[h1]Description:[/h1] This mod replaces current perk system in KF2 with a serverside perk progression with RPG elements, which let you buy individual stats and traits. [h1]Usage (single player):[/h1] 1. Subscribe to this mutator; 2. Start KF2; 3. Open console (`) and input: [code]open KF-BioticsLab?Mutator=ServerExtMut.ServerExtMut[/code] (You can add some options or replace KF-BioticsLab with the map you want) [h1]Usage (server):[/h1] [b]Note:[/b] If you don't understand what is written here, read the article [url=https://wiki.killingfloor2.com/index.php?title=Dedicated_Server_(Killing_Floor_2)][u]Dedicated Server (KF2 wiki)[/u][/url] before following these instructions. 1. Open your PCServer-KFEngine.ini / LinuxServer-KFEngine.ini; 2. Add the following string to the [b][OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.KFWorkshopSteamworks][/b] section: [code]ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=2085786712[/code] 3. Start the server and wait while the mutator is downloading; 4. Add [b]?Mutator=ServerExtMut.ServerExtMut[/b] above to launchup URL and restart server. [h1]Mutator setup[/h1] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/2085786712/4241773359646835902/][u]Look here[/u][/url] [h1]Is it possible to make the game harder?[/h1] It will be more efficient to use RPG Mod together with other mutators (which add new zeds or game modes). You can use [u][url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/2085786712/4241773359647296750/]my experience[/url][/u] or come up with something of your own. [h1]If not working[/h1] Older versions of Server-Ext have the same file names - this can cause conflicts if you subscribe to them. Therefore: 1. Check your subscriptions. If you are subscribed to old versions of the mutator, cancel them. 2. Clear the cache (the game doesn't clear it). It's here: [code] Client: C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Cache\ Server: /Binaries/Win64/steamapps/workshop/content/232090/ /KFGame/Cache/ [/code] If it’s not a problem for you to download all subscriptions again, you can simply clear this folder(s). Your subscriptions are downloaded the next time you start the game/server. If you do not want to download the subscriptions again, delete only those folders that contain the files: [code] ServerExt.u ServerExtMut.u [/code] 3. Reinstall RPG and try again. [h1]Bug reports[/h1] If you find a bug, please create a new issue here: [u]https://github.com/inklesspen1scripter/KF2-Server-Extension/issues[/u] Describe what the bug looks like and how we can reproduce it. [h1]Localization[/h1] ServerExt supports localization now! There is only english and russian localization, but if you have a desire to help translate ServerExt into other languages, you can read how to do it in this thread: [u][url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/2085786712/2942494909176752884]Localization[/url][/u] [h1]Credits:[/h1] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197975509070]Marco[/url] - creating a mutator; [url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997881512]ForrestMarkX[/url] - mutator updates; [url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198143883210]inklesspen[/url] - mutator updates, fixes, features; [url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001617867]GenZmeY[/url] - mutator description, localization; [url=https://www.deviantart.com/cottonvalent]CottonValent[/url] - artist who created gorgeous cat on the preview (I don’t know why he is here, it happened). [h1]Links:[/h1] [url=https://github.com/inklesspen1scripter/KF2-Server-Extension][u]Sources[/u][/url]