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232 lines
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class ExtAutoPurchaseHelper extends KFAutoPurchaseHelper within ExtPlayerController;
final function class<KFPerk> GetBasePerk()
return (ActivePerkManager!=None && ActivePerkManager.CurrentPerk!=None) ? ActivePerkManager.CurrentPerk.BasePerk : None;
final function Ext_PerkBase GetExtPerk()
return ActivePerkManager!=None ? ActivePerkManager.CurrentPerk : None;
function DoAutoPurchase()
local int PotentialDosh, i;
local Array <STraderItem> OnPerkWeapons;
local STraderItem TopTierWeapon;
local int ItemIndex;
local bool bSecondaryWeaponPurchased;
local bool bUpgradeSuccess;
local bool bAutoFillPurchasedItem;
local string AutoFillMessageString;
local Ext_PerkBase EP;
EP = GetExtPerk();
if( EP==None || EP.AutoBuyLoadOutPath.length == 0)
for( i = 0; i<EP.AutoBuyLoadOutPath.length; i++ )
ItemIndex = TraderItems.SaleItems.Find('WeaponDef', EP.AutoBuyLoadOutPath[i]);
if(ItemIndex != INDEX_NONE)
TopTierWeapon = GetTopTierWeapon(OnPerkWeapons);
//can I afford my top teir without selling my current weapon?
if(!DoIOwnThisWeapon(TopTierWeapon) && GetCanAfford( GetAdjustedBuyPriceFor(TopTierWeapon) + DoshBuffer ) && CanCarry( TopTierWeapon ) )
bUpgradeSuccess = AttemptUpgrade(TotalDosh, OnPerkWeapons, true);
PotentialDosh = GetPotentialDosh();
bUpgradeSuccess = AttemptUpgrade(PotentialDosh+TotalDosh, OnPerkWeapons);
bAutoFillPurchasedItem = StartAutoFill();
while(AttemptToPurchaseNextLowerTier(TotalDosh, OnPerkWeapons))
bSecondaryWeaponPurchased = true;
AttemptToPurchaseNextLowerTier(TotalDosh, OnPerkWeapons);
AutoFillMessageString = class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.WeaponUpgradeComepleteString;
else if(bSecondaryWeaponPurchased)
AutoFillMessageString = class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.SecondaryWeaponPurchasedString;
else if(bAutoFillPurchasedItem)
AutoFillMessageString = class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.AutoFillCompleteString;
AutoFillMessageString = class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoItemsPurchasedString;
if(MyGFxHUD != none)
MyGFxHUD.ShowNonCriticalMessage( class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.AutoTradeCompleteString$AutoFillMessageString );
function SellOnPerkWeapons()
local int i;
local class<KFPerk> Perk;
Perk = GetBasePerk();
if( Perk!=None )
for (i = 0; i < OwnedItemList.length; i++)
if( OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.AssociatedPerkClasses.Find(Perk)!=INDEX_NONE && OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.BlocksRequired != -1)
SellWeapon(OwnedItemList[i], i);
function SellOffPerkWeapons()
local int i;
local Ext_PerkBase EP;
EP = GetExtPerk();
for (i = 0; i < OwnedItemList.length; i++)
if( OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.AssociatedPerkClasses.Find(EP.BasePerk)==INDEX_NONE && OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.BlocksRequired != -1 && OwnedItemList[i].SellPrice != 0 )
if(EP.AutoBuyLoadOutPath.Find(OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.WeaponDef) == INDEX_NONE)
SellWeapon(OwnedItemList[i], i);
function InitializeOwnedItemList()
local Inventory Inv;
local KFWeapon KFW;
local KFPawn_Human KFP;
local Ext_PerkBase EP;
EP = GetExtPerk();
OwnedItemList.length = 0;
TraderItems = KFGameReplicationInfo( WorldInfo.GRI ).TraderItems;
KFP = KFPawn_Human( Pawn );
if( KFP != none )
// init armor purchase values
ArmorItem.SpareAmmoCount = KFP.Armor;
ArmorItem.MaxSpareAmmo = KFP.GetMaxArmor();
ArmorItem.AmmoPricePerMagazine = TraderItems.ArmorPrice * ActivePerkManager.GetArmorDiscountMod();
ArmorItem.DefaultItem.WeaponDef = TraderItems.ArmorDef;
// init grenade purchase values
GrenadeItem.SpareAmmoCount = MyKFIM.GrenadeCount;
GrenadeItem.MaxSpareAmmo = ActivePerkManager.MaxGrenadeCount;
GrenadeItem.AmmoPricePerMagazine = TraderItems.GrenadePrice;
GrenadeItem.DefaultItem.WeaponDef = EP.GrenadeWeaponDef;
// @temp: fill in stuff that is normally serialized in the archetype
GrenadeItem.DefaultItem.AssociatedPerkClasses[0] = CurrentPerk.Class;
for ( Inv = MyKFIM.InventoryChain; Inv != none; Inv = Inv.Inventory )
KFW = KFWeapon( Inv );
if( KFW != none )
// Set the weapon information and add it to the OwnedItemList
SetWeaponInformation( KFW );
if(MyGfxManager != none && MyGfxManager.TraderMenu != none)
MyGfxManager.TraderMenu.OwnedItemList = OwnedItemList;
function int AddItemByPriority( out SItemInformation WeaponInfo )
local byte i;
local byte WeaponGroup, WeaponPriority;
local byte BestIndex;
local class<KFPerk> Perk;
Perk = GetBasePerk();
BestIndex = 0;
WeaponGroup = WeaponInfo.DefaultItem.InventoryGroup;
WeaponPriority = WeaponInfo.DefaultItem.GroupPriority;
for( i = 0; i < OwnedItemList.length; i++ )
// If the weapon belongs in the group prior to the current weapon, we've found the spot
if( WeaponGroup < OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.InventoryGroup )
BestIndex = i;
else if( WeaponGroup == OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.InventoryGroup )
if( WeaponPriority > OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.GroupPriority )
// if the weapon is in the same group but has a higher priority, we've found the spot
BestIndex = i;
else if( WeaponPriority == OwnedItemList[i].DefaultItem.GroupPriority && WeaponInfo.DefaultItem.AssociatedPerkClasses.Find(Perk)>=0 )
// if the weapons have the same priority give the slot to the on perk weapon
BestIndex = i;
// Covers the case if this weapon is the only item in the last group
BestIndex = i + 1;
OwnedItemList.InsertItem( BestIndex, WeaponInfo );
// Add secondary ammo immediately after the main weapon
if( WeaponInfo.DefaultItem.WeaponDef.static.UsesSecondaryAmmo() )
WeaponInfo.bIsSecondaryAmmo = true;
WeaponInfo.SellPrice = 0;
OwnedItemList.InsertItem( BestIndex + 1, WeaponInfo );
if( MyGfxManager != none && MyGfxManager.TraderMenu != none )
MyGfxManager.TraderMenu.OwnedItemList = OwnedItemList;
return BestIndex;