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* Copyright 1998-2012 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class OnlineSubsystemDingo extends OnlineSubsystemCommonImpl
implements(OnlinePlayerInterface, OnlinePlayerInterfaceEx, OnlineVoiceInterface,OnlineSystemInterface)
/** The object that handles the game DVR interface implementation */
var OnlineGameDVRInterfaceDingo GameDVRInterfaceImpl;
/** The object that handles the stats interface implementation */
var OnlineStatsInterfaceDingo StatsInterfaceImpl;
/** The object that handles the title-file interface implementation */
var OnlineTitleFileInterfaceDingo TitleFileInterfaceImpl;
/** The object that handles the community content interface implementation */
var OnlineCommunityContentInterfaceDingo CommunityContentInterfaceImpl;
/** The object that handles the marketplace interface implementation */
var OnlineMarketplaceInterfaceDingo MarketplaceInterfaceImpl;
/** The object that handles the content interface implementation */
var OnlineContentInterfaceDingo ContentInterfaceImpl;
//@HSL_BEGIN - urias.rooney@hardsuitlabs.com 12/08/16 - Dingo Party Interface
/** The object that handles the lobby interface implementation */
var KFOnlineLobbyDingo LobbyInterface;
/** These variables are used for limiting connection status flapping */
var EOnlineServerConnectionStatus CurrentConnectionStatus;
var EOnlineServerConnectionStatus DesiredConnectionStatus;
var float ConnectionTimeUpdateDelta;
* This is the array of queued async tasks that will be held until
* the game is activated and will then be transferred to the standard async
* task array.
var native const array<pointer> QueuedActivationAsyncTasks{FQueuedOnlineAsyncTaskDingo};
* This is the array of pending async tasks. Each tick these tasks are checked
* for completion. If complete, the delegate associated with them is called
var native const array<pointer> AsyncTasks{FOnlineAsyncTaskDingo};
/** The directory profile data should be stored in */
var config string ProfileDataDirectory;
/** The file extension to use when saving profile data */
var config string ProfileDataExtension;
/** The array of delegates that notify the completion of OnlineProfile reads */
var array<delegate<OnReadOnlineProfilesComplete> > ReadOnlineProfileDelegates;
/** The cached profile for the player */
var OnlineProfileSettings CachedProfile;
/** The list of delegates to notify when the keyboard input is complete */
var array<delegate<OnKeyboardInputComplete> > KeyboardInputDelegates;
/** Was the keyboard input canceled? */
var byte KeyboardInputWasCanceled;
/** Holds the last keyboard input results */
var string KeyboardInputResults;
/** List of callbacks to notify when speech recognition is complete */
var array<delegate<OnRecognitionComplete> > SpeechRecognitionCompleteDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify read completion of the friends list data */
var array<delegate<OnReadFriendsComplete> > ReadFriendsDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify that the friends list has changed */
var array<delegate<OnFriendsChange> > FriendsChangeDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify that the mute list has changed */
var array<delegate<OnMutingChange> > MutingChangeDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify that help has been shown */
var array<delegate<OnShowHelpComplete> > ShowHelpDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify the token and signature have been retrieved */
var array<delegate<OnTokenAndSignatureRetrieved> > TokenAndSignatureDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify that help has been shown */
var array<delegate<OnShowGamerCardComplete> > ShowGamerCardCompleteDelegates;
/** Holds the list of delegates to fire when any login changes */
var array<delegate<OnLoginChange> > LoginChangeDelegates;
/** This is the list of requested delegates to fire when a login is cancelled */
var array<delegate<OnLoginCancelled> > LoginCancelledDelegates;
/** This is the list of delegates to fire when the current user changes */
var array<delegate<OnCurrentUserChanged> > CurrentUserChangedDelegates;
/** This is the list of requested delegates to fire when a login fails to process */
var array<delegate<OnLoginFailed> > LoginFailedDelegates;
/** This is the list of requested delegates to fire when a login finishes*/
var array<delegate<OnLoginComplete> > OnLoginCompleteDelegates;
/** This is the list of delegates to fire when a controller is connected/disconnected */
var array<delegate<OnControllerChange> > ControllerChangeDelegates;
/** This is the list of delegates to fire when a system user controller pairing event occurs */
var array<delegate<OnSystemUserControllerPairingChanged> > UserControllerPairingChangeDelegates;
/** This is the list of delegates to fire when a connection status change occurs */
var array<delegate<OnConnectionStatusChange> > ConnectionStatusChangeDelegates;
/** This is the list of delegates to fire when the game gains or loses focus */
var array<delegate<OnFocusChange> > FocusChangeDelegates;
/** The array of delegates to notify that a privilege check has completed */
var array<delegate<OnPrivilegeLevelChecked> > PrivilegeCheckedDelegates;
/** The array of delegates to notify that permissions have been checked on a per-user basis */
var array<delegate<OnPrivilegeCheckedForUsers> > PrivilegeCheckedForUsersDelegates;
/** The array of delegates to notify when a local talker registration completes */
var array<delegate<OnRegisterLocalTalkerComplete> > RegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegates;
/** The array of delegates to notify when a local talker unregistration completes */
var array<delegate<OnUnregisterLocalTalkerComplete> > UnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegates;
/** The array of delegates to notify when a remote talker unregistration completes */
var array<delegate<OnUnregisterRemoteTalkerComplete> > UnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegates;
/** The array of delegates to notify when the user account info has been retrieved */
var array<delegate<OnUserAccountInfoRetrieved> > UserAccountInfoRetrievedDelegates;
/** The array of delegates to notify when a remote talker is talking or not */
var array<delegate<OnRemoteTalkerStatusChange> > RemoteTalkerStatusChangeDelegates;
/** Keep track of what user/contexts have connected to RTA services */
var native Map{FString, UBOOL} UsersConnectedToRTA;
/** The array of delegates to notify when a people picker operation is complete */
var array<delegate<OnPeoplePickerComplete> > PeoplePickerCompleteDelegates;
var array<delegate<OnAccountPickerComplete> > AccountPickerCompleteDelegates;
/** The array of delegates for when trial mode status has been updated */
var array<delegate<OnTrialModeUpdate> > TrialModeUpdateDelegates;
/** Holds the login state, xuids for a player */
struct native CachedLoginState
/** The type of login for this player previously */
var const ELoginStatus LoginStatus;
/** The xuid for the signed in player */
var const UniqueNetId PlayerXuid;
/** The cached state of each player's login status */
var native const CachedLoginState LastLoginState[`MAX_NUM_PLAYERS];
/** Holds the avatar, xuids for player */
struct native CachedAvatarData
var const UniqueNetId PlayerXuid;
var init array<byte> AvatarBytes;
var float AvatarCreationTime;
var native array<CachedAvatarData> CachedAvatars;
/** Queued controller pairing changes to pass to the game for handling */
var native array<hatpointer> QueuedControllerPairingChangeEvents {Windows::Xbox::Input::ControllerPairingChangedEventArgs};
/** Should we allowed user status processing to occur? When the app is suspended, we disable this processing until
the app is activated again */
var native const bool bAllowUserStateProcessing;
/** Keeps track if the app/game is focused or not */
var native const bool bIsAppInFocus;
/** Keeps track if the app/game is in constrained mode */
var native const bool bIsAppConstrained;
/** Keeps track if the app/game is suspended or not */
var native const bool bIsAppSuspended;
/** Have we received a login state change message? */
var native const bool bLoginStatusUpdated;
/** TRUE if the login status updated while suspended */
var const bool bLoginStatusUpdatedWhileSuspended;
/** TRUE if people picker is active */
var const bool bPeoplePickerActive;
/** Have we received a current user changed message? */
var native const bool bCurrentUserChanged;
/** Have we received a connection status change message? */
var native const bool bConnectionStatusUpdated;
/** Do we need to refresh Marketplace Inventory */
var native const bool bRefreshMarketplaceInventory;
//@TW_BEGIN | Adam Massingale | KFII-37834 Added this bool to force inventory checks to playfab when store page is closed since
//Microsoft's productpurchsed event unreliable
/** Did we just see the marketplace ui? is only set briefly */
var native const bool bMarketplaceUIWasSeen;
/** Are we connected to the LIVE network? */
var native const bool bConnectedToLIVENetwork;
/** Have we received a user controller pairing change message? */
var native const bool bControllerPairingChanged;
/** Have we received info about license updated */
var native const bool bLisenceInfoUpdated;
/** Have we received a product purchased event? */
var const bool bProductPurchased;
/** Were we activated on the previous frame? */
var native const bool bWasActivated;
var const bool bAudioDeviceAdded;
/** TRUE if the local user is currently being registered for voice */
var const bool bLocalUserRegisteringForVoice;
/** TRUE if everybody should be muted */
var const bool PlayerMuteSetting;
/** TRUE if we have already checked the cmdline for a cross game invite */
var const bool bProcessedLaunchGameInvite;
/** The pending game invite command that comes in from the system. Used to store so we can process on the main thread */
var const string PendingGameInviteCmd;
* Information about a remote talker's priority
* Zero means highest priority, < zero means muted
struct native TalkerPriority
/** Holds the current priority for this talker */
var int CurrentPriority;
/** Holds the last priority for this talker */
var int LastPriority;
/** Information about a remote talker */
struct native DingoRemoteTalker extends RemoteTalker
/** Holds the priorities for each of the local players */
var TalkerPriority LocalPriorities[`MAX_NUM_PLAYERS];
var byte bReceivedAddMessage;
/** TRUE if this talker is muted */
var bool bMuted;
/** @return TRUE if any of the local players have this player muted, otherwise FALSE */
inline UBOOL IsLocallyMuted(void)
//for (INT Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_COUNT(LocalPriorities); Index++)
