2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

787 lines
27 KiB

* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class GameExplosionActor extends Actor
/** True if explosion has occurred. */
var protected transient bool bHasExploded;
/** True if this actor can explode more than once and doesn't die after an explosion.
* Used by placeable actors whose explosions are triggered via matinee
var() protected bool bExplodeMoreThanOnce;
/** The actual light used for the explosion. */
var protected transient PointLightComponent ExplosionLight;
/** Temp data for light flickering. */
var protected transient float LastLightBrightness;
var protected transient float LightFlickerIntensity;
var protected transient float LightFlickerInterpSpeed;
/** Temp data for light fading. */
var protected transient float LightFadeStartTime;
`endif // __TW_
/** Radial blur for explosion */
var protected transient RadialBlurComponent ExplosionRadialBlur;
/** Temp data for light fading. */
var protected transient float LightFadeTime;
var protected transient float LightFadeTimeRemaining;
var protected transient float LightInitialBrightness;
/** Temp data for radial blur fading. */
var protected transient float RadialBlurFadeTime;
var protected transient float RadialBlurFadeTimeRemaining;
var protected transient float RadialBlurMaxBlurAmount;
/** Temp reference to the explosion template, used for delayed damage */
var GameExplosion ExplosionTemplate;
* If TRUE, take the Explosion ParticleSystem lifespan into account when determining
* the lifespan of the GameExplosionActor. This is useful in cases where the GEA
* needs to do further processing while the particle system is active.
* For example, in the case of a smoke grenade, you would want to ensure that the
* explosion actor stayed around long enough to properly trigger coughing, etc. when
* a pawn enters/exits the smoke area.
var bool bTrackExplosionParticleSystemLifespan;
/** Used to push physics when explosion goes off. */
var protected RB_RadialImpulseComponent RadialImpulseComponent;
/** player responsible for damage */
var Controller InstigatorController;
/** This the saved off hit actor and location from the GetPhysicalMaterial trace so we can see if it is a FluidSurfaceActor and then apply some forces to it **/
var Actor HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace;
var vector HitLocationFromPhysMaterialTrace;
/** Are we attached to something? Used to attach FX for stuff like the smoke grenade. */
var Actor Attachee;
var Controller AttacheeController;
/** Minimum dot product for explosion to be able to affect a point. Used as an optimization for directional explosions. */
var transient float DirectionalExplosionMinDot;
/** Forward dir for directional explosions. */
var transient vector ExplosionDirection;
/** Toggles debug explosion rendering. */
var config bool bDrawDebug;
var bool bDrawDebug;
`endif // __TW_
if (bNetInitial)
virtual void TickSpecial(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
// Custom line trace for more specific TraceFlags control
function Actor TraceExplosive( vector TraceEnd, vector TraceStart )
return StaticTraceExplosive( TraceEnd, TraceStart, self );
native static function Actor StaticTraceExplosive(vector TraceEnd, vector TraceStart, Actor SourceActor);
event PreBeginPlay()
if (Instigator != None && InstigatorController == None)
InstigatorController = Instigator.Controller;
* Internal. Tries to find a physical material for the surface the explosion occurred upon.
* @note: It sucks doing an extra trace here. We could conceivably pass the physical material info around
* by changing the lower level physics code (e.g. processHitWall), but that's a big engine-level change.
simulated protected function PhysicalMaterial GetPhysicalMaterial()
local PhysicalMaterial Retval;
local vector TraceStart, TraceDest, OutHitNorm, ExploNormal;
local TraceHitInfo OutHitInfo;
// here we have to do an additional trace shooting straight down to see if we are under water.
