Class UI_ResetWarning extends KFGUI_FloatingWindow; var KFGUI_TextField InfoLabel; var class<Ext_PerkBase> PerkToReset; var bool bIsPrestige; function InitMenu() { InfoLabel = KFGUI_TextField(FindComponentID('Info')); Super.InitMenu(); } function SetupTo( Ext_PerkBase P ) { PerkToReset = P.Class; WindowTitle = "WARNING: Reset "$P.PerkName; } function ButtonClicked( KFGUI_Button Sender ) { switch( Sender.ID ) { case 'Yes': ExtPlayerController(GetPlayer()).ServerResetPerk(PerkToReset,bIsPrestige); PerkToReset = None; DoClose(); break; case 'No': DoClose(); break; } } defaultproperties { XPosition=0.35 YPosition=0.2 XSize=0.3 YSize=0.45 bAlwaysTop=true bOnlyThisFocus=true Begin Object Class=KFGUI_TextField Name=WarningLabel ID="Info" XPosition=0.01 YPosition=0.12 XSize=0.98 YSize=0.775 Text="#{FF0000}WARNING:#{DEF} If you reset your perk to initial status, you can not undo this operation!|#{FF0000}All your gained XP and level (including prestige level) will be reset to 0.#{DEF}|Do NOT cry to an admin later if this was a mistake!||Are you sure you want to do this?" End Object Begin Object Class=KFGUI_Button Name=YesButten ID="Yes" ButtonText="YES" Tooltip="Reset the perk (you can not undo this action!)" XPosition=0.2 YPosition=0.9 XSize=0.29 YSize=0.07 ExtravDir=1 OnClickLeft=ButtonClicked OnClickRight=ButtonClicked End Object Begin Object Class=KFGUI_Button Name=NoButten ID="No" ButtonText="ABORT" Tooltip="Abort without doing anything" XPosition=0.5 YPosition=0.9 XSize=0.29 YSize=0.07 OnClickLeft=ButtonClicked OnClickRight=ButtonClicked End Object Components.Add(WarningLabel) Components.Add(YesButten) Components.Add(NoButten) }