2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
Class xVoteWebApp extends Object implements ( IQueryHandler ) ;
var WebAdmin webadmin ;
var string MapVoterURL ;
var int EditSettingLine ;
function cleanup ( )
webadmin = None ;
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function init ( WebAdmin webapp )
webadmin = webapp ;
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function registerMenuItems ( WebAdminMenu menu )
menu . addMenu ( MapVoterURL , "X - Mapvote" , self , "Modify settings of mapvote." , - 88 ) ;
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2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
function bool handleQuery ( WebAdminQuery q )
switch ( q . request . URI )
case MapVoterURL :
handleMapVotes ( q ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
2020-11-28 23:04:55 +03:00
final function IncludeFile ( WebAdminQuery q , string file )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
local string S ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
if ( webadmin . HTMLSubDirectory != "" )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
S = webadmin . Path $ "/" $ webadmin . HTMLSubDirectory $ "/" $ file ;
2020-11-28 23:04:55 +03:00
if ( q . response . FileExists ( S ) )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
q . response . IncludeUHTM ( S ) ;
return ;
q . response . IncludeUHTM ( webadmin . Path $ "/" $ file ) ;
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2020-11-28 23:04:55 +03:00
final function SendHeader ( WebAdminQuery q , string Title )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
local IQueryHandler handler ;
q . response . Subst ( "page.title" , Title ) ;
q . response . Subst ( "page.description" , "" ) ;
foreach webadmin . handlers ( handler )
handler . decoratePage ( q ) ;
q . response . Subst ( "messages" , webadmin . renderMessages ( q ) ) ;
if ( q . session . getString ( "privilege.log" ) != "" )
q . response . Subst ( "privilege.log" , webadmin . renderPrivilegeLog ( q ) ) ;
IncludeFile ( q , "header.inc" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<div id=\"content\"><h2>" $Title$ "</h2></div><div class=\"section\">" ) ;
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final function SendFooter ( WebAdminQuery q )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
IncludeFile ( q , "navigation.inc" ) ;
IncludeFile ( q , "footer.inc" ) ;
q . response . ClearSubst ( ) ;
2020-11-28 23:04:55 +03:00
final function AddConfigEditbox ( WebAdminQuery q , string InfoStr , string CurVal , int MaxLen , string ResponseVar , string Tooltip , optional bool bNoTR )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
local string S ;
S = "<abbr title=\"" $Tooltip$ "\"><TD>" $InfoStr$ ":</TD><TD><input class=\"textbox\" class=\"text\" name=\"" $ResponseVar$ "\" size=\"" $Min ( 100 , MaxLen ) $ "\" value=\"" $CurVal$ "\" maxlength=\"" $MaxLen$ "\"></TD></abbr>" ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
if ( ! bNoTR )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
S = "<TR>" $S$ "</TR>" ;
q . response . SendText ( S ) ;
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2020-11-28 23:04:55 +03:00
final function AddInLineEditbox ( WebAdminQuery q , string CurVal , int MaxLen , string ResponseVar , string Tooltip )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
q . response . SendText ( "<abbr title=\"" $Tooltip$ "\"><TD><input class=\"textbox\" class=\"text\" name=\"" $ResponseVar$ "\" size=\"" $Min ( 100 , MaxLen ) $ "\" value=\"" $CurVal$ "\" maxlength=\"" $MaxLen$ "\"></TD></abbr>" ) ;
2020-11-29 00:54:57 +03:00
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
function handleMapVotes ( WebAdminQuery q )
local int i ;
local string S ;
S = q . request . getVariable ( "edit" ) ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
if ( S == "Submit" )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . VoteTime = int ( q . request . getVariable ( "VT" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . VoteTime ) ) ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MidGameVotePct = float ( q . request . getVariable ( "MV" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MidGameVotePct ) ) ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MapWinPct = float ( q . request . getVariable ( "VP" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MapWinPct ) ) ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MapChangeDelay = float ( q . request . getVariable ( "SD" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MapChangeDelay ) ) ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MaxMapsOnList = int ( q . request . getVariable ( "MXP" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MaxMapsOnList ) ) ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Static . StaticSaveConfig ( ) ;
EditSettingLine = - 1 ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
else if ( S == "New" )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
i = class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes . Length ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes . Length = i + 1 ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName = "Killing Floor" ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameShortName = "KF" ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameClass = "KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Survival" ;
EditSettingLine = i ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Static . StaticSaveConfig ( ) ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
else if ( S == "Save" )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
if ( EditSettingLine >= 0 && EditSettingLine < class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes . Length )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
