2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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// ReachSpec.
// A Reachspec describes the reachability requirements between two NavigationPoints
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class ReachSpec extends Object
const BLOCKEDPATHCOST = 10000000; // any path cost >= this value indicates the path is blocked to the pawn
/** pointer to object in navigation octree */
var native transient const editconst pointer NavOctreeObject{struct FNavigationOctreeObject};
supports() -
returns true if it supports the requirements of aPawn. Distance is not considered.
virtual UBOOL supports (INT iRadius, INT iHeight, INT moveFlags, INT iMaxFallVelocity)
#if 0
UBOOL bSupports = CollisionRadius >= iRadius && CollisionHeight >= iHeight;
if( !bSupports )
debugf( TEXT("%s SUPPORTS returning FALSE 1 [radii failure][ColRadius: %i ColHeight: %i] [iRadius: %i iHeight: %i moveFlags: %i iMaxFallVelocity: %i]"), *GetName(), CollisionRadius, CollisionHeight, iRadius, iHeight, moveFlags, iMaxFallVelocity );
return FALSE;
INT Test = (reachFlags & moveFlags);
bSupports = ((reachFlags & moveFlags) == reachFlags);
if( !bSupports )
debugf( TEXT("%s SUPPORTS returning FALSE 2 [reachflags failure, test: %i] [iRadius: %i iHeight: %i moveFlags: %i iMaxFallVelocity: %i]"), *GetName(), Test, iRadius, iHeight, moveFlags, iMaxFallVelocity );
return FALSE;
bSupports = (MaxLandingVelocity <= iMaxFallVelocity);
if( !bSupports )
debugf( TEXT("%s SUPPORTS returning FALSE [MaxLandingVelocity failure (MaxLandingVelocity: %i)] [iRadius: %i iHeight: %i moveFlags: %i iMaxFallVelocity: %i]"), *GetName(), MaxLandingVelocity, iRadius, iHeight, moveFlags, iMaxFallVelocity );
debugf( TEXT("%s SUPPORTS returning TRUE"), *GetName() );
return bSupports;
return ( (CollisionRadius >= iRadius)
&& (CollisionHeight >= iHeight)
&& ((reachFlags & moveFlags) == reachFlags)
&& (MaxLandingVelocity <= iMaxFallVelocity) );
FVector GetDirection();
/** CostFor()
Returns the "cost" in unreal units
for Pawn P to travel from the start to the end of this reachspec
virtual INT CostFor( APawn* P );
/** AdjustedCostFor
* Used by NewBestPathTo for heuristic weighting
virtual INT AdjustedCostFor( APawn* P, const FVector& StartToGoalDir, ANavigationPoint* Goal, INT Cost );
virtual UBOOL PrepareForMove( AController * C );
virtual UBOOL IsForced() { return false; }
virtual UBOOL IsProscribed() const { return false; }
virtual INT defineFor (class ANavigationPoint *begin, class ANavigationPoint * dest, class APawn * Scout);
int operator<= (const UReachSpec &Spec);
virtual FPlane PathColor();
virtual void AddToDebugRenderProxy(class FDebugRenderSceneProxy* DRSP);
int findBestReachable(class AScout *Scout);
UBOOL ShouldPruneAgainst( UReachSpec* Spec );
/** If bAddToNavigationOctree is true, adds the ReachSpec to the navigation octree */
void AddToNavigationOctree();
void RemoveFromNavigationOctree();
/** returns whether TestBox overlaps the path this ReachSpec represents
* @note this function assumes that TestBox has already passed a bounding box overlap check
* @param TestBox the box to check
* @return true if the box doesn't overlap this path, false if it does
UBOOL NavigationOverlapCheck(const FBox& TestBox);
/** returns whether Point is within MaxDist units of the path this ReachSpec represents
* @param Point the point to check
* @param MaxDist the maximum distance the point can be from the path
* @return true if the point is within MaxDist units, false otherwise
UBOOL IsOnPath(const FVector& Point, FLOAT MaxDist);
/** returns whether this path is currently blocked and unusable to the given pawn */
UBOOL IsBlockedFor(APawn* P);
virtual void FinishDestroy();
/** Get path size for a forced path between Start/End */
virtual FVector GetForcedPathSize( class ANavigationPoint* Start, class ANavigationPoint* End, class AScout* Scout );
/** return TRUE if it's safe to skip ahead past this edge, FALSE otherwise */
virtual UBOOL CanBeSkipped( APawn* P )
return TRUE;
FString PrintDebugInfo();
var int Distance;
var Vector Direction; // only valid when both start/end are static
var() const editconst NavigationPoint Start; // navigationpoint at start of this path
var() const editconst ActorReference End;
var() const editconst int CollisionRadius;
var() const editconst int CollisionHeight;
var bool bManuallyForced;
var() const editconst int reachFlags; // see EReachSpecFlags definition in UnPath.h
var() const editconst int MaxLandingVelocity;
var int reachFlags; // see EReachSpecFlags definition in UnPath.h
var int MaxLandingVelocity;
var byte bPruned;
var byte PathColorIndex; // used to look up pathcolor, set when reachspec is created
/** whether or not this ReachSpec should be added to the navigation octree */
var const editconst bool bAddToNavigationOctree;
/** If true, pawns moving along this path can cut corners transitioning between this reachspec and adjacent reachspecs */
var() bool bCanCutCorners;
var bool bCanCutCorners;
/** whether AI should check for dynamic obstructions (Actors with bBlocksNavigation=true) when traversing this ReachSpec */
var() bool bCheckForObstructions;
var bool bCheckForObstructions;
/** Prune paths should skip trying to prune along these */
var const bool bSkipPrune;
/** Can always prune against these types of specs (even though class doesn't match) */
var const array< class<ReachSpec> > PruneSpecList;
/** Actor that is blocking this ReachSpec, making it temporarily unusable */
var Actor BlockedBy;
/** Reachspec has been disabled/blocked by kismet */
var() editconst bool bDisabled;
/** CostFor()
Returns the "cost" in unreal units
for Pawn P to travel from the start to the end of this reachspec
native final noexport function int CostFor(Pawn P);
* Returns nav point reference at end of spec
native final noexport function NavigationPoint GetEnd();
* Returns direction of this reach spec (considers non-static nodes)
native final noexport function Vector GetDirection();
function bool IsBlockedFor(Pawn P)
return (CostFor(P) >= BLOCKEDPATHCOST);
function int GetCostFor(Pawn P)
return CostFor(P);