2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class UDKKActorBreakable extends KActor
/** If true, this vehicle has health */
var() bool bHasHealth;
/** If true, this will cause Damage on Encroachment (DOE) */
var() bool bDamageOnEncroachment;
/** If true bDamageOnEncroachment will reset when this actor sleeps or falls below a threshold */
var() bool bResetDOEWhenAsleep;
/** Should this KActor take damage when it encroaches*/
var() bool bTakeDamageOnEncroachment;
/** If true, this KActor will break when it causes damage */
var() bool bBreakWhenCausingDamage;
/** How much health this actor has before it's destroyed */
var() int Health;
/** How much damage this actor does upon contact */
var() int EncroachDamage_Other;
/** How much should it take */
var() int EncroachDamage_Self;
/** When causing damage, use this damage type */
var() class<DamageType> DmgTypeClass;
/** This is the velocity threshhold at which the DOE will reset. If set to 0, it will only reset on sleep */
var() int DOEResetThreshold;
/** Emitter template to use when this object breaks */
var() ParticleSystem BrokenTemplate;
/** Allows things to pass along a damage instigator */
var controller InstigatorController;
/** If true, this actor is broken and no longer functional */
var repnotify bool bBroken;
// AActor interface
virtual void physRigidBody(FLOAT DeltaTime);
* This delegate is called when this UDKKActorBreakable breaks
delegate OnBreakApart();
* This delegate is called when this UDKKActorBreakable encroaches on another actor
delegate bool OnEncroach(actor Other);
event TakeDamage(int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
Super.TakeDamage(Damage, EventInstigator, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType, HitInfo, DamageCauser);
if ( bHasHealth )
Health -= Damage;
if ( Health < 0 )
function bool EncroachingOn(Actor Other)
if ( OnEncroach(Other) )
return Super.EncroachingOn(Other);
if ( bDamageOnEncroachment && Other != InstigatorController && Other != InstigatorController.Pawn )
Other.TakeDamage(EncroachDamage_Other, InstigatorController, Location, Velocity, DmgTypeClass);
if ( bTakeDamageOnEncroachment && bHasHealth)
TakeDamage(EncroachDamage_Self, none ,Location, vect(0,0,0), DmgTypeClass);
return Super.EncroachingOn(Other);
function BreakApart()
if (WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && BrokenTemplate != none)
WorldInfo.MyEmitterPool.SpawnEmitter(BrokenTemplate, Location, Rotation);
bBroken = true;
bNetDirty = true;
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName)
if (VarName == 'bBroken')