Class MskGsMut extends KFMutator config(MskGs); const CurrentVersion = 3; var config int ConfigVersion; var config bool bEnableMapStats; var config string SortStats; var config bool bOfficialNextMapOnly; var config bool bRandomizeNextMap; var config int WeapLifespan; var config int DoshLifespan; var config array KickProtectedList; var config array AdminList; var config array PerPlayerMaxMonsters; var public bool bXpNotifications; var bool bInitialized; var array RepClients; var array MskGsMemberList; var array AdminUIDList; function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage) { local int MaxPlayers, MaxPlayersAllowed; super.InitMutator(Options, ErrorMessage); if (MyKFGI == none) { `log("[MskGsMut] Error: can't init, MyKFGI is none"); return; } MaxPlayers = Clamp(MyKFGI.GetIntOption(Options, "MaxPlayers", MaxPlayers), 6, 128); MaxPlayersAllowed = MaxPlayers; MyKFGI.MaxPlayers = MaxPlayers; MyKFGI.MaxPlayersAllowed = MaxPlayersAllowed; } function InitConfig() { // Update from config version to current version if needed switch (ConfigVersion) { case 0: // which means there is no config right now bEnableMapStats = True; SortStats = "CounterDesc"; bOfficialNextMapOnly = True; bRandomizeNextMap = True; WeapLifespan = 60 * 60; case 1: if (PerPlayerMaxMonsters.Length != 6) { PerPlayerMaxMonsters.Length = 0; PerPlayerMaxMonsters.AddItem(12); PerPlayerMaxMonsters.AddItem(18); PerPlayerMaxMonsters.AddItem(24); PerPlayerMaxMonsters.AddItem(32); PerPlayerMaxMonsters.AddItem(34); PerPlayerMaxMonsters.AddItem(36); } case 2: if (DoshLifespan == 0) { DoshLifespan = 60 * 5; } case 2147483647: `log("[MskGsMut] Config updated to version"@CurrentVersion); break; case CurrentVersion: `log("[MskGsMut] Config is up-to-date"); break; default: `log("[MskGsMut] Warn: The config version is higher than the current version"); `log("[MskGsMut] Warn: Config version is"@ConfigVersion@"but current version is"@CurrentVersion); `log("[MskGsMut] Warn: The config version will be changed to "@CurrentVersion); break; } // Check and correct some values if (!(SortStats ~= "CounterAsc" || SortStats ~= "CounterDesc" || SortStats ~= "NameAsc" || SortStats ~= "NameDesc" || SortStats ~= "False")) { `log("[MskGsMut] Warn: SortStats value not recognized ("$SortStats$") and will be set to False"); `log("[MskGsMut] Warn: Valid values for SortStats: False CounterAsc CounterDesc NameAsc NameDesc"); SortStats = "False"; } ConfigVersion = CurrentVersion; SaveConfig(); } simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); if (WorldInfo.Game.BaseMutator == None) WorldInfo.Game.BaseMutator = Self; else WorldInfo.Game.BaseMutator.AddMutator(Self); if (bDeleteMe) return; Initialize(); } function Initialize() { local MskGsVoteCollector VoteCollector; local OnlineSubsystem steamworks; local string Person; local UniqueNetId PersonUID; if (bInitialized) return; if (MyKFGI == None || MyKFGI.MyKFGRI == None) { SetTimer(1.f, false, nameof(Initialize)); return; } bInitialized = true; InitConfig(); MyKFGI.KFGFxManagerClass = class'MskGsGFxMoviePlayer_Manager'; MyKFGI.MyKFGRI.VoteCollectorClass = class'MskGsVoteCollector'; MyKFGI.MyKFGRI.VoteCollector = new(MyKFGI.MyKFGRI) MyKFGI.MyKFGRI.VoteCollectorClass; VoteCollector = MskGsVoteCollector(MyKFGI.MyKFGRI.VoteCollector); VoteCollector.bEnableMapStats = bEnableMapStats; VoteCollector.bOfficialNextMapOnly = bOfficialNextMapOnly; VoteCollector.bRandomizeNextMap = bRandomizeNextMap; VoteCollector.SortPolicy = SortStats; if (MskGs_Endless(MyKFGI) != None) { bXpNotifications = true; MskGs_Endless(MyKFGI).Mut = Self; } else if (MskGs_Objective(MyKFGI) != None) { bXpNotifications = (MyKFGI.GameDifficulty != 3); MskGs_Objective(MyKFGI).Mut = Self; } else if (MskGs_Survival(MyKFGI) != None) { bXpNotifications = (MyKFGI.GameDifficulty != 3); MskGs_Survival(MyKFGI).Mut = Self; } else if (MskGs_VersusSurvival(MyKFGI) != None) { bXpNotifications = false; MskGs_VersusSurvival(MyKFGI).Mut = Self; } else if (MskGs_WeeklySurvival(MyKFGI) != None) { bXpNotifications = true; MskGs_WeeklySurvival(MyKFGI).Mut = Self; } steamworks = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); foreach KickProtectedList(Person) { if (IsUID(Person) && steamworks.StringToUniqueNetId(Person, PersonUID)) { if (VoteCollector.KickProtectedList.Find('Uid', PersonUID.Uid) == -1) VoteCollector.KickProtectedList.AddItem(PersonUID); } else if (steamworks.Int64ToUniqueNetId(Person, PersonUID)) { if (VoteCollector.KickProtectedList.Find('Uid', PersonUID.Uid) == -1) VoteCollector.KickProtectedList.AddItem(PersonUID); } else `Log("[MskGsMut] WARN: Can't add person:"@Person); } foreach AdminList(Person) { if (IsUID(Person) && steamworks.StringToUniqueNetId(Person, PersonUID)) { if (AdminUIDList.Find('Uid', PersonUID.Uid) == -1) AdminUIDList.AddItem(PersonUID); } else if (steamworks.Int64ToUniqueNetId(Person, PersonUID)) { if (AdminUIDList.Find('Uid', PersonUID.Uid) == -1) AdminUIDList.AddItem(PersonUID); } else `Log("[MskGsMut] WARN: Can't add admin:"@Person); } ModifySpawnManager(); `Log("[MskGsMut] Mutator loaded."); } function ModifySpawnManager() { local int i, j; if (MyKFGI.SpawnManager == None) { SetTimer(1.f, false, nameof(ModifySpawnManager)); return; } for (i = 0; i < MyKFGI.SpawnManager.PerDifficultyMaxMonsters.Length; i++) for (j = 0; j < MyKFGI.SpawnManager.PerDifficultyMaxMonsters[i].MaxMonsters.Length; j++) MyKFGI.SpawnManager.PerDifficultyMaxMonsters[i].MaxMonsters[j] = PerPlayerMaxMonsters[j]; } function AddMutator(Mutator Mut) { if (Mut == Self) return; if (Mut.Class == Class) Mut.Destroy(); else Super.AddMutator(Mut); } private function bool IsUID(String ID) { return (Left(ID, 2) ~= "0x"); } function bool CheckRelevance(Actor Other) { local bool SuperRelevant; SuperRelevant = super.CheckRelevance(Other); // if this actor is going to be destroyed, return now if (!SuperRelevant) { return SuperRelevant; } // otherwise modify dosh or weapon lifespan if (KFDroppedPickup_Cash(Other) != None) { if (DoshLifespan != 0) Other.Lifespan = float(DoshLifespan); } else if (KFDroppedPickup(Other) != None) { if (WeapLifespan != 0) Other.Lifespan = float(WeapLifespan); } return SuperRelevant; } function bool PreventDeath(Pawn Killed, Controller Killer, class damageType, vector HitLocation) { local KFWeapon TempWeapon; local KFPawn_Human KFP; KFP = KFPawn_Human(Killed); if (Role >= ROLE_Authority && KFP != None && KFP.InvManager != none) foreach KFP.InvManager.InventoryActors(class'KFWeapon', TempWeapon) if (TempWeapon != none && TempWeapon.bDropOnDeath && TempWeapon.CanThrow()) KFP.TossInventory(TempWeapon); return Super.PreventDeath(Killed, Killer, damageType, HitLocation); } function AddMskGsMember(Controller C) { MskGsMemberList.AddItem(C); if (bXpNotifications) { if (MskGsMemberList.Length >= 10) { if (C.PlayerReplicationInfo != NONE) WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, C.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$" gives a boost to this server! XP bonus: +100% (MAX!)"); else WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, "XP bonus: +100% (MAX!)"); } else { if (C.PlayerReplicationInfo != NONE) WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, C.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$" gives a boost to this server! XP bonus: +"$string(MskGsMemberList.Length * 10)$"%"); else WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, "XP bonus: +"$string(MskGsMemberList.Length * 10)$"%"); } } MyKFGI.UpdateGameSettings(); } function NotifyLogin(Controller C) { local MskGsRepInfo RepInfo; if (C == None) return; Initialize(); RepInfo = Spawn(class'MskGsRepInfo', KFPlayerController(C)); RepInfo.C = C; RepInfo.Mut = Self; RepClients.AddItem(RepInfo); if (AdminUIDList.Find('Uid', C.PlayerReplicationInfo.UniqueId.Uid) != -1) C.PlayerReplicationInfo.bAdmin = true; super.NotifyLogin(C); } function NotifyLogout(Controller C) { local MskGsVoteCollector VoteCollector; local int i; if (C == None) return; Initialize(); VoteCollector = MskGsVoteCollector(MyKFGI.MyKFGRI.VoteCollector); VoteCollector.NotifyLogout(C); if (MskGsMemberList.Find(C) != INDEX_NONE) { MskGsMemberList.RemoveItem(C); if (bXpNotifications) { if (MskGsMemberList.Length >= 10) { if (C.PlayerReplicationInfo != NONE) WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, C.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$" left the game. XP bonus: +100% (MAX!)"); else WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, "XP bonus: +100% (MAX!)"); } else if (MskGsMemberList.Length > 0) { if (C.PlayerReplicationInfo != NONE) WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, C.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$" left the game. XP bonus: +"$string(MskGsMemberList.Length * 10)$"%"); else WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, "XP bonus: +"$string(MskGsMemberList.Length * 10)$"%"); } else { if (C.PlayerReplicationInfo != NONE) WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, C.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$" left the game. No XP bonus now."); else WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(C, "No XP bonus now."); } } MyKFGI.UpdateGameSettings(); } for (i = RepClients.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (RepClients[i].C == C) { RepClients[i].Destroy(); RepClients.Remove(i, 1); } } super.NotifyLogout(C); } defaultproperties { bInitialized=false }