2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Material extends MaterialInterface
// Material input structs.
struct MaterialInput
/** Material expression that this input is connected to, or NULL if not connected. */
var MaterialExpression Expression;
/** Index into Expression's outputs array that this input is connected to. */
var int OutputIndex;
* Optional name of the input.
* Note that this is the only member which is not derived from the output currently connected.
var string InputName;
var int Mask,
var int GCC64_Padding; // @todo 64: if the C++ didn't mismirror this structure (with ExpressionInput), we might not need this
struct ColorMaterialInput extends MaterialInput
var bool UseConstant;
var color Constant;
struct ScalarMaterialInput extends MaterialInput
var bool UseConstant;
var float Constant;
struct VectorMaterialInput extends MaterialInput
var bool UseConstant;
var vector Constant;
struct Vector2MaterialInput extends MaterialInput
var bool UseConstant;
var float ConstantX,
// Physics.
/** Physical material to use for this graphics material. Used for sounds, effects etc.*/
var(PhysicalMaterial) PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial;
/** For backwards compatibility only. */
var class<PhysicalMaterial> PhysicalMaterial;
/** A 1 bit monochrome texture that represents a mask for what physical material should be used if the collided texel is black or white. */
var(PhysicalMaterial) Texture2D PhysMaterialMask;
/** The UV channel to use for the PhysMaterialMask. */
var(PhysicalMaterial) INT PhysMaterialMaskUVChannel;
/** The physical material to use when a black pixel in the PhysMaterialMask texture is hit. */
var(PhysicalMaterial) PhysicalMaterial BlackPhysicalMaterial;
/** The physical material to use when a white pixel in the PhysMaterialMask texture is hit. */
var(PhysicalMaterial) PhysicalMaterial WhitePhysicalMaterial;
// Reflection.
//NOTE: If any additional inputs are added/removed WxMaterialEditor::GetVisibleMaterialParameters() must be updated
var ColorMaterialInput DiffuseColor;
var ScalarMaterialInput DiffusePower;
var ColorMaterialInput SpecularColor;
var ScalarMaterialInput SpecularPower;
var VectorMaterialInput Normal;
// Emission.
var ColorMaterialInput EmissiveColor;
// Transmission.
var ScalarMaterialInput Opacity;
var ScalarMaterialInput OpacityMask;
/** If BlendMode is BLEND_Masked or BLEND_SoftMasked, the surface is not rendered where OpacityMask < OpacityMaskClipValue. */
var() float OpacityMaskClipValue;
/** Can be used to bias shadows away from the surface. */
var(Misc) float ShadowDepthBias;
/** Allows the material to distort background color by offsetting each background pixel by the amount of the distortion input for that pixel. */
var Vector2MaterialInput Distortion;
/** Determines how the material's color is blended with background colors. */
var() EBlendMode BlendMode;
/** Determines how inputs are combined to create the material's final color. */
var() EMaterialLightingModel LightingModel;
* Use a custom light transfer equation to be factored with light color, attenuation and shadowing.
* This is currently only used for Movable, Toggleable and Dominant light contribution.
* LightVector can be used in this material input and will be set to the tangent space light direction of the current light being rendered.
var ColorMaterialInput CustomLighting;
* Use a custom diffuse factor for attenuation with lights that only support a diffuse term.
* This should only be the diffuse color coefficient, and must not depend on LightVector.
* This is currently used with skylights, SH lights, materials exported to lightmass and directional lightmap contribution.
