2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This is a content only archetype object to allow artists to update explosion
* content without programmer intervention
class GameExplosionContent extends Object
/** TRUE to attempt to automatically do force feedback to match the camera shake */
var() const bool bAutoControllerVibration;
// Audio parameters
/** Audio to play at explosion time. */
var(Audio) const AkBaseSoundObject ExplosionSound;
/** Audio to play at explosion time. */
var(Audio) const SoundCue ExplosionSound;
// Camera parameters
/** TRUE to rotate CamShake to play radially relative to the explosion. Left/Right/Rear will be ignored. */
var(Camera) const bool bOrientCameraShakeTowardsEpicenter;
/** Shake to play when source is in front of the camera, or when directional variants are unspecified. */
var(Camera) const CameraShake CamShake;
/** Anim to play when the source event is to the left of the camera. If None, CamShake will be used instead. */
var(Camera) const CameraShake CamShake_Left;
/** Anim to play when the source event is to the right of the camera. If None, CamShake will be used instead. */
var(Camera) const CameraShake CamShake_Right;
/** Anim to play when the source event is behind of the camera. If None, CamShake will be used instead. */
var(Camera) const CameraShake CamShake_Rear;
/** Radius within which to play full-powered camera shake (will be scaled within radius) const */
var(Camera) const float CamShakeInnerRadius;
/** Between inner and outer radii, scale shake from full to zero */
var(Camera) const float CamShakeOuterRadius;
/** Exponent for intensity falloff between inner and outer radii. */
var(Camera) const float CamShakeFalloff;
/** Play this CameraLensEffect when ever damage of this type is given. This will primarily be used by explosions. But could be used for other impacts too! **/
var(Camera) const class<EmitterCameraLensEffectBase> CameraLensEffect;
/** This is the radius to play the camera effect on **/
var(Camera) const float CameraLensEffectRadius;
// Dynamic light parameters
/** Defines the dynamic light cast by the explosion */
var(Light) const editinline PointLightComponent ExploLight;
/** Dynamic Light fade out time, in seconds */
var(Light) const float ExploLightFadeOutTime;
/** Defines the blurred region for the explosion */
var(Blur) const editinline RadialBlurComponent ExploRadialBlur;
/** Radial blur fade out time, in seconds */
var(Blur) const float ExploRadialBlurFadeOutTime;
/** Radial blur max blur amount */
var(Blur) const float ExploRadialBlurMaxBlur;
// Particle effect parameters
/** Which particle effect to play. */
var(Particle) const ParticleSystem ParticleEmitterTemplate;
// Fog volume parameters
/** The archetype that the artists set up that will be spawned with this explosion **/
var(Fog) const FogVolumeSphericalDensityInfo FogVolumeArchetype;