// Written by Marco //class KFExtendedHUD extends KFHUDBase; class KFExtendedHUD extends KFGFxHudWrapper; var array MyCurrentPet; struct FDeathMessageType { var string Msg,SMsg; var float MsgTime; }; var array DeathMessages; struct FKillMessageType { var bool bDamage,bLocal; var int Counter; var Class Type; var string Name; var PlayerReplicationInfo OwnerPRI; var float MsgTime; var color MsgColor; }; var transient array KillMessages; struct FNewItemEntry { var Texture2D Icon; var string Item; var float MsgTime; }; var transient array NewItems; struct FNumberedMsg { var int Amount; var vector Pos; var float Time; var byte Type; }; var array Numbers; var ExtPlayerReplicationInfo EPRI; var transient KF2GUIController GUIController; var transient GUIStyleBase GUIStyle; var transient array ProgressLines; var transient float ProgressMsgTime,PLCameraDot; var transient vector PLCameraLoc,PLCameraDir; var transient rotator PLCameraRot; //var Texture2D DownArrowTex,MiddleTex,WaveBossTex,WaveProgTex,TraderTimeTex,SyringeBarTex,ArmorIconTex,BatteryIconTex; var Texture2D HealthIconTex; var color BlackBGColor,RedBGColor,HUDTextColor; var transient array WasNewlyAdded; var transient OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub; var string BadConnectionStr; var transient bool bShowProgress,bProgressDC,bConfirmDisconnect,bMeAdmin,bLoadedInitItems; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); KFPlayerOwner = KFPlayerController(Owner); OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); if( OnlineSub!=None ) { OnlineSub.AddOnInventoryReadCompleteDelegate(SearchInventoryForNewItem); SetTimer(60,false,'SearchInventoryForNewItem'); } SetTimer(300 + FRand()*120.f,false,'CheckForItems'); } simulated function Destroyed() { Super.Destroyed(); NotifyLevelChange(); } simulated final function NotifyLevelChange( optional bool bMapswitch ) { if( OnlineSub!=None ) { OnlineSub.ClearOnInventoryReadCompleteDelegate(SearchInventoryForNewItem); OnlineSub = None; } // Send to an empty stage to play the "waiting" game. if( bMapswitch ) SetTimer(0.5,false,'PendingMapSwitch'); } simulated function PendingMapSwitch() { // Make sure we dont garbage collect the game: class'MS_Game'.Static.SetReference(); class'MS_PC'.Default.TravelData.PendingURL = WorldInfo.GetAddressURL(); class'MS_PC'.Default.TravelData.PendingSong = ExtPlayerController(Owner).BonusMusic; class'MS_PC'.Default.TravelData.PendingFX = ExtPlayerController(Owner).BonusFX; ConsoleCommand("Open KFMainMenu?Game="$PathName(class'MS_Game')); } final function AddKillMessage( class Victim, int Value, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, byte Type ) { local int i; local bool bDmg,bLcl; bDmg = (Type==2); bLcl = (Type==0); for( i=0; i Other ) { local string S; if( Class(Other)!=None ) return Class(Other).Default.ZombieName; if( Other.Default.MenuName!="" ) return Other.Default.MenuName; S = string(Other.Name); if( Left(S,10)~="KFPawn_Zed" ) S = Mid(S,10); else if( Left(S,7)~="KFPawn_" ) S = Mid(S,7); S = Repl(S,"_"," "); return S; } static final function string GetNameArticle( string S ) { switch( Caps(Left(S,1)) ) // Check if a vowel, then an. { case "A": case "E": case "I": case "O": case "U": return "an"; } return "a"; } static final function string StripMsgColors( string S ) { local int i; while( true ) { i = InStr(S,Chr(6)); if( i==-1 ) break; S = Left(S,i)$Mid(S,i+2); } return S; } final function color GetMsgColor( bool bDamage, int Count ) { local float