// if (LocalPriorities[Index].CurrentPriority == XHV_PLAYBACK_PRIORITY_NEVER)
// {
// return TRUE;
// }
return FALSE;
/** Holds information about each of the local talkers */
var LocalTalker LocalTalkers[`MAX_NUM_PLAYERS];
/** Array of registered remote talkers */
var array<DingoRemoteTalker> RemoteTalkers;
/** Array or Remote Talkers waiting for a local talker to be registered */
var native array<UniqueNetId> PendingRemoteTalkerRegisters;
/** The list of voice IDs that have been registered. MUST be thread safe */
var array<UniqueNetId> VoiceRegisteredIds;
/** Holds the list of delegates that are interested in receiving talking notifications */
var array<delegate<OnPlayerTalkingStateChange> > TalkingDelegates;
/** Since the static array of dynamic array syntax appears to be broken */
struct native PerUserDelegateLists
/** This is the list of requested delegates to fire */
var array<delegate<OnLoginStatusChange> > LoginStatusChangeDelegates;
/** The array of delegates for notifying when speech recognition has completed for a player */
var array<delegate<OnRecognitionComplete> > SpeechRecognitionDelegates;
/** The array of delegates for notifying when an achievement write has completed */
var array<delegate<OnUnlockAchievementComplete> > AchievementDelegates;
/** The array of delegates for notifying when an achievements list read has completed */
var array<delegate<OnReadAchievementsComplete> > AchievementReadDelegates;
/** The array of delegates for reading profile settings */
var array<delegate<OnReadProfileSettingsComplete> > ReadProfileSettingsDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify write completion of profile data */
var array<delegate<OnWriteProfileSettingsComplete> > WriteProfileSettingsDelegates;
/** Per user array of array of delegates */
var PerUserDelegateLists PerUserDelegates[`MAX_NUM_PLAYERS];
/** The amount of time between voice notifications */
var config float VoiceNotificationDelta;
/** Holds the cached state of the friends list for a single player */
struct native FriendsListCache
/** The list of returned friends */
var init array<OnlineFriend> Friends;
/** Indicates the state of the async read */
var EOnlineEnumerationReadState ReadState;
/** The array of delegates that notify read completion of the friends list data */
var init array<delegate<OnReadFriendsComplete> > ReadFriendsDelegates;
/** The array of delegates that notify that the friends list has changed */
var init array<delegate<OnFriendsChange> > FriendsChangeDelegates;
/** Cache of friends data per player */
var native map{QWORD,FFriendsListCache} FriendsCache;
/** Cache of current presence data */
var native map{INT,FString} PresenceCache;
/** Holds the cached achievements for a single player */
struct native CachedAchievements
/** The player these are for */
var native QWORD PlayerXUID;
/** The title id that these are for */
var int TitleId;
/** The list of achievements for this player and title */
var init array<AchievementDetails> Achievements;
/** Indicates the state of the async read */
var EOnlineEnumerationReadState ReadState;
FCachedAchievements () : ReadState(OERS_NotStarted) {}
/** Holds the list of achievements that have been read for players */
var array<CachedAchievements> AchievementsCache;
var config string ProductID;
var const string ServiceConfigId;
var config string DefaultSessionKeyword;
var config string DefaultHopperName;
struct native CountryRegionMapping
/** The country code*/
var const int CountryCode;
/** The matching region */
var const int MatchingRegion;
/** The mappings from country to matchmaking region */
var const config array<CountryRegionMapping> CountryMatchmakingRegionMappings;
var native hatpointer ShowContentAsyncAction{Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction};
/** The active license info for the app */
var native hatpointer ActiveLicenseInfo{Windows::ApplicationModel::Store::LicenseInformation};
* Called from engine start up code to allow the subsystem to initialize
* @return TRUE if the initialization was successful, FALSE otherwise
native event bool Init();
* Called from the engine shutdown code to allow the subsystem to release any
* resources that may have been allocated
native event Exit();
* Delegate used in login notifications
* @param LocalUserNum the player that had the login change
delegate OnLoginChange(byte LocalUserNum);
* Delegate used to notify when a login request was cancelled by the user
delegate OnLoginCancelled();
* Delegate called when the current user changes
* @param LocalUserNum - The index of the player who is now the current user
* @param CurrentUser - The current user's Gamertag
* @param LoggedInUser - The logged in user's Gamertag
delegate OnCurrentUserChanged(byte LocalUserNum, string CurrentUser, string LoggedInUser);
* Delegate used in mute list change notifications
delegate OnMutingChange();
* Called when a player is talking either locally or remote. This will be called
* once for each active talker each frame.
* @param Player the player that is talking
* @param bIsTalking if true, the player is now talking, if false they are no longer talking
delegate OnPlayerTalkingStateChange(UniqueNetId Player,bool bIsTalking);
* Adds a talker delegate to the list of notifications
* @param TalkerDelegate the delegate to call when a player is talking
function AddPlayerTalkingDelegate(delegate<OnPlayerTalkingStateChange> TalkerDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(RemoteTalkerStatusChangeDelegates, TalkerDelegate);
* Removes a talker delegate to the list of notifications
* @param TalkerDelegate the delegate to remove from the notification list
function ClearPlayerTalkingDelegate(delegate<OnPlayerTalkingStateChange> TalkerDelegate)
* Delegate used in friends list change notifications
delegate OnFriendsChange();
* Determine if the player is registered in the specified session
* @param PlayerId the player to check if in session or not
* @return TRUE if the player is a registrant in the session
native function bool IsPlayerInSession(name SessionName,UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Get a list of the net ids for the players currently registered on the session
* @param SessionName name of the session to find
* @param OutRegisteredPlayers [out] list of player net ids in the session (empty if not found)
function GetRegisteredPlayers(name SessionName,out array<UniqueNetId> OutRegisteredPlayers)
local int Idx,PlayerIdx;
OutRegisteredPlayers.Length = 0;
for (Idx=0; Idx < Sessions.Length; Idx++)
// find session by name
if (Sessions[Idx].SessionName == SessionName)
// return list of player ids currently registered on the session
OutRegisteredPlayers.Length = Sessions[Idx].Registrants.Length;
for (PlayerIdx=0; PlayerIdx < Sessions[Idx].Registrants.Length; PlayerIdx++)
OutRegisteredPlayers[PlayerIdx] = Sessions[Idx].Registrants[PlayerIdx].PlayerNetId;
* Displays the UI that prompts the user for their login credentials. Each
* platform handles the authentication of the user's data.
* @param bShowOnlineOnly whether to only display online enabled profiles or not
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
native function bool ShowLoginUI(byte LocalUserNum, optional bool bShowOnlineOnly = false);
delegate OnAccountPickerComplete( bool bForceLogin );
function AddAccountPickerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnAccountPickerComplete> InDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(AccountPickerCompleteDelegates, InDelegate);
function RemoveAccountPickerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnAccountPickerComplete> InDelegate)
* Logs the player into the online service. If this fails, it generates a
* OnLoginFailed notification
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param LoginName the unique identifier for the player
* @param Password the password for this account
* @param bWantsLocalOnly whether the player wants to sign in locally only or not
* @return true if the async call started ok, false otherwise
native function bool Login(byte LocalUserNum,optional string LoginName="",optional string Password="",optional bool bWantsLocalOnly);
delegate OnLoginComplete( byte LocalUserNum, bool bWasSuccessful, EOnlineServerConnectionStatus ErrorCode );
function AddLoginCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnLoginComplete> InDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(OnLoginCompleteDelegates, InDelegate);
function ClearLoginCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnLoginComplete> InDelegate)
* Logs the player into the online service using parameters passed on the
* command line. Expects -Login=<UserName> -Password=<password>. If either
* are missing, the function returns false and doesn't start the login
* process
* @return true if the async call started ok, false otherwise
function bool AutoLogin()
return false;
* Delegate used in notifying the UI/game that the manual login failed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param ErrorCode the async error code that occurred
delegate OnLoginFailed(byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineServerConnectionStatus ErrorCode);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a login failed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param FailedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddLoginFailedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnLoginFailed> FailedDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(LoginFailedDelegates, FailedDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param FailedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearLoginFailedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnLoginFailed> FailedDelegate)
* Signs the player out of the online service
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool Logout(byte LocalUserNum);
* Delegate used in notifying the UI/game that the manual logout completed
* @param bWasSuccessful whether the async call completed properly or not
delegate OnLogoutCompleted(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a logout completed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param LogoutDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddLogoutCompletedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnLogoutCompleted> LogoutDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param LogoutDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearLogoutCompletedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnLogoutCompleted> LogoutDelegate);
* Delegate used to notify the game that the system has detected a user controller pairing change
* NOTE: This will not change the engine's user controller pairing. To do that, the game must call PairUserAndControllerAtIndex(...)
* in response to this delegate.