var ColorMaterialInput CustomSkylightDiffuse;
/** Specify a vector to use as anisotropic direction */
var VectorMaterialInput AnisotropicDirection;
/** Lerps between lighting color (diffuse * attenuation * Lambertian) and lighting without the Lambertian term color (diffuse * attenuation * TwoSidedLightingColor). */
var ScalarMaterialInput TwoSidedLightingMask;
/** Modulates the lighting without the Lambertian term in two sided lighting. */
var ColorMaterialInput TwoSidedLightingColor;
/** Adds to world position in the vertex shader. */
var VectorMaterialInput WorldPositionOffset;
/** Offset in tangent space applied to tessellated vertices. A scalar connected to this input will be treated as the z component (float3(0,0,x)). */
var VectorMaterialInput WorldDisplacement;
/** Multiplies the tessellation factors applied when a tessellation mode is set. */
var ScalarMaterialInput TessellationMultiplier;
/** Modulates the local contribution to the subsurface scattered lighting of the material. */
var ColorMaterialInput SubsurfaceInscatteringColor;
/** Light from subsurface scattering is attenuated by SubsurfaceAbsorptionColor^Distance. */
var ColorMaterialInput SubsurfaceAbsorptionColor;
/** The maximum distance light from subsurface scattering will travel. */
var ScalarMaterialInput SubsurfaceScatteringRadius;
/** Mask for subsurface scattering. Non-zero means the pixel should have subsurface scattering applied. */
var ScalarMaterialInput SubsurfaceScatteringMask;
/** Indicates that the material should be rendered with subsurface scattering. */
var(D3D11) bool EnableSubsurfaceScattering <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
/** Indicates that the material should mask out AO to prevent artifacts, e.g. from high-frequency depth noise. */
var(D3D11) bool EnableAOMask <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
/** Indicates that the material should be rendered in the SeparateTranslucency Pass (does not affect bloom, not affected by DOF, requires bAllowSeparateTranslucency to be set in .ini). */
var(Misc) bool EnableSeparateTranslucency;
/** Indicates that the material should be rendered with antialiasing. Opacity is evaluated multiple times (for each MSAA sample). */
var(D3D11) bool bEnableMaskedAntialiasing <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
/** Indicates that the material should be rendered without backface culling and the normal should be flipped for backfaces. */
var() bool TwoSided;
/** Indicates that the material should be rendered in its own pass. Used for hair renderering */
var(Translucency) bool TwoSidedSeparatePass;
* Allows the material to disable depth tests, which is only meaningful with translucent blend modes.
* Disabling depth tests will make rendering significantly slower since no occluded pixels can get zculled.
var(Translucency) bool bDisableDepthTest;
* If enabled and this material reads from scene texture, this material will be rendered behind all other translucency,
* Instead of the default behavior for materials that read from scene texture, which is for them to render in front of all other translucency in the same DPG.
* This is useful for placing large spheres around a level that read from scene texture to do chromatic aberration.
var(Translucency) bool bSceneTextureRenderBehindTranslucency;
/** Whether the material should allow fog or be unaffected by fog. This only has meaning for materials with translucent blend modes. */
var(Translucency) bool bAllowFog;
* Whether the material should receive dynamic dominant light shadows from static objects when the material is being lit by a light environment.
* This is useful for character hair.
var(Translucency) bool bTranslucencyReceiveDominantShadowsFromStatic;
* Whether the material should inherit the dynamic shadows that dominant lights are casting on opaque and masked materials behind this material.
* This is useful for ground meshes using a translucent blend mode and depth biased alpha to hide seams.
var(Translucency) bool bTranslucencyInheritDominantShadowsFromOpaque;
/** Whether the material should allow Depth of Field or be unaffected by DoF. This only has meaning for materials with translucent blend modes. */
var(Translucency) bool bAllowTranslucencyDoF;
* Whether the material should use one-layer distortion, which can be cheaper than normal distortion for some primitive types (mainly fluid surfaces).
* One layer distortion won't handle overlapping one layer distortion primitives correctly.
* This causes an extra scene color resolve for the first primitive that uses one layer distortion and so should only be used in very specific circumstances.
var(Translucency) bool bUseOneLayerDistortion;
/** If this is set, a depth-only pass for will be rendered for solid (A=255) areas of dynamic lit translucency primitives. This improves hair sorting at the extra render cost. */
var(Translucency) bool bUseLitTranslucencyDepthPass;
/** If this is set, a depth-only pass for will be rendered for any visible (A>0) areas of dynamic lit translucency primitives. This is necessary for correct fog and DoF of hair */
var(Translucency) bool bUseLitTranslucencyPostRenderDepthPass;
/** Whether to treat the material's opacity channel as a mask rather than fractional translucency in dynamic shadows. */
var(Translucency) bool bCastLitTranslucencyShadowAsMasked;
var(MutuallyExclusiveUsage) const bool bUsedAsLightFunction;
/** Indicates that the material is used on fog volumes. This usage flag is mutually exclusive with all other mesh type usage flags! */
var(MutuallyExclusiveUsage) const bool bUsedWithFogVolumes;
* This is a special usage flag that allows a material to be assignable to any primitive type.
