2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

97 lines
4.3 KiB

class AkComponent extends ActorComponent
var() Name BoneName;
var AkEvent AutoPlayEvent;
/** Stop sound when owner is destroyed */
var bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed;
/** Whether this component is part of the audio device component pool (set to true in UAkAudioDevice::GetPooledAkComponent) */
var transient const bool bPooled;
/** Whether this component is ready to be returned to pool. Gets set on the audio thread, while component actually gets returned on the main thread. */
var transient const bool bWaitingToReturnToPool;
/** Whether sound should follow owner position */
var transient const bool bFollowOwnerPosition;
/** Whether events being played are modified based on listener distance */
var transient bool bUpdateDistanceToListener;
/** Whether events being played are modified based on relative velocity to listener (e.g. for Doppler) */
var transient bool bUpdateRelativeVelocityToListener;
/** Whether this component is forced to use its own OcclusionUpdateInterval (set in defaultproperties) or can adopt a posted event's interval */
var bool bForceOcclusionUpdateInterval; // JDR: can't be transient because we set this in default properties
/** How often to update occlusion or obstruction. Zero means never update. Is set per posted event unless bForceOcclusionUpdateInterval is true. */
var float OcclusionUpdateInterval; // JDR: can't be transient because we set this in default properties
/** last time we updated occlusion */
var transient float LastOcclusionUpdateTime;
/** whether we were occluded the last time we checked */
var transient bool bWasOccluded;
/** Maximum attenuation value of all events played on this component (gets reset when/if component is returned to component pool)*/
var transient float MaxAttenuationValue;
/** The specific location to play this sound. Bone locations specified in BoneName will override this. If not specified plays from the attached actor's location */
var transient vector Location;
/** The relative location to play this sound on based on the location of the actor this component is attached to. Directly setting the location will override this */
var transient vector RelativeLocation;
/** AK::SoundEngine::Query calls (such as GetPosition (of game object)) can take milliseconds (bad).
* Instead, just cache each game object's (AkComponent) position at the same time that it's passed off to the SoundEngine (in SetObjectPosition).
var transient vector CachedObjectPosition;
/** AkEvent to play when this AKComponent stops playing */
var transient AkEvent StopPlayEvent;
/** Filled by AkEvents when they're posted. Reset when/if component is returned to pool */
var transient array<name> CustomRTPCNames;
/** Stops all events being played on this component */
native function StopEvents();
/** Play the given event directly on this component (doesn't go through PlaySoundBase, requires custom replication if desired) */
native function PlayEvent( AkEvent in_Event, optional bool bIsSpatialized, optional bool bIsOccluded, optional bool bDoNotCheckOcclusion );
/** Sets a real-time parameter control on this component */
native function SetRTPCValue( string RTPCString, float RTPCValue );
/** Checks if this component is playing any event, or a specific event if one is provided */
native function bool IsPlaying( optional AkEvent Event );
`endif // __TW_WWISE_
// Object interface.
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void Attach();
virtual void Detach( UBOOL bWillReattach = FALSE );
virtual void FinishDestroy();
virtual void ShutdownAfterError();
// Methods
void UnregisterGameObject();
void Stop();
#if __TW_WWISE_
// determines if this component should check occlusion
virtual bool ShouldUpdateOcclusion();
// determines if the listener is witin the max attenuation range of the component
virtual bool ListenerWithinMaxRange( INT ListenerIndex = 0 );
// checks occlusion (AudioComponent::CheckOcclusion)
virtual void UpdateOcclusion( INT ListenerIndex = 0);
#endif // __TW_WWISE_