2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class UDKMobileInputZone extends MobileInputZone;
/** Range around player that is considered a player touch */
var const float HoldPlayerDistance;
/** touches that are still being pressed down */
struct ActivePress
var int Handle;
var vector2d TouchLocation;
var float TouchTime;
var array<ActivePress> CurrentPresses;
/** The location that was traced to when deprojecting the screen position to the world */
var transient Vector TraceHitLocation;
/** last thing we tapped (for detecting double tap) */
var transient Actor LastTappedActor;
/** The time in seconds of the last time we performed an untouch event */
var transient float TimeOfLastUntouch;
/** Amount of time that a touch has been held on the player pawn */
var transient float PlayerTouchStartTime;
/** Returns true if we are touching the player pawn */
function bool IsTouchingPlayerPawn()
// HACK to check if we've touched the player pawn
return (InputOwner.Outer.Pawn != None && VSize2D(TraceHitLocation - InputOwner.Outer.Pawn.Location) < HoldPlayerDistance);
/** Returns the actor that was traced to from projecting to the world */
function TraceFromScreenToWorld(Vector2D ScreenPos, out Actor outHitActor, out vector OutHitLocation, optional vector Extent = vect(32,32,32))
local Actor HitActor, TestHitActor;
local vector CameraLoc, CameraDir, HitLocation, TestHitLocation, HitNormal;
LocalPlayer(InputOwner.Outer.Player).DeProject(ScreenPos, CameraLoc, CameraDir);
// see what is underneath the tap location in the world
foreach InputOwner.Outer.TraceActors(class'Actor', TestHitActor, TestHitLocation, HitNormal, CameraLoc + CameraDir * 8000.0, CameraLoc, Extent)
if (((!TestHitActor.bWorldGeometry && BlockingVolume(TestHitActor) == None) || HitActor == None) &&
(TestHitActor.bBlockActors || TestHitActor.bProjTarget || TouchableElement3D(TestHitActor) != None) &&
(Trigger(TestHitActor) == None) &&
(Pawn(TestHitActor) == None || Pawn(TestHitActor).Health > 0))
HitActor = TestHitActor;
HitLocation = TestHitLocation;
if (!HitActor.bWorldGeometry && BlockingVolume(TestHitActor) == None)
outHitActor = HitActor;
OutHitLocation = HitLocation;
/** Handler for touch input */
function bool ProcessGameplayInput(MobileInputZone Zone, float DeltaTime, int Handle, ETouchType EventType, Vector2D TouchLocation)
local Vector2D RelLocation, ViewportSize;
local Actor TraceHitActor;
local int PressIndex;
local bool bRedundantInput;
// Get the screen space in terms of 0 to 1
RelLocation.X = TouchLocation.X / ViewportSize.X;
RelLocation.Y = TouchLocation.Y / ViewportSize.Y;
// Project and trace to see what we hit
TraceFromScreenToWorld(RelLocation, TraceHitActor, TraceHitLocation);
// If this is a touch we don't want to do anything except do some bookkeeping
// for delayed movement or double tapping
if (EventType == Touch_Began)
PressIndex = CurrentPresses.Add(1);
CurrentPresses[PressIndex].Handle = Handle;
CurrentPresses[PressIndex].TouchLocation = TouchLocation;
CurrentPresses[PressIndex].TouchTime = InputOwner.Outer.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
if (CurrentPresses.length > 1)
PlayerTouchStartTime = -1.f;
// Check if we are touching the player pawn
if (IsTouchingPlayerPawn())
PlayerTouchStartTime = InputOwner.Outer.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
PlayerTouchStartTime = -1.f;
else if (EventType == Touch_Ended || EventType == Touch_Cancelled)
PressIndex = CurrentPresses.Find('Handle', Handle);
`Log(LastTappedActor @ TraceHitActor @ TimeOfLastUntouch @ InputOwner.MobileDoubleTapTime @ PressIndex);
if (PressIndex != INDEX_NONE)
CurrentPresses.Remove(PressIndex, 1);
// See if we tapped on something we can interact with
if ( TraceHitActor != None && (TraceHitActor.bBlockActors || TraceHitActor.bProjTarget || TouchableElement3D(TraceHitActor) != None) &&
Trigger(TraceHitActor) == None && (Pawn(TraceHitActor) == None || Pawn(TraceHitActor).Health > 0) )
// send double tap on world geometry for area skills but not single tap
if ( LastTappedActor == TraceHitActor &&
InputOwner.Outer.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds < TimeOfLastUntouch + InputOwner.MobileDoubleTapTime )
if (TouchableElement3D(TraceHitActor) != None)
else if (!TraceHitActor.bWorldGeometry && BlockingVolume(TraceHitActor) == None)
if (PlayerTouchStartTime < 0.f)
if (TouchableElement3D(TraceHitActor) != None)
PlayerTouchStartTime = -1.f;
TimeOfLastUntouch = InputOwner.Outer.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
else if (EventType == Touch_Moved || EventType == Touch_Stationary)
PressIndex = CurrentPresses.Find('Handle', Handle);
if (PressIndex != INDEX_NONE)
// if this is a duplicate input, ignore it
if (CurrentPresses[PressIndex].TouchLocation == TouchLocation && CurrentPresses[PressIndex].TouchTime == InputOwner.Outer.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds)
bRedundantInput = true;
CurrentPresses[PressIndex].TouchLocation = TouchLocation;
CurrentPresses[PressIndex].TouchTime = InputOwner.Outer.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
if (!bRedundantInput)
// Next see if we tapped on something we can interact with
if ( EventType == Touch_Moved && TouchableElement3D(TraceHitActor) != None )
LastTappedActor = TraceHitActor;
// If we aren't touching the player pawn, clear PlayerTouchStartTime
if ( !IsTouchingPlayerPawn() )
PlayerTouchStartTime = -1.f;
return false;