2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* CameraAnim: defines a pre-packaged animation to be played on a camera.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class CameraAnimInst extends Object
/** which CameraAnim this is an instance of */
var CameraAnim CamAnim;
/** the InterpGroupInst used to do the interpolation */
var protected instanced InterpGroupInst InterpGroupInst;
/** Current time for the animation */
var protected transient float CurTime;
/** True if the animation should loop, false otherwise. */
var protected transient bool bLooping;
/** True if the animation has finished, false otherwise. */
var transient bool bFinished;
/** True if it's ok for the system to auto-release this instance upon completion. */
var transient bool bAutoReleaseWhenFinished;
/** Time to interpolate in from zero, for smooth starts. */
var protected float BlendInTime;
/** Time to interpolate out to zero, for smooth finishes. */
var protected float BlendOutTime;
/** True if currently blending in. */
var protected transient bool bBlendingIn;
/** True if currently blending out. */
var protected transient bool bBlendingOut;
/** Current time for the blend-in. I.e. how long we have been blending. */
var protected transient float CurBlendInTime;
/** Current time for the blend-out. I.e. how long we have been blending. */
var protected transient float CurBlendOutTime;
/** Multiplier for playback rate. 1.0 = normal. */
var protected float PlayRate;
/** "Intensity" scalar. This is the scale at which the anim was first played. */
var float BasePlayScale;
/** A supplemental scale factor, allowing external systems to scale this anim as necessary. This is reset to 1.f each frame. */
var float TransientScaleModifier;
/* Number in range [0..1], controlling how much this influence this instance should have. */
var float CurrentBlendWeight;
/** How much longer to play the anim, if a specific duration is desired. Has no effect if 0. */
var protected transient float RemainingTime;
/** cached movement track from the currently playing anim so we don't have to go find it every frame */
var transient InterpTrackMove MoveTrack;
var transient InterpTrackInstMove MoveInst;
/** Ref to the AnimNodeSequence that's instigating this anim. Can be None. */
var protected transient AnimNodeSequence SourceAnimNode;
var protectedwrite ECameraAnimPlaySpace PlaySpace;
/** The user-defined space for CAPS_UserDefined */
var transient matrix UserPlaySpaceMatrix;
/** PP settings stored for this inst, to be applied at the proper time */
var transient PostProcessSettings LastPPSettings;
var transient float LastPPSettingsAlpha;
/** Camera Anim debug variable to trace back to previous location **/
var transient vector LastCameraLoc;
void RegisterAnimNode(class UAnimNodeSequence* AnimNode);
* Starts this instance playing the specified CameraAnim.
* CamAnim: The animation that should play on this instance.
* CamActor: The Actor that will be modified by this animation.
* InRate: How fast to play the animation. 1.f is normal.
* InScale: How intense to play the animation. 1.f is normal.
* InBlendInTime: Time over which to linearly ramp in.
* InBlendInTime: Time over which to linearly ramp out.
* bInLoop: Whether or not to loop the animation.
* bRandomStartTime: Whether or not to choose a random time to start playing. Only really makes sense for bLoop = TRUE;
* Duration: optional specific playtime for this animation. This is total time, including blends.
native final function Play(CameraAnim Anim, Actor CamActor, float InRate, float InScale, float InBlendInTime, float InBlendOutTime, bool bInLoop, bool bRandomStartTime, optional float Duration);
/** Update this instance with new parameters. */
native final function Update(float NewRate, float NewScale, float NewBlendInTime, float NewBlendOutTime, optional float NewDuration);
/** advances the animation by the specified time - updates any modified interp properties, moves the group actor, etc */
native final function AdvanceAnim(float DeltaTime, bool bJump);
/** Stops this instance playing whatever animation it is playing. */
native final function Stop(optional bool bImmediate);
/** Applies given scaling factor to the playing animation for the next update only. */
native final function ApplyTransientScaling(float Scalar);
/** Sets this anim to play in an alternate playspace */
native final function SetPlaySpace(ECameraAnimPlaySpace NewSpace, optional rotator UserPlaySpace);
Begin Object Class=InterpGroupInst Name=InterpGroupInst0
End Object