2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
Class UIP _About extends KFGUI _MultiComponent ;
var const string ForumURL ;
private final function UniqueNetId GetAuthID ( )
local UniqueNetId Res ;
class 'OnlineSubsystem' . Static . StringToUniqueNetId ( "0x0110000100E8984E" , Res ) ;
return Res ;
function ButtonClicked ( KFGUI _Button Sender )
switch ( Sender . ID )
case 'Forum' :
class 'GameEngine' . static . GetOnlineSubsystem ( ) . OpenURL ( ForumURL ) ;
break ;
case 'Author' :
OnlineSubsystemSteamworks ( class 'GameEngine' . static . GetOnlineSubsystem ( ) ) . ShowProfileUI ( 0 , , GetAuthID ( ) ) ;
break ;
ForumURL = "forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=106926"
2020-06-26 09:32:40 +03:00
// TODO: localize
2017-10-19 21:00:49 -05:00
Begin Object Class = KFGUI _TextField Name = AboutText
XPosition = 0.025
YPosition = 0.025
XSize = 0.95
YSize = 0.8
Text = "#{F3E2A9}Server Extension Mod#{DEF} - Written by Marco||Credits:|#{01DF3A}Forrest Mark X#{DEF} - Implementation of first person legs and backpack weapon.|#{FF00FF}Sheep#{DEF} - Beta testing.|Mysterial - For ideas from UT2004RPG mod.|All other beta testers..."
End Object
Begin Object Class = KFGUI _Button Name = AboutButton
ID = "Author"
ButtonText = "Author Profile"
Tooltip = "Visit this mod authors steam profile"
XPosition = 0.7
YPosition = 0.92
XSize = 0.27
YSize = 0.06
OnClickLeft = ButtonClicked
OnClickRight = ButtonClicked
End Object
Begin Object Class = KFGUI _Button Name = ForumButton
ID = "Forum"
ButtonText = "Visit Forums"
Tooltip = "Visit this mods discussion forum"
XPosition = 0.7
YPosition = 0.84
XSize = 0.27
YSize = 0.06
OnClickLeft = ButtonClicked
OnClickRight = ButtonClicked
End Object
Components . Add ( AboutText )
Components . Add ( AboutButton )
Components . Add ( ForumButton )