* @param NewLocalUserNum the index of the user now associated with the controller, INDEX_NONE if the controller no longer has a paired user
* @param PreviousLocalUserNum the index of the user previously associated with the controller, INDEX_NONE if the controller was not previously paired
delegate OnSystemUserControllerPairingChanged(INT NewLocalUserNum, INT PreviousLocalUserNum);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the game that a system user controller pairing change has occurred
* @param PairingChangeDelegate the delegate to use for notification
function AddSystemUserContrllerPairingChangedDelegate(delegate<OnSystemUserControllerPairingChanged> PairingChangeDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(UserControllerPairingChangeDelegates, PairingChangeDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param PairingChangeDelegate the delegate to remove from notification
function ClearSystemUserContrllerPairingChangedDelegate(delegate<OnSystemUserControllerPairingChanged> PairingChangeDelegate)
* Gets added into UserControllerPairingChangeDelegates
* @param NewLocalUserNum the index of the user now associated with the controller, INDEX_NONE if the controller no longer has a paired user
* @param PreviousLocalUserNum the index of the user previously associated with the controller, INDEX_NONE if the controller was not previously paired
native function OnUserControllerPairingChanged(INT NewLocalUserNum, INT PreviousLocalUserNum);
* Adds OnUserControllerPairingChanged to UserControllerPairingChangeDelegates
event AddOnSystemUserControllerPairingChangedDelegate()
* Clears OnUserControllerPairingChanged from UserControllerPairingChangeDelegates
event ClearOnSystemUserControllerPairingChangedDelegate()
//@HSL_BEGIN - urias.rooney@hardsuitlabs.com 12/08/16 - Dingo Party Interface
* Called from native code to assign the lobby interface
* @param NewInterface The object to assign as providing the lobby interface
* @return Returns True if the interface is valid, False otherwise
event bool SetLobbyInterface( object NewInterface )
LobbyInterface = KFOnlineLobbyDingo( NewInterface );
// Will return false if the interface isn't supported
return LobbyInterface != none && LobbyInterface.Initialize();
function TWOnlineLobby GetLobbyInterface()
return LobbyInterface;
* Pairs a player and controller at a given index
* @param PlayerIndex the index of the desired player to pair
* @param ControllerIndex the index of the desired controller to pair
* @param PairIndex the index to pair at
* @return true if successfull, false otherwise
native function bool PairUserAndControllerAtIndex(byte PlayerIndex, byte ControllerIndex, INT PairIndex);
* Fetches the login status for a given player
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return the enum value e e of their status
native function ELoginStatus GetLoginStatus(byte LocalUserNum);
* Gets the platform specific unique id for the specified player
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PlayerId the byte array that will receive the id
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool GetUniquePlayerId(byte LocalUserNum,out UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Gets the ControllerId for the platform specific unique Id
* @param PlayerId the platform specific unique Id
* @param ControllerId the byte that will receive the controllerId
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool GetControllerIdFromNetId(UniqueNetId PlayerId, out byte ControllerId);
native function ManuallyActivateUser( const UniqueNetId ForUniqueId );
native function ActivateGamepad( const int GamepadIndex );
* Reads the player's nick name from the online service
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return a string containing the players nick name
native function string GetPlayerNickname(byte LocalUserNum);
native function bool GetUserAccountInfo( byte LocalUserNum );
delegate OnUserAccountInfoRetrieved( bool bSuccessful, UserAccountInfo AccountInfo );
function AddGetUserAccountInfoDelegate( delegate<OnUserAccountInfoRetrieved> InDelegate )
`AddUniqueItemToArray(UserAccountInfoRetrievedDelegates, InDelegate);
function ClearGetUserAccountInfoDelegate( delegate<OnUserAccountInfoRetrieved> InDelegate )
* Delegate called when a user's privilege level has been checked
* @param LocalUserNum - the player that checked a privilege level
* @param Privilege - the privilege that was checked
* @param PrivilegeLevel - the privilege level for the given user for the requested Privilege
* @param bDiffersFromHint - does the returned privilege level differ from the hint that was given earlier?
delegate OnPrivilegeLevelChecked(byte LocalUserNum, EFeaturePrivilege Privilege, EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevel, bool bDiffersFromHint);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a privilege check was completed
* @param PrivilegeDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddPrivilegeLevelCheckedDelegate(delegate<OnPrivilegeLevelChecked> PrivilegeDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(PrivilegeCheckedDelegates, PrivilegeDelegate);
* If player does not have a systems premium online services then use this to upsell them
function UpsellPremiumOnlineService();
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param PrivilegeDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearPrivilegeLevelCheckedDelegate(delegate<OnPrivilegeLevelChecked> PrivilegeDelegate)
delegate OnPrivilegeCheckedForUsers(byte LocalUserNum, EFeaturePrivilege Privilege, array<PermissionsResult> Results);
function AddPrivilegeCheckedForUsersDelegate(delegate<OnPrivilegeCheckedForUsers> PrivilegeDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(PrivilegeCheckedForUsersDelegates, PrivilegeDelegate);
function ClearPrivilegeCheckedForUsersDelegate(delegate<OnPrivilegeCheckedForUsers> PrivilegeDelegate)
* Determines whether the player is allowed to play online
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanPlayOnline(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to use text chat online
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanCommunicateText(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to use video chat online
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanCommunicateVideo(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to use voice chat online
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanCommunicateVoice(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to use voice chat online with specific users
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Users the list of users to check against
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanCommunicateVoiceWithUsers(byte LocalUserNum, array<SessionMemberInfo> Users);
* Determines whether the player is allowed to share (upload/download) user created content
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanShareUserCreatedContent(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to buy content online
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanPurchaseContent(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to view other people's player profile
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanViewPlayerProfiles(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to have their online presence
* information shown to remote clients
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanShowPresenceInformation(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to record DVR clips
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanRecordDVRClips(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to use Cloud storage
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanUseCloudStorage(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to access premium content
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanAccessPremiumContent(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to access premium video content
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanAccessPremiumVideoContent(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to browse the internet
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanBrowseInternet(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to share content with a social network
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanShareWithSocialNetwork(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to share kinect generated/recorded content with other users
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanShareKinectContent(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Determines whether the player is allowed to upload fitness data (eg height, weight, age, gender)
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PrivilegeLevelHint upon completion, this parameter holds a hint about the expected value being retrieved asynchronously
* @param bAttemptToResolve if the user does not have the proper privilege, should the system attempt to resolve the issue (eg via upsell)
* @param Reason friendly display string explaining privilege failure
*@return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool CanUploadFitnessData(byte LocalUserNum, out EFeaturePrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevelHint, optional bool bAttemptToResolve = false, optional string Reason = "");
* Checks that a unique player id is part of the specified user's friends list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PlayerId the id of the player being checked
* @return TRUE if a member of their friends list, FALSE otherwise
native function bool IsFriend(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Checks that whether a group of player ids are among the specified player's
* friends
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Query an array of players to check for being included on the friends list
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool AreAnyFriends(byte LocalUserNum,out array<FriendsQuery> Query);
* Checks that a unique player id is on the specified user's mute list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PlayerId the id of the player being checked
* @return TRUE if the player should be muted, FALSE otherwise
native function bool IsMuted(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Displays the UI that shows a user's list of friends
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
native function bool ShowFriendsUI(byte LocalUserNum);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a login changed
* @param LoginDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
* @param LocalUserNum whether to watch for changes on a specific slot or all slots
function AddLoginChangeDelegate(delegate<OnLoginChange> LoginDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(LoginChangeDelegates, LoginDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LoginDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
* @param LocalUserNum whether to watch for changes on a specific slot or all slots
function ClearLoginChangeDelegate(delegate<OnLoginChange> LoginDelegate)
* Adds a delegate to the list of delegates that are fired when a login is cancelled
* @param CancelledDelegate the delegate to add to the list
function AddLoginCancelledDelegate(delegate<OnLoginCancelled> CancelledDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(LoginCancelledDelegates, CancelledDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param CancelledDelegate the delegate to remove fromt he list
function ClearLoginCancelledDelegate(delegate<OnLoginCancelled> CancelledDelegate)
* Adds a delegate to the list of delegates that are fired when the current user changes
* @param CurrentUserDelegate the delegate to add to the list
function AddCurrentUserChangedDelegate(delegate<OnCurrentUserChanged> CurrentUserDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(CurrentUserChangedDelegates, CurrentUserDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param CurrentUserDelegate the delegate to remove from the list
function ClearCurrentUserChangedDelegate(delegate<OnCurrentUserChanged> CurrentUserDelegate)
* Determines whether the specified user is a local (non-online) login or not
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return true if a local profile, false otherwise
native function bool IsLocalLogin(byte LocalUserNum);
* Determines whether the specified user is a guest login or not
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return true if a guest, false otherwise
native function bool IsGuestLogin(byte LocalUserNum);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a muting list changed
* @param MutingDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddMutingChangeDelegate(delegate<OnMutingChange> MutingDelegate)
// Add this delegate to the array if not already present
if (MutingChangeDelegates.Find(MutingDelegate) == INDEX_NONE)
MutingChangeDelegates[MutingChangeDelegates.Length] = MutingDelegate;
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param FriendsDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearMutingChangeDelegate(delegate<OnFriendsChange> MutingDelegate)
local int RemoveIndex;
RemoveIndex = MutingChangeDelegates.Find(MutingDelegate);
// Remove this delegate from the array if found
if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a friends list changed
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the friends list of
* @param FriendsDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddFriendsChangeDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnFriendsChange> FriendsDelegate)
if (LocalUserNum == 0)
// Add this delegate to the array if not already present
if (FriendsChangeDelegates.Find(FriendsDelegate) == INDEX_NONE)