T; if( bDamage ) { if( Count>1500 ) return MakeColor(148,0,0,255); else if( Count>1000 ) { T = (Count-1000) / 500.f; return MakeColor(148,0,0,255)*T + MakeColor(255,0,0,255)*(1.f-T); } else if( Count>500 ) { T = (Count-500) / 500.f; return MakeColor(255,0,0,255)*T + MakeColor(255,255,0,255)*(1.f-T); } T = Count / 500.f; return MakeColor(255,255,0,255)*T + MakeColor(0,255,0,255)*(1.f-T); } if( Count>20 ) return MakeColor(255,0,0,255); else if( Count>10 ) { T = (Count-10) / 10.f; return MakeColor(148,0,0,255)*T + MakeColor(255,0,0,255)*(1.f-T); } else if( Count>5 ) { T = (Count-5) / 5.f; return MakeColor(255,0,0,255)*T + MakeColor(255,255,0,255)*(1.f-T); } T = Count / 5.f; return MakeColor(255,255,0,255)*T + MakeColor(0,255,0,255)*(1.f-T); } event PostRender() { if( GUIController!=None && PlayerOwner.PlayerInput==None ) GUIController.NotifyLevelChange(); if( KFGRI==None ) KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(WorldInfo.GRI); if( GUIController==None || GUIController.bIsInvalid ) { GUIController = Class'KF2GUIController'.Static.GetGUIController(PlayerOwner); if( GUIController!=None ) GUIStyle = GUIController.CurrentStyle; } GUIStyle.Canvas = Canvas; GUIStyle.PickDefaultFontSize(Canvas.ClipY); if( Numbers.Length>0 ) DrawNumberMsg(); //RenderKFHUD(); // TODO later... super.PostRender(); // Camera position. PlayerOwner.GetPlayerViewPoint(PLCameraLoc,PLCameraRot); PLCameraDir = vector(PLCameraRot); PLCameraDot = (PLCameraDir Dot PLCameraLoc); if( MyCurrentPet.Length>0 ) DrawPetInfo(); if( EPRI==None ) EPRI = ExtPlayerReplicationInfo(KFPlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo); else if( EPRI.RespawnCounter>0 ) DrawRespawnCounter(); bMeAdmin = (EPRI!=None && EPRI.AdminType<=1); if( KillMessages.Length>0 ) RenderKillMsg(); if( DeathMessages.Length>0 ) RenderDMMessages(); if( NewItems.Length>0 ) DrawItemsList(); if( bShowProgress || PlayerOwner.Player==None ) { if( ProgressMsgTime6.f ) { KillMessages.Remove(i--,1); continue; } if( KillMessages[i].bDamage ) S = "-"$KillMessages[i].Counter$" HP "$KillMessages[i].Name; else if( KillMessages[i].bLocal ) S = "+"$KillMessages[i].Counter@KillMessages[i].Name$(KillMessages[i].Counter>1 ? " kills" : " kill"); else S = (KillMessages[i].OwnerPRI!=None ? KillMessages[i].OwnerPRI.GetHumanReadableName() : "Someone")$" +"$KillMessages[i].Counter@KillMessages[i].Name$(KillMessages[i].Counter>1 ? " kills" : " kill"); Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); Canvas.DrawColor = KillMessages[i].MsgColor; T = (1.f - (T/6.f)) * 255.f; Canvas.DrawColor.A = T; Canvas.DrawText(S,,Sc,Sc); Y+=YL; } } final function RenderDMMessages() { local float Sc,YL,XL,T,Y,X; local string S; local int i,j; local byte a; Canvas.Font = GUIStyle.PickFont(GUIStyle.DefaultFontSize+1,Sc); Y = Canvas.ClipY*0.98; for( i=0; i6.f ) { DeathMessages.Remove(i--,1); continue; } // Setup alpha color. T = (1.f - (T/6.f)) * 255.f; a = Max(T,1); Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,0,a); // Get text size and setup start position. Canvas.TextSize(DeathMessages[i].SMsg,XL,YL,Sc,Sc); Y-=YL; X = (Canvas.ClipX-XL)*0.5f; // Now strip text into color tag pieces. S = DeathMessages[i].Msg; while( true ) { Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); j = InStr(S,Chr(6)); if( j==-1 ) { Canvas.DrawText(S,,Sc,Sc); break; } if( j>0 ) { Canvas.DrawText(Left(S,j),,Sc,Sc); Canvas.TextSize(Left(S,j),XL,YL,Sc,Sc); X+=XL; } switch( Mid(S,j+1,1) ) { case "O": // Blue victim color. Canvas.SetDrawColor(32,32,255,a); break; case "M": // Green killmessage color. Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,0,a); break; case "K": // Red enemy killer color. Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,32,32,a); break; } S = Mid(S,j+2); } } } final function RenderProgress() { local float Y,XL,YL,Sc; local int i; Canvas.Font = GUIStyle.PickFont(GUIStyle.DefaultFontSize+1,Sc); if( bProgressDC ) Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,80,80,255); else Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255); Y = Canvas.ClipY*0.2; for( i=0; i 0 && ThisDot < 1.0) ) { if( KFPawn_Human(KFPH)!=None ) DrawFriendlyHUD(KFPawn_Human(KFPH)); else DrawMonsterHUD(KFPH); } } } } Canvas.EnableStencilTest(false); if( bSpec ) { // Draw zed health bars. foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'KFPawn_Monster', M) { ThisDot = (PLCameraDir Dot (M.Location + M.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,1))) - PLCameraDot; if( ThisDot>0 && ThisDot<8000.f && M.IsAliveAndWell() && M.PlayerReplicationInfo!=None && M!=PlayerOwner.Pawn && (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - M.Mesh.LastRenderTime) < 0.4f ) DrawFriendlyHUDZ(M); } } } } else if( KFPawn_Monster(PlayerOwner.Pawn)!=None ) { // Draw human health auras. DotScale = Canvas.ClipX*0.2f; foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'KFPawn_Human', H) { ThisDot = (PLCameraDir Dot H.Location) - PLCameraDot; if( H.IsAliveAndWell() && ThisDot>0.f && ThisDot<10000.f ) { V = Canvas.Project(H.Location); if( V.X<-100 || V.X>(Canvas.SizeX+100) || V.Y<-100 || V.Y>(Canvas.SizeY+100) ) continue; Canvas.DrawColor = GetHPColorScale(H); if( PlayerOwner.FastTrace(H.Location,PLCameraLoc) ) ThisDot*=1.75f; ThisDot = (DotScale/ThisDot)*350.f; Canvas.SetPos(V.X-ThisDot*0.25f,V.Y-ThisDot*0.5f); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture2D'VFX_TEX.FX_Glare_01',ThisDot*0.5f,ThisDot,0,0,512,512,,,BLEND_Additive); } } if( !class'ExtPlayerController'.Default.bHideNameBeacons ) { // Draw zed health bars. foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'KFPawn_Monster', M) { ThisDot = (PLCameraDir Dot (M.Location + M.CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,1))) - PLCameraDot; if( ThisDot>0 && ThisDot<8000.f && M.IsAliveAndWell() && M.PlayerReplicationInfo!=None && M!=PlayerOwner.Pawn && (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - M.Mesh.LastRenderTime) < 0.4f ) DrawFriendlyHUDZ(M); } } } Canvas.Font = GetFontSizeIndex(0); DrawActorOverlays(PLCameraLoc, PLCameraRot); } simulated static final function color GetHPColorScale( Pawn P ) { local color C; if( P.Health<25 ) // Red C.R = 255; else if( P.Health<75 ) // Yellow -> Red { C.G = (P.Health-25) * 5.1f; C.R = 255; } else if( P.Health<100 ) // Green -> Yellow { C.G = 255; C.R = (100-P.Health) * 10.2f; } else C.G = 255; C.B = 25; return C; } simulated function DrawFriendlyHUDZ( KFPawn_Monster KFPH ) { local float Percentage; local float BarHeight, BarLength; local vector ScreenPos, TargetLocation; local FontRenderInfo MyFontRenderInfo; local float FontScale; MyFontRenderInfo = Canvas.CreateFontRenderInfo( true ); BarLength = FMin(PlayerStatusBarLengthMax * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), PlayerStatusBarLengthMax) * FriendlyHudScale; BarHeight = FMin(8.f * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), 8.f) * FriendlyHudScale; TargetLocation = KFPH.Location + vect(0,0,1) * KFPH.GetCollisionHeight() * 