Command line tool for managing a set of Killing Floor 2 servers.

Usage: kf2-srv <group> <command> [<args>]

  kf2-srv ban add <id>...
    Add the specified user(s) to the blocklist
  kf2-srv ban delete <id>...
    remove the specified user(s) from the blocklist
  kf2-srv ban list 
    Show the list of blocked users
  kf2-srv ban sync 
    Sync blocklist for all servers

  kf2-srv game fix-permissions [<instance>...]
    Correct ini files permissions for the specified instance
  kf2-srv game run [<args>...]
    Start the server with the specified parameters
  kf2-srv game update 
    Install or update the server
  kf2-srv game validate 
    Check the integrity of files, update them if necessary

  kf2-srv instance add <name>...
    Create a new server instance(s) with the specified name(s)
  kf2-srv instance chat <message> [<instance>...]
    Send message to specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv instance delete [<instance>...]
    Delete the specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv instance disable [<instance>...]
    Disable autostart for specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv instance enable [<instance>...]
    Enable autostart for specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv instance list [<instance>...]
    Show status of the specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv instance restart [<instance>...]
    Restart the specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv instance start [<instance>...]
    Start the specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv instance stop [<instance>...]
    Stop the specified server instance(s)

  kf2-srv log cat [<instance>...]
    Print in stdout full log of specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv log tail [<instance>...]
    Print in stdout tail log of specified server instance(s) in real time

  kf2-srv maprotate load [<instance>...]
    Load map rotation for specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv maprotate save [<instance>...]
    Save map rotation for specified server instance(s)

  kf2-srv password admin <password> [<instance>...]
    Set a admin password for the specified server instance(s)
  kf2-srv password game <password> [<instance>...]
    Set a game password for the specified server instance(s)

  kf2-srv workshop add <workshop_id>...
    Add specified resource(s) from steam workshop
  kf2-srv workshop delete [<workshop_id>...]
    Delete specified steam workshop resource(s)
  kf2-srv workshop list 
    Show the list of steam workshop resources
  kf2-srv workshop sync 
    Sync steam workshop resources between all server instances

Use --help as an argument for information on a specific group or command