FriendsChangeDelegates[FriendsChangeDelegates.Length] = FriendsDelegate;
`Warn("Invalid user index ("$LocalUserNum$") specified for ClearFriendsChangeDelegate()");
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the friends list of
* @param FriendsDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearFriendsChangeDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnFriendsChange> FriendsDelegate)
local int RemoveIndex;
// @igs(jtl) TODO, support > 1 user
if (LocalUserNum == 0)
RemoveIndex = FriendsChangeDelegates.Find(FriendsDelegate);
// Remove this delegate from the array if found
if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)
`Warn("Invalid user index ("$LocalUserNum$") specified for ClearFriendsChangeDelegate()");
* Reads the online profile settings for a given user
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are reading the data for
* @param ProfileSettings the object to copy the results to and contains the list of items to read
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool ReadProfileSettings(byte LocalUserNum,OnlineProfileSettings ProfileSettings);
* Delegate used when the last read profile settings request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller index of the player who's read just completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadProfileSettingsComplete(byte LocalUserNum,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadProfileSettingsComplete> ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate)
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`AddUniqueItemToArray(PerUserDelegates[LocalUserNum].ReadProfileSettingsDelegates, ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate);
`Warn("Invalid user index ("$LocalUserNum$") specified for AddReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate()");
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadProfileSettingsComplete> ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate)
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`Warn("Invalid user index ("$LocalUserNum$") specified for ClearReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate()");
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 1-11-17 - Support for setting a cached profile
function SetCachedProfile(OnlineProfileSettings InSettings)
CachedProfile = InSettings;
* Returns the online profile settings for a given user
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are reading the data for
* @return the profile settings object
function OnlineProfileSettings GetProfileSettings(byte LocalUserNum)
return CachedProfile;
* Writes the online profile settings for a given user to the online data store
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are writing the data for
* @param ProfileSettings the list of settings to write out
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
native function bool WriteProfileSettings(byte LocalUserNum,OnlineProfileSettings ProfileSettings);
* Delegate used when the last write profile settings request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller index of the player who's write just completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnWriteProfileSettingsComplete(byte LocalUserNum,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddWriteProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnWriteProfileSettingsComplete> WriteProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate)
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`AddUniqueItemToArray(PerUserDelegates[LocalUserNum].WriteProfileSettingsDelegates, WriteProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate);
`Warn("Invalid user index ("$LocalUserNum$") specified for AddWriteProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate()");
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearWriteProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnWriteProfileSettingsComplete> WriteProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate)
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`Warn("Invalid user index ("$LocalUserNum$") specified for ClearWriteProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate()");
* Delegate called when a player's status changes but doesn't change profiles
* @param NewStatus the new login status for the user
* @param NewId the new id to associate with the user
delegate OnLoginStatusChange(ELoginStatus NewStatus,UniqueNetId NewId);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a login status has changed
* @param LoginDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
* @param LocalUserNum the player to watch login status changes for
function AddLoginStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnLoginStatusChange> LoginStatusDelegate,byte LocalUserNum)
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`AddUniqueItemToArray(PerUserDelegates[LocalUserNum].LoginStatusChangeDelegates, LoginStatusDelegate);
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to AddLoginStatusChangeDelegate()");
* Removes the specified delegate from the notification list
* @param LoginDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
* @param LocalUserNum the player to watch login status changes for
function ClearLoginStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnLoginStatusChange> LoginStatusDelegate,byte LocalUserNum)
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to ClearLoginStatusChangeDelegate()");
* Delegate used when the friends read request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadFriendsComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Starts an async task that retrieves the list of friends for the player from the
* online service. The list can be retrieved in whole or in part.
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the friends list of
* @param Count the number of friends to read or zero for all
* @param StartingAt the index of the friends list to start at (for pulling partial lists)
* @return true if the read request was issued successfully, false otherwise
native function bool ReadFriendsList(byte LocalUserNum,optional int Count,optional int StartingAt);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the friends read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the friends list of
* @param ReadFriendsCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
native function AddReadFriendsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadFriendsComplete> ReadFriendsCompleteDelegate);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadFriendsCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
native function ClearReadFriendsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadFriendsComplete> ReadFriendsCompleteDelegate);
* Copies the list of friends for the player previously retrieved from the online
* service. The list can be retrieved in whole or in part.
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the friends list of
* @param Friends the out array that receives the copied data
* @param Count the number of friends to read or zero for all
* @param StartingAt the index of the friends list to start at (for pulling partial lists)
* @return OERS_Done if the read has completed, otherwise one of the other states
native function EOnlineEnumerationReadState GetFriendsList(byte LocalUserNum,out array<OnlineFriend> Friends,optional int Count,optional int StartingAt);
* Registers the user as a talker
* @param LocalUserNum the local player index that is a talker
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool RegisterLocalTalker(byte LocalUserNum, optional byte ChannelIndex);
* Unregisters the user as a talker
* @param LocalUserNum the local player index to be removed
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool UnregisterLocalTalker(byte LocalUserNum, optional byte ChannelIndex);
* Determines whether a local talker is currently registered or not
* @return TRUE if the user is talking, FALSE otherwise
native function bool IsLocalTalkerRegistered(byte LocalUserNum);
* Determines if there are any local talkers that are currently registered
native function bool AreAnyLocalTalkersRegistered();
* Recieves a reliable voice packet from server
* @param MessageType the type of message sent
* @param Sender the Unique Net Id for the sender who sent the packet
* @param InData the reliable voice data
native function ReceiveReliableVoicePacket( byte MessageType, UniqueNetId Sender, int Length, byte InData[60]);
* Registers a remote player as a talker
* @param PlayerId the unique id of the remote player that is a talker
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool RegisterRemoteTalker(UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Unregisters a remote player as a talker
* @param PlayerId the unique id of the remote player to be removed
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool UnregisterRemoteTalker(UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Unregisters all remote players
* @return TRUE if the call succeeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool UnregisterAllRemoteTalkers();
* Determines if the specified player is actively talking into the mic
* @param LocalUserNum the local player index being queried
* @return TRUE if the player is talking, FALSE otherwise
native function bool IsLocalPlayerTalking(byte LocalUserNum);
* Determines if the specified remote player is actively talking into the mic
* NOTE: Network latencies will make this not 100% accurate
* @param PlayerId the unique id of the remote player being queried
* @return TRUE if the player is talking, FALSE otherwise
native function bool IsRemotePlayerTalking(UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Determines if the specified player has a headset connected
* @param LocalUserNum the local player index being queried
* @return TRUE if the player has a headset plugged in, FALSE otherwise
native function bool IsHeadsetPresent(byte LocalUserNum);
* Sets the relative priority for a remote talker. 0 is highest
* @param LocalUserNum the user that controls the relative priority
* @param PlayerId the remote talker that is having their priority changed for
* @param Priority the relative priority to use (0 highest, < 0 is muted)
* @return TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE otherwise
native function bool SetRemoteTalkerPriority(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId,int Priority);
* Mutes all the players (including self)
* @param PlayerMuteSetting whether to mute all, mute bad rep, or mute nobody by default
* @return TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE otherwise
native function bool UpdatePlayerMuteSetting(bool NewPlayerMuteSetting);
* Mutes a remote talker for the specified local player. NOTE: This only mutes them in the
* game unless the bIsSystemWide flag is true, which attempts to mute them globally
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is muting the remote talker
* @param PlayerId the remote talker that is being muted
* @param bIsSystemWide whether to try to mute them globally or not
* @return TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE otherwise
native function bool MuteRemoteTalker(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId,optional bool bIsSystemWide);
* Allows a remote talker to talk to the specified local player. NOTE: This only unmutes them in the
* game unless the bIsSystemWide flag is true, which attempts to unmute them globally
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is allowing the remote talker to talk
* @param PlayerId the remote talker that is being restored to talking
* @param bIsSystemWide whether to try to unmute them globally or not
* @return TRUE if the function succeeds, FALSE otherwise
native function bool UnmuteRemoteTalker(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId,optional bool bIsSystemWide);
* Checks if a user is muted or not
* @param ConsoleId the remote talker that is being restored to talking
* @return TRUE if the player is muted, FALSE otherwise
native function bool IsTalkerMuted(UniqueNetId ConsoleId);
* Tells the voice layer that networked processing of the voice data is allowed
* for the specified player. This allows for push-to-talk style voice communication
* @param LocalUserNum the local user to allow network transimission for
native function StartNetworkedVoice(byte LocalUserNum);
* Tells the voice layer to stop processing networked voice support for the
* specified player. This allows for push-to-talk style voice communication
* @param LocalUserNum the local user to disallow network transimission for
native function StopNetworkedVoice(byte LocalUserNum);
* Tells the voice system to start tracking voice data for speech recognition
* @param LocalUserNum the local user to recognize voice data for
* @return true upon success, false otherwise
function bool StartSpeechRecognition(byte LocalUserNum);
* Tells the voice system to stop tracking voice data for speech recognition
* @param LocalUserNum the local user to recognize voice data for
* @return true upon success, false otherwise
function bool StopSpeechRecognition(byte LocalUserNum);
* Gets the results of the voice recognition
* @param LocalUserNum the local user to read the results of
* @param Words the set of words that were recognized by the voice analyzer
* @return true upon success, false otherwise
function bool GetRecognitionResults(byte LocalUserNum,out array<SpeechRecognizedWord> Words);
* Called when speech recognition for a given player has completed. The
* consumer of the notification can call GetRecognitionResults() to get the
* words that were recognized
delegate OnRecognitionComplete();
* Sets the speech recognition notification callback to use for the specified user
