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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* AnimNotify for having a Trails emitter spawn based on an animation.
class AnimNotify_Trails extends AnimNotify
/** The Particle system to play */
var(Trails) ParticleSystem PSTemplate;
/** The Skeletal Mesh to sample the data from */
var(Trails) editoronly editconst SkeletalMesh SampledSkeletalMesh;
/** If this effect should be considered extreme content */
var(Trails) bool bIsExtremeContent;
/** The first edge socket - with the second edge defines the edges of the trail */
var(Trails) name FirstEdgeSocketName;
* The control point socket - controls the UV tiling as well as
* tapering the two edges to this point.
var(Trails) name ControlPointSocketName;
/** The second edge socket - with the first edge defines the edges of the trail */
var(Trails) name SecondEdgeSocketName;
/** If TRUE, the particle system will play in the viewer as well as in game */
var() editoronly bool bPreview;
/** If TRUE, this will preview with listed PS and ignore AnimNotify_FX_Preview section in ini for pawn specific data */
var() editoronly bool bPreviewForceExplicit;
/** If Owner is hidden, skip particle effect */
var() bool bSkipIfOwnerIsHidden;
/** Locally store 'start' time to determine when regenerating the curve data is required. */
var float LastStartTime;
/** The end time (will auto-adjust Duration setting, and vice-versa) */
var float EndTime;
/** The timestep at which to sample the animation for trail points */
var deprecated float SampleTimeStep;
struct native TrailSocketSamplePoint
/** Position of the socket relative to the root-bone at the sample point */
var vector Position;
/** Velocity of the socket at the sample point */
var vector Velocity;
struct native TrailSamplePoint
/** The time value at this sample point, relative to the starting time. */
var float RelativeTime;
/** The sample for the first edge */
var TrailSocketSamplePoint FirstEdgeSample;
/** The sample for the control point */
var TrailSocketSamplePoint ControlPointSample;
/** The sample for the second edge */
var TrailSocketSamplePoint SecondEdgeSample;
var deprecated array<TrailSamplePoint> TrailSampleData;
var bool bResampleRequired;
/** The frame rate (FPS) to sample the animation at for trail points */
var(Trails) float SamplesPerSecond;
struct native TrailSample
/** The time value at this sample point, relative to the starting time. */
var float RelativeTime;
/** The sample for the first edge */
var vector FirstEdgeSample;
/** The sample for the control point */
var vector ControlPointSample;
/** The sample for the second edge */
var vector SecondEdgeSample;
/** The sampled data for the trail */
var array<TrailSample> TrailSampledData;
/** Used by the event functions... */
var transient float CurrentTime;
var transient float TimeStep;
var transient AnimNodeSequence AnimNodeSeq;
* Called from NotifyTick or NotifyEnd, this function will return the
* number of steps to take for a notify call given the index of the
* last sample that was processed.
* @param InLastTrailIndex The index of the last sample that was processed.
* @return INT The number of steps to take for the notify.
function native int GetNumSteps(int InLastTrailIndex) const;
// UObject interfrace.
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PostLoad();
// AnimNotify interface.
virtual void Notify(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq);
virtual void NotifyTick(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq, FLOAT AnimCurrentTime, FLOAT AnimTimeStep, FLOAT InTotalDuration);
virtual void NotifyEnd(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq, FLOAT AnimCurrentTime);
enum ETrailNotifyType
* Handle the various notifies. This should only be called internally!
* @param InNodeSeq The anim node sequence triggering the notify
* @param InNotifyType The type of notify that is being handled
void HandleNotify(class UAnimNodeSequence* InNodeSeq, ETrailNotifyType InNotifyType);
virtual AActor* GetNotifyActor(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq);
virtual FString GetEditorComment() { return TEXT("TRAILS"); }
* Find the ParticleSystemComponent used by this anim notify.
* @param NodeSeq The AnimNodeSequence this notify is associated with.
* @return UParticleSystemComponent The particle system component
UParticleSystemComponent* GetPSysComponent(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq);
* Called by the AnimSet viewer when the 'parent' FAnimNotifyEvent is edited.
* @param NodeSeq The AnimNodeSequence this notify is associated with.
* @param OwnerEvent The FAnimNotifyEvent that 'owns' this AnimNotify.
virtual void AnimNotifyEventChanged(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq, FAnimNotifyEvent* OwnerEvent);
/** Store the animation data for the current settings. Editor-only. */
void StoreAnimationData(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq);
/** Check if the active SkeletalMesh should be sampled by the anim trial, returning true if successful */
UBOOL AssociateSkeletalMeshWithAnimTrailData(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq);
/** Verify the notify is setup correctly for sampling animation data. Editor-only. */
UBOOL IsSetupValid(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq);