# KF2-Ranked-Patch # Description Makes kf2 server ranked # Dependencies - any GNU/Linux OS - dd, readelf, hexdump - kf2 server # Usage - install dependencies (dd, readelf, hexdump) using your OS's package manager - copy [kf2-ranked-patch](kf2-ranked-patch) to your server - make it executable: `chmod +x kf2-ranked-patch` - run it like this: `./kf2-ranked-patch ` # Enable auto-patching If you are using [KF2-SRV](https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-SRV) then copy [kf2-ranked-patch](kf2-ranked-patch) to `/usr/share/kf2-srv/patch/` so that the server will automatically apply the patch after each update # Notes - need to patch `KFGameSteamServer.bin.x86_64` after every KF2 update