2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class ProcBuilding extends Volume
/** If the normal Z component is greater than this, its a roof */
const ROOF_MINZ = 0.7;
/** Global building version. Increase this to force a re-gen of building meshes. */
/** Struct that defines a 2D 'scope' - region of a building face */
struct native PBScope2D
/** Transform (in actor space) of the bottom-left corner of scope */
var Matrix ScopeFrame;
/** Size of scope along its X axis */
var float DimX;
/** Size of scope along its Z axis */
var float DimZ;
/** Draws this scope using the World line batcher */
void DrawScope(const FColor& DrawColor, const FMatrix& BuildingToWorld, UBOOL bPersistant);
/** Offset the origin of this scope in its local reference frame. */
void OffsetLocal(const FVector& LocalOffset);
/** Returns locaiton of the middle point of this scope */
FVector GetCenter();
/** Additional information about each scope of the building */
struct native PBScopeProcessInfo
/** Building (could be 'child' building) that generated this scope. */
var ProcBuilding OwningBuilding;
/** Which building ruleset is applied to this scope */
var ProcBuildingRuleset Ruleset;
/** Name of the ruleset variation desired on this scope */
var name RulesetVariation;
/** Whether we want to generate a RTT poly for this scope in the low LOD building */
var bool bGenerateLODPoly;
/** If this scope is within non-rectangular polygon. */
var bool bPartOfNonRect;
/** Initializing constructor */
FPBScopeProcessInfo(INT Init)
OwningBuilding = NULL;
Ruleset = NULL;
RulesetVariation = NAME_None;
bGenerateLODPoly = TRUE;
bPartOfNonRect = FALSE;
/** Struct that contains information about the UVs of one face in the low detail mesh */
struct native PBFaceUVInfo
/** Offset into the texture page */
var vector2D Offset;
/** Size of the face's region in the texture page */
var vector2D Size;
/** Enum used for indicating a particular edge of a scope */
enum EScopeEdge
/** Struct that contains info about an edge between two scopes. */
struct native PBEdgeInfo
/** End point (in building space) of this edge */
var Vector EdgeEnd;
/** Start point (in building space) of this edge */
var Vector EdgeStart;
/** Index of first scope that meets at this edge, in the ToplevelScopes array */
var int ScopeAIndex;
/** What edge of ScopeA this edge forms */
var EScopeEdge ScopeAEdge;
/** Index of second scope that meets at this edge, in the ToplevelScopes array */
var int ScopeBIndex;
/** What edge of ScopeB this edge forms */
var EScopeEdge ScopeBEdge;
/** Angle at this edge, in degrees. 0 means flat, positive is convex (outside) corner, negative is interior */
var float EdgeAngle;
/** Enum for choosing how to adjust roof/floor poly to fit with corner meshes */
enum EPBCornerType
/** Pointer to ruleset in package used to build facade geometry for building */
var() editoronly ProcBuildingRuleset Ruleset;
/** Struct that gives information about each component making up the facades of a building */
struct native PBMeshCompInfo
/** Mesh instance used to make up facade */
var StaticMeshComponent MeshComp;
/** Index into TopLevelScopes of scope that this mesh makes up part of */
var int TopLevelScopeIndex;
/** Array of information about each component making up the final building */
var() const editconst array<PBMeshCompInfo> BuildingMeshCompInfos;
struct native PBFracMeshCompInfo
/** Fractured mesh instance used to make up facade */
var FracturedStaticMeshComponent FracMeshComp;
/** Index into TopLevelScopes of scope that this mesh makes up part of */
var int TopLevelScopeIndex;
/** Array of information about each fractured mesh making up the final building */
var() const editconst array<PBFracMeshCompInfo> BuildingFracMeshCompInfos;
/** Component used to display simple one-mesh version of building */
var() const editconst StaticMeshComponent SimpleMeshComp;
/** If TRUE, generate a poly to fill the hole on the top of the building */
var() bool bGenerateRoofMesh;
/** If TRUE, generate a poly to fill the hole on the bottom of the building volume */
var() bool bGenerateFloorMesh;
/** If TRUE, meshing rules are applied to roof of building, instead of just leaving it as a flat poly */
var() bool bApplyRulesToRoof;
/** If TRUE, meshing rules are applied to floor of building, instead of just leaving it as a flat poly */
var() bool bApplyRulesToFloor;
/** If TRUE, wall scopes will be split at each roof/floor level in the building group. */
var() bool bSplitWallsAtRoofLevels;
/** If TRUE, wall scopes will be split when another wall ends in the middle of a face. */
var() bool bSplitWallsAtWallEdges;