* This is useful for materials used by code to implement certain viewmodes, for example the default material or lighting only material.
* The cost is that nearly 20x more shaders will be compiled for the material than the average material, which will greatly increase shader compile time and memory usage.
* This flag should only be set when absolutely necessary, and is purposefully not exposed to the UI to prevent abuse.
var duplicatetransient const bool bUsedAsSpecialEngineMaterial;
* Indicates that the material and its instances can be assigned to skeletal meshes.
* This will result in the shaders required to support skeletal meshes being compiled which will increase shader compile time and memory usage.
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithSkeletalMesh;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithTerrain;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithLandscape;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithMobileLandscape;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithFracturedMeshes;
var const bool bUsedWithParticleSystem;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithParticleSprites;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithBeamTrails;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithParticleSubUV;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithSpeedTree;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithStaticLighting;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithLensFlare;
* Gamma corrects the output of the base pass using the current render target's gamma value.
* This must be set on materials used with UIScenes to get correct results.
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithGammaCorrection;
/** Enables instancing for mesh particles. Use the "Vertex Color" node when enabled, not "MeshEmit VertColor." */
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithInstancedMeshParticles;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithFluidSurfaces;
/** WARNING: bUsedWithDecals is mutually exclusive with all other mesh type usage flags! A material with bUsedWithDecals=true will not work on any other mesh type. */
var(MutuallyExclusiveUsage) const bool bUsedWithDecals;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithMaterialEffect;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithMorphTargets;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithRadialBlur;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithInstancedMeshes;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithSplineMeshes;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithAPEXMeshes;
// NVCHANGE [Begin] [02/24/2011 Lin Nan, NVIDIA, SPH fluid rendering]
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithSPHFluid;
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithSPHFluidThickness;
// NVCHANGE [End] [02/24/2011 Lin Nan, NVIDIA, SPH fluid rendering]
/** Enables support for screen door fading for primitives rendering with this material. This adds an extra texture lookup and a few extra instructions. */
var(Usage) const bool bUsedWithScreenDoorFade;
/** The type of tessellation to apply to this object. Note D3D11 required for anything except MTM_NoTessellation. */
var(D3D11) const EMaterialTessellationMode D3D11TessellationMode <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
/** Prevents cracks in the surface of the mesh when using tessellation. */
var(D3D11) const bool bEnableCrackFreeDisplacement <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
* Replaces analytical phong specular highlights on this material with an image based reflection,
* Specified by the ImageReflection actors placed in the world. Only works in D3D11.
var(D3D11) bool bUseImageBasedReflections <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
* Whether this material supports screen space reflections. Stores a mask in the G-Buffer for
* the reflection pass.
var(D3D11) bool bUseScreenSpaceReflections <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
/** Values larger than 1 dampen the normal used for image reflections, values smaller than 1 exaggerate the normal used for image reflections. */
var(D3D11) float ImageReflectionNormalDampening <bShowOnlyWhenTrue=bShowD3D11Properties>;
var(Misc) bool Wireframe;
/** When enabled, the camera vector will be computed in the pixel shader instead of the vertex shader which may improve the quality of the reflection. Enabling this setting also allows VertexColor expressions to be used alongside Transform expressions. */
var(Misc) bool bPerPixelCameraVector;
/** Controls whether lightmap specular will be rendered or not. Can be disabled to reduce instruction count. */
var(Misc) bool bAllowLightmapSpecular;
/** Indicates that the material will be used as a fallback on sm2 platforms */
var deprecated bool bIsFallbackMaterial;
// indexed by EMaterialShaderQuality
// Set of compiled materials at all of the MaterialShaderQuality levels
var const native duplicatetransient pointer MaterialResources[2]{FMaterialResource};
// second is used when selected
var const native duplicatetransient pointer DefaultMaterialInstances[3]{class FDefaultMaterialInstance};
var int EditorX,
/** Array of material expressions, excluding Comments. Used by the material editor. */
var array<MaterialExpression> Expressions;
/** Array of comments associated with this material; viewed in the material editor. */
var editoronly array<MaterialExpressionComment> EditorComments;
/** Stores information about a function that this material references, used to know when the material needs to be recompiled. */
struct native MaterialFunctionInfo
/** Id that the function had when this material was last compiled. */
var guid StateId;
/** The function which this material has a dependency on. */
var MaterialFunction Function;
/** Array of all functions this material depends on. */
var array<MaterialFunctionInfo> MaterialFunctionInfos;
var native map{FName, TArray<UMaterialExpression*>} EditorParameters;
/** TRUE if Material uses distortion */
var private bool bUsesDistortion;
/** TRUE if Material is masked and uses custom opacity */
var private bool bIsMasked;
/** TRUE if Material is the preview material used in the material editor. */
var transient duplicatetransient private bool bIsPreviewMaterial;
/** Legacy texture references, now handled by FMaterial. */
var deprecated private const array<texture> ReferencedTextures;
var private const editoronly array<guid> ReferencedTextureGuids;
// Constructor.