1.2; ScreenPos = Canvas.Project(TargetLocation); if( ScreenPos.X < 0 || ScreenPos.X > Canvas.SizeX || ScreenPos.Y < 0 || ScreenPos.Y > Canvas.SizeY ) return; //Draw health bar Percentage = float(KFPH.Health) / float(KFPH.HealthMax); DrawKFBar(Percentage, BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y, HealthColor); //Draw player name (Top) FontScale = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFFontScale() * FriendlyHudScale; Canvas.Font = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFCanvasFont(); Canvas.SetDrawColorStruct(PlayerBarTextColor); Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 2); Canvas.DrawText( KFPH.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName,,FontScale,FontScale, MyFontRenderInfo ); } simulated function DrawFriendlyHUD( KFPawn_Human KFPH ) { local float Percentage; local float BarHeight, BarLength; local vector ScreenPos, TargetLocation; local ExtPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local FontRenderInfo MyFontRenderInfo; local float FontScale; local string S; KFPRI = ExtPlayerReplicationInfo(KFPH.PlayerReplicationInfo); if( KFPRI == none ) return; MyFontRenderInfo = Canvas.CreateFontRenderInfo( true ); BarLength = FMin(PlayerStatusBarLengthMax * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), PlayerStatusBarLengthMax) * FriendlyHudScale; BarHeight = FMin(8.f * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), 8.f) * FriendlyHudScale; TargetLocation = KFPH.Location + vect(0,0,1) * KFPH.GetCollisionHeight() * 1.2; ScreenPos = Canvas.Project(TargetLocation); if( ScreenPos.X < 0 || ScreenPos.X > Canvas.SizeX || ScreenPos.Y < 0 || ScreenPos.Y > Canvas.SizeY ) return; //Draw health bar if( ExtHumanPawn(KFPH)!=None ) DrawKFHealthBar(ExtHumanPawn(KFPH), BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y); else { Percentage = FMin(float(KFPH.Health) / float(KFPH.HealthMax),1.f); DrawKFBar(Percentage, BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y, HealthColor); } //Draw armor bar Percentage = FMin(float(KFPH.Armor) / float(KFPH.MaxArmor),1.f); DrawKFBar(Percentage, BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight, ArmorColor); //Draw player name (Top) FontScale = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFFontScale() * FriendlyHudScale; Canvas.Font = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFCanvasFont(); S = KFPRI.GetHumanReadableName(); if( KFPRI.bBot ) { S = S$" (Bot)"; Canvas.DrawColor = KFPRI.HUDPerkColor; } else if( KFPRI.ShowAdminName() ) // Admin info. { S = S$" ("$KFPRI.GetAdminNameAbr()$")"; Canvas.DrawColor = KFPRI.GetAdminColorC(); } else Canvas.DrawColor = KFPRI.HUDPerkColor; if( bMeAdmin && KFPRI.FixedData>0 ) { Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,0,0,255); S $= " -"$KFPRI.GetDesc(); } Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 3); Canvas.DrawText( S,,FontScale,FontScale, MyFontRenderInfo ); if( KFPRI.ECurrentPerk!=none ) { //draw perk icon Canvas.DrawColor = KFPRI.HUDPerkColor; Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength * 0.75), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 2); Canvas.DrawRect(PlayerStatusIconSize*FriendlyHudScale,PlayerStatusIconSize*FriendlyHudScale,KFPRI.ECurrentPerk.default.PerkIcon); //Draw perk level and name text Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y + BarHeight); Canvas.DrawText( KFPRI.GetPerkLevelStr()@KFPRI.ECurrentPerk.default.PerkName,,FontScale,FontScale, MyFontRenderInfo ); if( KFPRI.HasSupplier!