Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "v1.0.0" have entirely different histories.

18 changed files with 538 additions and 988 deletions

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# Other
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name: MegaLinter
permissions: read-all
- master
APPLY_FIXES_EVENT: pull_request
FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE: (mega-linter.yml)
group: ${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.workflow }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: MegaLinter
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
issues: write
pull-requests: write
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token: ${{ secrets.PAT || secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
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- name: MegaLinter
uses: oxsecurity/megalinter@7e042c726c68415475b05a65a686c612120a1232
id: ml
- name: Archive production artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@c7d193f32edcb7bfad88892161225aeda64e9392
if: success() || failure()
name: MegaLinter reports
path: |
- name: Set APPLY_FIXES_IF var
run: |
printf 'APPLY_FIXES_IF=%s\n' "${{ == 1 &&
env.APPLY_FIXES_EVENT == 'all' ||
env.APPLY_FIXES_EVENT == github.event_name
) &&
github.event_name == 'push' ||
github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository
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env.APPLY_FIXES_IF == 'true' &&
env.APPLY_FIXES_MODE == 'pull_request'
}}" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}"
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(!contains(fromJSON('["refs/heads/main", "refs/heads/master"]'), github.ref))
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if: env.APPLY_FIXES_IF_PR == 'true'
token: ${{ secrets.PAT || secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
commit-message: "[MegaLinter] Apply linters automatic fixes"
title: "[MegaLinter] Apply linters automatic fixes"
labels: bot
- name: Create PR output
if: env.APPLY_FIXES_IF_PR == 'true'
run: |
echo "PR Number - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-number }}"
echo "PR URL - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-url }}"
- name: Prepare commit
if: env.APPLY_FIXES_IF_COMMIT == 'true'
run: sudo chown -Rc $UID .git/
- name: Commit and push applied linter fixes
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@8756aa072ef5b4a080af5dc8fef36c5d586e521d
if: env.APPLY_FIXES_IF_COMMIT == 'true'
branch: >-
github.event.pull_request.head.ref ||
github.head_ref ||
commit_message: "[MegaLinter] Apply linters fixes"
commit_user_name: "github-actions"
commit_user_email: "github-actions[bot]"

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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
# [SML] Developer Guide
**SML compatible mutator development guide**
## Mutator template
You can use this template to make the mutator compatible with SML.
Here I will use `Example` as mutator name. **Replace it with yours.**
class ExampleMut extends KFMutator;
var private Example Example;
public simulated function bool SafeDestroy()
return (bPendingDelete || bDeleteMe || Destroy());
public event PreBeginPlay()
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client) return;
foreach WorldInfo.DynamicActors(class'Example', Example)
if (Example == None)
Example = WorldInfo.Spawn(class'Example');
if (Example == None)
`Log("Example: FATAL: Can't Spawn 'Example'");
public function AddMutator(Mutator Mut)
if (Mut == Self) return;
if (Mut.Class == Class)
public function NotifyLogin(Controller C)
public function NotifyLogout(Controller C)
static function String GetLocalString(optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2)
return String(class'Example');
class Example extends Info;
public event PreBeginPlay()
// do some initialization here
public event PostBeginPlay()
// do some initialization here
public function NotifyLogin(Controller C)
// Do what you need here when the player log in
public function NotifyLogout(Controller C)
// Do what you need here when the player log out
public simulated function vector GetTargetLocation(optional actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc)
local Controller C;
C = Controller(RequestedBy);
if (C != None) { bRequestAlternateLoc ? NotifyLogout(C) : NotifyLogin(C); }
return Super.GetTargetLocation(RequestedBy, bRequestAlternateLoc);
That's all. You can create new classes and add any code to `Example.uc` (yay!), but refrain from implementing anything else in `ExampleMut.uc` because it will not be used.
