[ExtWeap_Pistol_9mm] ItemName="9mm pistol" ItemDescription="Just 9mm. Really just 9mm\nBut with infinite ammo. No reload. No mags. No defects. It's perfect." [ExtWeap_Pistol_MedicS] ItemName="Medic pistol" ItemDescription="Just medic pistol. Really just medic pistol\nBut with infinite ammo. No reload. No mags. No defects. It's perfect.\nCan heal also. Useful." [Ext_PerkBerserker] PerkName="Berserker" [Ext_PerkCommando] PerkName="Commando" [Ext_PerkDemolition] PerkName="Demolitionist" [Ext_PerkFieldMedic] PerkName="Field Medic" [Ext_PerkFirebug] PerkName="Firebug" [Ext_PerkGunslinger] PerkName="Gunslinger" [Ext_PerkSharpshooter] PerkName="Sharpshooter" [Ext_PerkSupport] PerkName="Support" [Ext_PerkSurvivalist] PerkName="Survivalist" [Ext_PerkSWAT] PerkName="SWAT" [Ext_T_MonsterPRI] MonsterName="Petty" [Ext_TGroupBase] GroupInfo="Group" [Ext_TGroupMonster] GroupInfo="Monster" [Ext_TGroupRegen] GroupInfo="Regeneration" [Ext_TGroupZEDTime] GroupInfo="ZED Time" [Ext_TraitAcidicCompound] TraitName="Acidic Compound" Description="When activated medic weapons have a chance to poison zeds." [Ext_TraitAirborne] TraitName="Airborne Agent" Description="Give extra health boost and area of heal effect for medic darts during ZED-time,|each level gives extra amount of heal boost at a rate of:|Lv 1-3: +5%, +10%, +20%|Lv 4: +15%, but works outside of ZED-time too!" [Ext_TraitAirborneAgent] TraitName="ZED TIME - Airborne Agent" Description="You release a healing gas during Zed time, healing teammates close by. ||-REQUIREMENT: Grenade Upgrade trait needs to be level 1!" [Ext_TraitAmmoReg] TraitName="Ammo Regeneration" Description="With this trait all your weapons ammo (not grenades) will regen every half minute at rate of:|Lvl1-3: 2%, 5%, 10% of max ammo" [Ext_TraitAPShots] TraitName="Armor Piercing Rounds" Description="Greatly increases penetration with perk weapons! The penetration strength is increased by every level in:|Lv1-4: 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%" [Ext_TraitArmorReg] TraitName="Armor Regeneration" Description="With this trait your armor will regen every 10 seconds at a rate of:|Lvl1-3: +7pts, +12pts, +25pts" [Ext_TraitArmorRep] TraitName="Armor Repair" Description="With this trait you will repair armor as you heal, for each level will repair armor with a rate of:|Lv1-5: +5%, +10%, +15%, +20%, +25%" [Ext_TraitAutoFire] TraitName="Auto-Fire weapons" Description="Make all perked weapons fully automatic." [Ext_TraitBoomWeld] TraitName="Explosive Weld" Description="Cases welded doors explode when broken by zeds. The more you weld one door, the bigger explosion." [Ext_TraitBunnyHop] TraitName="Bunny Hop" Description="Enable player to do bunny hopping. It means the more you continiously make successful jumps while moving forward you will keep accelerating in speed." [Ext_TraitCarryCap] TraitName="Carry Capacity" Description="With this trait you can carry more.|Lv1-5: +2,+4,+6,+8,+15 slots" [Ext_TraitContactNade] TraitName="Explode on Contact" Description="Make dynamites explode on contact with the ZED." [Ext_TraitDemoAOE] TraitName="Area Of Damage" Description="Increases the AOE of your demo weapons. The distance is increased by every level in:|Lv1-4: 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%" [Ext_TraitDemoCriticalHit] TraitName="Armor Piercing Rounds" Description="Demo weapons will do 50% more damage when hitting a critical point!" [Ext_TraitDemoDirectHit] TraitName="High Impact" Description="Demo weapons will do 25% more damage on a direct hit!" [Ext_TraitDemoNuke] TraitName="ZED Time - Nuke" Description="Demo weapons will spawn a nuke during ZED time. |Each level increases the damage & time of the nuke field. ||-REQUIREMENT: Damage bonus trait needs to have at least 30 points!" [Ext_TraitDemoProfessional] TraitName="Demolitions