar);
TextYOffset = YOffset + (Height / 2) - (Owner.CurrentStyle.DefaultHeight / 2);
TextYOffset = YOffset + (Height * 0.5f) - (Owner.CurrentStyle.DefaultHeight * 0.5f);
if (PlayerIndex == Index)
C.SetDrawColor (51, 30, 101, 150);
else C.SetDrawColor (30, 30, 30, 150);
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ function DrawPlayerEntry( Canvas C, int Index, float YOffset, float Height, floa
if( bIsZED )
C.SetPos (PerkXPos, YOffset - ((Height-5) / 2));
C.SetPos (PerkXPos, YOffset - ((Height-5) * 0.5f));
C.DrawRect (Height-5, Height-5, Texture2D'UI_Widgets.MenuBarWidget_SWF_IF');
S = "ZED";
@ -309,9 +309,9 @@ function DrawPlayerEntry( Canvas C, int Index, float YOffset, float Height, floa
CheckAvatar(KFPRI, OwnerPC);
C.SetPos(PlayerXPos - (Height * 1.075), YOffset + (Height / 2) - ((Height - 6) / 2));
C.SetPos(PlayerXPos - (Height * 1.075), YOffset + (Height * 0.5f) - ((Height - 6) * 0.5f));
C.DrawTile(KFPRI.Avatar,Height - 6,Height - 6,0,0,KFPRI.Avatar.SizeX,KFPRI.Avatar.SizeY);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawBoxHollow(PlayerXPos - (Height * 1.075), YOffset + (Height / 2) - ((Height - 6) / 2), Height - 6, Height - 6, 1);
Owner.CurrentStyle.DrawBoxHollow(PlayerXPos - (Height * 1.075), YOffset + (Height * 0.5f) - ((Height - 6) * 0.5f), Height - 6, Height - 6, 1);
else if( !KFPRI.bBot )
CheckAvatar(KFPRI, OwnerPC);