## Limitations
❌ Can't make ranked game mode this way;
❌ SML can only emulate [`NotifyLogin(...)`]( and [`NotifyLogout(...)`](, other functions of the [`Mutator`]( and [`KFMutator`]( classes are not supported - look for workarounds in this case.
## Tips
## Alternative to the InitMutator(...) function
Even though the [`InitMutator(...)`]( function is not supported, you can still parse the startup string if you need to:
Refer to [`WorldInfo.GetLocalURL()`]( and get the option from there. It's best to do this in `PreBeginPlay()` or `PostBeginPlay()` of your `Example.uc` (as well as other initializations).
### XP for custom Zeds / Weapons
While custom weapons and zeds won't make your server unranked, the [`ValidateForXP(...)`]( function will not allow you to gain experience if it detects a custom zed or custom damage type.
Therefore, if you want to gain experience - make sure that [`ValidateForXP(...)`]( does not receive custom zed classes or custom damage types.
For example you can change your custom weapon to use only default damage types or try changing the `DamageHistory` and/or `MonsterClass` before it gets into [`DistributeMoneyAndXP(...)`](
### Replacing base classes to bypass restrictions
In some cases, changing the base classes of the game can help. For example, we cannot make [TAWOD]( and SML compatible because the [PreventDeath(...)]( function is not supported. But this can be bypassed by replacing the player's Pawn base class with custom Pawn class:
WorldInfo.Game.DefaultPawnClass = class'ExamplePawn_Human'; // Put this to `PostBeginPlay()` of your Example.uc
And now we can implement all weapons drop in `ExamplePawn_Human.uc` (create one):
class ExamplePawn_Human extends KFPawn_Human;
public function ThrowWeaponOnDeath()
local KFWeapon KFW;
if (InvManager == None) return;
foreach InvManager.InventoryActors(class'KFWeapon', KFW)
if (KFW.bDropOnDeath && KFW.CanThrow())
**Good luck and happy modding! 🙃**

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# SafeMutLoader (SML) is legal and does not violate the [KF2 EULA](
## Here's why in detail:
Let's look at the [EULA]( points that relate to modifications:
> ### 2. Permitted User Modifications and New Creations
> Some of our games come with a KILLING FLOOR 2 editor. You can use editors to make mods or create new content to be played in KILLING FLOOR 2. You agree that you will not distribute or share the KILLING FLOOR 2 editor because it is not shareware. You agree that any new creations or materials that you make for KILLING FLOOR 2, with or without the KILLING FLOOR 2 editor, (collectively referred to as “Mods”) are subject to the following restrictions:
> Your Mods must only work with the full, registered copy of KILLING FLOOR 2, not independently or with any other software.
SML only works with a full registered copy of KILLING FLOOR 2 and is not intended to work with any other software.
> Your Mods must not contain modifications to any executable file(s).
SML does not modify KILLING FLOOR 2 executables.
> Your Mods must not contain any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or libelous, defamatory, or other illegal material, material that is scandalous or invades the rights of privacy or publicity of any third party.
SML does not contain anything listed here.
> Your Mods must not contain, or be used in conjunction with, any trademarks, copyright protected work, or other recognizable property of third parties without their written authority.
SML does not contain any trademarks or property of third parties.
> Your Mods must not be used by you, or anyone else, for any commercial exploitation including, but not limited to in-game advertising, other advertising or marketing for any company, product or service.
SML does not have any functionality for commercial use or advertising, SML is distributed free of charge.
> While we encourage folks to make Mods, Mods will not be supported by Tripwire Interactive and its licensors, licensees or suppliers, and if distributed pursuant to this license your Mods must include a statement to that effect.
SML is supported by its author. SML is distributed under the GNU GPLv3 license, which states that this program is provided "as is" and without any warranties.
> Your Mods must be distributed for free, period. Neither you, nor any other person or party, may sell them to anyone, commercially exploit them in any way, or charge anyone for receiving or using them without prior written consent from Tripwire Interactive. You may exchange them at no charge among other end users and distribute them to others over the Internet, on magazine cover disks, or otherwise for free.