* @param LocalUserNum the local user to receive notifications for
* @param RecognitionDelegate the delegate to call when recognition is complete
function AddRecognitionCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnRecognitionComplete> RecognitionDelegate)
if (SpeechRecognitionCompleteDelegates.Find(RecognitionDelegate) == INDEX_NONE)
SpeechRecognitionCompleteDelegates[SpeechRecognitionCompleteDelegates.Length] = RecognitionDelegate;
* Clears the speech recognition notification callback to use for the specified user
* @param LocalUserNum the local user to receive notifications for
* @param RecognitionDelegate the delegate to call when recognition is complete
function ClearRecognitionCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnRecognitionComplete> RecognitionDelegate)
local int RemoveIndex;
RemoveIndex = SpeechRecognitionCompleteDelegates.Find(RecognitionDelegate);
if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)
* Changes the vocabulary id that is currently being used
* @param LocalUserNum the local user that is making the change
* @param VocabularyId the new id to use
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
function bool SelectVocabulary(byte LocalUserNum,int VocabularyId);
* Changes the object that is in use to the one specified
* @param LocalUserNum the local user that is making the change
* @param SpeechRecogObj the new object use
* @param true if successful, false otherwise
function bool SetSpeechRecognitionObject(byte LocalUserNum,SpeechRecognition SpeechRecogObj);
* Returns the name of the player for the specified index
* @param UserIndex the user to return the name of
* @return the name of the player at the specified index
native function string GetPlayerNicknameFromIndex(int UserIndex);
* Determines if the ethernet link is connected or not
function bool HasLinkConnection()
return true;
* Delegate fired when the network link status changes
* @param bIsConnected whether the link is currently connected or not
delegate OnLinkStatusChange(bool bIsConnected);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that link status changed
* @param LinkStatusDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddLinkStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnLinkStatusChange> LinkStatusDelegate);
* Removes the delegate from the notify list
* @param LinkStatusDelegate the delegate to remove
function ClearLinkStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnLinkStatusChange> LinkStatusDelegate);
* Delegate fired when an external UI display state changes (opening/closing)
* @param bIsOpening whether the external UI is opening or closing
delegate OnExternalUIChange(bool bIsOpening);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that external UI state
* changed (opened/closed)
* @param ExternalUIDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddExternalUIChangeDelegate(delegate<OnExternalUIChange> ExternalUIDelegate);
* Removes the delegate from the notification list
* @param ExternalUIDelegate the delegate to remove
function ClearExternalUIChangeDelegate(delegate<OnExternalUIChange> ExternalUIDelegate);
* Determines the current notification position setting
function ENetworkNotificationPosition GetNetworkNotificationPosition();
* Sets a new position for the network notification icons/images
* @param NewPos the new location to use
function SetNetworkNotificationPosition(ENetworkNotificationPosition NewPos);
* Delegate fired when the controller becomes dis/connected
* @param ControllerId the id of the controller that changed connection state
* @param bIsConnected whether the controller connected (true) or disconnected (false)
* @param bPauseGame wheater the game should pause or not
delegate OnControllerChange(int ControllerId,bool bIsConnected,bool bPauseGame);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the controller state changed
* @param ControllerChangeDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddControllerChangeDelegate(delegate<OnControllerChange> ControllerChangeDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(ControllerChangeDelegates, ControllerChangeDelegate);
* Removes the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the controller state changed
* @param ControllerChangeDelegate the delegate to remove
function ClearControllerChangeDelegate(delegate<OnControllerChange> ControllerChangeDelegate)
* Determines if the specified controller is connected or not
* @param ControllerId the controller to query
* @return true if connected, false otherwise
native function bool IsControllerConnected(int ControllerId);
* Retrieves the current connection status
* @return the current connection status
native function EOnlineServerConnectionStatus GetCurrentConnectionStatus();
* Delegate fire when the online server connection state changes
* @param ConnectionStatus the new connection status
delegate OnConnectionStatusChange(EOnlineServerConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus);
* Adds the delegate to the list to be notified when the connection status changes
* @param ConnectionStatusDelegate the delegate to add
function AddConnectionStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnConnectionStatusChange> ConnectionStatusDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(ConnectionStatusChangeDelegates, ConnectionStatusDelegate);
* Removes the delegate from the notify list
* @param ConnectionStatusDelegate the delegate to remove
function ClearConnectionStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnConnectionStatusChange> ConnectionStatusDelegate)
* Determines the NAT type the player is using
function ENATType GetNATType()
return NAT_Open;
* Determine the locale (country code) for the player
function int GetLocale()
return 0;
* Delegate fired when a storage device change is detected
delegate OnStorageDeviceChange();
* Adds the delegate to the list to be notified when a storage device changes
* @param StorageDeviceChangeDelegate the delegate to add
function AddStorageDeviceChangeDelegate(delegate<OnStorageDeviceChange> StorageDeviceChangeDelegate);
* Removes the delegate from the notify list
* @param ConnectionStatusDelegate the delegate to remove
function ClearStorageDeviceChangeDelegate(delegate<OnStorageDeviceChange> StorageDeviceChangeDelegate);
* Delegate fired when the application's focus changes
delegate OnFocusChange(bool bHasFocus);
* Adds the delegate to the list to be notified when the application's focus changes
* @param FocusChangeDelegate the delegate to add
function AddFocusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnFocusChange> FocusChangeDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(FocusChangeDelegates, FocusChangeDelegate);
* Removes the delegate from the notify list
* @param FocusChangeDelegate the delegate to remove
function ClearFocusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnFocusChange> FocusChangeDelegate)
* Sets the online status information to use for the specified player. Used to
* tell other players what the player is doing (playing, menus, away, etc.)
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param StatusString the status string to use
* @param PlayerActive indicates if the player is active
native function SetOnlineStatus(byte LocalUserNum,string StatusString,optional bool PlayerActive=true);
* Called when keyboard input is completed. Sets the appropriate member variables and fires the OnKeyboardInputComplete delegates
* @param bWasCancelled - if the input was cancelled
* @param InputResults - the results of the keyboard input
native function KeyboardInputFinished(bool bWasCanceled, string InputResults);
* Displays the UI that shows the keyboard for inputing text
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param TitleText the title to display to the user
* @param DescriptionText the text telling the user what to input
* @param bIsPassword whether the item being entered is a password or not
* @param bShouldValidate whether to apply the string validation API after input or not
* @param DefaultText the default string to display
* @param MaxResultLength the maximum length string expected to be filled in
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
native function bool ShowKeyboardUI(byte LocalUserNum,string TitleText,string DescriptionText,
optional bool bIsPassword = false,
optional bool bShouldValidate = true,
optional string DefaultText,
optional int MaxResultLength = 256);
* Hides the UI that shows the keyboard for inputing text
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return TRUE if it was able to hide the UI, FALSE if it failed
native function bool HideKeyboardUI(byte LocalUserNum);
* Delegate used when the keyboard input request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnKeyboardInputComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the user has completed
* their keyboard input
* @param InputDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddKeyboardInputDoneDelegate(delegate<OnKeyboardInputComplete> InputDelegate)
if (KeyboardInputDelegates.Find(InputDelegate) == INDEX_NONE)
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the user has completed
* their keyboard input
* @param InputDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearKeyboardInputDoneDelegate(delegate<OnKeyboardInputComplete> InputDelegate)
local int RemoveIndex;
RemoveIndex = KeyboardInputDelegates.Find(InputDelegate);
if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)
* Fetches the results of the input
* @param bWasCancelled whether the user canceled the input or not
* @return the string entered by the user. Note the string will be empty if it
* fails validation
function string GetKeyboardInputResults(out byte bWasCanceled)
bWasCanceled = KeyboardInputWasCanceled;
return KeyboardInputResults;
* Delegate used when the last write online player storage request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller index of the player who's write just completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnWritePlayerStorageComplete(byte LocalUserNum,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last write request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for write complete notifications
* @param WritePlayerStorageCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddWritePlayerStorageCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnWritePlayerStorageComplete> WritePlayerStorageCompleteDelegate);
* Delegate used when the last read of online player storage data request has completed
* @param NetId the net id for the user who's read just completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadPlayerStorageForNetIdComplete(UniqueNetId NetId,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last read request has completed
* @param NetId the net id for the user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadPlayerStorageForNetIdCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadPlayerStorageForNetIdCompleteDelegate(UniqueNetId NetId,delegate<OnReadPlayerStorageForNetIdComplete> ReadPlayerStorageForNetIdCompleteDelegate);
* Reads the online player storage data for a given net user
* @param LocalUserNum the local user that is initiating the read
* @param NetId the net user that we are reading the data for
* @param PlayerStorage the object to copy the results to and contains the list of items to read
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
function bool ReadPlayerStorageForNetId(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId NetId,OnlinePlayerStorage PlayerStorage);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param NetId the net id for the user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadPlayerStorageForNetIdCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearReadPlayerStorageForNetIdCompleteDelegate(UniqueNetId NetId,delegate<OnReadPlayerStorageForNetIdComplete> ReadPlayerStorageForNetIdCompleteDelegate);
* Reads the online player storage data for a given local user
* If a valid storage device ID is specified then data is also read from that device and the newer version is kept.
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are reading the data for
* @param PlayerStorage the object to copy the results to and contains the list of items to read
* @param DeviceId optional ID for connected device to read from. -1 for no device
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
function bool ReadPlayerStorage(byte LocalUserNum,OnlinePlayerStorage PlayerStorage,optional int DeviceId = -1);
* Delegate used when the last read of online player storage data request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller index of the player who's read just completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadPlayerStorageComplete(byte LocalUserNum,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadPlayerStorageCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadPlayerStorageCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadPlayerStorageComplete> ReadPlayerStorageCompleteDelegate);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadPlayerStorageCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearReadPlayerStorageCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadPlayerStorageComplete> ReadPlayerStorageCompleteDelegate);
* Returns the online player storage for a given local user
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are reading the data for
* @return the player storage object
function OnlinePlayerStorage GetPlayerStorage(byte LocalUserNum)
return None;
* Writes the online player storage data for a given local user to the online data store
* If a valid storage device ID is specified then data is also written to that device.