/** Components that are used for intermediate LOD, which should be hidden when generating render-to-texture */
var const array<StaticMeshComponent> LODMeshComps;
/** UV Information about quads used for intermediate LOD - each element corresponds to element in LODMeshComps */
var editoronly array<PBFaceUVInfo> LODMeshUVInfos;
/** List of the top level rectangular scopes building */
var editoronly array<PBScope2D> TopLevelScopes;
/** This is the divider between TopLevelScopes that are used for meshing, and those used as bounds not non-rect polys for generating texture. */
var int NumMeshedTopLevelScopes;
/** List of UV info for each top level scope, should match size of TopLevelScopes. */
var editoronly array<PBFaceUVInfo> TopLevelScopeUVInfos;
/** Array of rulesets applied to each TopLevelScope of building */
var editoronly array<PBScopeProcessInfo> TopLevelScopeInfos;
/** Set of all edges between scopes, indicating which scopes the edge connects, as well as angle and location */
var editoronly array<PBEdgeInfo> EdgeInfos;
/** Top-most z value of facade scopes */
var float MaxFacadeZ;
/** Bottom-most z value of facade scopes */
var float MinFacadeZ;
/** Temporarty set of buildings that overlap this building. */
var transient array<ProcBuilding> OverlappingBuildings;
/** If TRUE, this actor has been edited in 'quick' mode, and needs regen-ing when quick mode exits. */
var transient bool bQuickEdited;
/** Distance at which MassiveLOD will kick in and change between high detail meshes and the SimpleMeshComp / LowLODPersistentActor */
var() float SimpleMeshMassiveLODDistance;
/** Amount to pull back from the face to render from (caging depth). Nearby meshes closer than this will be rendered into the buildings RTT. */
var() float RenderToTexturePullBackAmount;
/** Light map resolution used for generated roof plane mesh */
var() int RoofLightmapRes;
/** Light map resolution used for generated non-rectangular wall meshes */
var() int NonRectWallLightmapRes;
/** Amount to scale the resolution of LOD color and lighting textures, generated using render-to-texture */
var() editoronly float LODRenderToTextureScale <UIMin=0.25 | UIMax=4.0>;
/** Struct used to store information for building-wide material instances */
struct native PBMaterialParam
/** Name of parameter to set in all building MICs */
var() name ParamName;
/** Value to set parameter to in all building MICs */
var() LinearColor Color;
/** Name of the parameter 'swatch' (stored in the Ruleset) that is applied to this building */
var() name ParamSwatchName;
/** Optional parameters than are set on all MICs applied to building. */
var() array<PBMaterialParam> BuildingMaterialParams;
/** Array of MICs created to set BuildingMaterialParams on meshes in this building. */
var editoronly array<MaterialInstanceConstant> BuildingMatParamMICs;
/** Since we want the low lod mesh of the building to be always loaded, we need an actor in the P map (or other always loaded level); this is that actor */
var() const editconst duplicatetransient crosslevelpassive StaticMeshActor LowLODPersistentActor;
/** This is the low detail component, either owned by this actor or in another level (transient as it's only really valid while updating building) */
var transient StaticMeshComponent CurrentSimpleMeshComp;
/** This is the actor that owns the simple mesh component (either the building itself, or the LowLODPersistentActor) (transient as it's only valid while updating building) */
var transient Actor CurrentSimpleMeshActor;
/** Set of buildings which are directly attached to this one (using Base pointer) */
var editoronly array<ProcBuilding> AttachedBuildings;
/** Controls if the simple brush has collision. */
var() bool bBuildingBrushCollision;
/** Current version of building - set to PROCBUILDING_VERSION when building meshed. */
var const int BuildingInstanceVersion;
/** If TRUE, show face->edge relationships when this building is selected. */
var(Debug) bool bDebugDrawEdgeInfo;
/** If TRUE, show scopes extracted from brushes. */
var(Debug) bool bDebugDrawScopes;
/** Enumeration of stats for columns in Building Stats Browser. */
enum EBuildingStatsBrowserColumns
struct native PBMemUsageInfo
var ProcBuilding Building;
var ProcBuildingRuleset Ruleset;
var int NumStaticMeshComponent;
var int NumInstancedStaticMeshComponents;
var int NumInstancedTris;
var int LightmapMemBytes;
var int ShadowmapMemBytes;
var int LODDiffuseMemBytes;
var int LODLightingMemBytes;
FPBMemUsageInfo(INT Init)
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FPBMemUsageInfo));
/** Add the supplied info to this one */
void AddInfo(FPBMemUsageInfo& Info);