Specialist" Description="Projectiles from demo weapons will never be duds. ||-REQUIREMENT: Reload bonus trait needs to have at least 30 points!" [Ext_TraitDemoReactiveArmor] TraitName="Reactive Armor" Description="When near death you will explode and leave yourself with 5 health" [Ext_TraitDireReload] TraitName="Dire reloader" Description="This trait will make you reload much faster when you have less then 40 health." [Ext_TraitDoorRepair] TraitName="Door Repair" Description="Allows you to repair doors using the welder." [Ext_TraitDuracell] TraitName="Duracell Batteries" Description="With this trait your flashlight batteries becomes extra durable.|Lv1-4: +30,+100,+300,+1000% lifetime" [Ext_TraitEliteReload] TraitName="Tactical Reload" Description="With this trait you will have extra speedy tactical reload moves for your perked weapons." [Ext_TraitEnemyHP] TraitName="Enemy Health Bar" Description="This trait lets you see enemy health bars. The distance is increased by every level in:|Lv1-4: 5m, 7m, 10m, 16m" [Ext_TraitFanfire] TraitName="ZED TIME - Fanfire" Description="Make perked weapons fire at normal firerate during ZED-time." [Ext_TraitFireExplode] TraitName="Fire Explosion" Description="Make zombies sometimes explode when burned to death." [Ext_TraitFireRange] TraitName="Extra Fire Range" Description="Add some additional fire range to flamethrowers." [Ext_TraitGhost] TraitName="Redemption" Description="With this trait you will turn into ghost when you die and redeem at another spot in the map.|Level 1: Works 50 % of the time, but never again until you respawned after death.|Level 2: Always works, and it lets you redeem again after 3 minutes" [Ext_TraitGrenadeCap] TraitName="Grenade Capacity" Description="With this trait you can carry more grenades.|Lv1-5: +1,+2,+3,+5,+8 grenades" [Ext_TraitGrenadeSUpg] TraitName="Grenade Upgrade" Description="With this upgrade you will upgrade to your perk specific grenades.|Level 1: SUPER grenade" [Ext_TraitGrenadeUpg] TraitName="Grenade Upgrade" Description="With this upgrade you will upgrade to your perk specific grenades.|Level 1: Normal perk grenade|Level 2: Perk SUPER grenade (REQUIRES perk level 50 to buy)!" [Ext_TraitHealthReg] TraitName="Health Regeneration" Description="With this trait your health will regen every 10 seconds at a rate of:|Lvl1-3: +5HP, +10HP, +20HP" [Ext_TraitHeavyArmor] TraitName="Heavy Armor" Description="Makes your armor stop all damage (except for Siren scream and fall damage).|Level 2 makes you in addition spawn with 50 points of armor.|Level 3 makes you spawn with full armor." [Ext_TraitKnockback] TraitName="Knockback Resistance" Description="Reduce the amount of knockback zeds do to you in a rate of:|Lvl1-4: -20%, -50%, -70%, -90%" [Ext_TraitMachineGunner] TraitName="ZED TIME - Machine Gunner" Description="During Zed time, you do 3% more damage with perks weapons and shoot 3x faster with all guns!" [Ext_TraitMedBoost] TraitName="Adrenaline Shot" Description="Healing players will increase there speed 10% up to 30%. The percent is increased by every level in:|Lv1-5: 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%" [Ext_TraitMedDamBoost] TraitName="Focus Injection" Description="Healing players will increase there damage up to 15%. The percent is increased by every level in:|Lv1-3: 5%, 10%, 15%" [Ext_TraitMedicPistol] TraitName="Medic Pistol" Description="Spawn with a medic pistol instead of standard 9mm." [Ext_TraitMedShield] TraitName="Coagulant Booster" Description="Healing players will increase there damage resistance up to 30%. The percent is increased by every level in:|Lv1-5: 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%" [Ext_TraitNapalm] TraitName="Napalm" Description="Make zombies lit each other on fire." [Ext_TraitNightvision] TraitName="Nightvision" Description="Spawn with nightvision goggles." [Ext_TraitPenetrator] TraitName="ZED TIME - Penetrator" Description="During Zed time, your perk weapons penetrate through any targets they hit! ||-REQUIREMENT: Armor Piercing Shots trait needs to be level 1!" [Ext_TraitRackEmUp] TraitName="Rack 'em up" Description="Deals more damage to each consequtive headshot done to zeds by +7.5%.