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are writing the data for
* @param PlayerStorage the object that contains the list of items to write
* @param DeviceId optional ID for connected device to write to. -1 for no device
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
function bool WritePlayerStorage(byte LocalUserNum,OnlinePlayerStorage PlayerStorage,optional int DeviceId = -1);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last write request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for write complete notifications
* @param WritePlayerStorageCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearWritePlayerStorageCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnWritePlayerStorageComplete> WritePlayerStorageCompleteDelegate);
* Sends a friend invite to the specified player
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is sending the invite
* @param NewFriend the player to send the friend request to
* @param Message the message to display to the recipient
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
function bool AddFriend(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId NewFriend,optional string Message);
* Sends a friend invite to the specified player nick
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is sending the invite
* @param FriendName the name of the player to send the invite to
* @param Message the message to display to the recipient
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
function bool AddFriendByName(byte LocalUserNum,string FriendName,optional string Message);
* Called when a friend invite arrives for a local player
* @param bWasSuccessful true if successfully added, false if not found or failed
delegate OnAddFriendByNameComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the user has received a friend invite
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param FriendDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddAddFriendByNameCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnAddFriendByNameComplete> FriendDelegate);
* Removes the delegate specified from the list
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param FriendDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearAddFriendByNameCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnAddFriendByNameComplete> FriendDelegate);
* Used to accept a friend invite sent to this player
* @param LocalUserNum the user the invite is for
* @param RequestingPlayer the player the invite is from
* @param true if successful, false otherwise
function bool AcceptFriendInvite(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId RequestingPlayer);
* Used to deny a friend request sent to this player
* @param LocalUserNum the user the invite is for
* @param RequestingPlayer the player the invite is from
* @param true if successful, false otherwise
function bool DenyFriendInvite(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId RequestingPlayer);
* Removes a friend from the player's friend list
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is removing the friend
* @param FormerFriend the player to remove from the friend list
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
function bool RemoveFriend(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId FormerFriend);
* Called when a friend invite arrives for a local player
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is receiving the invite
* @param RequestingPlayer the player sending the friend request
* @param RequestingNick the nick of the player sending the friend request
* @param Message the message to display to the recipient
delegate OnFriendInviteReceived(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId RequestingPlayer,string RequestingNick,string Message);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the user has received a friend invite
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param InviteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddFriendInviteReceivedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnFriendInviteReceived> InviteDelegate);
* Removes the delegate specified from the list
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param InviteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearFriendInviteReceivedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnFriendInviteReceived> InviteDelegate);
* Sends a message to a friend
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is sending the message
* @param Friend the player to send the message to
* @param Message the message to display to the recipient
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
function bool SendMessageToFriend(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId Friend,string Message);
* Sends an invitation to play in the player's current session
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is sending the invite
* @param Friend the player to send the invite to
* @param Text the text of the message for the invite
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
native function bool SendGameInviteToFriend(byte LocalUserNum,name SessionName,UniqueNetId Friend,optional string Text);
* Sends invitations to play in the player's current session
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is sending the invite
* @param Friends the player to send the invite to
* @param Text the text of the message for the invite
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
native function bool SendGameInviteToFriends(byte LocalUserNum,name SessionName,array<UniqueNetId> Friends,optional string Text);
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 6/10/2016 - Is this needed for Dingo?
function bool SendGameInviteToUsers(string SessionId, name SessionName, array<string> MembersToInvite, optional string Text);
* Called when the online system receives a game invite that needs handling
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is receiving the invite
* @param InviterName the nick name of the person sending the invite
delegate OnReceivedGameInvite(byte LocalUserNum,string InviterName);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the user has received a game invite
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param ReceivedGameInviteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReceivedGameInviteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReceivedGameInvite> ReceivedGameInviteDelegate);
* Removes the delegate specified from the list
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param ReceivedGameInviteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReceivedGameInviteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReceivedGameInvite> ReceivedGameInviteDelegate);
delegate OnReceivedGameInviteById(byte LocalUserNum, UniqueNetId InviterId);
function AddReceivedGameInviteByIdDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReceivedGameInviteById> ReceivedGameInviteDelegate);
function ClearReceivedGameInviteByIdDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReceivedGameInviteById> ReceivedGameInviteDelegate);
* Checks if the game was booted due to a game invite
native function CheckForGameInviteOnLaunch();
* Allows the local player to follow a friend into a game
* @param LocalUserNum the local player wanting to join
* @param Friend the player that is being followed
* @return true if the async call worked, false otherwise
function bool JoinFriendGame(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId Friend);
* Called once the join task has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful the session was found and is joinable, false otherwise
delegate OnJoinFriendGameComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify when the join friend is complete
* @param JoinFriendGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddJoinFriendGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinFriendGameComplete> JoinFriendGameCompleteDelegate);
* Removes the delegate from the list of notifications
* @param JoinFriendGameCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearJoinFriendGameCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnJoinFriendGameComplete> JoinFriendGameCompleteDelegate);
* Returns the list of messages for the specified player
* @param LocalUserNum the local player wanting to join
* @param FriendMessages the set of messages cached locally for the player
function GetFriendMessages(byte LocalUserNum,out array<OnlineFriendMessage> FriendMessages);
* Called when a friend invite arrives for a local player
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is receiving the message
* @param SendingPlayer the player sending the message
* @param SendingNick the nick of the player sending the message
* @param Message the message to display to the recipient
delegate OnFriendMessageReceived(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId SendingPlayer,string SendingNick,string Message);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the user has received a friend invite
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param MessageDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddFriendMessageReceivedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnFriendMessageReceived> MessageDelegate);
* Removes the delegate specified from the list
* @param LocalUserNum the user associated with the notification
* @param MessageDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearFriendMessageReceivedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnFriendMessageReceived> MessageDelegate);
* Mutes all voice or all but friends
* @param LocalUserNum the local user that is making the change
* @param bAllowFriends whether to mute everyone or allow friends
function bool MuteAll(byte LocalUserNum,bool bAllowFriends);
* Allows all speakers to send voice
* @param LocalUserNum the local user that is making the change
function bool UnmuteAll(byte LocalUserNum);
* Deletes a message from the list of messages
* @param LocalUserNum the user that is deleting the message
* @param MessageIndex the index of the message to delete
* @return true if the message was deleted, false otherwise
function bool DeleteMessage(byte LocalUserNum,int MessageIndex);
* Unlocks the specified achievement for the specified user
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param AchievementId the id of the achievement to unlock
* @return TRUE if the call worked, FALSE otherwise
function bool UnlockAchievement(byte LocalUserNum,int AchievementId,float PercentComplete=100.0);
* Delegate used when the achievement unlocking has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnUnlockAchievementComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the achievement unlocking has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param UnlockAchievementCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddUnlockAchievementCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnUnlockAchievementComplete> UnlockAchievementCompleteDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the achievement unlocking has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param UnlockAchievementCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearUnlockAchievementCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnUnlockAchievementComplete> UnlockAchievementCompleteDelegate);
* Starts an async read for the achievement list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param TitleId the title id of the game the achievements are to be read for
* @param bShouldReadText whether to fetch the text strings or not
* @param bShouldReadImages whether to fetch the image data or not
* @return TRUE if the task starts, FALSE if it failed
native function bool ReadAchievements(byte LocalUserNum,optional int TitleId = 0,optional bool bShouldReadText = true,optional bool bShouldReadImages = false);
* Called when the async achievements read has completed
* @param TitleId the title id that the read was for (0 means current title)
delegate OnReadAchievementsComplete(int TitleId);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the achievements read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the achievements list for
* @param ReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadAchievementsComplete> ReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate)
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
if (PerUserDelegates[LocalUserNum].AchievementReadDelegates.Find(ReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate) == INDEX_NONE)
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to AddReadAchievementsComplete()");
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the achievements read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the achievements list for
* @param ReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadAchievementsComplete> ReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate)
local int RemoveIndex;
// Make sure the user is valid
if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < ArrayCount(PerUserDelegates))
RemoveIndex = PerUserDelegates[LocalUserNum].AchievementReadDelegates.Find(ReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate);
if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)
`warn("Invalid index ("$LocalUserNum$") passed to ClearReadAchievementsCompleteDelegate()");
* Copies the list of achievements for the specified player and title id
