class ExtHUD_WaveInfo extends KFGFxHUD_WaveInfo; function TickHud(float DeltaTime) { local int i; if(KFGRI == none) KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI); else { if(KFGRI.bTraderIsOpen) { i = KFGRI.GetTraderTimeRemaining(); if(LastTraderTimeRemaining != i) { SetInt("remainingTraderTime" ,i); LastTraderTimeRemaining = i; } } else { i = KFGRI.IsFinalWave() ? INDEX_NONE : Max(KFGRI.AIRemaining,0); if(LastZEDCount != i) { SetInt("remainingZEDs" ,i); LastZEDCount = i; } } // Max # of waves. if(LastWaveMax != KFGRI.WaveMax) { LastWaveMax = KFGRI.WaveMax; SetInt("maxWaves" ,LastWaveMax-1); } // Current wave we're on. if( LastWave!=KFGRI.WaveNum ) { LastWave = KFGRI.WaveNum; if( LastWave>LastWaveMax ) { SetInt("currentWave",0); // Force text to refresh. SetString("finalText", "END"); } SetInt("currentWave",Min(LastWave,LastWaveMax)); } } } function UpdateWaveCount(); DefaultProperties { LastWave=-1 }