Class Ext_TraitGhost extends Ext_TraitBase; static function bool PreventDeath( KFPawn_Human Player, Controller Instigator, Class<DamageType> DamType, Ext_PerkBase Perk, byte Level, optional Ext_TraitDataStore Data ) { local Controller C; if( (Instigator==None || Instigator==Player.Controller) && DamType==Class'DmgType_Suicided' ) return false; // Allow normal suicide to go ahead. if( Ext_T_GhostHelper(Data).CanResPlayer(Player,Level) ) { // Abort current special move if( Player.IsDoingSpecialMove() ) Player.SpecialMoveHandler.EndSpecialMove(); // Notify AI to stop hunting me. foreach Player.WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'Controller',C) C.NotifyKilled(Instigator,Player.Controller,Player,DamType); return true; } return false; } defaultproperties { bHighPriorityDeath=true NumLevels=2 TraitData=class'Ext_T_GhostHelper' TraitName="Redemption" DefLevelCosts(0)=30 DefLevelCosts(1)=30 DefMinLevel=30 Description="With this trait you will turn into ghost when you die and redeem at another spot in the map.|Level 1: Works 50 % of the time, but never again until you respawned after death.|Level 2: Always works, and it lets you redeem again after 3 minutes" }