Fixed upgrades in WeaponSelectWidget Fixed original weapons in CustomTrader Removed dual 9mm and medpistol from trader MedicPistol: replaced GetPerk function just for fun CustomTrader is always active now Custom 9mm and medpistol added to trader for upgrades Removed 9mm and medpistol from PickupFactory (weapons that placed on map) Known bug: custom 9mm and medpistol haven't localization, i dont know how to fix that
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class ExtHUD_WeaponSelectWidget extends KFGFxHUD_WeaponSelectWidget;
var transient array< class<KFWeaponDefinition> > WeaponGroup;
simulated function UpdateWeaponGroupOnHUD( byte GroupIndex )
local Inventory Inv;
local KFWeapon KFW;
local byte i;
local int Index;
local array<KFWeapon> WeaponsList;
local KFGFxObject_TraderItems TraderItems;
local Pawn P;
local array< class<KFWeaponDefinition> > WPGroup;
P = GetPC().Pawn;
if ( P == none || P.InvManager == none )
for ( Inv = P.InvManager.InventoryChain; Inv != none; Inv = Inv.Inventory )
KFW = KFWeapon( Inv );
if ( KFW != none && KFW.InventoryGroup == GroupIndex )
WPGroup.Length = WeaponsList.Length;
TraderItems = KFGameReplicationInfo( P.WorldInfo.GRI ).TraderItems;
for ( i = 0; i < WeaponsList.Length; i++ )
Index = TraderItems.SaleItems.Find('ClassName', WeaponsList[i].Class.Name);
if( Index != -1 )
WPGroup[i] = TraderItems.SaleItems[Index].WeaponDef;
WeaponGroup = WPGroup;
SetWeaponGroupList(WeaponsList, GroupIndex);
simulated function SetWeaponGroupList(out array<KFWeapon> WeaponList, byte GroupIndex)
local byte i;
local GFxObject DataProvider;
local GFxObject TempObj;
local bool bUsesAmmo;
DataProvider = CreateArray();
if ( DataProvider == None )
return; // gfx has been shut down
for (i = 0; i < WeaponList.length; i++)
TempObj = CreateObject( "Object" );
if( WeaponGroup[i] != None )
TempObj.SetString( "weaponName", WeaponGroup[i].static.GetItemLocalization("ItemName") );
TempObj.SetString( "texturePath", "img://"$WeaponGroup[i].static.GetImagePath() );
TempObj.SetString( "weaponName", WeaponList[i].ItemName );
TempObj.SetString( "texturePath", "img://"$PathName(WeaponList[i].WeaponSelectTexture));
TempObj.SetInt("weaponTier", WeaponList[i].CurrentWeaponUpgradeIndex);
TempObj.SetInt( "ammoCount", WeaponList[i].AmmoCount[0]);
TempObj.SetInt( "spareAmmoCount", WeaponList[i].SpareAmmoCount[0]);
//secondary ammo shenanigans
TempObj.SetBool("bUsesSecondaryAmmo", WeaponList[i].UsesSecondaryAmmo()&&WeaponList[i].bCanRefillSecondaryAmmo);
TempObj.SetBool("bEnabled", WeaponList[i].HasAnyAmmo());
if(WeaponList[i].UsesSecondaryAmmo() && WeaponList[i].bCanRefillSecondaryAmmo)
TempObj.SetBool("bCanRefillSecondaryAmmo", WeaponList[i].SpareAmmoCapacity[1] > 0);
TempObj.SetInt( "secondaryAmmoCount", WeaponList[i].AmmoCount[1]);
TempObj.SetInt( "secondarySpareAmmoCount", WeaponList[i].SpareAmmoCount[1]);
TempObj.SetBool( "throwable", WeaponList[i].CanThrow());
bUsesAmmo = (WeaponList[i].static.UsesAmmo());
TempObj.SetBool( "bUsesAmmo", bUsesAmmo);
DataProvider.SetElementObject( i, TempObj );
SetWeaponList(DataProvider, GroupIndex);
} |