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the friends list of
* @param Achievements the out array that receives the copied data
* @param TitleId the title id of the game that these were read for
* @return OERS_Done if the read has completed, otherwise one of the other states
native function EOnlineEnumerationReadState GetAchievements(byte LocalUserNum,out array<AchievementDetails> Achievements,optional int TitleId = 0);
* Clears the list of achievements for the specified player and title id
* @param LocalUserNum the user to read the friends list of
* @param TitleId the title id of the game that these were read for
native function ClearAchievements(byte LocalUserNum, optional int TitleId = 0);
* Displays the UI for a products details
* @param LocalUserNum the local user viewing available content
* @param ParentProductId the product ID of the parent product for which to show child content
native function bool ShowProductDetailsUI(byte LocalUserNum, optional string ParentProductId = ProductId);
* Displays the marketplace UI for content
* @param LocalUserNum the local user viewing available content
* @param ParentProductType the type of the parent product specified by ParentProductId
* (use constants defined in OnlineSubsyste.uc, generally this should be PIT_Game)
* @param RequestedProductTypes the types of child products to show in the marketplace UI
* (use constants defined in OnlineSubsyste.uc, generally this should be PIT_Durable | PIT_Consumable)
* @param ParentProductId the product ID of the parent product for which to show child content
native function bool ShowContentMarketplaceUI(byte LocalUserNum, int ParentProductType, int RequestedProductTypes, optional string ParentProductId = ProductId);
* Displays the purchase UI for an offer
* @param LocalUserNum the local user viewing available content
* @param Offer the offer that you want the purchase screen shown for
native function bool ShowContentPurchaseUI(byte LocalUserNum, string Offer);
* Displays the redeem code UI for content
* @param LocalUserNum the local user viewing available content
* @param Offer the offer that you want the redeem code screen shown for
native function bool ShowContentRedeemCodeUI(byte LocalUserNum, string Offer);
* Close the current content UI
native function CloseCurrentContentUI();
* Displays the UI that allows a player to give feedback on another player
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PlayerId the id of the player having feedback given for
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowFeedbackUI(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Displays the UI with Help documentation
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return TRUE if the async show command is processing, FALSE if it failed to initialize
native function bool ShowHelpUI(byte LocalUserNum);
* Displays the UI with Help documentation for a given error the application has encountered
* @param ContextId application specific context within which the error occurred
* @param ErrorString a string representation of the error
* @return TRUE if the async show command is processing, FALSE if it failed to initialize
native function bool ShowHelpForErrorUI(string ContextId, string ErrorString);
* Delegate used when a show help request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnShowHelpComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a show help request has finished
* @param ShowHelpDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddShowHelpCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnShowHelpComplete> HelpDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(ShowHelpDelegates, HelpDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the list of callbacks
* @param ShowHelpDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearShowHelpCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnShowHelpComplete> HelpDelegate)
* Displays the UI with Help documentation
* @param URL link to show
* @return TRUE if the show command succeded, FALSE otherwise
native function bool ShowVideo(string URL);
// Overriden from Onlinesubsystem.uc
native function OpenURL(string WebsiteLink);
* Delegate called when OSS-side tokens are acquired
delegate OnTokenAndSignatureRetrieved(byte LocalUserNum, string URL, string Token, string Signature);
native function GetTokenAndSignatureForURL(byte LocalUserNum, string URL);
function AddURLTokenRetrievedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnTokenAndSignatureRetrieved> tsrDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(TokenAndSignatureDelegates, tsrDelegate);
function ClearURLTokenRetrievedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnTokenAndSignatureRetrieved> tsrDelegate)
* Delegate used when a show gamer card request has completed
delegate OnShowGamerCardComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that a show gamer card request has finished
* @param ShowHelpDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddShowGamerCardCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnShowGamerCardComplete> GamerCardDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(ShowGamerCardCompleteDelegates, GamerCardDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the list of callbacks
* @param ShowHelpDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearShowGamerCardCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnShowGamerCardComplete> GamerCardDelegate)
* Displays the gamer card UI for the specified player
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PlayerId the id of the player to show the gamer card of
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
native function bool ShowGamerCardUI(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId);
* Displays the messages UI for a player
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowMessagesUI(byte LocalUserNum);
* Displays the achievements UI for a player
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowAchievementsUI(byte LocalUserNum);
* Displays the invite ui
* @param LocalUserNum the local user sending the invite
* @param InviteText the string to prefill the UI with
native function bool ShowInviteUI(byte LocalUserNum,optional string InviteText);
* Displays the marketplace UI for memberships
* @param LocalUserNum the local user viewing available memberships
function bool ShowMembershipMarketplaceUI(byte LocalUserNum);
* Displays the UI that allows the user to choose which device to save content to
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param SizeNeeded the size of the data to be saved in bytes
* @param bManageStorage whether to allow the user to manage their storage or not
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowDeviceSelectionUI(byte LocalUserNum,int SizeNeeded,optional bool bManageStorage);
* Delegate used when the device selection request has completed
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnDeviceSelectionComplete(bool bWasSuccessful);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the user has completed
* their device selection
* @param DeviceDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddDeviceSelectionDoneDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnDeviceSelectionComplete> DeviceDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the list of callbacks
* @param DeviceDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearDeviceSelectionDoneDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnDeviceSelectionComplete> DeviceDelegate);
* Fetches the results of the device selection
* @param LocalUserNum the player to check the results for
* @param DeviceName out param that gets a copy of the string
* @return the ID of the device that was selected
* NOTE: Zero means the user hasn't selected one
function int GetDeviceSelectionResults(byte LocalUserNum,out string DeviceName);
* Checks the device id to determine if it is still valid (could be removed) and/or
* if there is enough space on the specified device
* @param DeviceId the device to check
* @param SizeNeeded the amount of space requested
* @return true if valid, false otherwise
function bool IsDeviceValid(int DeviceId,optional int SizeNeeded);
* Unlocks a gamer picture for the local user
* @param LocalUserNum the user to unlock the picture for
* @param PictureId the id of the picture to unlock
function bool UnlockGamerPicture(byte LocalUserNum,int PictureId);
* Called when an external change to player profile data has occured
delegate OnProfileDataChanged();
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that someone has changed their profile data externally
* @param LocalUserNum the user the delegate is interested in
* @param ProfileDataChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddProfileDataChangedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnProfileDataChanged> ProfileDataChangedDelegate);
* Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that someone has changed their profile data externally
* @param LocalUserNum the user the delegate is interested in
* @param ProfileDataChangedDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearProfileDataChangedDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnProfileDataChanged> ProfileDataChangedDelegate);
* Displays the UI that shows a user's list of friends
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param PlayerId the id of the player being invited
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
native function bool ShowFriendsInviteUI(byte LocalUserNum,UniqueNetId PlayerId);
native function bool ShowPeoplePickerUI(byte LocalUserNum, array<OnlineFriend> People, int MaxSelectable, optional string Text);
delegate OnPeoplePickerComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, array<OnlineFriend> PeoplePicked);
function AddPeoplePickerCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnPeoplePickerComplete> InDelegate)
// Add this delegate to the array if not already present
if (PeoplePickerCompleteDelegates.Find(InDelegate) == INDEX_NONE)
PeoplePickerCompleteDelegates[PeoplePickerCompleteDelegates.Length] = InDelegate;
function ClearPeoplePickerCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnPeoplePickerComplete> InDelegate)
local int RemoveIndex;
RemoveIndex = PeoplePickerCompleteDelegates.Find(InDelegate);
// Remove this delegate from the array if found
if (RemoveIndex != INDEX_NONE)
// Displays UI for sending data to other users using system-supplied UI
function bool ShowDataSendingUI(byte LocalUserNum, string Message, string DataName, string DataDescription, array<byte> Data, int MaxSelectableUsers);
delegate OnAcceptReceivedData(string Data);
function AddAcceptReceivedDataDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnAcceptReceivedData> InDelegate);
function ClearAcceptReceivedDataDelegate(byte LocalUserNum, delegate<OnAcceptReceivedData> InDelegate);
* Displays the UI that shows the player list
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowPlayersUI(byte LocalUserNum);
* Shows a custom players UI for the specified list of players
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Players the list of players to show in the custom UI
* @param Title the title to use for the UI
* @param Description the text to show at the top of the UI
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool ShowCustomPlayersUI(byte LocalUserNum,const out array<UniqueNetId> Players,string Title,string Description);
* Shows a custom players UI for the specified list of players
* @param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
* @param Players the list of players to show in the custom UI
* @param Title the title to use for the UI
* @param Description the text to show at the top of the UI
* @return TRUE if it was able to show the UI, FALSE if it failed
function bool RecordPlayersRecentlyMet( byte LocalUserNum, out array<PlayerNameIdPair> Players, string GameDescription );
* Unlocks an avatar award for the local user
* @param LocalUserNum the user to unlock the avatar item for
* @param AvatarItemId the id of the avatar item to unlock
function bool UnlockAvatarAward(byte LocalUserNum,int AvatarItemId);
* Reads the online profile settings for a given user and title id
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are reading the data for
* @param TitleId the title that the profile settings are being read for
* @param ProfileSettings the object to copy the results to and contains the list of items to read
* @return true if the call succeeds, false otherwise
function bool ReadCrossTitleProfileSettings(byte LocalUserNum,int TitleId,OnlineProfileSettings ProfileSettings);
* Delegate used when the last read profile settings request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum the controller index of the player who's read just completed
* @param TitleId the title that the profile settings were read for
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadCrossTitleProfileSettingsComplete(byte LocalUserNum,int TitleId,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last read request has completed
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadCrossTitleProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadCrossTitleProfileSettingsComplete> ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param LocalUserNum which user to watch for read complete notifications
