2022-09-01 18:58:51 +03:00

510 lines
21 KiB

// KFSpawnVolume
// Volume which can spawn pawns inside of it and show transient spawn marker
// actors in the editor.
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFSpawnVolume extends Volume
********************************************************************************************* */
struct native SpawnMarkerInfo
/** Maximum collision radius supported by the spawn location within this volume */
var float Radius;
/** Maximum collision height supported by the spawn location within this volume */
var float Height;
/** Stored location of this spawn marker, used in-game since the spawn marker actors only exist in the editor */
var vector Location;
/** If true, will forcibly disable spawning for this spawn marker. It will still be visible, but will use a different icon */
var() editconst bool bSpawnDisabled;
/** Last time this spawn marker was used */
var transient float LastUsedTime;
/** This changes the color of the spawn location cylinder matching the index you're currently editing */
var color SpawnMarkerColor;
/** Spawn marker info created during the AI pathbuilding process and used in-game when determining AI spawn locations within this volume. */
var() editconst array< SpawnMarkerInfo > SpawnMarkerInfoList;
/** maximum number of spawn markers that should be generated for this volume */
var() int MaxSpawnMarkers<ClampMin=1>;
struct native DoorListInfo
/** Door actor to link to this volume. If all these doors are shut or welded this spawn volume is invalid */
var() KFDoorActor DoorActor;
/** If true, this door will only invalidate spawning if it is welded as opposed to just shut*/
var() bool bOnlyWhenWelded;
/** Spawn marker info created during the AI pathbuilding process and used in-game when determining AI spawn locations within this volume. */
var() array< DoorListInfo > DoorList;
/** Rotation to use when spawning pawns from this volume */
var() rotator SpawnRotation;
/** Used to include or exclude spawn volumes from gameplay code */
var transient bool bCanUseForSpawning;
Rendering in Game ("show SpawnVolumes" and Editor (when volume is selected)
********************************************************************************************* */
var Color DefaultSpawnMarkerColor;
/** Use this if you want to override the default color for the interior bounding box surrounding the volume's spawn location cylinders */
var Color SpawnInteriorBoxColor;
/** Sets the bNoCollisionFailForSpawn parameter when attempting to spawn a pawn. */
var bool bNoCollisionFailForSpawn;
/** Whether this volume should more aggressively check its visibility against where the viewer is moving to */
var() bool bUsePredictiveVisibilityChecks;
/** Used in determining visibility of volume to players in-game */
var BoxSphereBounds VisibilityBounds;
/** What percentage of the spawn volume's size will the inner spawn bounds be? */
var() vector SpawnBoundsScale;
/** Will draw lines to represent visibility checks */
var bool bDebugVisibilityChecks;
/** Will log out/display info on Rating Checks for this spawn volume */
var config bool bDebugRatingChecks;
/** Will spit out minimal debug rating checks */
var bool bMinimalDebugRatingChecks;
/** Will log out/display spawning info for this spawn volume */
var bool bDebugSpawning;
Spawn Rating
********************************************************************************************* */
// Moved from KFAISpawnManager due to dependson
enum ESquadType
/** If set, players cannot spawn here, only AI (Versus) */
var() bool bNoPlayers;
/** Largest type of squad that this volume is capable of spawning (checked vs SquadType in KFAISpawnSquad) */
var() ESquadType LargestSquadType;
/** Scales up (or reduces) base desireability to weight certain volumes differently if needed */
var() float DesirabilityMod<ClampMin=0.0 | ClampMax=10.0>;
/** If true, no height-based rating penalty will be applied to this volume. This also overrides MaxHeightDifference. */
var() bool bNoZAxisDistPenalty;
/** If height difference between volume and a player exceeds this value (UU), spawn rating will drop. */
var() float MaxHeightDiffToPlayers;
/** Volume will NOT be considered for spawning if, at wave-spawn time, any player is less than this many units away (from volume) */
var() float MinDistanceToPlayer;
/** Volume rating is partially scaled by its distance from players. Any player beyond this distance (UU) will receive no distance bonus at all, resulting in a lower volume rating. */
var() float MaxDistanceToPlayer;
/** If set, this volume never performs visibility checks */
var() bool bOutOfSight;
/** Result of last time this volume was rated & sorted */
var transient float CurrentRating;
/** Cached visibility for performance */
var const transient bool bCachedVisibility;
var const transient float CachedVisibilityTime;
/** If LargestSquadType == EST_Boss, no other squads can spawn here */
var deprecated bool bExclusiveBossVolumes;
Time tracking
********************************************************************************************* */
/** How long this spawn volume is derated (gets a lower desireability) after it is spawned in */
var() float SpawnDerateTime;
/** How long this spawn volume is derated (gets a lower desireability) after it is teleported in */
var float TeleportDerateTime;
/** Last time something spawned in this volume */
var protected transient float LastSpawnTime;
/** Next time it is 100% desireable to spawn in this volume */
var protected transient float NextSpawnTime;