TraceStart = Location + (vect(0,0,1) * 256.f);
TraceDest = Location - (vect(0,0,1) * 16.f);
HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace = Trace(HitLocationFromPhysMaterialTrace, OutHitNorm, TraceDest, TraceStart, TRUE, vect(0,0,0), OutHitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet|TRACEFLAG_PhysicsVolumes);
//DrawDebugLine( TraceStart, TraceDest, 0, 255, 0, TRUE);
//`log("EXPLOSION SURFACE:"@HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace);
//DrawDebugCoordinateSystem( TraceStart, Rotation, 10.0f, TRUE );
if( FluidSurfaceActor(HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace) != None )
Retval = OutHitInfo.PhysMaterial;
return Retval;
ExploNormal = vector(Rotation);
TraceStart = Location + (ExploNormal * 8.f);
TraceDest = TraceStart - (ExploNormal * 64.f);
HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace = Trace(HitLocationFromPhysMaterialTrace, OutHitNorm, TraceDest, TraceStart, TRUE, vect(0,0,0), OutHitInfo, TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
//DrawDebugLine( TraceStart, TraceDest, 0, 255, 0, TRUE);
//DrawDebugCoordinateSystem( TraceStart, Rotation, 10.0f, TRUE );
if( HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace != None )
Retval = OutHitInfo.PhysMaterial;
return Retval;
simulated function bool DoFullDamageToActor(Actor Victim)
return (Victim.bStatic || Victim.IsA('KActor') || Victim.IsA('InterpActor') || Victim.IsA('FracturedStaticMeshPart'));
simulated protected function bool IsBehindExplosion(Actor A)
if (ExplosionTemplate.bDirectionalExplosion && !IsZero(ExplosionDirection))
// @todo, for certain types of actors (e.g. large actors), we may want to test a location other than the
// actor's location. Like a cone/bbox check or something.
// @todo, maybe use Actor's bbox center, like damage does below?
return (ExplosionDirection dot Normal(A.Location - Location)) < DirectionalExplosionMinDot;
return FALSE;
* Returns distance from bounding box to point
final static native function float BoxDistanceToPoint(vector Start, Box BBox);
* Does damage modeling and application for explosions
* @PARAM bCauseDamage if true cause damage to actors within damage radius
* @PARAM bCauseEffects if true apply other affects to actors within appropriate radii
* @RETURN TRUE if at least one Pawn victim got hurt. (This is only valid if bCauseDamage == TRUE)
protected simulated function bool DoExplosionDamage(bool bCauseDamage, bool bCauseEffects)
local Actor Victim, HitActor;
local vector BBoxCenter;
local Actor Victim, HitActor;
local vector HitL, HitN, Dir, BBoxCenter;//, BBoxExtent;
local bool bDamageBlocked, bDoFullDamage, bCauseFractureEffects, bCausePawnEffects, bCauseDamageEffects, bHurtSomeone;
local float ColRadius, ColHeight, CheckRadius, VictimDist;
local array<Actor> VictimsList;
local Box BBox;
local Controller ModInstigator;
local GamePawn VictimPawn;
local FracturedStaticMeshActor FracActor;
local byte WantPhysChunksAndParticles;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local KActorFromStatic NewKActor;
local StaticMeshComponent HitStaticMesh;
// can pre-calculate this condition now
bCauseFractureEffects = bCauseEffects && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && ExplosionTemplate.bCausesFracture;
bCauseEffects = bCauseEffects && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client;
bHurtSomeone = FALSE;
// determine radius to check
CheckRadius = GetEffectCheckRadius(bCauseDamage, bCauseFractureEffects, bCauseEffects);
if ( CheckRadius > 0.0 )
foreach CollidingActors(class'Actor', Victim, CheckRadius, Location, ExplosionTemplate.bUseOverlapCheck,,HitInfo )
// check for static mesh that can become dynamic
if ( Victim.bWorldGeometry )
HitStaticMesh = StaticMeshComponent(HitInfo.HitComponent);
if ( (HitStaticMesh != None) && HitStaticMesh.CanBecomeDynamic() &&
!WorldInfo.bDropDetail && WorldInfo.GetDetailMode() > DM_Low )
if ( (HitStaticMesh != None) && HitStaticMesh.CanBecomeDynamic() )
NewKActor = class'KActorFromStatic'.Static.MakeDynamic(HitStaticMesh);
if ( NewKActor != None )
Victim = NewKActor;
// Look for things that are not yourself and not world geom
if ( Victim != Self
&& (!Victim.bWorldGeometry || Victim.bCanBeDamaged)
&& (NavigationPoint(Victim) == None)
&& Victim != ExplosionTemplate.ActorToIgnoreForDamage
&& (!ExplosionTemplate.bIgnoreInstigator || Victim != Instigator)
&& !ClassIsChildOf(Victim.Class, ExplosionTemplate.ActorClassToIgnoreForDamage)
&& !IsBehindExplosion(Victim) )
// If attached to a pawn and victim is a pawn on other team
VictimPawn = GamePawn(Victim);
// check if visible, unless physics object
