2021-11-16 20:03:42 +03:00

140 lines
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// KFSeasonalEventStats_Xmas2021
// Tracks event-specific challenges/accomplishments for Xmas 2020
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2021 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFSeasonalEventStats_Xmas2021 extends KFSeasonalEventStats;
var private int WeaponRequiredPrice;
var transient private const int DecapitationsRequired, DoshRequired, WeaponsRequired, EndlessWaveRequired;
private event Initialize(string MapName)
local string CapsMapName;
CapsMapName = Caps(MapName);
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[0] = 1; // Decapitate 1000 Zeds on any map or mode
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[1] = 0; // Complete the Weekly on Carillon Hamlet
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[2] = 0; // Earn 75,000 Dosh through kills, rewards and healing on Carillon Hamlet
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[3] = 0; // Use the trader to purchase a total of 20 weapons that cost 1500 Dosh or more on Carrion Hamlet.
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[4] = 0; // Complete wave 15 on Endless Hard or higher difficulty on Carillon Hamlet
if (CapsMapName == "KF-CARILLONHAMLET")
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[1] = 1;
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[2] = 1;
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[3] = 1;
bObjectiveIsValidForMap[4] = 1;
SetSeasonalEventStatsMax(DecapitationsRequired, 0, DoshRequired, WeaponsRequired, 0);
private event GrantEventItems()
if (Outer.IsEventObjectiveComplete(0) &&
Outer.IsEventObjectiveComplete(1) &&
Outer.IsEventObjectiveComplete(2) &&
Outer.IsEventObjectiveComplete(3) &&
//@TODO: Update me
simulated function OnZedKilledByHeadshot(class<KFPawn_Monster> MonsterClass, int Difficulty, class<DamageType> DT)
local int ObjIdx;
// Hellmark Station decapitate 600 zeds
ObjIdx = 0;
if (bObjectiveIsValidForMap[ObjIdx] != 0)
IncrementSeasonalEventStat(ObjIdx, 1);
if (Outer.GetSeasonalEventStatValue(ObjIdx) >= DecapitationsRequired)
FinishedObjective(SEI_Winter, ObjIdx);
simulated event OnGameWon(class<GameInfo> GameClass, int Difficulty, int GameLength, bool bCoOp)
local int ObjIdx;
ObjIdx = 1;
// Carillon weekly
if (bObjectiveIsValidForMap[ObjIdx] != 0)
if (GameClass == class'KFGameInfo_WeeklySurvival')
FinishedObjective(SEI_Winter, ObjIdx);
simulated event OnGameEnd(class<GameInfo> GameClass)
local int ObjIdx;
local int TotalDoshEarned;
// Earn 75,000 Dosh through kills, rewards and healing on Carillon Hamlet
ObjIdx = 2;
if (bObjectiveIsValidForMap[ObjIdx] != 0)
TotalDoshEarned = Outer.MyKFPC.MatchStats.TotalDoshEarned + Outer.MyKFPC.MatchStats.GetDoshEarnedInWave();
if(TotalDoshEarned > 0)
IncrementSeasonalEventStat(ObjIdx, TotalDoshEarned);
if (Outer.GetSeasonalEventStatValue(ObjIdx) >= DoshRequired)
FinishedObjective(SEI_Winter, ObjIdx);
simulated event OnWeaponPurchased(class<KFWeaponDefinition> WeaponDef, int Price)
local int ObjIdx;
// Purchase weapons with a price >= 1500
ObjIdx = 3;
if (bObjectiveIsValidForMap[ObjIdx] != 0 && Price >= WeaponRequiredPrice)
IncrementSeasonalEventStat(ObjIdx, 1);
if (Outer.GetSeasonalEventStatValue(ObjIdx) >= WeaponsRequired)
FinishedObjective(SEI_Winter, ObjIdx);
simulated event OnWaveCompleted(class<GameInfo> GameClass, int Difficulty, int WaveNum)
local int ObjIdx;
// Complete wave 15 on Endless Hard or higher difficulty on Carillon
ObjIdx = 4;
if (bObjectiveIsValidForMap[ObjIdx] != 0)
if (WaveNum >= EndlessWaveRequired && GameClass == class'KFGameInfo_Endless' && Difficulty >= `DIFFICULTY_HARD)
FinishedObjective(SEI_Winter, ObjIdx);