/** Time after a human pawn untouches it that it can be spawned in again */
var() float UnTouchCoolDownTime;
/** When was the last time a player touched it. */
var protected transient float LastUnTouchTime;
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Debug component that handles rendering spawn locations in-game and in-editor */
var KFSpawnRenderingComponent DebugComponent;
/** Use for debugging to exclude this volume from being used */
var(Debug) bool bDisabled;
/** The number of times the volume has been chosen to spawn enemies. Used only for stats. */
var int VolumeChosenCount;
/** Initializes the spawn marker colors and updates the spawn volume's visibility info */
virtual void PostLoad();
/** Init marker last used time after spawning */
virtual void PostBeginPlay();
void CalculateSpawnLocations();
/** Resets the visibility related parameters for this volume */
void ResetVisibilityInfo();
/** Begins to calculate the volume's interior visibilty box and bounds, which are used in-game when determining if a player can see this volume */
void UpdateVisibilityInfo();
/** Calculates the volume's interior bounding box, used when checking the volume's visibility to players in-game */
FBox GetInteriorBoundingBox();
/** Initializes and, if necessary, creates the volume's KFSpawnRenderingComponent in-game or in-editor */
void InitDebugComponent( UBOOL bUnHide );
/** Cache visibility for performance */
UBOOL CacheVisibility(UBOOL bIsVisible);
/** Assuming parameter "S" is the Scout, this destroys and re-creates the spawn markers within this volume in the editor. */
virtual INT SetupSpawnMarkers( AScout* Scout );
/** Used when generating spawn locations within the spawn volume - attempts to fit scout into positions */
UBOOL PlaceScout( AScout* Scout, FVector TestLocation );
/** Used to update the locations of this volume's spawn markers immediately after the volume is moved. This helps avoid requiring manual spawn marker building. */
virtual void PostEditMove(UBOOL bFinished);
/** Used to update the volume's spawn marker locations if related properties are changed (such as StepSizeOverride) */
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty( FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent );
/**Updates the volume's spawn marker locations and hides (when selected) or unhides (when unselected) the volume's debug components */
virtual void EditorSelectionChange( UBOOL bSelected );
/** Updates the volume's spawn markers after using the geometry tool on this brush. */
virtual void PostEditBrush();
/** Updates the volume's spawn markers after undoing a transaction in the editor */
virtual void PostEditUndo();
/** Empties the spawn marker info array, usually called prior to regenerating spawn locations within a volume */
void CleanUpMarkers();
/** Begins generating spawn marker locations within a volume by calling the scout's "AddMyMarker" function */
void RebuildSpawnMarkers();
/** Used to add map check warning when this volume has no valid spawn marker locations */
virtual void CheckForErrors();
/** Makes sure that all markers can be pathed from */
void ValidatePathingFromMarkers(AKFScout *KFScout);
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
Native SpawnVolume rating functions
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Attempts to spawn the pawn classes in the SpawnList array. bAllOrNothing is to be determined */
native final function int SpawnWave( out array< class<KFPawn_Monster> > SpawnList, bool bAllOrNothing, optional bool bSimulatedAIPlayers=false );
/** Attempts to find a place to teleport the pawn class within this spawn volume */
native final function vector FindTeleportLocation( class<KFPawn_Monster> TeleportMonsterClass, optional int ForcedMarkerIdx=0 );
/** Attempts to find an open marker to spawn the pawn class within this spawn volume */
native final function vector FindSpawnLocation( class<KFPawn> SpawnPawnClass );
/** Get distance based score from one human player */
native function float RateDistance(Controller C);
/** Perform line of sight traces against all human players */
native function bool IsVisible(optional bool bAllowVelocityPrediction);
/** Perform line of sight traces for visibility */
native function bool IsVisibleFrom(vector ViewLoc);
/** Checks touching actors for living pawns */
native function bool IsTouchingAlivePawn();
/** Sets the volume's LastUnTouchTime if Other is a player */
event UnTouch(Actor Other)
local Pawn P;
if( Other != none && !Other.bDeleteMe )
P = Pawn(Other);
if ( P != none && P.IsHumanControlled() )
LastUnTouchTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
/** Handling Toggle event from Kismet. */
simulated function OnToggle( SeqAct_Toggle Action )
// Turn ON
if( Action.InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse )
`log("*** turning volume on:" @ self, bDebugRatingChecks);
bCanUseForSpawning = true;
// Turn OFF
else if (Action.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse)
`log("*** turning volume off:" @ self, bDebugRatingChecks);
bCanUseForSpawning = false;
// Toggle
else if (Action.InputLinks[2].bHasImpulse)
bCanUseForSpawning = !bCanUseForSpawning;
`log("*** toggling volume:" @ self @ bCanUseForSpawning, bDebugRatingChecks);
/** Script implementation of RateVolume so mod authors can change things. Native implementation is commented out just
* in case we need it, or want to do something like handle KF2 spawning in native but calling this event to allow a
* complete override in script.