/** @return TRUE if the material uses distortion */
UBOOL HasDistortion() const;
/** @return TRUE if the material uses the scene color texture */
UBOOL UsesSceneColor() const;
* Allocates a material resource off the heap to be stored in MaterialResource.
virtual FMaterialResource* AllocateResource();
/** Returns the textures used to render this material for the given quality */
virtual void GetUsedTextures(TArray<UTexture*> &OutTextures, const EMaterialShaderQuality Quality=MSQ_UNSPECIFIED, const UBOOL bAllQualities=FALSE, UBOOL bAllowOverride=FALSE);
* Checks whether the specified texture is needed to render the material instance.
* @param Texture The texture to check.
* @param bAllowOverride Whether you want to be given the original textures or allow override textures instead of the originals.
* @return UBOOL - TRUE if the material uses the specified texture.
virtual UBOOL UsesTexture(const UTexture* Texture, const UBOOL bAllowOverride=TRUE);
* Overrides a specific texture (transient)
* @param InTextureToOverride The texture to override
* @param OverrideTexture The new texture to use
virtual void OverrideTexture( const UTexture* InTextureToOverride, UTexture* OverrideTexture );
/** Sets the value associated with the given usage flag. */
void SetUsageByFlag(const EMaterialUsage Usage, const UBOOL NewValue);
/** Gets the name of the given usage flag. */
FString GetUsageName(const EMaterialUsage Usage) const;
/** Gets the value associated with the given usage flag. */
UBOOL GetUsageByFlag(const EMaterialUsage Usage) const;
* Checks if the material can be used with the given usage flag.
* If the flag isn't set in the editor, it will be set and the material will be recompiled with it.
* @param Usage - The usage flag to check
* @param bSkipPrim - Bypass the primitive type checks
* @return UBOOL - TRUE if the material can be used for rendering with the given type.
virtual UBOOL CheckMaterialUsage(const EMaterialUsage Usage, const UBOOL bSkipPrim = FALSE);
* Sets the given usage flag.
* @param bNeedsRecompile - TRUE if the material was recompiled for the usage change
* @param Usage - The usage flag to set
* @param bSkipPrim - Bypass the primitive type checks
* @return UBOOL - TRUE if the material can be used for rendering with the given type.
UBOOL SetMaterialUsage(UBOOL &bNeedsRecompile, const EMaterialUsage Usage, const UBOOL bSkipPrim = FALSE);
* @param OutParameterNames Storage array for the parameter names we are returning.
* @param OutParameterIds Storage array for the parameter id's we are returning.
* @return Returns a array of parameter names used in this material for the specified expression type.
template<typename ExpressionType>
void GetAllParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllVectorParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllScalarParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllTextureParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllFontParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllStaticSwitchParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllStaticComponentMaskParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllNormalParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
void GetAllTerrainLayerWeightParameterNames(TArray<FName> &OutParameterNames, TArray<FGuid> &OutParameterIds);
* Attempts to find a expression by its GUID.
* @param InGUID GUID to search for.
