feat: XP for custom zeds/weapons

Integrated version of "MoneyEnabler" mutator with inklesspen fixes
This commit is contained in:
GenZmeY 2020-06-22 07:53:15 +03:00
parent a2a5101629
commit 4c293a927d

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@ -357,21 +357,91 @@ function AddMutator(Mutator M)
else Super.AddMutator(M);
function bool IsFromMod(Object O)
local string PackageName;
if( O == None )
return false;
PackageName = string(O.GetPackageName());
if( Len(PackageName)>1 && InStr(Caps(PackageName), "KF") == 0)
PackageName = string(O);
if( Len(PackageName)>1 && InStr(Caps(PackageName), "KF") == 0)
return false;
return true;
function ScoreKill(Controller Killer, Controller Killed)
local KFPawn_Monster KFM;
local int i, j;
local KFPlayerReplicationInfo DamagerKFPRI;
local float XP;
local KFPerk InstigatorPerk;
local bool cont;
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local ExtPerkManager KillersPerk;
if( bRespawnCheck && Killed.bIsPlayer )
if( KFPawn_Monster(Killed.Pawn)!=None && Killed.GetTeamNum()!=0 && Killer.bIsPlayer && Killer.GetTeamNum()==0 )
KFM = KFPawn_Monster(Killed.Pawn);
if( KFM!=None && Killed.GetTeamNum()!=0 && Killer.bIsPlayer && Killer.GetTeamNum()==0 )
if( ExtPlayerController(Killer)!=None && ExtPlayerController(Killer).ActivePerkManager!=None )
if( bKillMessages && Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo!=None )
//else if( Killer!=None && Killer!=Killed && Killer.GetTeamNum()==0 && Ext_T_MonsterPRI(Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo)!=None )
// BroadcastKillMessage(Killed.Pawn,Ext_T_MonsterPRI(Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo).OwnerController);
if( KFM.DamageHistory.Length > 0 )
for( i = 0; i<KFM.DamageHistory.Length; i++ )
DamagerKFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFM.DamageHistory[i].DamagerPRI);
if( DamagerKFPRI != None )
if( KFM.DamageHistory[i].DamagePerks.Length <= 0 )
cont = true;
if(IsFromMod(KFM.DamageHistory[i].DamageCausers[j]) || IsFromMod(KFM.DamageHistory[i].DamageTypes[j]))
cont = false;
if(cont && !IsFromMod(KFM))
// Distribute experience points
KFPC = KFPlayerController(DamagerKFPRI.Owner);
if( KFPC != none )
InstigatorPerk = KFPC.GetPerk();
if( InstigatorPerk.ShouldGetAllTheXP() )
KFPC.OnPlayerXPAdded(KFM.static.GetXPValue(MyKFGI.GameDifficulty), InstigatorPerk.Class);
XP = KFM.static.GetXPValue(MyKFGI.GameDifficulty) / KFM.DamageHistory[i].DamagePerks.Length;
for( j = 0; j < KFM.DamageHistory[i].DamagePerks.Length; j++ )
KFPC.OnPlayerXPAdded(FCeil(XP), KFM.DamageHistory[i].DamagePerks[j]);
if ( MyKFGI != None && MyKFGI.IsZedTimeActive() && KFPawn_Monster(Killed.Pawn) != None )
@ -390,6 +460,8 @@ function ScoreKill(Controller Killer, Controller Killed)
if (NextMutator != None)
NextMutator.ScoreKill(Killer, Killed);
Super.ScoreKill(Killer, Killed);
function bool PreventDeath(Pawn Killed, Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation)
@ -429,7 +501,7 @@ final function GT_PlayerKilled( Controller Killer, Controller Killed, class<Dama
//Chris: We have to do it earlier here because we need a damage type
KFPC.AddZedKill( MonsterPawn.class, KFG.GameDifficulty, damageType, false );
// No longer aviable since v1096: KFGameInfo.CheckForBerserkerSmallRadiusKill
// Not support in v1096: KFGameInfo.CheckForBerserkerSmallRadiusKill
//if( KFPC.ActivePerkManager!=none && KFPC.ActivePerkManager.CanEarnSmallRadiusKillXP(damageType) )
// KFG.CheckForBerserkerSmallRadiusKill( MonsterPawn, KFPC );