2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* MobileMenuScene
* This is the base class for the mobile menu system
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class MobileMenuScene extends object
var (UI) string MenuName;
var (UI) instanced array<MobileMenuObject> MenuObjects;
/** Allows for a single font for all buttons in a scene */
var (UI) font SceneCaptionFont;
/** A reference to the input owner */
var (UI) MobilePlayerInput InputOwner;
var (UI) bool bSceneDoesNotRequireInput;
/** Which touchpad this menu will respond to */
var (UI) byte TouchpadIndex;
/** Positions and sizing */
var (Positions) float Left;
var (Positions) float Top;
var (Positions) float Width;
var (Positions) float Height;
/** Initial location/size, used for resizing the menu */
var float InitialLeft;
var float InitialTop;
var float InitialWidth;
var float InitialHeight;
var (Options) bool bRelativeLeft;
var (Options) bool bRelativeTop;
var (Options) bool bRelativeWidth;
var (Options) bool bRelativeHeight;
var (Options) bool bApplyGlobalScaleLeft;
var (Options) bool bApplyGlobalScaleTop;
var (Options) bool bApplyGlobalScaleWidth;
var (Options) bool bApplyGlobalScaleHeight;
/** This is the scale factor you are authoring for. 2.0 is useful for Retina display resolution (960x640), 1.0 for iPads and older iPhones */
var (Options) float AuthoredGlobalScale;
/** The general opacity of the scene */
var (Options) float Opacity;
/** Holds a reference to the sound to play when a touch occurs in the mobile menu system */
var (Sounds) SoundCue UITouchSound;
/** Holds a reference to the sound to play when a touch occurs in the mobile menu system */
var (Sounds) SoundCue UIUnTouchSound;
* Performs a hit test against all of the objects in the object stack.
* @param TouchX - The X location of the touch event
* @param TouchY - The Y location of the touch event
* @param Returns the object that hits.
virtual UMobileMenuObject* HitTest(FLOAT TouchX, FLOAT TouchY);
/** Native functions to get the global scale to apply to UI elements that desire such */
native static final function float GetGlobalScaleX();
native static final function float GetGlobalScaleY();
* Script events that allows for menu setup. It's called at the beginning of the native InitMenuScene. Nothing is set at this point and
* allows the scene to override default settings
* @param PlayerInput - A pointer to the MobilePlayerInput object that owns the UI scene
* @param ScreenWidth - The Width of the Screen
* @param ScreenHeight - The Height of the Screen
* @param bIsFirstInitialization - If True, this is the first time the menu is being initialized. If False, it's a result of the screen being resized
event InitMenuScene(MobilePlayerInput PlayerInput, int ScreenWidth, int ScreenHeight, bool bIsFirstInitialization)
local int i,X,Y,W,H;
//`log("### InitMenuScene"@ MenuName @ PlayerInput @ ScreenWidth @ ScreenHeight @ MenuObjects.Length);
SceneCaptionFont = GetSceneFont();
InputOwner = PlayerInput;
if (bIsFirstInitialization)
InitialTop = Top;
InitialLeft = Left;
InitialWidth = Width;
InitialHeight = Height;
Top = InitialTop;
Left = InitialLeft;
Width = InitialWidth;
Height = InitialHeight;
X = (bRelativeLeft) ? ScreenWidth * Left : Left;
Y = (bRelativeTop) ? ScreenHeight * Top : Top;
W = (bRelativeWidth) ? ScreenWidth * Width : Width;
H = (bRelativeHeight) ? ScreenHeight * Height : Height;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleLeft)
X *= static.GetGlobalScaleX() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleTop)
Y *= static.GetGlobalScaleY() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleWidth)
W *= static.GetGlobalScaleX() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
if (bApplyGlobalScaleHeight)
H *= static.GetGlobalScaleY() / AuthoredGlobalScale;
// We now have the zone positions converted in to actual screen positions.
// If the zone position is negative, it's right/bottom justified so handle it and store the final values back
Left = X >= 0 ? X : X + ScreenWidth;
Top = Y >= 0 ? Y : Y + ScreenHeight;
Width = W >= 0 ? W : W + ScreenWidth;
Height = H >= 0 ? H : H + ScreenHeight;
for (i=0;i<MenuObjects.Length;i++)
* Override this function to change the font used by this Scene
* @return the Font to use for this scene
function Font GetSceneFont()
return class'Engine'.Static.GetSmallFont();
* Render the scene
* @param Canvas - the canvas object for drawing
function RenderScene(Canvas Canvas,float RenderDelta)
local MobileMenuObject MenuObject;
foreach MenuObjects(MenuObject)
if (MenuObject.bTellSceneBeforeRendering)
PreRenderMenuObject(MenuObject, Canvas, RenderDelta);
if (!MenuObject.bIsHidden)
MenuObject.RenderObject(Canvas, RenderDelta);
/** Allow user to render between layers. */
function PreRenderMenuObject(MobileMenuObject MenuObject, Canvas Canvas,float RenderDelta)
* This event is called when a touch event is detected on an object if control did not handle it.
* @param Sender - The Object that swallowed the touch
* @param EventType - type of event
* @param TouchX - The X location of the touch event
* @param TouchY - The Y location of the touch event
* @param Sender.bIsTouched - Is touch currently over the object
event OnTouch(MobileMenuObject Sender, ETouchType EventType, float TouchX, float TouchY)
* Allows the scene to manage touches that aren't sent to any given control.
* This will pass indicate if the touch was inside its bounds or not.
event bool OnSceneTouch(ETouchType EventType, float TouchX, float TouchY, bool bInside)
// If inside, return true to swallow input.
return false;
* Opened will be called after the scene is opened and initialized.
* @param Mode Optional string to pass to the scene for however it wants to use it
function Opened(string Mode) {}
* Called when this menu is the topmost menu (ie, when opened or when one of top was closed)
function MadeTopMenu() {}
* Closing will be called before the closing process really begins. Return false if
* you wish to override the closing process.
* @returns true if we can close
function bool Closing()
return true;
* Closed will be called when the closing process is done and the scene has been removed from the stack
function Closed()
native function CleanUpScene();
* Search the menu stack for a object
* @param Tag - The name of the object to find.
* @returns the object
function MobileMenuObject FindMenuObject(string Tag)
local int idx;
for (idx=0;idx<MenuObjects.Length;idx++)
if (Caps(MenuObjects[idx].Tag) == Caps(Tag))
return MenuObjects[idx];
return none;
* Allows menus to handle exec commands
* @Param Command - The command to handle
* @returns true if handled
function bool MobileMenuCommand(string Command)
return false;