SML is distributed free of charge, including both compiled mod files and its source code.
> The prohibitions and restrictions in this section apply to anyone in possession of KILLING FLOOR 2 or any Mods.
Of course.
> ### 3. Commercial Exploitation
> You may not use KILLING FLOOR 2, or any Mods created for or from KILLING FLOOR 2 or using the KILLING FLOOR 2 editor or any other tools provided with this KILLING FLOOR 2, for any commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Tripwire Interactive or its authorized licensees including, but not limited to, the following rules: 1. If you are the proprietor of an Internet café or gaming room, you may operate the KILLING FLOOR 2 in a “pay for play” environment provided that all computers used have validly licensed KILLING FLOOR 2 installed, such KILLING FLOOR 2 having been properly purchased through one of our licensees. 2. You may not, without prior written consent from Tripwire Interactive, operate KILLING FLOOR 2 in any gaming contest where (a) the cash value of all winnings and prizes paid throughout the entire competition is equal to or greater than US$10,000.00 or (b) the name of the event, or any individual contest therein, incorporates or approximates the name of a company, product or commercial service or (c) any company has provided, whether donated or as sponsorship any prizes, products or services worth with a fair market value of over US $20,000.00.
SML is distributed free of charge, including both compiled mod files and its source code.
> ### 4. Restrictions on Use
> Just to make sure you understand what you can and cannot do with KILLING FLOOR 2, here is a list of restrictions to your use of KILLING FLOOR 2 under this EULA:
> You may not decompile, modify, reverse engineer, publicly display, prepare derivative works based on KILLING FLOOR 2 (except as permitted in Section 2, above), disassemble or otherwise reproduce KILLING FLOOR 2.
SML is not a derivative work. No decompilation of game files was used during the development of SML. SML works only on the functionality provided by KILLING FLOOR 2 and Unreal Script available through the KILLING FLOOR 2 - SDK.
> Except as set forth herein, you may not rent, sell, lease, barter, sublicense or distribute KILLING FLOOR 2. You may not delete the copyright notices or any other proprietary legends on the original copy of KILLING FLOOR 2.
SML cannot be used for the purposes listed here. SML does not affect copyright notices in KILLING FLOOR 2.
> You may not offer KILLING FLOOR 2 on a pay per play basis or otherwise commercially exploit KILLING FLOOR 2 or use KILLING FLOOR 2 for any commercial purpose except as described in this agreement.
SML cannot be used for the purposes listed here.
> You may not electronically transmit KILLING FLOOR 2 from one computer to another or over a network except as described in this agreement..
SML cannot be used for these purposes listed here.

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@ -1,23 +1,41 @@
[h1][b]Use non-whitelisted mutators and stay ranked[/b][/h1] [h1][b]Use non-whitelisted mutators and stay ranked[/b][/h1]
[h1]Usage (server only)[/h1] [h1]Limitations[/h1]
[olist] ⚠️ SML only has an effect when compatible mutators are used. If you use incompatible mutators you will lose ranked status.
[*]Subscribe your server to this. ⚠️ SML incompatible with [b][url=]AccessPlus[/url][/b]. If you need something from there, implement it as an SML compatible mutator using [url=]developer guide[/url].
[*]Add [b]SML.Mut[/b] [u]first[/u] to your list of mutators, example:
(add/remove [b]compatible[/b] mutators you need)
⚠️ Doesn't work in single player
⚠️ SML must be first in the mutators list or it won't work.
⚠️ SML only has an effect when [b]compatible[/b] mutators are used (the list below). If you use incompatible mutators you will lose ranked status.
⚠️ SML is a server-side mutator, clients never download it. Therefore, no one will know about you using SML if you dont tell yourself (or if you share with the whole world the BrewedPC folder where you put the SML, lol).
⚠️ SML is incompatible with [url=]AccessPlus[/url] and other mods based on it. If you need something from there, implement it as an SML compatible mutator using [url=]developer guide[/url].