* @return Returns a expression object pointer if one is found, otherwise NULL if nothing is found.
template<typename ExpressionType>
ExpressionType* FindExpressionByGUID(const FGuid &InGUID)
ExpressionType* Result = NULL;
for(INT ExpressionIndex = 0;ExpressionIndex < Expressions.Num();ExpressionIndex++)
ExpressionType* ExpressionPtr =
if(ExpressionPtr && ExpressionPtr->ExpressionGUID.IsValid() && ExpressionPtr->ExpressionGUID==InGUID)
Result = ExpressionPtr;
return Result;
// UMaterialInterface interface.
* NOTE: This is carefully written to work on the rendering thread
* @return the quality level this material should render with
virtual EMaterialShaderQuality GetQualityLevel() const;
* Get the material which this is an instance of.
virtual UMaterial* GetMaterial();
virtual UBOOL GetParameterDesc(FName ParameterName, FString& OutDesc);
virtual UBOOL GetVectorParameterValue(FName ParameterName,FLinearColor& OutValue);
virtual UBOOL GetScalarParameterValue(FName ParameterName,FLOAT& OutValue);
virtual UBOOL GetTextureParameterValue(FName ParameterName,class UTexture*& OutValue);
virtual UBOOL GetFontParameterValue(FName ParameterName,class UFont*& OutFontValue,INT& OutFontPage);
* Retrieves name of group from Material Expression to be used for grouping in Material Instance Editor
* @param ParameterName Name of parameter to retrieve
* @param OutDesc Group name to be filled
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetGroupName(FName ParameterName, FName& OutDesc);
* Gets the value of the given static switch parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the static switch parameter
* @param OutValue Will contain the value of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetStaticSwitchParameterValue(FName ParameterName,UBOOL &OutValue,FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
* Gets the value of the given static component mask parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param R, G, B, A Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetStaticComponentMaskParameterValue(FName ParameterName, UBOOL &R, UBOOL &G, UBOOL &B, UBOOL &A, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
* Gets the compression format of the given normal parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param CompressionSettings Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetNormalParameterValue(FName ParameterName, BYTE& OutCompressionSettings, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
* Gets the weightmap index of the given terrain layer weight parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param OutWeightmapIndex Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetTerrainLayerWeightParameterValue(FName ParameterName, INT& OutWeightmapIndex, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
virtual FMaterialRenderProxy* GetRenderProxy(UBOOL Selected, UBOOL bHovered=FALSE) const;
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetPhysicalMaterial() const;
* Compiles a FMaterialResource on the given platform with the given static parameters
* @param StaticParameters - The set of static parameters to compile for
* @param StaticPermutation - The resource to compile
* @param Platform - The platform to compile for
* @param Quality - The material quality to compile for
* @param bFlushExistingShaderMaps - Indicates that existing shader maps should be discarded
* @return TRUE if compilation was successful or not necessary
UBOOL CompileStaticPermutation(
FStaticParameterSet* StaticParameters,
FMaterialResource* StaticPermutation,
EShaderPlatform Platform,
EMaterialShaderQuality Quality,
UBOOL bFlushExistingShaderMaps,
UBOOL bDebugDump);
* Compiles material resources for the current platform if the shader map for that resource didn't already exist.
* @param ShaderPlatform - platform to compile for
* @param bFlushExistingShaderMaps - forces a compile, removes existing shader maps from shader cache.
void CacheResourceShaders(EShaderPlatform Platform, UBOOL bFlushExistingShaderMaps=FALSE);
* Flushes existing resource shader maps and resets the material resource's Ids.
virtual void FlushResourceShaderMaps();
* Rebuilds the MaterialFunctionInfos array with the current state of the material's function dependencies,
* And updates any function call nodes in this material so their inputs and outputs stay valid.
void RebuildMaterialFunctionInfo();
* Gets the material resource based on current quality level
* @return - the appropriate FMaterialResource if one exists, otherwise NULL
virtual FMaterialResource* GetMaterialResource(EMaterialShaderQuality OverrideQuality=MSQ_UNSPECIFIED);
/** === USurface interface === */
* Method for retrieving the width of this surface.
* This implementation returns the maximum width of all textures applied to this material - not exactly accurate, but best approximation.
* @return the width of this surface, in pixels.
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceWidth() const;
* Method for retrieving the height of this surface.
* This implementation returns the maximum height of all textures applied to this material - not exactly accurate, but best approximation.
* @return the height of this surface, in pixels.
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceHeight() const;
// UObject interface.
