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// KFAnimSeq_ByWeaponClass
// AnimNodeSequence which chooses an animation based on the equipped weapon
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Andrew "Strago" Ladenberger
// Based on GearAnim_SequenceByWeaponClass
// Copyright 1998-2011 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class KFAnimSeq_ByWeaponClass extends AnimNodeSequence
struct native WeaponClassNameInfo
/** Weapon class */
var() Class<KFWeapon> WeaponClass<AllowAbstract>;
/** Animation to use */
var() Name AnimName;
/** List of weapons, class and animation name.*/
var() Array<WeaponClassNameInfo> WeaponList;
/** Default, when no match can be made, or weapon is holstered */
var() Name WeaponDefaultAnimName;
/** When moving the slider, keep nodes with same property in sync. */
var() bool bSynchronizeNodesInEditor;
/** Slider position for weapon list */
var editoronly const FLOAT WeaponListSliderPosition;
/** Internal cached pointer to GearPawn Owner */
var const transient Pawn PawnOwner;
/** Internal cached pointer to owner's weapon */
var const transient Weapon CurrentWeapon;
/** Cached bool to track holstering changes */
var const transient bool bTemporaryHolster;
virtual void InitAnim(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent);
virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
* @return TRUE if this object is of the specified type.
* If SomeBase is a parent class of CheckClass, then Depth will tell how many generations between both.
UBOOL IsA_AndDepth(UClass* CheckClass, const UClass* SomeBase, INT& Depth) const;
/** Looks at current weapon, and default classes, and makes a suggestion on Channel to use. */
INT SuggestTargetChannelForClass(UClass* CheckClass) const;
* Utility function to update animation to use based on weapon carried.
* Optimized version that updates the animation only when the node is relevant in the tree,
* and otherwise will defer the update until the node comes into relevancy.
void SetWeaponAnim(FName NewAnimName);
// AnimTree editor interface
virtual INT GetNumSliders() const { return bShowTimeLineSlider ? 2 : 1; }
virtual FLOAT GetSliderPosition(INT SliderIndex, INT ValueIndex);
virtual void HandleSliderMove(INT SliderIndex, INT ValueIndex, FLOAT NewSliderValue);
virtual FString GetSliderDrawValue(INT SliderIndex);