[h1]Compatible mutators[/h1] [h1]Compatible mutators[/h1] 🟢 Any whitelisted mutators
🟢 [url=]Admin Auto Login[/url]
🟢 [url=]Controlled Vote Collector[/url]
🟡 [url=]Custom Trader Inventory[/url]
[*]Purchasing a DLC weapon will unrank the server if currently there is no player with the purchased DLC. This can be bypassed by replacing all DLC weapons with their clones.
[*]Since [url=]KF2 v1133[/url] the content preload causes the server to unrank for some reason. Disable it in CTI settings ([b]bPreloadContent=False[/b]) to stay ranked.
🟡 [url=]Zed Spawner[/url]
[*]Since [url=]KF2 v1133[/url] zed preload causes the server to unrank for some reason (current version of ZedSpawner does not allow you to disable preload, but I will add it later).
🟢 [url=]Yet Another Scoreboard[/url]
[h1]Developer guide[/h1]
If you want to make your mutator compatible with SML use this:
[url=]Developer Guide[/url]
If you make a public mutator with SML support, I'd be happy if you tell me about it so I can add it to the list above.
(replace the map and add/remove [b]compatible[/b] mutators you need)
❗️ SML must be first in the mutators list or it won't work.
❗️ SML is a server-side mutator, clients never download it. Therefore, no one will know about SML if you dont tell yourself. You can also accidentally give it to the whole world if you use a redirect and share the folder where it's located. Be careful about this.
❗️ I also really hope you don't report this to TWI. If I find this blocked, I will probably be upset in the world and in the people with whom I shared this :(
[h1]Sources[/h1] [h1]Sources[/h1]
[url=][/url] [b](GNU GPLv3)[/b] Right now, I don't want to post SML sources because I'm planning to submit several whitelist requests for my mutators. TWI will probably look at my github (At least I hope so) and I don't want them to see SML.
But later I will post it under the GNU GPLv3.

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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
[SML] Developer Guide
[b]SML compatible mutator development guide[/b]
Mutator template
You can use this template to make the mutator compatible with [url=]SML[/url].
Here I will use "[b]Example[/b]" as mutator name. Replace it with yours.
class ExampleMut extends KFMutator;
var private Example Example;
public simulated function bool SafeDestroy()
return (bPendingDelete || bDeleteMe || Destroy());
public event PreBeginPlay()
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client) return;
foreach WorldInfo.DynamicActors(class'Example', Example)
if (Example == None)
Example = WorldInfo.Spawn(class'Example');
if (Example == None)
`Log("Example: FATAL: Can't Spawn 'Example'");
public function AddMutator(Mutator Mut)
if (Mut == Self) return;
if (Mut.Class == Class)
public function NotifyLogin(Controller C)
public function NotifyLogout(Controller C)
static function String GetLocalString(optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2)
return String(class'Example');
class Example extends Info;
public event PreBeginPlay()
// do some initialization here
public event PostBeginPlay()
// do some initialization here
public function NotifyLogin(Controller C)
// Do what you need here when the player log in
public function NotifyLogout(Controller C)
// Do what you need here when the player log out
public simulated function vector GetTargetLocation(optional actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc)
local Controller C;
C = Controller(RequestedBy);
if (C != None) { bRequestAlternateLoc ? NotifyLogout(C) : NotifyLogin(C); }
return Super.GetTargetLocation(RequestedBy, bRequestAlternateLoc);
That's all. You can create new classes and add any code to [b]Example.uc[/b], but refrain from implementing anything else in [b]ExampleMut.uc[/b]
❌ Can't make ranked game mode this way;
❌ [url=]SML[/url] can only emulate [url=]NotifyLogin(...)[/url] and [url=]NotifyLogout(...)[/url], other functions of the [url=]Mutator[/url] and [url=]KFMutator[/url] classes are not supported - look for workarounds in this case.