// note: using bbox center instead of location, because that's what visiblecollidingactors does
// adjust distance if using overlap check
if ( ExplosionTemplate.bUseOverlapCheck )
VictimDist = BoxDistanceToPoint(Location, BBox);
VictimDist = VSize(Location - Victim.Location);
// Do fracturing
if( bCauseFractureEffects && (VictimPawn == None) )
FracActor = FracturedStaticMeshActor(Victim);
if ( (FracActor != None)
&& (VictimDist < ExplosionTemplate.FractureMeshRadius)
&& (FracActor.Physics == PHYS_None)
&& FracActor.IsFracturedByDamageType(ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType)
&& FracActor.FractureEffectIsRelevant( false, Instigator, WantPhysChunksAndParticles) )
// Let kismet know that we were hit by an explosion
FracActor.NotifyHitByExplosion(InstigatorController, ExplosionTemplate.Damage, ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType);
FracActor.BreakOffPartsInRadius(Location, ExplosionTemplate.FractureMeshRadius, ExplosionTemplate.FracturePartVel, WantPhysChunksAndParticles == 1 ? true : false);
bCausePawnEffects = bCauseEffects && (VictimPawn != None) && !VictimPawn.InGodMode();
bCauseDamageEffects = bCauseDamage && (VictimDist < ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius);
// skip line check for some objects
if ( DoFullDamageToActor(Victim) )
bDamageBlocked = FALSE;
bDoFullDamage = TRUE; // force full damage for these objects
else if ( bCausePawnEffects || bCauseDamageEffects )
BBoxCenter = (BBox.Min + BBox.Max) * 0.5f;
HitActor = TraceExplosive(BBoxCenter, Location + vect(0, 0, 20));
HitActor = Trace(HitL, HitN, BBoxCenter, Location + vect(0, 0, 20), FALSE,,,TRACEFLAG_Bullet);
bDamageBlocked = (HitActor != None && HitActor != Victim);
bDoFullDamage = FALSE;
if ( !bDamageBlocked )
if ( bCauseDamageEffects )
// apply damage
ModInstigator = InstigatorController;
// Same team check always returns FALSE if PRI is None
if (AttacheeController != None && AttacheeController.PlayerReplicationInfo != None && VictimPawn != None && !WorldInfo.GRI.OnSameTeam(AttacheeController, VictimPawn.Controller))
ModInstigator = AttacheeController; // Make the instigator the base pawn's controller
Victim.TakeRadiusDamage(ModInstigator, GetDamageFor(Victim), ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType, ExplosionTemplate.MomentumTransferScale, Location, bDoFullDamage, (Owner != None) ? Owner : self, ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent);
Victim.TakeRadiusDamage(ModInstigator, ExplosionTemplate.Damage, ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType, ExplosionTemplate.MomentumTransferScale, Location, bDoFullDamage, (Owner != None) ? Owner : self, ExplosionTemplate.DamageFalloffExponent);
VictimsList[VictimsList.Length] = Victim;
if( Victim.IsA('Pawn') )
bHurtSomeone = TRUE;
if ( bCausePawnEffects )
SpecialPawnEffectsFor(VictimPawn, VictimDist);
else if (bCauseEffects)
SpecialCringeEffectsFor(Victim, VictimDist);
//Allow the explosion to handle behavior related to actors in range that are ignored
if (ExplosionTemplate.bFullDamageToAttachee && VictimsList.Find(Attachee) == INDEX_NONE)
Victim = Attachee;
Victim.GetBoundingCylinder(ColRadius, ColHeight);
Victim.TakeRadiusDamage(InstigatorController, GetDamageFor(Victim), ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType,
ExplosionTemplate.MomentumTransferScale, Location, true, (Owner != None) ? Owner : self);
Dir = Normal(Victim.Location - Location);
Victim.TakeDamage( ExplosionTemplate.Damage, InstigatorController, Victim.Location - 0.5 * (ColHeight + ColRadius) * dir,
(ExplosionTemplate.MomentumTransferScale * Dir), ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType,, (Owner != None) ? Owner : self );
return bHurtSomeone;
function HandleIgnoredVictim(Actor Victim);
/** Return the desired radius to check for actors which get effects from explosion */
function float GetEffectCheckRadius(bool bCauseDamage, bool bCauseFractureEffects, bool bCauseEffects)
local float CheckRadius;
if ( bCauseFractureEffects )
CheckRadius = ExplosionTemplate.FractureMeshRadius;
if ( bCauseDamage )
CheckRadius = FMax(CheckRadius, ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius);
if ( bCauseEffects )
CheckRadius = FMax(CheckRadius, ExplosionTemplate.KnockDownRadius);
CheckRadius = FMax(CheckRadius, ExplosionTemplate.CringeRadius);
return CheckRadius;
/** Gets explosion damage for specific target (allows children to override) */
simulated function float GetDamageFor( Actor Victim )
return ExplosionTemplate.Damage;
* Handle making pawns cringe or fall down from nearby explosions. Server only.
