2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00

17 lines
628 B

Class UI_PrestigeNote extends UI_ResetWarning;
function SetupTo( Ext_PerkBase P )
PerkToReset = P.Class;
WindowTitle = "NOTICE: Prestige "$P.PerkName;
InfoLabel.SetText("NOTICE: If you prestige your perk, you can not undo this operation!|All your gained XP and level will be reset to #{FF0000}0#{DEF}.|But this will also increase the amount of points by #{F7FE2E}+"$P.PrestigeSPIncrease$"#{DEF} you earn for every level up in the future.||Are you sure you want to do this?");
Begin Object Name=YesButten
Tooltip="Prestige the perk (you can not undo this action!)"
End Object