* Called before serialization on save to propagate referenced textures. This is not done
* during content cooking as the material expressions used to retrieve this information will
* already have been dissociated via RemoveExpressions
void PreSave();
virtual void AddReferencedObjects(TArray<UObject*>& ObjectArray);
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void PostDuplicate();
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PreEditChange(UProperty* PropertyAboutToChange);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual UBOOL IsReadyForFinishDestroy();
virtual void FinishDestroy();
* @return Sum of the size of textures referenced by this material.
virtual INT GetResourceSize();
* Null any material expression references for this material
* @param bRemoveAllExpressions If TRUE, the function will remove every expression and uniform expression from the material and its material resources
void RemoveExpressions(UBOOL bRemoveAllExpressions=FALSE);
UBOOL IsFallbackMaterial()
return bIsFallbackMaterial_DEPRECATED;
* Goes through every material, flushes the specified types and re-initializes the material's shader maps.
static void UpdateMaterialShaders(TArray<FShaderType*>& ShaderTypesToFlush, TArray<const FVertexFactoryType*>& VFTypesToFlush);
* Adds an expression node that represents a parameter to the list of material parameters.
* @param Expression Pointer to the node that is going to be inserted if it's a parameter type.
virtual UBOOL AddExpressionParameter(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* Removes an expression node that represents a parameter from the list of material parameters.
* @param Expression Pointer to the node that is going to be removed if it's a parameter type.
virtual UBOOL RemoveExpressionParameter(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* A parameter with duplicates has to update its peers so that they all have the same value. If this step isn't performed then
* the expression nodes will not accurately display the final compiled material.
* @param Parameter Pointer to the expression node whose state needs to be propagated.
virtual void PropagateExpressionParameterChanges(UMaterialExpression* Parameter);
* This function removes the expression from the editor parameters list (if it exists) and then re-adds it.
* @param Expression The expression node that represents a parameter that needs updating.
virtual void UpdateExpressionParameterName(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* Iterates through all of the expression nodes in the material and finds any parameters to put in EditorParameters.
virtual void BuildEditorParameterList();
* Returns TRUE if the provided expression parameter has duplicates.
* @param Expression The expression parameter to check for duplicates.
virtual UBOOL HasDuplicateParameters(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* Returns TRUE if the provided expression dynamic parameter has duplicates.
* @param Expression The expression dynamic parameter to check for duplicates.
virtual UBOOL HasDuplicateDynamicParameters(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* Iterates through all of the expression nodes and fixes up changed names on
* matching dynamic parameters when a name change occurs.
* @param Expression The expression dynamic parameter.
virtual void UpdateExpressionDynamicParameterNames(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* Gets the name of a parameter.
* @param Expression The expression to retrieve the name from.
* @param OutName The variable that will hold the parameter name.
* @return TRUE if the expression is a parameter with a name.
static UBOOL GetExpressionParameterName(UMaterialExpression* Expression, FName& OutName);
* Copies the values of an expression parameter to another expression parameter of the same class.
* @param Source The source parameter.
* @param Destination The destination parameter that will receive Source's values.
static UBOOL CopyExpressionParameters(UMaterialExpression* Source, UMaterialExpression* Destination);
* Returns TRUE if the provided expression node is a parameter.
* @param Expression The expression node to inspect.
static UBOOL IsParameter(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* Returns TRUE if the provided expression node is a dynamic parameter.
* @param Expression The expression node to inspect.
static UBOOL IsDynamicParameter(UMaterialExpression* Expression);
* Returns the number of parameter groups. NOTE: The number returned can be innaccurate if you have parameters of different types with the same name.
inline INT GetNumEditorParameters() const
return EditorParameters.Num();
* Empties the editor parameters for the material.
inline void EmptyEditorParameters()
* Returns the lookup texture to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents lookup texture if not overridden here.
virtual UTexture2D* GetPhysicalMaterialMaskTexture() const { return PhysMaterialMask; }
* Returns the black physical material to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents black phys mat if not overridden here
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetBlackPhysicalMaterial() const { return BlackPhysicalMaterial; }
* Returns the white physical material to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents white phys mat if not overridden here.