protected function SpecialPawnEffectsFor(GamePawn VictimPawn, float VictimDist);
* Handle applying cringe to non-pawn actors
* @param Victim - the actor hit
* @param VictimDist - the distance the victim was from the blast
protected function SpecialCringeEffectsFor(Actor Victim, float VictimDist);
* Internal. Extract what data we can from the physical material-based effects system
* and stuff it into the ExplosionTemplate.
* Data in the physical material will take precedence.
* We are also going to be checking for relevance here as when any of these params are "none" / invalid we do not
* play those effects in Explode(). So this way we avoid any work on looking things up in the physmaterial
simulated protected function UpdateExplosionTemplateWithPerMaterialFX(PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial);
simulated function SpawnExplosionParticleSystem(ParticleSystem Template);
simulated function SpawnExplosionDecal();
simulated function SpawnExplosionFogVolume();
* @todo break this up into the same methods that <Game>Weapon uses (SpawnImpactEffects, SpawnImpactSounds, SpawnImpactDecal) as they are all
* orthogonal and so indiv subclasses can choose to have base functionality or override
* @param Direction For bDirectionalExplosion=true explosions, this is the forward direction of the blast.
simulated function Explode(GameExplosion NewExplosionTemplate, optional vector Direction)
local float HowLongToLive;
local PhysicalMaterial PhysMat;
local bool bHurtSomeone;
// copy our significant data
ExplosionTemplate = NewExplosionTemplate;
if (ExplosionTemplate.bDirectionalExplosion)
ExplosionDirection = Normal(Direction);
DirectionalExplosionMinDot = Cos(ExplosionTemplate.DirectionalExplosionAngleDeg * DegToRad);
// by default, live just long enough to go boom
HowLongToLive = LifeSpan + ExplosionTemplate.DamageDelay + 0.01f;
if (!bHasExploded || bExplodeMoreThanOnce )
// maybe find the physical material and extract the properties we need
if (ExplosionTemplate.bAllowPerMaterialFX)
PhysMat = GetPhysicalMaterial();
// Go ahead and update anyway, if its none or not so that we KNOW that it's none and can handle appropriately
if (PhysMat != None)
`endif // __TW_
// spawn explosion effects
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
if( ExplosionTemplate.ParticleEmitterTemplate != none )
if (bTrackExplosionParticleSystemLifespan == TRUE)
// Let the particle system contribute to life span determination...
HowLongToLive = FMax(ExplosionTemplate.ParticleEmitterTemplate.GetMaxLifespan(0.0f) + 0.1f, HowLongToLive);
// spawn a decal
// turn on the light
if (ExplosionTemplate.ExploLight != None && WorldInfo.bAllowExplosionLights && !WorldInfo.bDropDetail )
if (ExplosionTemplate.ExploLight != None)
if( ExplosionLight != None )
// If there is already an explosion light, detach it
// construct a copy of the PLC, turn it on
ExplosionLight = new(self) class'PointLightComponent' (ExplosionTemplate.ExploLight);
if (ExplosionLight != None)
LightFadeTime = ExplosionTemplate.ExploLightFadeOutTime;
LightFadeTimeRemaining = LightFadeTime;
LightFadeStartTime = ExplosionTemplate.ExploLightStartFadeOutTime;
LightFlickerIntensity = ExplosionTemplate.ExploLightFlickerIntensity;
LightFlickerInterpSpeed = ExplosionTemplate.ExploLightFlickerInterpSpeed;
HowLongToLive = FMax( LightFadeTime + LightFadeStartTime + 0.2f, HowLongToLive );
HowLongToLive = FMax( LightFadeTime + 0.2f, HowLongToLive );
`endif // __TW_
LightInitialBrightness = ExplosionTemplate.ExploLight.Brightness;
// radial blur
if (ExplosionTemplate.ExploRadialBlur != None)
if ((ExplosionTemplate.bPerformRadialBlurRelevanceCheck == false) || ImpactEffectIsRelevant(Instigator, Location+vect(0,0,1), false, 4000.0f, 350.0f, true))
if( ExplosionRadialBlur != None )
// If there is already a radial blur, detach it
ExplosionRadialBlur = new(self) class'RadialBlurComponent' (ExplosionTemplate.ExploRadialBlur);
if (ExplosionRadialBlur != None)
RadialBlurFadeTime = ExplosionTemplate.ExploRadialBlurFadeOutTime;
RadialBlurFadeTimeRemaining = RadialBlurFadeTime;
RadialBlurMaxBlurAmount = ExplosionTemplate.ExploRadialBlurMaxBlur;
HowLongToLive = FMax( RadialBlurFadeTime + 0.2f, HowLongToLive );
// cam shakes
// Apply impulse to physics stuff (before we do fracture)
// fixed grenade log spam
if (RadialImpulseComponent == None)
if (ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType != None && ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType.default.RadialDamageImpulse > 0.0)
RadialImpulseComponent.ImpulseRadius = FMax(ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, ExplosionTemplate.KnockDownRadius);
RadialImpulseComponent.ImpulseStrength = ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType.default.RadialDamageImpulse;
RadialImpulseComponent.bVelChange = ExplosionTemplate.MyDamageType.default.bRadialDamageVelChange;
RadialImpulseComponent.ImpulseFalloff = RIF_Constant;
if( FluidSurfaceActor(HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace) != none )
FluidSurfaceActor(HitActorFromPhysMaterialTrace).FluidComponent.ApplyForce( HitLocationFromPhysMaterialTrace, 1024.0f, 20.0f, FALSE );
// do damage
// delay the damage if necessary,
bHurtSomeone = FALSE;
if ( ExplosionTemplate.Damage > 0.0 )
if (ExplosionTemplate.DamageDelay > 0.0)
// cause effects now, damage later
DoExplosionDamage(false, true);
SetTimer( ExplosionTemplate.DamageDelay, FALSE, nameof(DelayedExplosionDamage) );
// otherwise apply immediately
bHurtSomeone = DoExplosionDamage(true, true);
DoExplosionDamage(false, true);
// play the sound
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
if( bHurtSomeone && ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSoundHurtSomeone != None)
//`log( "Playing Explosion Sound (debug left in to test distance)" @ ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSound );
// sound location can't be the same as sound player location, so add a little offset to make Wwise happy
PlaySoundBase( ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSoundHurtSomeone, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, Location + vect(0,0,0.1), TRUE );
PlaySound( ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSoundHurtSomeone, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, Location, TRUE );
`endif // __TW_WWISE_
else if( ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSound != None )
//`log( "Playing Explosion Sound (debug left in to test distance)" @ ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSound );
// sound location can't be the same as sound player location, so add a little offset to make Wwise happy
PlaySoundBase( ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSound, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, Location + vect(0,0,0.1), TRUE );
PlaySound( ExplosionTemplate.ExplosionSound, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, Location, TRUE );
`endif // __TW_WWISE_
if( Role == Role_Authority )
if (bDrawDebug)
bHasExploded = TRUE;
// done with it
if (!bPendingDelete && !bDeleteMe)
// Live forever if this actor can explode more than once
LifeSpan = bExplodeMoreThanOnce ? 0.0 : HowLongToLive;
simulated function DelayedExplosionDamage()
DoExplosionDamage(true, false);
simulated function DrawDebug()
local Color C;
local float Angle;
// debug spheres
if (ExplosionTemplate.bDirectionalExplosion)
C.R = 255;
C.G = 128;
C.B = 16;
C.A = 255;
Angle = ExplosionTemplate.DirectionalExplosionAngleDeg * DegToRad;
DrawDebugCone(Location, ExplosionDirection, ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, Angle, Angle, 8, C, TRUE);
DrawDebugSphere(Location, ExplosionTemplate.DamageRadius, 10, 255, 128, 16, TRUE);
//DrawDebugLine(Location, Location + HitNormal*16, 255, 255, 255, TRUE);
simulated function DoExplosionCameraEffects()
local CameraShake Shake;
local float ShakeScale;
local PlayerController PC;
// do camera shake(s)
// note: intentionally letting directional explosions still shake everything
foreach WorldInfo.LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
if (PC.PlayerCamera != None)
Shake = ChooseCameraShake(Location, PC);
if (Shake != None)
ShakeScale = PC.PlayerCamera.CalcRadialShakeScale(PC.PlayerCamera, Location, ExplosionTemplate.CamShakeInnerRadius, ExplosionTemplate.CamShakeOuterRadius, ExplosionTemplate.CamShakeFalloff);
if (ExplosionTemplate.bOrientCameraShakeTowardsEpicenter)
PC.ClientPlayCameraShake(Shake, ShakeScale, ExplosionTemplate.bAutoControllerVibration, CAPS_UserDefined, rotator(Location - PC.ViewTarget.Location));
PC.ClientPlayCameraShake(Shake, ShakeScale, ExplosionTemplate.bAutoControllerVibration);
// do lens effects
* Spawns the camera lens effect(s) if needed by this explosion
simulated function SpawnCameraLensEffects()
local PlayerController PC;
if (ExplosionTemplate.CameraLensEffect != None)
foreach WorldInfo.LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
// splatter some blood on their camera if they are a human and decently close
if ( PC.Pawn != None &&
VSize(PC.Pawn.Location - Location) < ExplosionTemplate.CameraLensEffectRadius &&
PC.IsAimingAt(self, 0.1) && // if we are semi looking in the direction of the explosion
!IsBehindExplosion(PC.Pawn) )
* Internal. When using directional camera shakes, used to determine which anim to use.
* @todo: nativise for speed?
protected simulated function CameraShake ChooseCameraShake(vector Epicenter, PlayerController PC)
local vector CamX, CamY, CamZ, ToEpicenter;
local float FwdDot, RtDot;
local CameraShake ChosenShake;
local Rotator NoPitchRot;
if (ExplosionTemplate.bOrientCameraShakeTowardsEpicenter)
return ExplosionTemplate.CamShake;
// expected to be false much of the time, so maybe bypass the math
else if ( (ExplosionTemplate.CamShake_Left != None) || (ExplosionTemplate.CamShake_Right != None) || (ExplosionTemplate.CamShake_Rear != None) )
ToEpicenter = Epicenter - PC.PlayerCamera.Location;
ToEpicenter.Z = 0.f;
ToEpicenter = Normal(ToEpicenter);
NoPitchRot = PC.PlayerCamera.Rotation;
NoPitchRot.Pitch = 0.f;
GetAxes(NoPitchRot, CamX, CamY, CamZ);
FwdDot = CamX dot ToEpicenter;
if (FwdDot > 0.707f)
// use forward
ChosenShake = ExplosionTemplate.CamShake;
else if (FwdDot > -0.707f)
// need to determine r or l
RtDot = CamY dot ToEpicenter;
ChosenShake = (RtDot > 0.f) ? ExplosionTemplate.CamShake_Right : ExplosionTemplate.CamShake_Left;
// use back
ChosenShake = ExplosionTemplate.CamShake_Rear;
if (ChosenShake == None)
// fall back to forward
ChosenShake = ExplosionTemplate.CamShake;
return ChosenShake;
bExplodeMoreThanOnce = False;
Begin Object Class=RB_RadialImpulseComponent Name=ImpulseComponent0
End Object