[Tips] Alternative to the InitMutator(...) function
Even though the [url=]InitMutator(...)[/url] function is not supported, you can still parse the startup string if you need to:
Refer to [url=]WorldInfo.Game.ServerOptions[/url] or [url=]WorldInfo.GetLocalURL()[/url] and get the option from there. It's best to do this in [b]PreBeginPlay()[/b] or [b]PostBeginPlay()[/b] of your [b]Example.uc[/b] (as well as other initializations).
[Tips] XP for custom Zeds / Weapons
While custom weapons and zeds won't make your server unranked, the [url=]ValidateForXP(...)[/url] function will not allow you to gain experience if it detects a custom zed or custom damage type.
To work around this, don't use custom damage types on custom weapons, or replace information in [url=]DamageHistory[/url] before it gets into the [url=]DistributeMoneyAndXP(...)[/url] function.
[Tips] Replacing base classes to bypass restrictions
In some cases, changing the base classes of the game can help. For example, we cannot make [b][url=]TAWOD[/url][/b] and [url=]SML[/url] compatible because the [url=]PreventDeath(...)[/url] function is not supported. But this can be bypassed by replacing the player's Pawn base class with custom Pawn class:
WorldInfo.Game.DefaultPawnClass = class'ExamplePawn_Human';
(This can be done in [b]PostBeginPlay()[/b])
And now we can implement all weapons drop in [b]ExamplePawn_Human.uc[/b]:
class TAWODPawn_Human extends KFPawn_Human;
public function ThrowActiveWeapon(optional bool bDestroyWeap)
local KFWeapon KFW;
if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
if (Health <= 0)
if (InvManager != None)
foreach KFP.InvManager.InventoryActors(class'KFWeapon', KFW)
if (KFW != None && KFW.bDropOnDeath && KFW.CanThrow())
[Tips] Cloning DLC weapons

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@ -1,57 +1,25 @@
# KF2-SafeMutLoader # KF2-SafeMutLoader
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## Description # Description
Use non-whitelisted mutators and stay ranked. Use non-whitelisted mutators and stay ranked
## Legal # Usage
SafeMutLoader is legal and does not violate the [KF2 EULA]( Here's why in detail: [](
However, for some reason SML is getting banned in the steam workshop, so **use it at your own risk**.
## Usage (server only)
1. Add SML to your server. There are two ways:
* **without workshop:** download `SML.u` from [releases]( and put it to `KFGame/BrewedPC`
* **with workshop:** Use the [instructions below]( to build the SML and upload it to your workshop, then subscribe your server to SML
2. Add `SML.Mut` **first** to your list of mutators, example:
``` ```
(add/remove **compatible** mutators you need) ?Mutator=SML.Mut,AAL.AALMut,YAS.YASMut,CTI.CTIMut,CVC.CVCMut,ZedSpawner.ZedSpawnerMut
(replace the map and add/remove compatible mutators you need)
⚠️ Doesn't work in single player ❗️ SML must be first in the mutators list or it won't work.
⚠️ SML must be first in the mutators list or it won't work. ❗️ SML is a server-side mutator, clients never download it. Therefore, no one will know about SML if you dont tell yourself. You can also accidentally give it to the whole world if you use a redirect and share the folder where it's located. Be careful about this.
⚠️ SML only has an effect when **compatible** mutators are used (the list below). If you use incompatible mutators you will lose ranked status.
⚠️ SML is a server-side mutator, clients never download it. Therefore, no one will know about you using SML if you dont tell yourself (or if you share with the whole world the `BrewedPC` folder where you put the SML, lol).
⚠️ SML is incompatible with [AccessPlus]( and other mods based on it. If you need something from there, implement it as an SML compatible mutator using [developer guide](
## Compatible mutators # Build
🟢 Any whitelisted mutators
🟢 [Admin Auto Login](
🟢 [AmmoMulti](
🟢 [Controlled Vote Collector](
🟡 [Custom Trader Inventory](
Using `UnlockDLC=ReplaceFilter` will unrank the server when someone buys DLC weapons. Use `UnlockDLC=ReplaceWeapons` to get around this.
