Class Ext_TraitHeavyArmor extends Ext_TraitBase; static function TraitActivate( Ext_PerkBase Perk, byte Level, optional Ext_TraitDataStore Data ) { Perk.bHeavyArmor = true; } static function TraitDeActivate( Ext_PerkBase Perk, byte Level, optional Ext_TraitDataStore Data ) { Perk.bHeavyArmor = false; } defaultproperties { TraitName="Heavy Armor" NumLevels=3 DefLevelCosts(0)=50 DefLevelCosts(1)=20 DefLevelCosts(2)=60 DefMinLevel=50 Description="Makes your armor stop all damage (except for Siren scream and fall damage).|Level 2 makes you in addition spawn with 50 points of armor.|Level 3 makes you spawn with full armor." }