2022-11-28 00:46:28 +03:00

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// KFWeapAttach_Scythe
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2022 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFWeapAttach_Scythe extends KFWeaponAttachment;
var const float UnfoldBlendingDuration;
var const float UnfoldedAnimRateModifier;
const FoldAnim = 'Clean_NoBlood';
var AnimTree CustomAnimTree;
var AnimNodeBlendPerBone FoldBlendNode;
var transient bool bIsFolded;
event PreBeginPlay()
// Override the animtree. Doing this here (before AttachTo) instead of in defaultprops
// avoids an undesired call to our owning Pawn's PostInitAnimTree
if ( CustomAnimTree != None )
WeapAnimNode = AnimNodeSequence(WeapMesh.FindAnimNode('WeaponSeq'));
FoldBlendNode = AnimNodeBlendPerBone(WeapMesh.FindAnimNode('FoldBlendNode'));
// The special event might have arrived before the attachment is created, but it's updated in the owner, so copy the state here...
if (KFPawn(Owner) != none && FoldBlendNode != none)
bIsFolded = KFPawn(Owner).WeaponSpecialAction == 0;
FoldBlendNode.SetBlendTarget(bIsFolded ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0.f);
simulated function ChangeMode()
bIsFolded = !bIsFolded;
// FoldControl = SkelControlSingleBone( WeapMesh.FindSkelControl('FoldControl') );
if( FoldBlendNode != none )
FoldBlendNode.SetBlendTarget( bIsFolded ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0.0f );
/** Called from the pawn when our first person weapon changes states */
simulated function UpdateThirdPersonWeaponAction(EWeaponState NewWeaponState, KFPawn P, byte ThirdPersonAnimRateByte )
Super.UpdateThirdPersonWeaponAction(NewWeaponState, P, ThirdPersonAnimRate);
if (NewWeaponState == WEP_Cleaning)
if (WeapAnimNode != none)
if (WeapAnimNode.AnimSeq == none)
simulated function ANIMNOTIFY_ShellEject()
* Plays a split (upper and lower body) animation on the owning pawn
* Network: All but dedicated
* @param P Owning pawn to play animation on
* @param AnimName Anim to play
* @param bPlaySynchronizedWeaponAnim If true, try to play the same animation on the weapon mesh
simulated function float PlayCharacterMeshAnim(KFPawn P, name AnimName, optional bool bPlaySynchedWeaponAnim, optional bool bLooping)
local float AnimRate;
local float Duration;
local EAnimSlotStance Stance;
local string AnimStr;
// skip weapon anims while in a special move
if( P.IsDoingSpecialMove() && !P.SpecialMoves[P.SpecialMove].bAllowThirdPersonWeaponAnims )
return 0.f;
Stance = (!P.bIsCrouched) ? EAS_UpperBody : EAS_CH_UpperBody;
AnimRate = ThirdPersonAnimRate;
AnimStr = Caps(string(AnimName));
if (!bIsFolded && (InStr(AnimStr, "ATK") != INDEX_NONE || InStr(AnimName, "COMB") != INDEX_NONE))
AnimRate *= UnfoldedAnimRateModifier;
Duration = P.PlayBodyAnim(AnimName, Stance, AnimRate, DefaultBlendInTime, DefaultBlendOutTime, bLooping);
if ( Duration > 0 && bPlaySynchedWeaponAnim )
PlayWeaponMeshAnim(AnimName, P.BodyStanceNodes[Stance], bLooping);
`log(GetFuncName()@"called on:"$P@"Anim:"$AnimName@"Duration:"$Duration, bDebug);
return Duration;
/** Special event added for weap attachments. Free for use */
function OnSpecialEvent(int Arg)
bIsFolded = Arg == 0;
// FoldControl = SkelControlSingleBone( WeapMesh.FindSkelControl('FoldControl') );
if( FoldBlendNode != none )
FoldBlendNode.SetBlendTarget( bIsFolded ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0.0f );
// Weapon SkeletalMesh
Begin Object Name=SkeletalMeshComponent0
End Object