Since KF2 [v1133]( the content preload causes the server to unrank for some reason. Disable it in CTI settings (`bPreloadContent=False`) to stay ranked.
🟢 [Discord Link [Edited]](
🟢 [FriendlyHUD](
🟢 [Looted Trader Inventory](
🟡 [StartWave](
`mutate startwave X` command not working.
🟢 [True Random Boss](
🟢 [Unofficial Killing Floor 2 Patch](
🟢 [WorkshopTool](
🟢 [Yet Another Scoreboard](
🟡 [Zed Spawner](
Since KF2 [v1133]( zed preload causes the server to unrank for some reason. Disable it in ZedSpawner settings (`bPreloadContentServer=False`) to stay ranked.
## Making SML-compatible mutators
See [developer guide](
## Build & Upload
**Note:** If you want to build/test/brew/publish a mutator without git-bash and/or scripts, follow [these instructions]( instead of what is described here. **Note:** If you want to build/test/brew/publish a mutator without git-bash and/or scripts, follow [these instructions]( instead of what is described here.
1. Install [Killing Floor 2](, Killing Floor 2 - SDK and [git for windows](; 1. Install [Killing Floor 2](, Killing Floor 2 - SDK and [git for windows](;
2. open git-bash and go to any folder where you want to store sources: 2. open git-bash and go to any folder where you want to store sources:
@ -60,13 +28,10 @@ See [developer guide](
`git clone && cd KF2-SafeMutLoader` `git clone && cd KF2-SafeMutLoader`
4. Download dependencies: 4. Download dependencies:
`git submodule init && git submodule update` `git submodule init && git submodule update`
5. Build and upload to steam workshop: 5. Compile:
`./tools/builder -cbu` `./tools/builder -c`
6. Find `SafeMutLoader` in your workshop and change `Visibility` to `Unlisted` so your server can download it (don't use `Public` visibility) 5. The compiled files will be here:
`C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Unpublished\BrewedPC\Script\`
## Contributing # License
If you make a mod compatible with SML I'll be happy to add it to the list of compatible mutators. [GNU GPLv3](LICENSE)
Contact me in any convenient way (for example, create an [issue](
## License

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
class KFGI_Access extends Object within KFGameInfo;
public function bool IsRankedGame()
return !IsUnrankedGame();

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@ -32,13 +32,9 @@ public function AddMutator(Mutator Mut)
if (CorrectLoadOrder() || Mut == Self) return; if (CorrectLoadOrder() || Mut == Self) return;
if (Mut.Class == Class) if (Mut.Class == Class)
Mut.Destroy(); Mut.Destroy();
else else
Super.AddMutator(Mut); Super.AddMutator(Mut);
} }
private function bool CorrectLoadOrder() private function bool CorrectLoadOrder()
@ -57,9 +53,7 @@ private function ModifyLoad()
local String MutatorsRaw; local String MutatorsRaw;
local String AccessControlRaw; local String AccessControlRaw;
local Array<String> Mutators; local Array<String> Mutators;
local int PrevServerActorsCount;
local int Index; local int Index;
local GameEngine GameEngine;
`Log_Trace(); `Log_Trace();
@ -72,7 +66,6 @@ private function ModifyLoad()
LoadURL = Repl(LoadURL, Subst(OptAC) $ AccessControlRaw, ""); LoadURL = Repl(LoadURL, Subst(OptAC) $ AccessControlRaw, "");
SML.static.ClearMutators(); SML.static.ClearMutators();
ParseStringIntoArray(MutatorsRaw, Mutators, ",", true); ParseStringIntoArray(MutatorsRaw, Mutators, ",", true);
Index = 0; Index = 0;
@ -88,35 +81,6 @@ private function ModifyLoad()
++Index; ++Index;
} }
} }
GameEngine = GameEngine(Class'Engine'.static.GetEngine());
if (GameEngine == None)
