2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Controller that rotates a single bone to 'look at' a given target.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class SkelControlLookAt extends SkelControlBase
// USkelControlBase interface
/** LookAtAlpha allows to cancel head look when going beyond boundaries */
virtual FLOAT GetControlAlpha();
virtual void TickSkelControl(FLOAT DeltaSeconds, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp);
virtual void GetAffectedBones(INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, TArray<INT>& OutBoneIndices);
virtual void CalculateNewBoneTransforms(INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, TArray<FBoneAtom>& OutBoneTransforms);
virtual INT GetWidgetCount() { return 1; }
virtual FBoneAtom GetWidgetTM(INT WidgetIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, INT BoneIndex);
virtual void HandleWidgetDrag(INT WidgetIndex, const FVector& DragVec);
virtual void DrawSkelControl3D(const FSceneView* View, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, INT BoneIndex);
virtual void SetControlTargetLocation(const FVector& InTargetLocation);
virtual UBOOL ApplyLookDirectionLimits(FVector& DesiredLookDir, const FVector &CurrentLookDir, INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp);
/** Position in world space that this bone is looking at. */
var(LookAt) vector TargetLocation;
/** Reference frame that TargetLocation is defined in. */
var(LookAt) EBoneControlSpace TargetLocationSpace;
/** Name of bone used if TargetLocationSpace is BCS_OtherBoneSpace. */
var(LookAt) name TargetSpaceBoneName;
/** Axis of the controlled bone that you wish to point at the TargetLocation. */
var(LookAt) EAxis LookAtAxis;
/** Whether to invert the LookAtAxis, so it points away from the TargetLocation. */
var(LookAt) bool bInvertLookAtAxis;
/** If you want to also define which axis should try to point 'up' (world +Z). */
var(LookAt) bool bDefineUpAxis;
/** Axis of bone to point upwards. Cannot be the same as LookAtAxis. */
var(LookAt) EAxis UpAxis;
/** Whether to invert the UpAxis, so it points down instead. */
var(LookAt) bool bInvertUpAxis;
/** Interpolation speed for TargetLocation to DesiredTargetLocation */
var(LookAt) float TargetLocationInterpSpeed;
/** Interpolation target for TargetLocation */
var vector DesiredTargetLocation;
/** Actor Space Look At Normal. So interpolation done is relative to the owner */
var protected const transient vector ActorSpaceLookAtTarget;
/** If true, only allow a certain adjustment from the reference pose of the bone. */
var(Limit) bool bEnableLimit;
/** By default limit is based on ref pose of the character */
var(Limit) bool bLimitBasedOnRefPose;
/** Interp back to zero strength if limit surpassed */
var(Limit) bool bDisableBeyondLimit;
/** Call event to notify owner of limit break */
var(Limit) bool bNotifyBeyondLimit;
/** If true, draw a cone in the editor to indicate the maximum allowed movement of the bone. */
var(Limit) bool bShowLimit;
/** The maximum rotation applied from the reference pose of the bone, in degrees. */
var(Limit) float MaxAngle;
/** The outer maximum rotation applied from the reference pose of the bone, in degrees, that allows bone to stay in the MaxAngle */
var(Limit) float OuterMaxAngle;
/** Allowed error between the current look direction and the desired look direction. */
var(Limit) float DeadZoneAngle;
/** Per rotation axis filtering */
var(Limit) bool bAllowRotationX;
var(Limit) bool bAllowRotationY;
var(Limit) bool bAllowRotationZ;
/** Per rotation axis range of motion in degrees, relative to reference pose of the bone. First (negative) value is lowest relative angle, second is highest. */
var(Limit) Vector2D RotationAngleRangeX;
var(Limit) Vector2D RotationAngleRangeY;
var(Limit) Vector2D RotationAngleRangeZ;
/** Rotation space to check limits within */
var(Limit) EBoneControlSpace AllowRotationSpace;
var(Limit) Name AllowRotationOtherBoneName;
/** LookAtAlpha allows to cancel head look when going beyond boundaries */
var const transient float LookAtAlpha;
var const transient float LookAtAlphaTarget;
var const transient float LookAtAlphaBlendTimeToGo;
/** internal, used to draw base orientation for limits */
var const transient Vector LimitLookDir;
/** Internal, base look dir, without skel controller's influence. */
var const transient Vector BaseLookDir;
/** Internal, base bone position in component space. */
var const transient Vector BaseBonePos;
* Keep track of when the controller was last calculated.
* We need this to make sure BaseLookDir is accurate, when using CanLookAt().
var const transient float LastCalcTime;
/** Cached control bone index - which one index is this skelcontrol for **/
var const transient INT ControlBoneIndex;
/** Sets DesiredTargetLocation to a new location */
final virtual native function SetTargetLocation(Vector NewTargetLocation);
/** Interpolate TargetLocation towards DesiredTargetLocation based on TargetLocationInterpSpeed */
final native function InterpolateTargetLocation(float DeltaTime);
* Set LookAtAlpha.
* Allows the controller to blend in/out while still being processed.
* CalculateNewBoneTransforms() is still called when ControllerStength > 0 and LookAtAlpha <= 0
final native function SetLookAtAlpha(float DesiredAlpha, float DesiredBlendTime);
* returns TRUE if PointLoc is within cone of vision of look at controller.
* This requires the mesh to be rendered, SpaceBases has to be up to date.
* @param PointLoc Point in world space.
* @param bDrawDebugInfo if true, debug information will be drawn on hud.
final native function bool CanLookAtPoint(vector PointLoc, optional bool bDrawDebugInfo, optional bool bDebugUsePersistentLines, optional bool bDebugFlushLinesFirst);
ActorSpaceLookAtTarget=(X=256.f) // Looking straight ahead is default.
RotationAngleRangeX=(X=-90.f, Y=90.f)
RotationAngleRangeY=(X=-90.f, Y=90.f)
RotationAngleRangeZ=(X=-90.f, Y=90.f)
// default outer max angle
ControlBoneIndex = INDEX_NONE