i = EditSettingLine ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName = q . request . getVariable ( "GN" , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameShortName = q . request . getVariable ( "GS" , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameClass = q . request . getVariable ( "GC" , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Mutators = q . request . getVariable ( "MM" , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Options = q . request . getVariable ( "OP" , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Prefix = q . request . getVariable ( "PF" , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Static . StaticSaveConfig ( ) ;
EditSettingLine = - 1 ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes . Length ; ++ i )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
S = q . request . getVariable ( "edit" $i ) ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
if ( S == "Delete" )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes . Remove ( i , 1 ) ;
class 'xVotingHandler' . Static . StaticSaveConfig ( ) ;
EditSettingLine = - 1 ;
break ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
else if ( S == "Edit" )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
EditSettingLine = i ;
break ;
SendHeader ( q , "X - Mapvote" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" $webadmin . Path$MapVoterURL$ "\"><table id=\"settings\" class=\"grid\">" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<thead><tr><th colspan=2>Mapvote settings</th></tr></thead><tbody>" ) ;
AddConfigEditbox ( q , "Mapvote time" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . VoteTime ) , 8 , "VT" , "Time in seconds people have to cast mapvote" ) ;
AddConfigEditbox ( q , "Mid-Game vote pct" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MidGameVotePct ) , 12 , "MV" , "Number of people in percent needs to vote to make game initiate mid-game mapvote" ) ;
AddConfigEditbox ( q , "Map win vote pct" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MapWinPct ) , 12 , "VP" , "Number of people in percent needs to vote for same map for mapvote instantly switch to it" ) ;
AddConfigEditbox ( q , "Map switch delay" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MapChangeDelay ) , 12 , "SD" , "Time in seconds delay after a mapvote has passed, when server actually switches map" ) ;
AddConfigEditbox ( q , "Max Maps On List" , string ( class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . MaxMapsOnList ) , 8 , "MXP" , "Maximum maps that should show on mapvote GUI before starting to remove random ones (0 = no limit)" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<tr><td></td><td><input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"edit\" value=\"Submit\"></td></tr>" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "</tbody></table></form>" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" $webadmin . Path$MapVoterURL$ "\"><table id=\"settings\" class=\"grid\">" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<thead><tr><th colspan=7>Mapvote game modes</th></tr></thead><tbody>" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<tr><th>Game Name</th><th>Game Short Name</th><th>Game Class</th><th>Mutators</th><th>Options</th><th>Map Prefix</th><th></th></tr>" ) ;
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes . Length ; ++ i )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
2020-11-28 23:12:58 +03:00
if ( EditSettingLine == i )
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
q . response . SendText ( "<tr>" , false ) ;
AddInLineEditbox ( q , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName , 48 , "GN" , "Game type long display name" ) ;
AddInLineEditbox ( q , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameShortName , 12 , "GS" , "Game type short display name" ) ;
AddInLineEditbox ( q , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameClass , 38 , "GC" , "Game type class name to run" ) ;
AddInLineEditbox ( q , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Mutators , 120 , "MM" , "List of mutators to run along with this game option (separated with commas)" ) ;
AddInLineEditbox ( q , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Options , 100 , "OP" , "List of options to run along with this game option (separated with question mark)" ) ;
AddInLineEditbox ( q , class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Prefix , 16 , "PF" , "Maps prefix to filter out maps not wanted for this game mode" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "</td><td><input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"edit\" value=\"Save\"><input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"edit" $i$ "\" value=\"Delete\"></td></tr>" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<tr><td>" $class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameName$
"</td><td>" $class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameShortName$
"</td><td>" $class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . GameClass$
"</td><td>" $class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Mutators$
"</td><td>" $class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Options$
"</td><td>" $class 'xVotingHandler' . Default . GameModes [ i ] . Prefix$
"</td><td><input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"edit" $i$ "\" value=\"Edit\"><input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"edit" $i$ "\" value=\"Delete\"></td></tr>" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "<tr><td><input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" name=\"edit\" value=\"New\"></td></tr>" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "</tbody></table></form>" ) ;
q . response . SendText ( "</div></body></html>" ) ;
SendFooter ( q ) ;
function bool producesXhtml ( )
return true ;
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2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
function bool unhandledQuery ( WebAdminQuery q ) ;
function decoratePage ( WebAdminQuery q ) ;
MapVoterURL = "/settings/xMapVoter"
EditSettingLine = - 1