* @param OtherController Optional Controller for additional tests
* Returning -1 means this volume is not to be considered at all, otherwise the volume's overall rating is returned */
function bool IsValidForSpawn( ESquadType DesiredSquadType, Controller OtherController )
local String DebugText;
local int i;
// This volume is disabled
if( !bCanUseForSpawning )
return false;
if( SpawnMarkerInfoList.Length == 0 )
return false;
// This volume can't be used by players
if( bNoPlayers && OtherController != none && OtherController.bIsPlayer )
return false;
// Spawn volume can not be reactived until UnTouchCoolDownTime
if ( LastUnTouchTime > 0.f && `TimeSince(LastUnTouchTime) < UnTouchCoolDownTime )
`log( "["$self$"] rejected from spawning because LastUnTouchTime difference ("$`TimeSince(LastUnTouchTime)$") < UnTouchCoolDownTime ("$UnTouchCoolDownTime$"), returning a -1 rating", bDebugRatingChecks );
return false;
// The desired squad type is not compatible with this volume
if( DesiredSquadType < LargestSquadType )
`log( "["$self$"] rejected from spawning because DesiredSquadType ("$DesiredSquadType$") < LargestSquadType ("$LargestSquadType$"), returning a -1 rating", bDebugRatingChecks );
return false;
// If a pawn is in the volume automatic fail
if( IsTouchingAlivePawn() )
if( !bMinimalDebugRatingChecks )
DebugText = self@"FinalRating: -1 was touching a live pawn";
GetALocalPlayerController().AddDebugText(DebugText, self, 20);
return false;
// Fail if any linked doors are shut, or if the setting is set, welded
for( i = 0; i < DoorList.Length; i++ )
if( DoorList[i].DoorActor != none && !DoorList[i].DoorActor.bIsDoorOpen
&& !DoorList[i].DoorActor.bIsDestroyed && (!DoorList[i].bOnlyWhenWelded ||
DoorList[i].DoorActor.WeldIntegrity > 0) )
return false;
if ( IsVisible(DesiredSquadType == EST_Boss) )
return false;
return true;
/** Script implementation of RateVolume so mod authors can change things. Native implementation is commented out just
* in case we need it, or want to do something like handle KF2 spawning in native but calling this event to allow a
* complete override in script.
