2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Class Declaration
class SpeedTreeComponent extends PrimitiveComponent
* Enumerates the types of meshes in a SpeedTreeComponent.
* Note: This is mirrored in Lightmass.
enum ESpeedTreeMeshType
// Have to use a min that is one less than the real min,
// Since we can't assign enums to other enums in UnrealScript
/** USpeedTree resource. */
var(SpeedTree) const SpeedTree SpeedTree;
// Flags
/** Whether to draw leaf cards or not. */
var(SpeedTree) bool bUseLeafCards;
/** Whether to draw leaf meshes or not. */
var(SpeedTree) bool bUseLeafMeshes;
/** Whether to draw branches or not. */
var(SpeedTree) bool bUseBranches;
/** Whether to draw fronds or not. */
var(SpeedTree) bool bUseFronds;
/** Whether billboards are drawn at the lowest LOD or not. */
var(SpeedTree) bool bUseBillboards;
// LOD
/** The distance for the most detailed tree. */
var(SpeedTree) float Lod3DStart;
/** The distance for the lowest detail tree. */
var(SpeedTree) float Lod3DEnd;
/** The distance for the most detailed tree. */
var(SpeedTree) float LodBillboardStart;
/** The distance for the lowest detail tree. */
var(SpeedTree) float LodBillboardEnd;
/** the tree will use this LOD level (0.0 - 1.0). If -1.0, the tree will calculate its LOD normally. */
var(SpeedTree) float LodLevelOverride;
// Material overrides
/** Branch material. */
var(SpeedTree) MaterialInterface Branch1Material;
/** Cap material. */
var(SpeedTree) MaterialInterface Branch2Material;
/** Frond material. */
var(SpeedTree) MaterialInterface FrondMaterial;
/** Leaf card material. */
var(SpeedTree) MaterialInterface LeafCardMaterial;
/** Leaf mesh material. */
var(SpeedTree) MaterialInterface LeafMeshMaterial;
/** Billboard material. */
var(SpeedTree) MaterialInterface BillboardMaterial;
// Internal
/** Icon texture. */
var editoronly private Texture2D SpeedTreeIcon;
/** The static lighting for a single light's affect on the component. */
struct native SpeedTreeStaticLight
var private const Guid Guid;
var private const ShadowMap1D BranchShadowMap;
var private const ShadowMap1D FrondShadowMap;
var private const ShadowMap1D LeafMeshShadowMap;
var private const ShadowMap1D LeafCardShadowMap;
var private const ShadowMap1D BillboardShadowMap;
/** Static lights array. */
var private const array<SpeedTreeStaticLight> StaticLights;
/** The component's branch light-map. */
var native private const LightMapRef BranchLightMap;
/** The component's frond light-map. */
var native private const LightMapRef FrondLightMap;
/** The component's leaf mesh light-map. */
var native private const LightMapRef LeafMeshLightMap;
/** The component's leaf card light-map. */
var native private const LightMapRef LeafCardLightMap;
/** The component's billboard light-map. */
var native private const LightMapRef BillboardLightMap;
/** The component's rotation matrix (for arbitrary rotations with wind) */
var native private const Matrix RotationOnlyMatrix;
/** The Lightmass settings for the entire speedtree. */
var(Lightmass) LightmassPrimitiveSettings LightmassSettings <ScriptOrder=true>;
/** Returns the component's material corresponding to MeshType if it is set, otherwise returns the USpeedTree's material. */
native function MaterialInterface GetMaterial(ESpeedTreeMeshType MeshType) const;
/** Sets the component's material override, and reattaches if necessary. */
native function SetMaterial(ESpeedTreeMeshType MeshType, MaterialInterface Material);
// UPrimitiveComponent interface
virtual void UpdateBounds();
FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy();
virtual void GetStaticLightingInfo(FStaticLightingPrimitiveInfo& OutPrimitiveInfo,const TArray<ULightComponent*>& InRelevantLights,const FLightingBuildOptions& Options);
* Returns the light and shadow map memory for this primite in its out variables.
* Shadow map memory usage is per light whereof lightmap data is independent of number of lights, assuming at least one.
* @param [out] LightMapMemoryUsage Memory usage in bytes for light map (either texel or vertex) data
* @param [out] ShadowMapMemoryUsage Memory usage in bytes for shadow map (either texel or vertex) data
virtual void GetLightAndShadowMapMemoryUsage( INT& LightMapMemoryUsage, INT& ShadowMapMemoryUsage ) const;
* Retrieves the materials used in this component
* @param OutMaterials The list of used materials.
virtual void GetUsedMaterials( TArray<UMaterialInterface*>& OutMaterials ) const;
* Requests whether the component will use texture, vertex or no lightmaps.
* @return ELightMapInteractionType The type of lightmap interaction the component will use.
virtual ELightMapInteractionType GetStaticLightingType() const { return LMIT_Vertex; }
virtual void InvalidateLightingCache();
virtual void GetStreamingTextureInfo(TArray<FStreamingTexturePrimitiveInfo>& OutStreamingTextures) const;
virtual UBOOL PointCheck(FCheckResult& cResult, const FVector& cLocation, const FVector& cExtent, DWORD dwTraceFlags);
virtual UBOOL LineCheck(FCheckResult& cResult, const FVector& cEnd, const FVector& cStart, const FVector& cExtent, DWORD dwTraceFlags);
virtual void InitComponentRBPhys(UBOOL bFixed);
// UActorComponent interface
virtual void SetParentToWorld(const FMatrix& ParentToWorld);
virtual UBOOL IsValidComponent() const;
// UComponent interface.
virtual UBOOL AreNativePropertiesIdenticalTo(UComponent* Other) const;
// UObject interface.
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PostEditUndo();
// Default Properties
bUseLeafCards = TRUE
bUseLeafMeshes = TRUE
bUseBranches = TRUE
bUseFronds = TRUE
bUseBillboards = TRUE
Lod3DStart = 500.0f
Lod3DEnd = 3000.0f
LodBillboardStart = 3500.0f
LodBillboardEnd = 4000.0f
LodLevelOverride = 1.0f
SpeedTreeIcon = Texture2D'EditorResources.SpeedTreeLogo'
CollideActors = TRUE
BlockActors = TRUE
BlockRigidBody = TRUE
BlockZeroExtent = TRUE
BlockNonZeroExtent = TRUE
bUseAsOccluder = TRUE
CastShadow = TRUE
bAcceptsLights = TRUE
bUsePrecomputedShadows = TRUE