`Log_Error("GameEngine is None, skip loading server actors");
PrevServerActorsCount = GameEngine.ServerActors.Length;
Index = 0;
while (Index < GameEngine.ServerActors.Length)
if (SML.static.AddServerActor(GameEngine.ServerActors[Index]))
GameEngine.ServerActors.Remove(Index, 1);
if (GameEngine.ServerActors.Length != PrevServerActorsCount)
SML.static.StaticSaveConfig(); SML.static.StaticSaveConfig();
JoinArray(Mutators, MutatorsRaw); JoinArray(Mutators, MutatorsRaw);
@ -129,7 +93,6 @@ private function ModifyLoad()
`Log_Info("Loader modified, do server travel..."); `Log_Info("Loader modified, do server travel...");
WorldInfo.ServerTravel(LoadURL, true); WorldInfo.ServerTravel(LoadURL, true);
} }
private static function String Subst(String Option) private static function String Subst(String Option)
@ -139,5 +102,5 @@ private static function String Subst(String Option)
defaultproperties defaultproperties
{ {
} }

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@ -1,83 +1,22 @@
class SafeMutLoader extends KFAccessControl class SafeMutLoader extends KFAccessControl
config(SML); config(SML);
struct CMR var private Array<Actor> ServerActors;
var String Mutator;
var String Replacement;
var private Array<Actor> ActiveMutators;
var private Array<Actor> ActiveServerActors;
var private Array<CMR> CustomMutReplacements;
var private Array<String> SystemServerActors;
var private config E_LogLevel LogLevel; var private config E_LogLevel LogLevel;
var private config Array<String> Mutators; var private config Array<String> Mutators;
var private config Array<String> ServerActors;
public function PreBeginPlay() public function PreBeginPlay()
{ {
LogLevel = GetLogLevel(); LogLevel = GetLogLevel();
`Log_Trace(); LoadActors();
Super.PreBeginPlay(); Super.PreBeginPlay();
} }
public function PostBeginPlay() private function LoadActors()
SetTimer(2.0f, false, nameof(CheckStatus));
private function CheckStatus()
local KFGI_Access KFGIA;
if (KFGIA == None)
`Log_Error("Can't check ranked status");
else if (KFGIA.IsRankedGame())
`Log_Info("Mutators and server actors successfully loaded! Your server is RANKED!");
`Log_Warn("Your server is UNRANKED! Check the mutators and server actors you are using. Maybe some of them are incompatible with SML");
private function KFGI_Access GetKFGIA()
local KFGameInfo KFGI;
if (WorldInfo == None || WorldInfo.Game == None)
return None;
KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);
if (KFGI == None)
return None;
return new(KFGI) class'KFGI_Access';
private function LoadMutators()
{ {
local String MutString; local String MutString;
local class<Mutator> MutClass; local class<Mutator> MutClass;
@ -109,96 +48,11 @@ private function LoadMutators()
continue; continue;
} }
ActiveMutators.AddItem(ServerActor); ServerActors.AddItem(ServerActor);
`Log_Info("Loaded:" @ MutString); `Log_Info("Loaded:" @ MutString);
} }
} }
private function LoadServerActors()
local String ActorString;
local class<Actor> ActorClass;
local Actor ServerActor;
foreach ServerActors(ActorString)
ActorClass = class<Actor>(DynamicLoadObject(ActorString, class'Class'));
if (ActorClass == None)
`Log_Error("Can't load server actor:" @ ActorString);
ServerActor = WorldInfo.Spawn(ActorClass);
if (ServerActor == None)
`Log_Error("Can't spawn:" @ ActorString);
`Log_Info("Loaded:" @ ActorString);
private function RestoreServerActors()
local GameEngine GameEngine;
local String ActorString;
local int PrevServerActorsCount;
GameEngine = GameEngine(Class'Engine'.static.GetEngine());
if (GameEngine == None)