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetWhitePhysicalMaterial() const { return WhitePhysicalMaterial; }
* Returns the UV channel that should be used to look up physical material mask information
virtual INT GetPhysMaterialMaskUVChannel() const { return PhysMaterialMaskUVChannel; }
* See if the given mobile group is enabled for this material chain
* @param InGroupName Name of the group
* @return UBOOL TRUE if it is enabled, FALSE if not
virtual UBOOL IsMobileGroupEnabled(FName& InGroupName);
* Sets overrides in the material's static parameters
* @param Permutation The set of static parameters to override and their values
void SetStaticParameterOverrides(const FStaticParameterSet* Permutation);
* Clears static parameter overrides so that static parameter expression defaults will be used
* for subsequent compiles.
void ClearStaticParameterOverrides();
/** Helper functions for text output of properties... */
static const TCHAR* GetMaterialLightingModelString(EMaterialLightingModel InMaterialLightingModel);
static EMaterialLightingModel GetMaterialLightingModelFromString(const TCHAR* InMaterialLightingModelStr);
static const TCHAR* GetBlendModeString(EBlendMode InBlendMode);
static EBlendMode GetBlendModeFromString(const TCHAR* InBlendModeStr);
* Check if the textures have changed since the last time the material was
* serialized for Lightmass... Update the lists while in here.
* NOTE: This will mark the package dirty if they have changed.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the textures have changed.
* FALSE if they have not.
virtual UBOOL UpdateLightmassTextureTracking();
* Get the expression input for the given property
* @param InProperty The material property chain to inspect, such as MP_DiffuseColor.
* @return FExpressionInput* A pointer to the expression input of the property specified,
* or NULL if an invalid property was requested.
FExpressionInput* GetExpressionInputForProperty(EMaterialProperty InProperty);
* Get all referenced expressions (returns the chains for all properties).
* @param OutExpressions The array to fill in all of the expressions.
* @param InStaticParameterSet Optional static parameter set - if supplied only walk the StaticSwitch branches according to it.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL GetAllReferencedExpressions(TArray<UMaterialExpression*>& OutExpressions, class FStaticParameterSet* InStaticParameterSet);
* Get the expression chain for the given property (ie fill in the given array with all expressions in the chain).
* @param InProperty The material property chain to inspect, such as MP_DiffuseColor.
* @param OutExpressions The array to fill in all of the expressions.
* @param InStaticParameterSet Optional static parameter set - if supplied only walk the StaticSwitch branches according to it.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL GetExpressionsInPropertyChain(EMaterialProperty InProperty,
TArray<UMaterialExpression*>& OutExpressions, class FStaticParameterSet* InStaticParameterSet);
* Get all of the textures in the expression chain for the given property (ie fill in the given array with all textures in the chain).
* @param InProperty The material property chain to inspect, such as MP_DiffuseColor.
* @param OutTextures The array to fill in all of the textures.
* @param InStaticParameterSet Optional static parameter set - if supplied only walk the StaticSwitch branches according to it.
* @param OutTextureParamNames Optional array to fill in with texture parameter names.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL GetTexturesInPropertyChain(EMaterialProperty InProperty, TArray<UTexture*>& OutTextures,
TArray<FName>* OutTextureParamNames, class FStaticParameterSet* InStaticParameterSet);
* Recursively retrieve the expressions contained in the chain of the given expression.
* @param InExpression The expression to start at.
* @param InOutProcessedInputs An array of processed expression inputs. (To avoid circular loops causing infinite recursion)
* @param OutExpressions The array to fill in all of the expressions.
* @param InStaticParameterSet Optional static parameter set - if supplied only walk the StaticSwitch branches according to it.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL RecursiveGetExpressionChain(UMaterialExpression* InExpression, TArray<FExpressionInput*>& InOutProcessedInputs,
TArray<UMaterialExpression*>& OutExpressions, class FStaticParameterSet* InStaticParameterSet);
* Recursively update the bRealtimePreview for each expression based on whether it is connected to something that is time-varying.
* This is determined based on the result of UMaterialExpression::NeedsRealtimePreview();
* @param InExpression The expression to start at.
* @param InOutExpressionsToProcess Array of expressions we still need to process.
void RecursiveUpdateRealtimePreview(UMaterialExpression* InExpression, TArray<UMaterialExpression*>& InOutExpressionsToProcess);
friend class FLightmassMaterialProxy;