2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class UDKVehicleSimChopper extends SVehicleSimBase
var() float MaxThrustForce;
var() float MaxReverseForce;
var() float LongDamping;
var() float MaxStrafeForce;
var() float LatDamping;
var() float DirectionChangeForce;
var() float MaxRiseForce;
var() float UpDamping;
var() float TurnTorqueFactor;
var() float TurnTorqueMax;
var() float TurnDamping;
var() float MaxYawRate;
var() float PitchTorqueFactor;
var() float PitchTorqueMax;
var() float PitchDamping;
var() float RollTorqueTurnFactor;
var() float RollTorqueStrafeFactor;
var() float RollTorqueMax;
var() float RollDamping;
var() float StopThreshold;
var() float MaxRandForce;
var() float RandForceInterval;
var() bool bAllowZThrust;
/** If true, use full forward thrust force while changing directions, even for reverse or strafing */
var() bool bFullThrustOnDirectionChange;
var() bool bShouldCutThrustMaxOnImpact;
var bool bRecentlyHit;
/** If true, strafing will increase the turn rate */
var bool bStrafeAffectsTurnDamping;
var float StrafeTurnDamping;
var float TargetHeading;
var float TargetPitch;
var float PitchViewCorrelation;
var bool bHeadingInitialized;
var vector RandForce;
var vector RandTorque;
var float AccumulatedTime;
/** If bStabilizeStops=true, forces are applied to attempt to keep the vehicle from moving when it is stopped */
var() bool bStabilizeStops;
/** Stabilization force multiplier when bStabilizeStops=true */
var() float StabilizationForceMultiplier;
/** modified based on whether velocity is decreasing acceptably due to stabilization */
var float CurrentStabilizationMultiplier;
/** OldVelocity saved to monitor stabilization */
var vector OldVelocity;
/** When not driving, braking torque to apply to wheels. */
var float StoppedBrakeTorque;
/** If non-zero, hard limits the speed of vehicle to AirSpeed times this number */
var float HardLimitAirSpeedScale;
virtual void ProcessCarInput(ASVehicle* Vehicle);
virtual void UpdateVehicle(ASVehicle* Vehicle, FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual FVector StabilizationForce(ASVehicle* Vehicle, FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bShouldStabilize);
virtual FVector StabilizationTorque(ASVehicle* Vehicle, FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bShouldStabilize);
FLOAT GetEngineOutput(ASVehicle* Vehicle);
virtual void GetRotationAxes(ASVehicle* Vehicle, FVector &DirX, FVector &DirY, FVector &DirZ);