* @param ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearReadCrossTitleProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate(byte LocalUserNum,delegate<OnReadCrossTitleProfileSettingsComplete> ReadProfileSettingsCompleteDelegate);
* Returns the online profile settings for a given user and title id
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are reading the data for
* @param TitleId the title that the profile settings are being read for
* @return the profile settings object
function OnlineProfileSettings GetCrossTitleProfileSettings(byte LocalUserNum,int TitleId);
* Removes a cached entry of a profile for the specified title id
* @param LocalUserNum the user that we are reading the data for
* @param TitleId the title that the profile settings are being read for
function ClearCrossTitleProfileSettings(byte LocalUserNum,int TitleId);
* Shows a dialog with the message pre-populated in it
* @param LocalUserNum the user sending the message
* @param Recipients the list of people to send the message to
* @param MessageTitle the title of the message being sent
* @param NonEditableMessage the portion of the message that the user cannot edit
* @param EditableMessage the portion of the message the user can edit
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
function bool ShowCustomMessageUI(byte LocalUserNum,const out array<UniqueNetId> Recipients,string MessageTitle,string NonEditableMessage,optional string EditableMessage);
* Shows a system dialog with the given error code and context
* @param ErrorCode the error code to display
* @param ErrorContext the error context to display
* @return true of successful, false otherwise
native function bool ShowSystemErrorUI(int ErrorCode, string ErrorContext);
* Shows a customized system dialog with the given error code, context, title and content
* @param ErrorCode the error code to display
* @param ErrorContext the error context to display
* @param DialogTitle the title of the dialog
* @param DialogContent the content of the dialog
* @return true of successful, false otherwise
native function bool ShowCustomErrorUI(int ErrorCode, string ErrorContext, string DialogTitle, string DialogContent);
* Look up a player's nickname from their net ID
* @param InPlayerId the player ID for which to retrieve the nickname
* @param OutPlayerNickname the nickname for the player with the given ID
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
native function bool GetPlayerNicknameForPlayerId(UniqueNetId InPlayerId, out string OutPlayerNickname);
* Look up a player's net ID from their nickname
* @param InPlayerNickname the nickname to look up a player ID for
* @param OutPlayerId the player ID for the player with the given nickname
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
native function bool GetPlayerIDForPlayerNickname(string InPlayerNickname, out UniqueNetId OutPlayerId);
* Caches the controller that the player logged in with
native function CacheLoggedInGamepad();
* Asynchronously retrieve a set of OnlineProfiles for a list of Player IDs
* @param PlayerIDs the list of Player IDs for which to retrieve OnlineProfiles
* @return true if the async action began successfully, false otherwise
native function bool ReadOnlineProfilesForPlayers(array<string> PlayerIDs);
* Delegate fired when an OnlineProfile read completes
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
* @param PlayerIDs the list of Player IDs that the request originated with
* @param OnlineProfiles the list of OnlineProfiles for the requested Player IDs
delegate OnReadOnlineProfilesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, array<string> PlayerIDs, array<OnlineProfile> OnlineProfiles);
* Adds the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that an OnlineProfile read has completed
* @param ReadOnlineProfileDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadOnlineProfilesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnReadOnlineProfilesComplete> ReadOnlineProfileDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(ReadOnlineProfileDelegates, ReadOnlineProfileDelegate);
* Removes the specified delegate from the list of callbacks
* @param ReadOnlineProfileDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReadOnlineProfilesCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnReadOnlineProfilesComplete> ReadOnlineProfileDelegate)
* Delegate used when registration of a local talker completes
* @param LocalUserNum the controller index of the player who is registered as a local talker
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnRegisterLocalTalkerComplete(byte LocalUserNum,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the local talker registration has completed
* @param RegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddRegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnRegisterLocalTalkerComplete> RegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(RegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegates, RegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param RegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearRegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnRegisterLocalTalkerComplete> RegisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate)
* Delegate used when unregistration of a local talker completes
* @param LocalUserNum the controller index of the player who is unregistered as a local talker
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnUnregisterLocalTalkerComplete(byte LocalUserNum,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the local talker unregistration has completed
* @param UnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddUnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUnregisterLocalTalkerComplete> UnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(UnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegates, UnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param UnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearUnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUnregisterLocalTalkerComplete> UnregisterLocalTalkerCompleteDelegate)
* Delegate used when unregistration of a remote talker completes
* @param netId ofthe player who is unregistered as a remote talker
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnUnregisterRemoteTalkerComplete(UniqueNetId RemoteNetId,bool bWasSuccessful);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the remote talker unregistration has completed
* @param UnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function AddUnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUnregisterRemoteTalkerComplete> UnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegate)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(UnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegates, UnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegate);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param UnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegate the delegate to find and clear
function ClearUnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnUnregisterRemoteTalkerComplete> UnregisterRemoteTalkerCompleteDelegate)
* Delegate used when unregistration of a remote talker completes
* @param netId ofthe player who is currently talking
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnRemoteTalkerStatusChange(UniqueNetId RemoteNetId, bool bIsTalking);
* Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the remote talker unregistration has completed
* @param RemoteTalkerStatusChange the delegate to use for notifications
function AddRemoteTalkerStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnRemoteTalkerStatusChange> RemoteTalkerStatusChange)
`AddUniqueItemToArray(RemoteTalkerStatusChangeDelegates, RemoteTalkerStatusChange);
* Searches the existing set of delegates for the one specified and removes it
* from the list
* @param RemoteTalkerStatusChange the delegate to find and clear
function ClearRemoteTalkerStatusChangeDelegate(delegate<OnRemoteTalkerStatusChange> RemoteTalkerStatusChange)
* Sends reputation feedback
* @param SenderLocalUserNum The user that's sending the reputation feedback
* @param ReputeeNetId The console id of the player getting reported
* @param FeedbackType What type of feedback to send
* @param ReportText Report message associated with the report
native function bool SendReputationFeedback(byte SenderLocalUserNum, UniqueNetId ReputeeNetId, EReputationFeedbackType FeedbackType, string ReportText);
delegate OnTrialModeUpdate( bool bTrialActive );
function AddOnTrialModeUpdateDelegate( delegate<OnTrialModeUpdate> InDelegate ) { `AddUniqueItemToArray(TrialModeUpdateDelegates, InDelegate); }
function ClearOnTrialModeUpdatedDelegate( delegate<OnTrialModeUpdate> InDelegate ) { TrialModeUpdateDelegates.RemoveItem(InDelegate); }
function PostActivityFeedSample(int Foo, string Bar);
function bool ShowGamerCardUIByUsername(byte LocalUserNum, string UserName);
function StartRealtimeMultiplay();
function StopRealtimeMultiplay();
* Notifies the interested party that the micro transaction purchase was completed(success or fail)
* @param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error
delegate OnReadMicroTransactionStatusComplete(bool bAuthorized, int iAppId, QWORD qOrderId);
* Adds the delegate to a list used to notify the gameplay code that the stats read has completed
* @param OnReadMicroTransactionStatusComplete the delegate to use for notifications
function AddReadMicroTransactionStatusCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnReadMicroTransactionStatusComplete> ReadMicroTransactionStatusCompleteDelegate);
* Removes the delegate from the notify list
* @param ReadMicroTransactionStatusCompleteDelegate the delegate to use for notifications
function ClearReadMicroTransactionStatusCompleteDelegate(delegate<OnReadMicroTransactionStatusComplete> ReadMicroTransactionStatusCompleteDelegate);
delegate OnIsConnectedToOnlineServiceChecked(bool bIsConnected);
function AddIsConnectedToOnlineServiceCheckedDelegate(delegate<OnIsConnectedToOnlineServiceChecked> InDelegate);
function ClearIsConnectedToOnlineServiceCheckedDelegate(delegate<OnIsConnectedToOnlineServiceChecked> InDelegate);
function IsConnectedToOnlineService();
* Get safe frame settings
* @param fSafeFrame safe frame value
function SetSystemSafeFrame( float fSafeFrame );
function float GetSystemSafeFrame( );
* Starts an asynchronous request for a user's avatar.
* @param LocalUserNum The controller number of the associated user making the request.
* @param PlayerNetId The network id of the player who's avatar is requested.
* @param Size The desired resolution of the avatar (Size x Size). Final texture size may vary.
* @param Obsolete Obsolete
native function ReadOnlineAvatar(const UniqueNetId PlayerNetId, int Size);
//@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 5/17/2016 - PS4 Activity Feeds
function bool AddInGamePost( int InPostID, optional string InPostParam ); // Unused...
function PostActivityFeedBossKill(string BossName, string ClassName, string MapName);
function PostActivityFeedTeamAward(string AwardName);
function PostActivityFeedPerkLevelUp(string PerkClassName, int Level);
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 5-26-16 - Support for reading store data
function ReadStoreData();
delegate OnStoreDataRead( bool bSuccessful );
function AddStoreDataReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnStoreDataRead> InDelegate );
function ClearStoreDataReadCompleteDelegate( delegate<OnStoreDataRead> InDelegate );
function ReadEntitlements();
delegate OnEntitlementsRead( bool bSuccess );
function AddOnEntitlementsReadDelegate( delegate<OnEntitlementsRead> InDelegate );
function ClearOnEntitlementsReadDelegate( delegate<OnEntitlementsRead> InDelegate );
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 12-1-16 - Support for save data
private event StartSaveDataRead( byte LocalUserNum, string FileName )
ContentInterfaceImpl.AddReadSaveGameDataComplete(LocalUserNum, OnReadProfileSaveData);
ContentInterfaceImpl.ReadSaveGameData(LocalUserNum, 0, "", "", FileName);
private function OnReadProfileSaveData(bool bWasSuccessful,byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName)
ContentInterfaceImpl.ClearReadSaveGameDataComplete( LocalUserNum, OnReadProfileSaveData );
HandleReadProfileSaveDataComplete( bWasSuccessful, LocalUserNum, SaveFileName );
private native function HandleReadProfileSaveDataComplete( bool bWasSuccessful, byte LocalUserNum, string SaveFileName );
private event WriteProfileData(byte LocalUserNum, string FileName, const out array<byte> ProfileData)
ContentInterfaceImpl.AddWriteSaveGameDataComplete(LocalUserNum, OnWriteProfileSaveData);
ContentInterfaceImpl.WriteSaveGameData(LocalUserNum, 0, "", "", FileName, ProfileData);
// Callback for profile writing complete
private function OnWriteProfileSaveData(bool bWasSuccessful,byte LocalUserNum,int DeviceId,string FriendlyName,string FileName,string SaveFileName)
ContentInterfaceImpl.ClearWriteSaveGameDataComplete(LocalUserNum, OnWriteProfileSaveData);
HandleWriteProfileSaveDataComplete(bWasSuccessful, LocalUserNum, SaveFileName);
// Fire off write profile delegates in native
private native function HandleWriteProfileSaveDataComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, byte LocalUserNum, string SaveFileName);
//@HSL BEGIN - BWJ - 2-27-17 - Support for detecting default region
native function StartRegionPingAndSelectDefaultRegion(delegate<OnPingRegionsComplete> Callback);
bIsAppSuspended =FALSE