=None ) { Canvas.DrawColor = (KFPlayerOwner.Pawn==None || KFPRI.CanUseSupply(KFPlayerOwner.Pawn)) ? SupplierUsableColor : SupplierActiveColor; Canvas.SetPos( ScreenPos.X + BarLength * 0.5f, ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 2 ); Canvas.DrawRect( PlayerStatusIconSize*FriendlyHudScale, PlayerStatusIconSize*FriendlyHudScale, KFPRI.HasSupplier.Default.SupplyIcon); } } else if( KFPRI.bBot && KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass!=none ) { //draw perk icon Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength * 0.75), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 2); Canvas.DrawRect(PlayerStatusIconSize*FriendlyHudScale,PlayerStatusIconSize*FriendlyHudScale,KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass.default.PerkIcon); //Draw name text Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y + BarHeight); Canvas.DrawText( KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass.default.PerkName,,FontScale,FontScale, MyFontRenderInfo ); } } simulated final function DrawKFHealthBar( ExtHumanPawn P, float BarLength, float BarHeight, float XPos, float YPos ) { local float BarPercentage; //background for status bar Canvas.SetDrawColorStruct(PlayerBarBGColor); Canvas.SetPos(XPos, YPos); Canvas.DrawTileStretched(PlayerStatusBarBGTexture, BarLength, BarHeight, 0, 0, 32, 32); XPos+=1; YPos+=1; BarLength-=2; BarHeight-=2; //Forground for status bar. BarPercentage = FMin(float(P.Health) / float(P.HealthMax),1.f); Canvas.SetDrawColorStruct(HealthColor); Canvas.SetPos(XPos, YPos); Canvas.DrawTileStretched(PlayerStatusBarBGTexture, BarLength * BarPercentage, BarHeight, 0, 0, 32, 32); if( P.Health0 ) { // Draw to-regen bar. XPos+=(BarLength * BarPercentage); BarPercentage = FMin(float(P.RepRegenHP) / float(P.HealthMax),1.f-BarPercentage); Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,128,128,255); Canvas.SetPos(XPos, YPos); Canvas.DrawTileStretched(PlayerStatusBarBGTexture, BarLength * BarPercentage, BarHeight, 0, 0, 32, 32); } } simulated function DrawMonsterHUD( KFPawn KFPH ) { local float Percentage; local float BarHeight, BarLength; local vector ScreenPos, TargetLocation; local Ext_T_MonsterPRI PRI; local FontRenderInfo MyFontRenderInfo; local float FontScale; PRI = Ext_T_MonsterPRI(KFPH.PlayerReplicationInfo); if( PRI==None ) return; MyFontRenderInfo = Canvas.CreateFontRenderInfo( true ); BarLength = FMin(PlayerStatusBarLengthMax * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), PlayerStatusBarLengthMax) * FriendlyHudScale; BarHeight = FMin(8.f * (float(Canvas.SizeX) / 1024.f), 8.f) * FriendlyHudScale; TargetLocation = KFPH.Location + vect(0,0,1) * KFPH.GetCollisionHeight() * 0.8; ScreenPos = Canvas.Project(TargetLocation); if( ScreenPos.X < 0 || ScreenPos.X > Canvas.SizeX || ScreenPos.Y < 0 || ScreenPos.Y > Canvas.SizeY ) return; //Draw health bar Percentage = FMin(float(KFPH.Health) / float(KFPH.HealthMax),1.f); DrawKFBar(Percentage, BarLength, BarHeight, ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y, HealthColor); //Draw player name (Top) FontScale = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFFontScale() * FriendlyHudScale; Canvas.Font = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFCanvasFont(); Canvas.DrawColor = (PRI.OwnerPRI==PlayerOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo ? MakeColor(32,250,32,255) : MakeColor(250,32,32,255)); Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength *0.5f), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 3); Canvas.DrawText( PRI.PlayerName,,FontScale,FontScale, MyFontRenderInfo ); //draw HP icon Canvas.SetPos(ScreenPos.X - (BarLength * 0.75), ScreenPos.Y - BarHeight * 2); Canvas.DrawRect(PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale,PlayerStatusIconSize * FriendlyHudScale,HealthIconTex); } simulated function DrawPetInfo() { local float X,Y,Sc,XL,YL,YS; local string S; local int i; Canvas.DrawColor = MakeColor(32,250,32,255); X = Canvas.ClipX*0.99; Y = Canvas.ClipY*0.74; Canvas.Font = GUIStyle.PickFont(GUIStyle.DefaultFontSize,Sc); Canvas.TextSize("ABC",XL,YS,Sc,Sc); S = "Current Pet:"; Canvas.TextSize(S,XL,YL,Sc,Sc); Y-=(YS*MyCurrentPet.Length); Canvas.SetPos(X-XL,Y); Canvas.DrawText(S,,Sc,Sc); for( i=0; i15 ) // don't overflow this that much... { Numbers.Remove(0,1); i = Numbers.Length; } Numbers.Length = i+1; Numbers[i].Amount = Amount; Numbers[i].Pos = Pos; Numbers[i].Time = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; Numbers[i].Type = Type; } final function DrawNumberMsg() { local int i; local float T,ThisDot,FontScale,XS,YS; local vector V; local string S; FontScale = Canvas.ClipY / 5.f; Canvas.Font = class'KFGameEngine'.Static.GetKFCanvasFont(); for( i=0; i3.f ) { Numbers.Remove(i--,1); continue; } V = Numbers[i].Pos+vect(0,0,10.f)*T; ThisDot = (PLCameraDir Dot V) - PLCameraDot; if( ThisDot>0.f && ThisDot<1500.f ) { V = Canvas.Project(V); if( V.X>0 && V.Y>0 && V.X2.f ) Canvas.DrawColor.A = (3.f-T)*255.f; Canvas.TextSize(S,XS,YS,ThisDot,ThisDot); Canvas.SetPos(V.X-XS*0.5,V.Y-YS*0.5); Canvas.DrawText(S,,ThisDot,ThisDot); } } } } // Search for new inventory! simulated function SearchInventoryForNewItem() { local int i,j; if( WasNewlyAdded.Length!=OnlineSub.CurrentInventory.Length ) WasNewlyAdded.Length = OnlineSub.CurrentInventory.Length; for( i=0; i=10.f ) { NewItems.Remove(i--,1); continue; } if( T>9.f ) { T = 255.f * (10.f-T); Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,T); } else Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255); Canvas.TextSize(NewItems[i].Item,XS,YS,FontScale,FontScale); if( NewItems[i].Icon!=None ) { Canvas.SetPos(XPos-YSize,YPos); Canvas.DrawRect(YSize,YSize,NewItems[i].Icon); XS = XPos-(YSize*1.1)-XS; } else XS = XPos-XS; Canvas.SetPos(XS,YPos); Canvas.DrawText("New Item:",,FontScale,FontScale); Canvas.SetPos(XS,YPos+(YSize*0.5)); Canvas.DrawText(NewItems[i].Item,,FontScale,FontScale); YPos-=YSize; } } simulated function CheckForItems() { if( KFGameReplicationInfo(WorldInfo.GRI)!=none ) KFGameReplicationInfo(WorldInfo.GRI).ProcessChanceDrop(); SetTimer(260+FRand()*220.f,false,'CheckForItems'); } defaultproperties { //DownArrowTex=Texture2D'UI_Widgets.MenuBarWidget_SWF_I10' //MiddleTex=Texture2D'UI_Widgets.MenuBarWidget_SWF_I14' //WaveBossTex=Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_I35' //WaveProgTex=Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_IF5' //TraderTimeTex=Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_IF7' //SyringeBarTex=Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_I155' //ArmorIconTex=Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_I16A' HealthIconTex=Texture2D'UI_Objective_Tex.UI_Obj_Healing_Loc' //BatteryIconTex=Texture2D'UI_HUD.InGameHUD_SWF_I109' BlackBGColor=(R=4,G=4,B=4,A=186) RedBGColor=(R=164,G=32,B=32,A=186) HUDTextColor=(R=250,G=250,B=250,A=186) HUDClass=class'ExtMoviePlayer_HUD' BadConnectionStr="Warning: Connection problem!" }