Forrest Keller 88f2c71e54 Added perk changing without dying
Fixed scoreboard avatars not working
Added the ServerExt perk menu to the lobby
Made the perk buttons look better (Reset, Unload, Prestige)
Added a better damage popup system
Added a better pet info hud system
Made player info bars fade out with distance
Added missing traits from most of the perks
Made lobby menu support 12 players
Medic Pistol from the trait can't be dropped, sold and has infinite ammo
9mm Pistol now has infinite ammo
Pet sirens do not blow up grenades
Unlocked all cosmetics and emotes
Hide bad cosmetics that were debug
Hans pet no longer forces the camera on his death
Custom weapons in the trader now support the proper weapon names
Updated character info system to support alot of added items
2017-10-20 02:02:53 -05:00

161 lines
5.2 KiB

class ExtProj_Rocket_RPG7 extends KFProj_Rocket_RPG7;
simulated protected function PrepareExplosionTemplate()
local ExtPlayerReplicationInfo MyPRI;
local Ext_PerkDemolition DemoPerk;
if(Instigator == None)
MyPRI = ExtPlayerReplicationInfo(Instigator.PlayerReplicationInfo);
if( MyPRI != none )
if( bWasTimeDilated && MyPRI.bNukeIsOn && class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.ProjectileShouldNuke( self ) )
ExplosionTemplate = class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.GetNukeExplosionTemplate();
ExplosionTemplate.Damage = default.ExplosionTemplate.Damage * class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.GetNukeDamageModifier();
ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius = default.ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius * class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.GetNukeRadiusModifier();
ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent = default.ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent;
else if( MyPRI.bConcussiveIsOn )
ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionEffects = AltExploEffects;
ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSound = class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.GetConcussiveExplosionSound();
DemoPerk = Ext_PerkDemolition(MyPRI.FCurrentPerk);
if( DemoPerk == none )
ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius *= DemoPerk.GetAoERadiusModifier();
simulated protected function SetExplosionActorClass()
local ExtPlayerReplicationInfo MyPRI;
if(Instigator == None)
MyPRI = ExtPlayerReplicationInfo(Instigator.PlayerReplicationInfo);
if( MyPRI != none )
if( bWasTimeDilated && MyPRI.bNukeIsOn && class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.ProjectileShouldNuke( self ) )
ExplosionActorClass = class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.GetNukeExplosionActorClass();
simulated function TriggerExplosion(Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Actor HitActor)
local vector NudgedHitLocation, ExplosionDirection;
local Pawn P;
local ExtPlayerReplicationInfo MyPRI;
if( bHasDisintegrated )
if (!bHasExploded)
// On local player or server, we cache off our time dilation setting here
if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer || InstigatorController != None )
bWasTimeDilated = WorldInfo.TimeDilation < 1.f;
// Stop ambient sounds when this projectile explodes
if( bStopAmbientSoundOnExplode )
if (ExplosionTemplate != None)
// using a hit location slightly away from the impact point is nice for certain things
NudgedHitLocation = HitLocation + (HitNormal * 32.f);
if( ExplosionActorClass == class'KFPerk_Demolitionist'.static.GetNukeExplosionActorClass() )
P = Pawn(HitActor);
if( P != none )
NudgedHitLocation = P.Location - vect(0,0,1) * P.GetCollisionHeight();
ExplosionActor = Spawn(ExplosionActorClass, self,, NudgedHitLocation, rotator(HitNormal));
if (ExplosionActor != None)
ExplosionActor.Instigator = Instigator;
ExplosionActor.InstigatorController = InstigatorController;
// If the locations are zero (probably because this exploded in the air) set defaults
if( IsZero(HitLocation) )
HitLocation = Location;
if( IsZero(HitNormal) )
HitNormal = vect(0,0,1);
// these are needed for the decal tracing later in GameExplosionActor.Explode()
ExplosionTemplate.HitLocation = HitLocation;// NudgedHitLocation
ExplosionTemplate.HitNormal = HitNormal;
// If desired, attach to mover if we hit one
if(bAttachExplosionToHitMover && InterpActor(HitActor) != None)
ExplosionActor.Attachee = HitActor;
ExplosionTemplate.bAttachExplosionEmitterToAttachee = TRUE;
// directional?
if (ExplosionTemplate.bDirectionalExplosion)
ExplosionDirection = GetExplosionDirection(HitNormal);
//DrawDebugLine(ExplosionActor.Location, ExplosionActor.Location+ExplosionDirection*64, 255, 255, 0, TRUE);
// @todo: make this function responsible for setting explosion instance parameters, and take instance parameters
// out of GearExplosion (e.g. Attachee)
MyPRI = ExtPlayerReplicationInfo(Instigator.PlayerReplicationInfo);
if( MyPRI != none && KFExplosionActorLingering(ExplosionActor) != None )
KFExplosionActorLingering(ExplosionActor).MaxTime *= MyPRI.NukeTimeMult;
KFExplosionActorLingering(ExplosionActor).LifeSpan *= MyPRI.NukeTimeMult;
ExplosionActor.Explode(ExplosionTemplate, ExplosionDirection); // go bewm
// done with it
if (!bPendingDelete && !bDeleteMe)
// defer destruction so any replication of explosion stuff can happen if necessary
bHasExploded = true;