|For each level you can make a bigger combo and deal more damage in a rate of:|Lv1-5: +30%, +60%, +90%, +120%, +210%" [Ext_TraitRagdoll] TraitName="Knockout Resistance" Description="Prevent you from being ragdolled. For each level you lower the chance of being knocked out by:|Lvl1-3: 20%, 50%, 80%" [Ext_TraitRanger] TraitName="ZED TIME - Ranger" Description="This will make you effectively stun enemies with headshots during ZED-time." [Ext_TraitRapidAssault] TraitName="ZED TIME - Rapid Assault" Description="Gives player unlimited ammunition for perked weapons during ZED-time and allows them to fire in realtime." [Ext_TraitRetali] TraitName="Retaliation" Description="End your life with a BOOM!" [Ext_TraitSirenResistance] TraitName="Siren Resistance" Description="Make all your projectiles resistant to siren screams." [Ext_TraitSpartan] TraitName="ZED TIME - Spartan!" Description="This trait lets you move at normal speed and attack faster in ZED-time.|Lv1-3: +50,+120,+300% atk speed" [Ext_TraitSupply] TraitName="Ammunition Supply" Description="With this trait you can supply ammunition for your team mates. For each use you will receive a little bit of XP points." [Ext_TraitSupplyGren] TraitName="Grenade Supply" Description="With this trait you can supply grenades for your team mates. For each use you will receive a little bit of XP points." [Ext_TraitSWATEnforcer] TraitName="ZED TIME - SWAT Enforcer" Description="This trait makes you move at normal speed and allows you to knock down zeds by bumping into them during ZED-time." [Ext_TraitTacticalMove] TraitName="Tactical Movement" Description="This trait makes you move faster while in iron sight and crouched at a rate of:|Lv 1-3: +30%,+50%,+100%" [Ext_TraitTactician] TraitName="ZED TIME - Tactician" Description="During Zed time, you reload perk weapons at full speed and switch perk weapons twice as fast! ||-REQUIREMENT: Damage bonus trait needs to have at least 30 points!" [Ext_TraitToxicDart] TraitName="Toxic Darts" Description="Make your healing darts poison the ZEDs, the damage is increased in a rate of:|Lv 1-3: +15, +35, +70 dmg" [Ext_TraitUberAmmo] TraitName="ZED TIME - Uber Ammo" Description="Gives player unlimited ammunition for perked weapons during ZED-time." [Ext_TraitUnCloak] TraitName="Cloak Detection" Description="Detect cloaked stalkers with radius for each level:|Lv1-5: 3m, 5m, 7m, 10m, 15m" [Ext_TraitUnGrab] TraitName="Fake Out" Description="With this trait you are ungrabbable by the zeds." [Ext_TraitVampire] TraitName="Vampire" Description="With this trait you will recover some of your health by every kill (with a melee weapon), in a rate of:|Lv1-4: +2%, +3%, +4%, +6%" [Ext_TraitWPBers] TraitName="Berserker Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you berserker weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: Pulverizer|Level 2: Nailgun|Level 3: Sawblade Gun|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPComm] TraitName="Commando Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you commando weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: Bullpup|Level 2: AK12|Level 3: SCAR|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPDemo] TraitName="Demolitionist Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you demolitionist weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: C4|Level 2: M79 Grenade Launcher|Level 3: RPG Rocket Launcher|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPFire] TraitName="Firebug Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you firebug weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: Dragons Breath|Level 2: Flamethrower|Level 3: Microwave Gun|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPGuns] TraitName="Gunslinger Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you gunslinger weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: M1911 Pistol|Level 2: Desert Eagle|Level 3: Magnum Revolver|Level 4: All 3 with dualies" [Ext_TraitWPMedic] TraitName="Medic Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you Field Medic weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: SMG|Level 2: Shotgun|Level 3: Assault Rifle|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPSharp] TraitName="Sharpshooter Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you sharpshooter weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: Crossbow|Level 2: M14 EBR|Level 3: Railgun|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPSupp] TraitName="Support Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you support weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: M4 Shotgun|Level 2: Boomstick|Level 3: AA12|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPSurv] TraitName="Survivalist Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you Survivalist weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: Dragons Breath|Level 2: M16M203 Assault Rifle|Level 3: Medic Assault Rifle|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitWPSWAT] TraitName="SWAT Weapon Loadout" Description="This will grant you SWAT weapon loadout to spawn with.|Level 1: MP5 RAS|Level 2: P90|Level 3: Kriss|Level 4: All 3" [Ext_TraitZED_Damage] TraitName="Monster Damage" Description="This trait will scale how much damage your helper ZED will deal:|Lv1-5: +10%, +25%, +50%, +100%, +200%||-Requires Monster Tongue trait." [Ext_TraitZED_Health] TraitName="Monster Health" Description="This trait will scale how much health your helper ZED will have:|Lv1-5: +25%, +50%, +75%, +100%, +200%||-Requires Monster Tongue trait." [Ext_TraitZED_Summon] TraitName="Monster Tongue" Description="With this trait you will spawn yourself a helper zed, the higher level of this trait you have, the better zed will spawn.||-REQUIREMENT: Damage bonus trait needs to have at least 30 points!" [Ext_TraitZED_SummonExt] TraitName="Monster Tongue Extra" Description="With this trait you will spawn yourself extra helper zeds.|Lv 1: Spawn one extra weak zed.|Lv 2: Spawn one extra strong zed.|Lv 3: Spawn one weak and one strong zed.|Lv 4: Spawn two strong zeds.||-Requires Monster Tongue trait." [Ext_TraitZedative] TraitName="ZED TIME - Zedative" Description="During Zed time, damaging Zeds with perk weapons will slow them 30% and do massive amounts of poison damage. ||-REQUIREMENT: Healing bonus trait needs to have at least 25 points!" [Ext_TraitZedTExt] TraitName="ZED Time Extensions" Description="Adds ZED Time extensions to your perk. The amount of extensions is increased by 1 every level" [KFExtendedHUD] BadConnectionStr="Warning: Connection problem!" [VS_ZedRecentZed] ZombieName="Recently Infected" [VSZombie] ZombieName="Zombie" [UIP_PerkSelection] Caption="Perk" Hint="Select and upgrade your perks" [UIP_Settings] Caption="Settings" Hint="Show additional ServerExt settings" [UIP_PlayerSpecs] Caption="Stats" Hint="Show all players server stats" [UIP_AdminMenu] Caption="Admin" Hint="" [UIP_About] Caption="About" Hint="About this mod on this server" [UIP_MiniGame] Caption="Minigame" Hint="Play a minigame while at it" [UIP_News] Caption="News" Hint="Server news page" [UIP_PerkSelectionLobby] Caption="Perk" Hint="Select and upgrade your perks"