2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Basic stat visualizer for game statistics
class BasicStatsVisualizer extends GameStatsVisualizer
/** Array of drawing properties per stat type setup in .ini */
struct native StatDrawingProperties
var int EventID; //EventID associated with these properties
var color StatColor; //Color to draw the sprite
var float Size; //Size of the sprite
var string SpriteName; //Name of the sprite resource
var Texture2D StatSprite; //Actual sprite texture
/** Generic stat container */
struct native BasicStatEntry
var int EventID;
var string EventName;
var float EventTime;
var vector Location;
var rotator Rotation;
/** Stat container with enough data to draw player information */
struct native PlayerEntry extends BasicStatEntry
var int PlayerIndex;
var string PlayerName;
var string WeaponName;
/** Stat container for a player player interaction */
struct native PlayerPlayerEntry extends BasicStatEntry
var int Player1Index;
var string Player1Name;
var int Player2Index;
var string Player2Name;
var vector Player2Location;
var rotator Rotation2;
/** Stat container for a player targeting action (kill/melee/death/etc) */
struct native PlayerTargetEntry extends BasicStatEntry
var string KillType;
var string DamageType;
var int PlayerIndex;
var string PlayerName;
var int TargetIndex;
var string TargetName;
var vector TargetLocation;
var rotator TargetRotation;
/** Given a chance to initialize */
virtual void Init();
/** Reset the visualizer to initial state */
virtual void Reset();
* Visualizes all stats in a very basic way (sprite at a location with an orientation arrow typically)
* @param View - the view being drawn in
* @param PDI - draw interface for primitives
* @param ViewportType - type of viewport being draw (perspective, ortho)
virtual void Visualize(const FSceneView* View, class FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, ELevelViewportType ViewportType);
* Draw your stuff as a canvas overlay
* @param ViewportClient - viewport client currently drawing
* @param View - the view being drawn in
* @param Canvas - overlay canvas
* @param ViewportType - type of viewport being draw (perspective, ortho)
virtual void VisualizeCanvas(FEditorLevelViewportClient* ViewportClient, const FSceneView* View, FCanvas* Canvas, ELevelViewportType ViewportType);
* Return the drawing properties defined for the given EventID
* @param EventID - EventID to get the drawing property for
const FStatDrawingProperties& GetDrawingProperties(int EventID);
/** Called before any database entries are given to the visualizer */
virtual void BeginVisiting();
/** Called at the end of database entry traversal, returns success or failure */
virtual UBOOL EndVisiting();
/** Returns the number of data points the visualizer is actively working with */
virtual INT GetVisualizationSetCount() const;
* Retrieve some metadata about an event
* @param EventIndex - some visualizer relative index about the data to get metadata about
* @param MetadataString - return string containing information about the event requested
virtual void GetMetadata(INT EventIndex, FString& MetadataString);
/** Called when a hitproxy belonging to this visualizer is triggered */
virtual void HandleHitProxy(struct HGameStatsHitProxy* HitProxy);
* Basic idea here is to just transfer/copy the stat information out of the database
* and into a form capable of displaying a sprite/arrow/color at a given position
virtual void Visit(class GameStringEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class GameIntEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class GamePositionEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class TeamIntEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class PlayerStringEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class PlayerIntEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class PlayerFloatEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class PlayerLoginEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class PlayerSpawnEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class PlayerKillDeathEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class PlayerPlayerEntry * Entry);
virtual void Visit(class WeaponEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class DamageEntry* Entry);
virtual void Visit(class ProjectileIntEntry* Entry);
/** Metadata to help draw the statistics */
var const config array<StatDrawingProperties> DrawingProperties;
/** All data to be drawn by this visualizer */
var array<BasicStatEntry> BasicEntries;
var array<PlayerEntry> PlayerEntries;
var array<PlayerPlayerEntry> PlayerPlayerEntries;
var array<PlayerTargetEntry> PlayerTargetEntries;
FriendlyName="Basic Stats Visualizer"