Class UIR_PerkStat extends KFGUI_MultiComponent; var KFGUI_TextLable InfoText; var KFGUI_NumericBox StatCountBox; var KFGUI_Button AddButton; var Ext_PerkBase MyPerk; var int StatIndex,OldValue,CurrentCost; var string ProgressStr; var bool bCostDirty; function InitMenu() { InfoText = KFGUI_TextLable(FindComponentID('Info')); StatCountBox = KFGUI_NumericBox(FindComponentID('CountBox')); AddButton = KFGUI_Button(FindComponentID('AddBox')); Super.InitMenu(); } function ShowMenu() { Super.ShowMenu(); OldValue = -1; SetTimer(0.1,true); EditBoxChange(StatCountBox); } function CloseMenu() { Super.CloseMenu(); MyPerk = None; SetTimer(0,false); } function SetActivePerk( Ext_PerkBase P ) { MyPerk = P; StatCountBox.Value = "5"; OldValue = -1; } function Timer() { if( OldValue!=MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].CurrentValue || bCostDirty ) { bCostDirty = false; OldValue = MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].CurrentValue; InfoText.SetText(MyPerk.GetStatUIStr(StatIndex)$" ["$OldValue$", Cost "$CurrentCost$", "$ProgressStr$"%]:"); } } function BuyStatPoint( KFGUI_Button Sender ) { ExtPlayerController(GetPlayer()).BuyPerkStat(MyPerk.Class,StatIndex,StatCountBox.GetValueInt()); } function EditBoxChange( KFGUI_EditBox Sender ) { CurrentCost = StatCountBox.GetValueInt()*MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].CostPerValue; ProgressStr = ChopExtraDigits(MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].Progress * StatCountBox.GetValueInt()); bCostDirty = true; Timer(); } final function CheckBuyLimit() { local int i; i = Max(Min(MyPerk.CurrentSP/MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].CostPerValue,MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].MaxValue-MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].CurrentValue),0); StatCountBox.MaxValue = i; if( i==0 ) StatCountBox.MinValue = 0; else StatCountBox.MinValue = 1; // Make the value clamped. StatCountBox.ChangeValue(StatCountBox.Value); CurrentCost = StatCountBox.GetValueInt()*MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].CostPerValue; ProgressStr = ChopExtraDigits(MyPerk.PerkStats[StatIndex].Progress * StatCountBox.GetValueInt()); // Disable button if can not buy anymore. AddButton.SetDisabled(i==0); bCostDirty = true; Timer(); } final function string ChopExtraDigits( float Value ) { local string S; local bool bLoop; S = string(Abs(Value)); bLoop = true; // Chop off float digits that aren't needed. while( bLoop ) { switch( Right(S,1) ) { case "0": S = Left(S,Len(S)-1); break; case ".": S = Left(S,Len(S)-1); bLoop = false; break; default: bLoop = false; } } return S; } defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=KFGUI_TextLable Name=InfoLable ID="Info" XPosition=0 YPosition=0.2 XSize=0.71 YSize=0.7 AlignX=2 AlignY=1 TextFontInfo=(bClipText=true) End Object Begin Object Class=KFGUI_NumericBox Name=BuyCount ID="CountBox" XPosition=0.72 YPosition=0.1 XSize=0.18 YSize=0.8 OnTextChange=EditBoxChange ToolTip="Here you can specify how many stat points to buy" MaxValue=100 MinValue=1 bScaleByFontSize=false End Object Begin Object Class=KFGUI_Button Name=AddSButton ID="AddBox" XPosition=0.91 YPosition=0.1 XSize=0.08 YSize=0.8 ButtonText="+" ToolTip="Click here to buy stats for this perk" OnClickLeft=BuyStatPoint OnClickRight=BuyStatPoint End Object Components.Add(InfoLable) Components.Add(BuyCount) Components.Add(AddSButton) }