* @param RateController Controller that was selected to rate distance against used by MinDistSquared
* @param bTeleporting Used for AI teleport rather than initial spawning
* @param TeleportMinDistSq If set, perform circumstational distance checking using RateController
* Returning -1 means this volume is not to be considered at all, otherwise the volume's overall rating is returned
event float RateVolume( Controller RateController, bool bTeleporting, float TeleportMinDistSq)
local float UsageRating, LocationRating, FinalRating;
local float DistSquared;
local String DebugText;
local vector TextOffset;
/** Skip rating if volume isn't enabled */
if( !bCanUseForSpawning )
return -1.f;
// Calculate UsageRating
UsageRating = 1.f;
if( NextSpawnTime > 0.f && NextSpawnTime > WorldInfo.TimeSeconds )
if( !bTeleporting )
UsageRating = FMin( (SpawnDerateTime - (NextSpawnTime - WorldInfo.TimeSeconds)) / SpawnDerateTime, 1.f );
if( bDebugRatingChecks && (!bMinimalDebugRatingChecks || UsageRating < 1.0) )
`log( "["$self$"] recently was spawned in "$(SpawnDerateTime - (NextSpawnTime - WorldInfo.TimeSeconds))$" seconds ago, setting UsageRating to "$UsageRating, bDebugRatingChecks );
if( (NextSpawnTime - WorldInfo.TimeSeconds) > TeleportDerateTime )
UsageRating = 1.f;
if( bDebugRatingChecks && !bMinimalDebugRatingChecks )
`log( "["$self$"] was not teleported in recently, setting UsageRating to "$UsageRating, bDebugRatingChecks );
UsageRating = FMin( (TeleportDerateTime - (NextSpawnTime - WorldInfo.TimeSeconds)) / TeleportDerateTime, 1.f );
if( bDebugRatingChecks && (!bMinimalDebugRatingChecks || UsageRating < 1.0) )
`log( "["$self$"] recently was teleported in "$(TeleportDerateTime - (NextSpawnTime - WorldInfo.TimeSeconds))$" seconds ago, setting UsageRating to "$UsageRating, bDebugRatingChecks );
// Can't teleport here if it's not closer than MinDistSquared. Typically we reject in IsValidForSpawn(),
// but we'll make an exception here because we have all the right inputs
if( bTeleporting && TeleportMinDistSq > 0 && RateController != none && RateController.Pawn != none )
DistSquared = VSizeSq( Location - RateController.Pawn.Location );
if( DistSquared > TeleportMinDistSq)
`log( "["$self$"] rejected from spawning because DistSquared ("$DistSquared$") > MinDistSquared ("$TeleportMinDistSq$"), returning a -1 rating", bDebugRatingChecks );
return -1.f;
// Calculate rating based on distance and visibility to players
LocationRating = RateDistance(RateController);
if ( LocationRating < 0.f )
if( !bMinimalDebugRatingChecks )
`log( self$" returning rating -1 --- Desirability:"$DesirabilityMod$", LocationRating:"$LocationRating$", UsageRating:"$UsageRating, bDebugRatingChecks );
`RecordSpawnVolumeRating( self, -1.f, UsageRating, LocationRating );
if( !bMinimalDebugRatingChecks )
DebugText = self@"FinalRating: -1, DesirabilityMod:"$DesirabilityMod$", LocationRating:"$LocationRating$", UsageRating:"$UsageRating;
GetALocalPlayerController().AddDebugText(DebugText, self, 20);
return -1.f;
// FinalRating is 30% DesirabilityMod, 30% Distance from players, 30% when the spawn was last used, 10% random
FinalRating = (DesirabilityMod * 0.3) + (LocationRating * 0.3) + (UsageRating * 0.3) + (FRand() * (DesirabilityMod * 0.1) );
if( !bMinimalDebugRatingChecks || FinalRating > 0 )
`log( self$" returning rating "$FinalRating$"--- Desirability:"$DesirabilityMod$", LocationRating:"$LocationRating$", UsageRating:"$UsageRating, bDebugRatingChecks );
`RecordSpawnVolumeRating( self, FinalRating, UsageRating, LocationRating );
if( bDebugRatingChecks )
if( !bMinimalDebugRatingChecks || (LocationRating > 0.25 && UsageRating > 0) )
DebugText = self$" FinalRating: "$FinalRating$", DesirabilityMod:"$DesirabilityMod$", LocationRating:"$LocationRating$", UsageRating:"$UsageRating;
TextOffset = vect(0,0,1) * FRand() * 200;
GetALocalPlayerController().AddDebugText(DebugText, self, 30,TextOffset);
return FinalRating;
/** Sets the volume's LastSpawnTime. Currently only for debugging so other classes can set this */
function SetLastSpawnTime(float NewSpawnTime)
LastSpawnTime = NewSpawnTime;
NextSpawnTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + SpawnDerateTime;
function HandleTeleportedTo()
LastSpawnTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NextSpawnTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + TeleportDerateTime;
Begin Object Class=KFSpawnRenderingComponent Name=SpawnRenderer
End Object
// volume
bForceAllowKismetModification=true // necessary to allow OnToggle event processing
// Editor
// Spawning
// Rating
MinDistanceToPlayer=1200.f // UU
MaxDistanceToPlayer=4000.f // UU
MaxHeightDiffToPlayers=500.f // 5 meters
// Debugging