2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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// KFUIDataStore_GameResource
// Class Description
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Author 11/25/2013
class KFUIDataStore_GameResource extends UIDataStore_GameResource
/** Returns the KFMapSummary using the mapname as the key */
static function KFMapSummary GetMapSummaryFromMapName( string MapName )
local KFUIDataStore_GameResource GameResourceDS;
local array<UIResourceDataProvider> MapProviders;
local int ProviderIndex;
GameResourceDS = KFUIDataStore_GameResource(class'UIRoot'.static.StaticResolveDataStore(class'KFUIDataStore_GameResource'.default.Tag));
if ( GameResourceDS != None )
if ( GameResourceDS.GetResourceProviders('Maps', MapProviders) )
ProviderIndex = GameResourceDS.FindProviderIndexByMapName( MapName, MapProviders );
if ( ProviderIndex != INDEX_NONE && ProviderIndex >= 0 && ProviderIndex < MapProviders.length )
return KFMapSummary(MapProviders[ProviderIndex]);
return None;
static function int FindProviderIndexByMapName( string MapName, out array<UIResourceDataProvider> out_MapProviders)
local int i;
for ( i = 0; i < out_MapProviders.length; i++ )
if ( Caps(KFMapSummary(out_MapProviders[i]).MapName) == Caps(MapName) )
return i;
return -1;
/** Returns the mapname at a specific provider index */
static function string GetMapNameUsingProviderIndex( int ProviderIndex )
local UIDataStore_GameResource GameResourceDS;
local array<UIResourceDataProvider> MapProviders;
local KFMapSummary MapData;
GameResourceDS = UIDataStore_GameResource(class'UIRoot'.static.StaticResolveDataStore(class'KFUIDataStore_GameResource'.default.Tag));
if ( GameResourceDS != None )
// Grab the map providers
if ( GameResourceDS.GetResourceProviders('Maps', MapProviders) )
if ( MapProviders.length > 0 &&
ProviderIndex >= 0 &&
ProviderIndex < MapProviders.length )
MapData = KFMapSummary(MapProviders[ProviderIndex]);
return MapData.MapName;
return "";
/** Inits all of the data providers from their per object config sections */
native private function InitializeProvidersInternal();
/** Inits all of the data providers from their per object config sections */
//native final function int FindProviderIndexByMapName( string MapName, out array<UIResourceDataProvider> out_MapProviders) const;
/** static method to initialize the providers */
static function InitializeProviders()
local KFUIDataStore_GameResource GameResourceDS;
GameResourceDS = KFUIDataStore_GameResource(class'UIRoot'.static.StaticResolveDataStore(class'KFUIDataStore_GameResource'.default.Tag));
if (GameResourceDS != None)