/** Return comma-separated string indicating names of each category */
static FString GetHeaderString();
/** Returns a comma-separated string version of the info in this struct. */
FString GetString();
/** Get column data */
FString GetColumnDataString( INT Column ) const;
/** */
INT GetColumnData( INT Column) const;
/** */
INT Compare( const FPBMemUsageInfo& Other, INT SortIndex ) const;
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostCrossLevelFixup();
virtual void SetZone( UBOOL bTest, UBOOL bForceRefresh );
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PostEditMove(UBOOL bFinished);
virtual void PostEditImport();
virtual void PostScriptDestroyed();
/** Called after using geom mode to edit thie brush's geometry */
virtual void PostEditBrush();
virtual void ClearCrossLevelReferences();
virtual void SetBase(AActor *NewBase, FVector NewFloor = FVector(0,0,1), INT bNotifyActor=1, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp=NULL, FName BoneName=NAME_None );
/** Find other buildings that are grouped on, or overlap, this one */
void FindOverlappingBuildings(TArray<AProcBuilding*>& OutOverlappingBuildings);
/** Update TopLevelScopes/TopLevelScopeInfos arrays based on brush, and all buildings based on this one. Also outputs any polygons needed to fill in 'holes', in actor space. */
void UpdateTopLevelScopes(TArray<AProcBuilding*> GroupBuildings, TArray<FPoly>& OutHighDetailPolys, TArray<FPoly>& OutLowDetailPolys);
/** Update the internal EdgeInfos array, using the ToplevelScopes array. Only scope-scope edges currently. */
void UpdateEdgeInfos();
/** Before we save, if the LOQ quad material points to another package, we NULL it out */
void ClearLODQuadMaterial();
* After saving (when it was NULLed) or loading (after NULL was loaded), we reset any
* LOD Quad materials that should be pointing to another level, we reset it to the
* RTT mateial on the low LOD mesh
void ResetLODQuadMaterial();
/** In PreSave, the LODQuad material pointers are NULLed out, this will fix them up again */
static void FixupProcBuildingLODQuadsAfterSave();
/** Returns TRUE if this building would like to set some additional params on MICs applied to it */
UBOOL HasBuildingParamsForMIC();
/** Set any building-wide optional MIC params on the supplied MIC. */
void SetBuildingMaterialParamsOnMIC(UMaterialInstanceConstant* InMIC);
* Util for finding getting an MIC with the supplied parent, and parameters set correctly for this building.
* Will either return one from the cache, or create a new one and set params if not found.
UMaterialInstanceConstant* GetBuildingParamMIC(AProcBuilding* ScopeBuilding, UMaterialInterface* ParentMat);
/** Get the ruleset used for this building volume. Will look at this override, and then base building if none set. */
UProcBuildingRuleset* GetRuleset();
/** Update brush color, to indicate whether this is the 'base' building of a group */
void UpdateBuildingBrushColor();
/** Draw face->edge information in 3D viewport */
void DrawDebugEdgeInfo(const FSceneView* View, FViewport* Viewport, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI);
/** Draw scopes in 3D viewport */
void DrawDebugScopes(const FSceneView* View, FViewport* Viewport, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI);
/** Get information about the amount of memory used by this building for various things */
FPBMemUsageInfo GetBuildingMemUsageInfo();
/** Remove all the building meshes from this building */
native function ClearBuildingMeshes();
/** Util for finding all building components that form one top level scope. */
native function array<StaticMeshComponent> FindComponentsForTopLevelScope(INT TopLevelScopeIndex);
/** Walks up Base chain to find the root building of the attachment chain */
native function ProcBuilding GetBaseMostBuilding();
/** Get the set of all ProcBuildings (including this one) that are grouped together (using Base pointer) */
native function GetAllGroupedProcBuildings(out array<ProcBuilding> OutSet);
/** Will break pieces off the specified fracture component that are within the specified box. */
native function BreakFractureComponent(FracturedStaticMeshComponent Comp, vector BoxMin, vector BoxMax);
* Given an index of a scope in the TopLevelsScopes array (and which edge of that scope), returns index into EdgeInfos with that edge's info.
* Value of INDEX_NONE may be returned, indicating edge could not be found, which may indicate this is a scope-poly edge instead of scope-scope.
native function int FindEdgeForTopLevelScope(int TopLevelScopeIndex, EScopeEdge Edge);
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