2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class UnrealEdEngine extends EditorEngine
var const noexport pointer NotifyVtbl;
/** Global instance of the editor options class. */
var const UnrealEdOptions EditorOptionsInst;
* Manager responsible for creating and configuring browser windows
var const BrowserManager BrowserManager;
* Manager responsible for configuring and rendering thumbnails
var const ThumbnailManager ThumbnailManager;
* Holds the name of the browser manager class to instantiate
var config string BrowserManagerClassName;
* Holds the name of the class to instantiate
var config string ThumbnailManagerClassName;
/** The current autosave number, appended to the autosave map name, wraps after 10 */
var const config int AutoSaveIndex;
/** The number of 10-sec intervals that have passed since last autosave. */
var const float AutosaveCount;
/** Pause ticking of the autosave counter? */
var const bool bAutosaveCountPaused;
/** If we are currently autosaving */
var const bool bIsAutoSaving;
/** A buffer for implementing material expression copy/paste. */
var const Material MaterialCopyPasteBuffer;
/** A buffer for implementing matinee track/group copy/paste. */
var const array<Object> MatineeCopyPasteBuffer;
/** A buffer for implementing sound cue nodes copy/paste. */
var const SoundCue SoundCueCopyPasteBuffer;
/** Used for copy/pasting sockets between skeletal meshes. */
struct native SkelSocketCopyInfo
var name SocketName;
var name BoneName;
var vector RelativeLocation;
var rotator RelativeRotation;
var vector RelativeScale;
/** A buffer for implementing socket copy/paste. */
var const native array<SkelSocketCopyInfo> SkelSocketPasteBuffer;
/** Global list of instanced animation compression algorithms. */
var array<AnimationCompressionAlgorithm> AnimationCompressionAlgorithms;
/** Array of packages to be fully loaded at Editor startup. */
var config array<string> PackagesToBeFullyLoadedAtStartup;
/** class names of Kismet objects to hide in the menus (i.e. because they aren't applicable for this game) */
var config array<name> HiddenKismetClassNames;
/** Names of 'approved' ProcBuilding Ruleset collections */
var config array<string> ApprovedPBRulesetCollections;
/** Used during asset renaming/duplication to specify class-specific package/group targets. */
struct native ClassMoveInfo
/** The type of asset this MoveInfo applies to. */
var config string ClassName;
/** The target package info which assets of this type are moved/duplicated. */
var config string PackageName;
/** The target group info which assets of this type are moved/duplicated. */
var config string GroupName;
/** If TRUE, this info is applied when moving/duplicating assets. */
var config bool bActive;
/** Used during asset renaming/duplication to specify class-specific package/group targets. */
var config array<ClassMoveInfo> ClassRelocationInfo;
/** Current target for LOD parenting operations (actors will use this as the replacement) */
var actor CurrentLODParentActor;
enum EPackageNotifyState
// The user has been prompted with the balloon taskbar message
// The user responded to the balloon task bar message and got the modal prompt to checkout dialog and responded to it
// The package has been marked dirty and is pending a balloon prompt
enum EEngineVerWarningState
// The user needs to be warned about the package
// The user has been warned about the package
// Warning for the package unnecessary
/** If we have packages that are pending and we should notify the user that they need to be checkedout */
var bool bNeedToPromptForCheckout;
/** Whether the user needs to be prompted about a package being saved with an engine version newer than the current one or not */
var bool bNeedWarningForPkgEngineVer;
/** A mapping of packages to their checkout notify state. This map only contains dirty packages. Once packages become clean again, they are removed from the map.*/
var native map{UPackage*, byte} PackageToNotifyState;
/** Map to track which packages have been checked for engine version when modified */
var native map{FString, byte} PackagesCheckedForEngineVersion;
/** Array of sorted, localized editor sprite categories */
var array<string> SortedSpriteCategories;
/** Mapping of unlocalized sprite category names to their matching indices in the sorted sprite categories array */
var native map{FName, int} UnlocalizedCategoryToIndexMap;