Class Ext_TraitAPShots extends Ext_TraitBase; static function ApplyEffectOn( KFPawn_Human Player, Ext_PerkBase Perk, byte Level, optional Ext_TraitDataStore Data ) { Ext_PerkSupport(Perk).APShotMul = 1 + (0.25 + (((float(Level) - 1.f) * 5.f) / 100.f)); } static function CancelEffectOn( KFPawn_Human Player, Ext_PerkBase Perk, byte Level, optional Ext_TraitDataStore Data ) { Ext_PerkSupport(Perk).APShotMul = 0.f; } static function TraitActivate( Ext_PerkBase Perk, byte Level, optional Ext_TraitDataStore Data ) { Ext_PerkSupport(Perk).bUseAPShot = true; } static function TraitDeActivate( Ext_PerkBase Perk, byte Level, optional Ext_TraitDataStore Data ) { Ext_PerkSupport(Perk).bUseAPShot = false; } defaultproperties { SupportedPerk=class'Ext_PerkSupport' TraitName="Armor Piercing Rounds" NumLevels=4 DefLevelCosts(0)=15 DefLevelCosts(1)=30 DefLevelCosts(2)=40 DefLevelCosts(3)=50 DefMinLevel=15 Description="Greatly increases penetration with perk weapons! The penetration strength is increased by every level in:|Lv1-4: 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%" }