2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00

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* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class MorphNodeBase extends AnimObject
UMorphNodeBase * GetMorphNodeBase() { return this;}
/** Add to array all the active morphs below this one, including their weight. */
virtual void GetActiveMorphs(TArray<FActiveMorph>& OutMorphs) {}
/** Do any initialisation necessary for this MorphNode. */
virtual void InitMorphNode(USkeletalMeshComponent* InSkelComp);
/** Add all nodes at or below this one to the output array. */
virtual void GetNodes(TArray<UMorphNodeBase*>& OutNodes);
* Draws this morph node in the AnimTreeEditor.
* @param Canvas The canvas to use.
* @param SelectedNodes Reference to array of all currently selected nodes, potentially including this node
* @param bShowWeight If TRUE, show the global percentage weight of this node, if applicable.
virtual void DrawNode(FCanvas* Canvas, const TArray<UAnimObject*>& SelectedNodes, UBOOL bShowWeight) { DrawMorphNode(Canvas, SelectedNodes); }
* Draws this morph node in the AnimTreeEditor.
* @param Canvas The canvas to use.
* @param SelectedNodes Reference to array of all currently selected nodes, potentially including this node
virtual void DrawMorphNode(FCanvas* Canvas, const TArray<UAnimObject*>& SelectedNodes) {}
/** Get location of a connection of a particular type. */
virtual FIntPoint GetConnectionLocation(INT ConnType, INT ConnIndex);
/** Return current position of slider for this node in the AnimTreeEditor. Return value should be within 0.0 to 1.0 range. */
virtual FLOAT GetSliderPosition() { return 0.f; }
/** Called when slider is moved in the AnimTreeEditor. NewSliderValue is in range 0.0 to 1.0. */
virtual void HandleSliderMove(FLOAT NewSliderValue) {}
/** Render on 3d viewport when node is selected. */
virtual void Render(const FSceneView* View, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI) {}
/** Draw on 3d viewport canvas when node is selected */
virtual void Draw(FViewport* Viewport, FCanvas* Canvas, const FSceneView* View) {}
/** Called after (copy/)pasted - reset values or re-link if needed**/
virtual void OnPaste();
/** User-defined name of morph node, used for identifying a particular by node for example. */
var() name NodeName;
/** If true, draw a slider for this node in the AnimSetViewer. */
var bool bDrawSlider;