`Log_Error("GameEngine is None! Can't restore ServerActors!");
PrevServerActorsCount = GameEngine.ServerActors.Length;
foreach ServerActors(ActorString)
if (GameEngine.ServerActors.Find(ActorString) != INDEX_NONE)
if (GameEngine.ServerActors.Length != PrevServerActorsCount)
public static function bool AddServerActor(String ServerActor)
local class<Actor> ActorClass;
if (default.SystemServerActors.Find(ServerActor) != INDEX_NONE)
return false;
ActorClass = class<Actor>(DynamicLoadObject(ServerActor, class'Class'));
if (ActorClass == None)
return false;
if (ClassIsChildOf(ActorClass, class'Mutator'))
return false;
if (default.ServerActors.Find(ServerActor) == INDEX_NONE)
return true;
public static function bool AddMutator(String MutString) public static function bool AddMutator(String MutString)
{ {
if (GetMutStringReplacement(MutString) != None) if (GetMutStringReplacement(MutString) != None)
@ -218,11 +72,6 @@ public static function ClearMutators()
default.Mutators.Length = 0; default.Mutators.Length = 0;
} }
public static function ClearServerActors()
default.ServerActors.Length = 0;
public static function bool WantsToSpawn() public static function bool WantsToSpawn()
{ {
return (default.Mutators.Length > 0); return (default.Mutators.Length > 0);
@ -240,13 +89,6 @@ public static function String GetName(optional Object O)
} }
} }
public static function String GetMutName(class<Mutator> CMut)
if (CMut == None) return "";
return CMut.GetPackageName() $ "." $ String(CMut);
public function PostLogin(PlayerController C) public function PostLogin(PlayerController C)
{ {
local Actor A; local Actor A;
@ -255,7 +97,7 @@ public function PostLogin(PlayerController C)
if (C != None) if (C != None)
{ {
foreach ActiveMutators(A) foreach ServerActors(A)
{ {
A.GetTargetLocation(C, false); A.GetTargetLocation(C, false);
} }
@ -274,7 +116,7 @@ public function OnClientConnectionClose(Player ClientConnection)
C = ClientConnection.Actor; C = ClientConnection.Actor;
if (C != None) if (C != None)
{ {
foreach ActiveMutators(A) foreach ServerActors(A)
{ {
A.GetTargetLocation(C, true); A.GetTargetLocation(C, true);
} }
@ -296,26 +138,10 @@ public static function E_LogLevel GetLogLevel()
private static function class<Actor> GetMutReplacement(class<Mutator> MutClass) private static function class<Actor> GetMutReplacement(class<Mutator> MutClass)
{ {
local int Index; if (MutClass == None || MutClass.static.GetLocalString() == "") return None;
local String Replacement; return class<Actor>(DynamicLoadObject(
MutClass.GetPackageName() $ "." $
if (MutClass == None) return None; MutClass.static.GetLocalString(), class'Class'));
Index = default.CustomMutReplacements.Find('Mutator', GetMutName(MutClass));
if (Index != INDEX_NONE)
Replacement = default.CustomMutReplacements[Index].Replacement;
else if (MutClass.static.GetLocalString() == "")
return None;
Replacement = MutClass.GetPackageName() $ "." $ MutClass.static.GetLocalString();
return class<Actor>(DynamicLoadObject(Replacement, class'Class'));
} }
private static function class<Actor> GetMutStringReplacement(String MutString) private static function class<Actor> GetMutStringReplacement(String MutString)
@ -325,18 +151,5 @@ private static function class<Actor> GetMutStringReplacement(String MutString)
defaultproperties defaultproperties
{ {
// Looks like this method is no longer needed to load UKFP
// But I'll leave this commented just in case
} }


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit fb458ac61f7e6c6426b8dff366dd5e7499e0d95f Subproject commit 88b35bd7ebb7e30448579f1564220398f990541c